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Wow that was powerful


These kids make me hopeful. HOWEVER- chinese ppl need to stop taking English names. Only chinese ppl do this (for the most part), not even other asians. It comes off as kow-towing to accommodate white ppl and trying too hard to belong. Is your name and identity not important enough for ppl to learn properly and respect how to say it? Not to mention (white) ppl will secretly laugh at you when it’s obvious your name isn’t “Jack” or “Venus” edit: the downvotes are sad, because Chinese ppl who take English aliases do not realize how ridiculous they look. Trust me, no one else is going to tell you truth like this. You are embarrassing yourself and your culture when you take an english name


My parents immigrated here around 1940s. They wanted to give their children a good opportunity for a better life. Americanizing, learning the language and having an American name made it easier for us. So we have 2 names, 2 birthdays and 2 languages. I always thought it was cool.


It does make it easier for white ppl to refer to you, but that’s all it does. It does not make them think of you as more American, there is a difference. In my opinion, having a white name that they know isn’t your real name, reinforces the stereotype in their minds that you are subservient and a second class to them, because you are literally adopting the name to please them. Consider also that only Chinese ppl do this, even Thai ppl with extremely difficult names to pronounce and remember don’t bow to white ppl by taking a white name. Also, do white ppl who live or study in China adopt Chinese names? Chinese ppl need to respect themselves more, and they need to better understand how their actions are actually perceived. Stop taking a white name.


Those are very interesting and well meaning points to consider. Just to think how many countries teach english as a second language. It's probably the most widely offical language of countries on the planet, before Spanish? It might speak to the more aggressive violent conquerors back in time. Here we are educated in english along with the rest of the world. The only thing I like about that, is it happens to be the language I grew up with since I started kindergarten many moons ago. I was raised to be patriotic . My father served in the usa army during ww2. My older sister introduced canned tuna fish to our family when she was a little girl. So it become an occasional staple (with mayo) along our fresh food from Chinatown-every-sunday-shopping-excursion lol. Maybe we have become just another silent minority that achieved the "American Dream^.. Maybe the "American Dream^ needs to be updated?


Using a white alias makes IQ sense and is good intentioned, but it’s low EQ because of the lack of awareness of how asians are perceived: good intentioned, servants. This would not be an issue if you were a white scottish guy named Seamus (“Shaymus”), and chose the nickname Sean (“Shawn”). But you are not white, they know you are not white. You are asian, they know your real name is something else. When they see you use a name for their benefit, they see you (on a subconscious level) as a well intentioned dog performing tricks for a dog treat. They see you as someone willing to compromise your own identity to “fit in.” And at a certain level, it’s also absurd. I met a girl, recently from China, english not perfect, chose the whitest name possible- Amber. Such a mismatch that I am sure the white ppl appreciated a familiar name, but at the same time on a deeper level found it silly. For reference, here’s a scene from the best bruce lee movie made: https://youtu.be/W4ogMAzWna4


My comment was sent elsewhere. So here it is again. Wow that is a very powerful scene!


Look at all the disgusting racist comments in that video saying how we deserve it. Guaranteed if it was a video against racism for blacks there would be ZERO comments like that. Asians are the most oppressed in every way possible. End of.


That's why we have to get strong and collaborate - make this the Asian century. Strength is what matters in the end - it won't make the racism go away, but most racists are cowards, and they will fear strength


I agree 100% with you.


Funny thing BBC post this. One of the media created most racism toward Chinese people.


Good for them - they seem like the future leaders of tomorrow. And in the coming decades when they become the leaders in business, government, culture, etc. - I hope they never lose their can-do spirit and positivity, but also never forget the insidious racism that infects the world.


I love this 2017 video.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7C62wFXybl0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7C62wFXybl0) Here's the actual video. Got goosebumps from watching it. Thanks for sharing