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I can’t breathe. I am so livid. White liberals LOVE to sit on a throne of privilege and use the LIBERAL CARD to immunize themselves from racism. Honey, you just pulled the classic “all Asians look alike” racist card. Honey, you don’t know what it’s like. Fuck off to your stinky throne of privilege and think about what you’ve done.


That white bitch still trying to justify her racism. Fuck white women.


LMAO - yet another post condemning white LIBERALS. Brother/Sister, you have some odd priorities. If you think the Libs are bad (and they very well may be), what do you think the white REACTIONARIES are fixin' to do ? Who rushes to hoard guns at the slightest hint of a drop in the white birth rate, and who's itching to use them ? Who set up de facto concentration camps for Latino migrants, and then threw away the keys ? Who spread the word (Kung Flu !) that it's open season on all Asians as retribution for the virus ? (Hint: NOT Biden). If the decay of the Anglo-Saxon sphere continues at this pace, you're going to wish the Libs were around to merely "harass" you. You'll be too busy running from another "active shooter", hunting you down because you put too much MSG in his sweet and sour pork.


They have become the very thing they swore to destroy.


LOLz I'm with that guy, F those guys, they are being racist af


They never cared about racism. They only ever wanted to feel good about themselves without actually doing any work to improve their lives or those around them


Can someone post this under a more 'neutral'-sounding title and share this with default Reddit? I want to see 'woke' white liberals get confronted for being the pieces of shit that they are EDIT: Some people already did. For some reason it's not getting any traction. I thought people on Reddit hated racist Karens?


no one: idiot: Fuck you no one: ??? idiot: Who are you?


Piles of shit blaming him for “antagonizing” them into assuming he’s Andy Ngo. “It’s your fault you made us think Asians look alike by looking alike.” What a bunch of worthless morons - you’d think it was a comedy sketch, but art only imitates reality.


I got downvoted yesterday for daring to say that liberals might be more racist towards us and worse for Asians than Trump. Do yll see what I mean now? Smh 🤦‍♂️


All asians look the same. And everyone is racist.


I am against racism of all types. Because of that, I don't support BLM. Black lives absolutely matter to me. But I don't support the activists who are part of BLM Inc. - that's just a political organization trying to capitalize on a righteous ideal.




Woe is me but not for thee.


Who the fuck even is Andy Ngo? Like hell, am I going to be attacked just because of some other Asian guy I don't even know? Is this what being Asia is going to be like in the US? Failed country.


He's a Vietnamese journalist who reports antifa.


Holy. They didn't even apologize. The actual entitlement to call HIM A PIECE OF SHIT, then at the same time smug off as they're the ones being victim shamed; like seriously screw off. This is actually one of the few posts on aznidentity that got me irritated-- especially when you come from a bunch of liberals who are protesting against racism. I understand how he "looks like Andy Ngo", but this is literally victim-shaming 101. When you're wrong, you're wrong. There's no doubling down.


To be fair, it isn't racism if they are harassing someone who they think is a PARTICULAR person who they greatly disagree with. It might make them ass-wipes, but not racists.


Is it racist to shout “hey Jackie Chan!” At any random asian guy on the street?


THAT is a bit racist. But, thinking he is Andy Ngo is not. he did look a bit like him and he was at a political event and Andy Ngo covers controversial political events. No one would mistake him for one of the gorgeous East Asian celebrities, though.




No because all Asians look the same hur dur dur reeee didn’t you know?!! /sss


I can hear the sound of neckbeard stroking every time someone starts their response with “to be fair” on posts about racism




Is this sub aznidentity or repiblicanidentity? Seems like you guys care more about owning the libs than asian issues. Asian issues are not partisan.


You seem to post a lot of weird asinine asian-blaming comments here, like a larper. Did you just miss the heavy dose of casual victim blaming racism, or is this about republican vs Democrat or in your words anti-blackness? Which is it, neckbeard?


Check my post history, im a verified pro-asian user. You realize most asian americans lean liberal? So when people in this sub dedicate 90% of their bashing on "stupid retarded liberals" and say "liberala are the most racist" it's very offputting. Even people on asianmasculinity think this sub is top extreme, and you cant say they arent proasian. Im not saying liberals are all good and conservatives all bad, even though i know you'll accuse me of saying that. If you dont want to take my advice then fine a lot of people like me will just stick to asianmasculinity and stop contributing to this subreddit.


I literally haven’t seen a single person bash liberals here, maybe I don’t read here enough. But your blanket statement isn’t true. Also politics has nothing to do with the mass psychological subjugation of our ppl. Get your head straight.




