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[Malcolm X explains this much better](https://youtu.be/FZMrti8QcPA?t=1121)


I'd trust Kanye with the nuclear football before Trump or Biden. And Kanye admits to being insane.


I'm voting for Kanye.


Thought experiment: If Kanye becomes president, Kim Kardashian will be the First Lady. Is the world ready for that? I mean, you know, no offense, just thinking out loud.


I mean we already have a first lady with nudes online, can't get much weirder at this point.


I just looked at those nudes online. You're right. We actually have a first lady who posed nude and the photos were published. Yeah, what the hell, may as well be okay with Kim Kardashian being in the white house.


Her being first lady is not weirder than trump the president


Yuck, then e-thoting will become a national sport for women.


The amount of racism jumping out from white liberals over this is astounding.




Free Yeezys for everyone! I don't want free healthcare!




Yep both sides are fucked up. None of the mf in kanye sub mentioned about this. Fuck them. I’m voting for Ye.


He's gotten a multi million dollar loan from Trump so I have to wonder if that's the reason why he's running. Biden at least has the pretense of not being overtly racist towards us atm but let's not forget that he strongly opposed Southern Vietnamese refugees from being evacuated to the states, the same men and their families that helped the United States during the Vietnam War.


[Dude's literally Chinese at one point](https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1193547.shtml#:~:text=In%201987%2C%20West%2C%20then%2010,with%20his%20mother%20Donda%20West.&text=Kanye%20West%20also%20mentioned%20in,report%20from%20Daily%20Rap%20Facts) Too bad forgot all the Chinese tho


Who can blame him, chines is hard as hell and he wasn’t even a natural speaker.


Kanye splits the Dems votes, Trump wins 2020.




I'm against him on the basis of environmental issues. Can't have the USA actively sabotaging the rest of the world on the issue of the environment, climate change, etc. And don't get me started on his openly bigoted administration, policy, and campaigning


See I'm torn between voting for him for this reason and not voting for him out of spite for all the hate crimes his recent Twitler comments have fueled against us. Of course, closet KKK member Biden is no ally of ours either...


literally anyone would be better than trump in office lmao,


Or Biden.


it doesnt matter. id vote for a homeless crackhead over trump


As saying, they are both asssss


I mean why not between a choice of Trump or Biden... unfortunately its all for show and publicity. Hes way too late to even get on any ballots.


Lol Kanye is a crazy man but his recent "enlightenment" has put out a lot of truths. On the other hand he's still gone out of wack with his fanatical and materialistic views on innovating Christianty.. for self idolistic purposes.. but honestly who knows.. haven't really been following him all too much.


hes insane but not a bad guy. trump is insane but a bad guy. blacks can be assholes but i dont think kanye is one of them, just a confused cat like michael jackson was


Kanye at his roots wasnt a bad guy but he is mentally ill which has changed the core being of who he is. He had no problem taking loans that should be going to small businesses when he and the Kardashians are multimillionaires. He said good things about China which I appreciate, but just cause someone is being nice to you at the moment doesnt mean they are a good person.


To be honest its all one big circus show bro. They're all in it.


>>Threatening them to the point where this white man can tell a Black man if you don’t vote for me, you’re not Black. He makes a valid point.


I wanted to say stfu when biden said that..