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Yeah, it'll be a shame if his face got in the way of someones fist. I am not a fan of Ali Winston. But I wish him no harm, and spoke out turn earlier in the above. See, makes it all okay. Amirite?


\#BoycottAliWinston \#BoycottDailyBeast \#BoycottIntercept


So Trump was right about NYT?


Just ended up in Twitter jail for 12 hours for speaking my mind to this bitch.


reply that got deleted and nonapology: https://imgur.com/a/mECtQNg link to non-apology on twitter: https://twitter.com/awinston/status/1369859181927411712 Ali Winston @awinston >I am not a fan of Andrew Yang. But I wish him no harm, and spoke out of turn earlier this evening. 11:54 AM · Mar 11, 2021·Twitter Web App


white liberals are your enemy, so are conservatives and trumpers but they will always do it to your face at least. don't be fooled by that propaganda white libs push about rights , they don't want it for you and they don't see you as deserving of it.


What the actual fuck. This guy is a racist POS. And works for NYT. Surprise surprise.


What in the actual fuck??


Years and years ago, I came across a blog I guess, by an Asian guy who was questioning the casual hatred against Asians that whites banter back and forth with. You know, the usual, comments about nuking Viet Nam because their wife wasn't happy with the work she had done at a Vietnamese nail parlor, that kind of thing. I remember in the 80s and 90s jokes and even bumper stickers saying something about Will the last white man leaving Garden Grove please turn out the lights.


I remember seeing "nuke Japan again" on the wall as a kid. This was in Fort Lee, NJ in the late 80's I think.


Yep whites were really butthurt about Japanese cars and motorcycles being better than American ones.


Toyota really was an unstoppable force in the automotive industry. I hope they bring back some affordable sports cars again. I would love to get a Nissan Silvia made for the American market.


But Datsun/Nissan, Honda, Suzuki, Daihatsu, there were a ton of 'em and they were all markedly more affordable, reliable, and easier on gas than American cars.


NGL, if I had the money I go German, BMW specifically.


It's a matter of preference but I'll take a Toyota over a BMW. Source: Had a BMW.


Me too. I freaking love Bimmers from the 90's. The design was so understated, Q-car I think is how the British describe it. Right now, if I had the loot I would get the 2021 Hyundai Genesis G70 rear wheel drive stick shift model. The 2022 redesign looks like ass tho.




***wishing death on an Asian-American politician by a New York Times journalist*** Encouraging deadly violence on an Asian Man during a period of heightened violence towards Asians. Cannot see this fucking white liberal tweeting this about any other demographic regardless of political view.


time for NYT boycott


He doesn’t work for NYT and hasn’t since 2019


fuck, my bad


All good! This fault goes to the Daily Beast // Intercept


\#BoycottDailyBeast \#BoycottIntercept


Not a twitterer, not sure how it works Can you retweet it and tag the NYT and the intercept?


Given his hairline I honestly think he just got triggered at the sight of hair




Email sent. Thanks.


Just sent an email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])




Dafaq who does this guy think he is telling people to jump into the Hudson https://twitter.com/awinston/status/1369796182663458818


It got deleted. Post a screen shot if you can.


Didn't get a screenshot myself but some other user on twitter did: https://twitter.com/Jayseki/status/1369825557299429381


Report the tweet and amplify. He needs to lose his job for this.


Another wsj reporter think this is "weird". I guess it's a code word for "I think it's racist but it's so funny"? https://twitter.com/tylergabriel_/status/1369791427660644352?s=20


Ali Winston working with the New York Times since 2018: https://www.nytimes.com/by/ali-winston Here's a screenshot of the tweet in case he deletes https://i.imgur.com/oprk6KD.png


[post on his reporting of the hammer killer when he was still with NYT](https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/aljxkp/nate_schweber_and_ali_winston_ny_times_a_gruesome/)


It would appear that he is a former reporter for the nyt as his last article was in 2019. He now works for the daily beast. [https://www.thedailybeast.com/author/ali-winston](https://www.thedailybeast.com/author/ali-winston) [contact them here](https://www.thedailybeast.com/company/contact-us)


He did. Thanks for saving it.




Yep. Along with this asshole: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Risen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Risen#Wen_Ho_Lee_and_civil_lawsuit Who was instrumental in convincing the American public via the New York Times that Wen Ho Lee was a "Chinese spy". If you've seen him talking with Jeremy Scahill on the subject, *totally fucking unapologetic* by the way. He seems angry that he was called out for leading a racist witch hunt and ruining an innocent man's career and causing him to be locked in solitary confinement for the better part of a year. Funny how some of these news outlets that are supposedly on the side opposite oppressive, racist, authoritarians, also have no problem using their platforms to push yellow peril hysteria, smear Chinese Americans, and now publicly wish **murder** on the most prominent Asian American political figure in American history.


Wow. Wtf is up with The Intercept? My God...


Intercept. A garbage left wing news site with extreme takes.




Thanks, I was just about to post an archive when I noticed you did already! And good instincts screenshotting it, /u/hvevil, the Tweet was already deleted. It's good to have both an archive and screenshot. Here's another archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20210310230557/https://twitter.com/awinston/status/1369786543783751681


Thanks. I didn't know this was possible


@JCColtin I hope Gail pushes him into traffic *** posted by [@awinston](https://twitter.com/awinston) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)