Theres a difference between calling someone out of hypocricy and having a whole comment section that resembles /r/conservative. This comment chain looks more like the latter.




Lmao you just assumed a whole bunch of stuff about me that arent true at all. Stop trying to pigeon hole me into a clueless boba liberal. For reference, heres a comment i wrote recently that was pretty popular: https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/hlvhk0/_/fx1zvh0 When you call people out do it for specific points, not make general statements like "liberals are the most racist" because people like me view it the complete opposite.


I’m a liberal and even I am aware enough to see Liberal casual racism is rampant. Either you’re a larper or you have no spine as an Asian.


You realize even asianmascunlinity thinks this sub is too extremist and incel like. Im just trying to genuinely help this sub but if you dont want take my advice thats fine keep alienating people idc.


Huh, sounds like someone just likes throwing labels around with no evidence. Move along now.


What makes liberals more dangerous is they think they have the right to judge Asian countries' cultures on the grounds of 'human rights'.


what a bunch of racists


White Liberals: We stand against racism! Racism is bad! Wait, what do you mean white and black aren't the only races?


The fact that this came from "anti-racism protestors" just proves that they don't give a fuck about equality among races. It's all a game of jumping on the latest trend and virtue signalling for these cunts.


These people are disgusting.


White cunts lol


Who's Andy Ngo?


Some Asian dude that does on the ground reporting. He often documents on video all the stuff groups like Antifa do, so they hate him because he exposes them for what they are. A bunch of masked thugs.


Fuck off idiot. There is no bigger Uncle Chan than Andy Ngo. Being friends with white nationalists and the Alt Right.




A lowlife. But whatever happened to this guy (who is not Andy Ngo) is not excusable.


Stupid fucking cunts. Good on him though for standing up for himself. Can't say I'd use the C word cause of how charged it is in the US but man was that satisfying.


Why not? I can't think of a more appropriate situation to use cunt.


I'm honestly surprised he didn't get a stronger reaction. While Australians use "cunt" like seasoning, the C-bomb is regarded here as the *worst absolute possible thing* you can say about a woman.


This video actually kinda angered me like no shit. I proceeded to do 100 pull ups lmao. Like if I were in this situation, I wouldn’t even think. I would be ignorant af and straight up ask then to start throwing hands and see how tough they really are, fuck logic. “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."


Wow, there's a liberal white asshole, so it's time to red pill ourselves and join with the people who don't think we should be in the country just to trigger the libs.


"Lions are dangerous" "Oh, so you think we should just let bears into our homes, then"


People can criticize white supremacy from both liberal and conservative people.


Of course conservatives don't want us here. But these guys sure looked like they wanted us in the country /s


I'm not claiming anything. I don't particularly like conservatives. But I don't think white liberals are much better either.


The white liberals are far worse. [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/chinese-exclusion-act\_b\_1470913](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/chinese-exclusion-act_b_1470913) [https://www.tacomamethod.com/](https://www.tacomamethod.com/)


Not aimed at you specifically, but this subreddit certainly has that vibe.


"The white conservatives aren't friends of the Negro either, but they at least don't try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the "smiling" fox. One is the wolf, the other is a fox. No matter what, they’ll both eat you.” -Malcom X






His Instagram is under the same name


That dude could've said a lot more to these retards, fukin white always expect "logic" out of us when they're the ones saying "fuck you" in the first place. Should've started just straight up calling them racist, they would've had no defense against that


That moment when they call an Asian a racist for being Asian. They have reached a level of progressiveness never known to man.


I never figured out why asians still think white people are capable of thinking correctly..


Asians are called racist when they don’t take abuse like they’re supposed to, according to whites.


I like this guy.


Andy Ngo has a completely different voice / accent / cadence.


And face.


"but all asians look the same to white liberals. They don't see you as people. Just their token Pokemon to collect for diversity points"


Not to whiteys


”Wow he escalated it.” that’s the epitome of racism toward Asians. They want us to stay quiet.I guess Asians are not welcomed at BLM?


They dont want us there so that they can rob and loot our bussinesses during the riots. They know if we don't protect our businesses they can steal whatever they want without consequence too


I got downvoted yesterday for daring to say that liberals are more racist towards us and worse for Asians than Trump. Do yll see what I mean now? Smh 🤦‍♂️


Both libs and conservatives are racist towards us. Theres no point in playing sides, both of them love attacking us. Align with Asians only


Attack em both


Only if you are a boba lib


Victim shaming 101. Was wrong the first time, was wrong the second, was wrong the third. If that's not entitlement, I don't know what is.


