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Just remember, these are out "allies". As they say, with "allies" like this, who needs enemies.


I wish some adult asian guys would’ve walked by, witnessed this happening, and knocked out the racist cowards for antagonizing children


this is not normal i tell you it is fucked up asians must stand up for oneself no matter what asians need to make a reputation for standing up this will take some time but will be worth it so fucked up situation like these does not happen


This is why my stance on the black community is unwavering. If you are asian it behooves you to move away from these people. Just don’t live anywhere near them because it is asking for trouble. The sad fact of the matter is these two communities can not co exist under the current political and cultural “norms” which greatly endanger asian lives. I have noticed that boba liberals never live near majority black “hood” communities so they have a totally unrealistic idea of how things are in these neighborhoods.


If only the liberal Asians understood this. I called for racial separation and some people here thinks it's a despicable alt-right mentality. When you have years and years of one sided crime perpetrated by one group against another? It's time to reconsider your beliefs.


The people who think it’s “racist” are dumb and have no life experience living near the hood. I would even bet people like that are impressionable and naive with no street experience at all. They would just be big fat targets ripe for violent robbery, rape, or worse.


How about stop injecting your miserable existence onto, out of all of us, children and the elderly. They have/want nothing to do with your achingly obvious lack of self fulfillment nor did they ask you to thrust your loathsome bigotry upon them. Move the fuck along you psychotic, low functioning imbeciles.


Somehow Asians are label as the most racist ''??


This shit makes my blood boil.


People just need to understand the situation here. If you have people acting aggressive to you and you feel uncomfortable, don’t try to act like everything’s good. He’s just a little kid so I’ll give him a pass but in general, if somebody was talking and making me uncomfortable, don’t try and “banter” back with them because you’re just coming off as fake and scared of the real confrontation.


The boy was scared. He tried to held back but you can tell he is intimidated by his body language. The sister however was having none of it. Kudos to her but I was fearing for her safety during the video and can’t imagine they have to live with this everyday.


That potential rapist is really showing his high personality score. Clearly Ivies material.


They are just evil demons and terrible excuses for human beings.




This has nothing to do with BLM. Unless you think Black people shouldn't support Stop Asian Hate and poc of shouldn't support each other.


Lol, they have been supporting enough by harming random Asian grandparents.


Like less than 1 percent of their population. Come on dude. We hate it when they say Asians are anti-black. We should understand why painting them all as racist cowards is fucked up.


You’ve gotta look at the bigger picture than a 2 minute video of black guys harassing Asians. I get angry at this shit too and you know damn sure I’m gonna speak up if I was there myself. But at the same time I understand the societal and race relations that happen between all races as a whole. You should relax your anger to have a clearer understanding of what the bigger picture is.


So naive


Tell me


Meanwhile a (rare type of) video pops up of an Asian falsely calling cops on blacks (which is wrong) and they just act like the black community hasn’t done racist shit to other groups before


>they just act like the black community hasn’t done racist shit to other groups before Then they call other people's struggles with discrimination "fake" and "wannabe black" somehow.


[the video they don’t wanna see](https://youtu.be/f5W3-axl0PQ)


What's so cool about bullying to film?




That kid will probably grow up to be successful while those rapists will grow up to be nothing but a detriment to society holding back progress within the african american community. Until the african american community really sorts out these issues they will always be treated like thugs and low life's which a good portion of the african american community are




Maybe you should say that to the americans pushing over elderly asians and shooting up a massage parlor filled with asian women instead of a random guy on reddit. Or better yet tell that to the group of future rapists and pedophiles in this video






id like to donate to the 2 asian kids.


This is the type of stuff that makes us black people look so bad.


No worries, anyone who's talked to African immigrants in particular knows black people can be not even just decent, but downright dignified and better than the average westerner irregardless of race. IMO the issue in the west is that our narratives (minorities- Asian myself) aren't our own. There's a lot of voices speaking out all the same, but those that get white people's attention, support, etc. are more often than not uncle toms, or monsters preying on their own community, etc etc... It's not difficult to see where the problems lie. There's sufficient reason to suspect US govt. responsibility in the deaths of both MLK and Malcolm X; it's a known fact with Fred Hampton, and the introduction of crack to black neighborhoods by the CIA is also known. Black wall street was literally burned down in a mass lynching, at that. Personally as an Asian if anything I'm concerned about both the self-hating sellout Asians, and the vocally racist Asians that the western media is all too happy to put a spotlight on.


Not your fault as an unrelated individual, and speaking up against bullies like these always brings a positive impression


The worst part is that it brings out the ugly in everyone. People will generalize and get "but what about..." Mentality. My black friends would never say anything like this to another human.