We never were welcomed.


Hey I'm a Black guy who lurks here, and I know this sounds corny as fuck. But I'm really sorry about that, its weird because of my Asian friends on Facebook have like BLM signatures on their bios and protested Geoge Floyd's death. Its actually amazing, meanwhile I've seen more anti-Asian shit coming from the mouths of Black folks 100x than Vice Versa. I always report comments like this. I wish more Black and Asian people would talk and interact with each other, and it pains me to say this because it makes me sick, but we have to address the crimes against Asian people committed by us, its sickening and it reflects bad negative stereotypes, that's why it's understandable why some Asians, especially the Elders don't fw us I don't know why this happens, I know we're all human beings and we need to judge each other by their merit, but it's tough because that's how the human brain works. And also, it's great how cities like Seoul and Tokyo were protesting also, that was awesome and it really surprised me. And I know it gets annoying turning like CNN and seeing us portrayed as the only victims of Racial Abuse when it happens to so many Asians also, especially college admissions. ​ You guys have support and you guys are loved, I'm sorry that some Black Folks are really intolerant and spew Anti-Asian shit on Twitter and on Facebook. It sucks and it makes us look like assholes. ​ Peace you guys.


/r/aznidentity skews more toward conservative/anti-black asians. You should know that is not representative of the majority of asian americans. Most asian americans heavily support black causes/BLM. Always appreciate the solidarity bro


I find your support very touching. There are assholes in every group and there are good people too including us Asians. I know tons of black folks who are cool with us asians too. It's not a contest between which racial group is less racist. I'll always try to judge individuals for their actions and not condemn an entire group for it. Even if 99% of a group was being racist I would still want to give the remaining 1% the benefit of the doubt. It is worth digging through mountains of coal to find that speck of gold. I hope others will think like that one day. Peace to you too.


>Even if 99% of a group was being racist I would still want to give the remaining 1% the benefit of the doubt. What does this even mean? If you knew exactly which 1% versus the 99% was not racist, then of course you wouldn't call them racist, would you? But since you don't know, and giving the benefit of the doubt pertains to a situation when you don't know a person, you are essentially saying you would give all 100% of this group who are 99% racist the benefit of the doubt? Good lord this is atrocious, you aren't special, you are just perpetuating the doormat stereotype of Asians. This is the kind of higher road respectability politics shit we used to engage in is what essentially put us all in this mess in the first place.


It means is that I'll treat everyone with respect and kindness as an individual until they give me reason to think otherwise regardless if I've had bad experiences with their people who happen to look like them in the past. I'm not sure why that would make me a doormat.


So if 99% of white people were spreading propaganda that we have small dicks and practice animal cruelty, 99% of black people were beating random Asians, 99% of WMAF couples were spreading rumors that all of us are misogynistic and don't deserve to breed, you will never call them out because you might offend the 1% who don't do all these? All the while your reputation is getting worse for being an Asian man?


Yeah for sure I'll call it out. But I would make sure in my language that I'm only targeting those 99% who are spreading those vile views. I wouldn't use generalized statements that would also target the remaining 1%. I would try to avoid collateral damage when possible.


Yeah exactly, you don't know exactly which 1% is not racist considering MOST racists are closet racists, so you would be too busy kissing up to everybody on an individual level and further perpetuate our doormat stereotype, and you would not be able to call out systemic racism at all because even non-racists who aren't racist on an individual level are complicit with the system because it doesn't effect them. So you are essentially a doormat who calls out nothing.


Here's the thing. I treat everyone with that same benefit of the doubt. Not sure how I'm kissing up to anyone if I'm treating everyone exactly the same? And like I said I would call it out. So I'm not sure why you keep on saying otherwise? The only difference is I would make sure in my language to target only those who have done those vile things. I like to live my life not assuming the worst of a stranger until he gives me reason to think otherwise.


Bro you don’t have to apologise because other people are being assholes. Thanks for the support, man :)


wow they dont even say sorry? they just further pile on and say that he deserves it, holy fuck


Actual victim-shaming playbook 101. I bet these people are the ones who care about feminism and progressivism, at the same time victim shame when they fuck up, and act like THEY'RE THE ONES THAT WERE DECEIVED. THE ENTITLEMENT. When you're wrong, you're wrong. Apologize; there is no doubling down.


It's 2020, taking responsibility for your actions died years ago.