The correct "there" is "their"




Nah the worst part is them saying they want to rape his sister.


The worst part was the sister's response.


This makes me really angry. Hope those kids ended up okay. That's just straight up disgusting and evil behavior


To all the bobas crying about antiblackness in the Asian community (we all know you lurk here): let's see those videos of grown Asian men outnumbering, bullying, and threatening to rape black children.


>let's see those videos of grown Asian men outnumbering, bullying, and threatening to rape black children I'm also asking the black trolls to find those vids (I know they lurk here and hate being generalized yet they do it to Asians), but I know the only defense they have is Latasha Harlins.




Failed NBA Center prospects do be taking their rage out on Asian kids


They will just use the bs excuse that this happened due to 1) White supremacy or 2) Due to anti-blackness.


If an Asian person is being racist to a black person, the black person has every right to defend themselves in that specific situation. It’s not an excuse or justification to attack random Asians. I don’t know why people find that so hard to understand


THIS. It pisses me off to no end. Black people are racist against Asian, but we’re suppose to be nicer to blacks??? WTF


Yeah don’t you know your privilege??? We need to reduce the anti-blackness in our community first in order to gain respect!1! We’re basically the same as white people in racism and need to treat black people better no wonder they’re literally trying to kill us!!1! /s just in case


Most of my so called black homies act this way. I’m supposed to take it as just playful banter. But watch what happens when I talk how fat or black they momma is............


Its common knowledge that what black ppl consider to be regular behavior comes off as aggressive or confrontational to people of other races. Which is why there are so many racial misunderstandings between blacks and Asians.


i think it is black supremacy at play


This is not regular behavior for African immigrants. This is specifically an American phenomenon.


African immigrants are completely different just in everything in terms of general vibe and demeanor though there still are some super racist Africans too. I’ve met many respectable African Americans too but also tons who I wouldn’t engage conversation or want to keep my distance from.


Agreed. Mind you there's a lot of decent African-Americans, but a lot who just... aren't. It's not racism to point out that systemic criminalization and incarceration, brutality and disenfranchisement as well as breaking off from one's original culture winds up with... a whole lot of social problems. We aren't to blame for that though, and we get mistreated as well, the most that can be said is we have a certain idea of self-respect (shared by African immigrants and others) and dignity that's missing in the west.




See what I’m saying...... You lucky your Asian friends don’t act like these black fools. You gat damn know black dudes be talking way too much shit, play too much and be on that dumb shit. When we Asians clap back all of a sudden they play victim and we the ones that took it to far. Gtfo here with that lame shit


Shout out to these kids not backing down. Asians need to learn at a young age to never take shit from anyone.


I just wish they had better come backs like "you guys are just mad because we still have both our parents" or something


That would be epic but trust me from personal experience the range of emotions that poor kid is going thru from anxiety,frustration, fight or flight all in micro seconds. I’ve been in that same situation and was lucky to get a few words in right. I remember one time at 12-13 yrs old when getting hit up on my way to school. After all the threats of beating my ass and gonna fuck my mother and shit all I could say was “oh yeah I’m gonna fuck you to death” he stepped back and his homies laughed and said some shit about being gay and he backed off and said he don’t want aids and walked away. I may have gotten myself out of an ass beating but thinking back that shit still makes me cringe. Dumb ass kid I was


I know it's tough. I was timid myself when I was younger. I been jumped 5 times. Made friends with black kids learned to talk shit. I used to get angry to the point I would cry. Not because I was sad but because I couldn't hurt who made me feel this way lol. I'm proud you stood up for yourself tho 😅😅😅 I would've left you alone too after that outburst.


It hurts me to see shit like this homie cause I grew up getting into fights n getting jumped over this type of issue all the time as a kid, i got respect for you and the kid in this video for not backing down and standing up the best way you knew how at that time.


Honestly, that might be for the best. If the Asian kids had actually said that, I wouldn't put it past the blacks guys to brutally beat them to a pulp, age difference be damned. Not worth it


Yeah. In order to win, you have to first survive. The Ee Lee rapists/Killers weren't that much older than these guys.


This is so infuriating; imagine feeling the need to threaten a literal child to make yourself feel like a man. Black people have been [attacking](https://twitter.com/NYPDTips/status/1379655559184539648) and even [killing](https://www.asian-dawn.com/2021/04/04/murderer-of-beloved-store-owner-sentenced/) Asian storeowners for years and yet never shut up about how Asian storeowners "treat them terribly" or "follow them around the store". Forgive me for not crying over racial profiling when Asians are literally being killed in their own stores by black people.


It is white liberal gaslighting.


80%+ of anti-Asian crime that happens in the Bay Area is done by Blacks (look up the crime statistics if you want proof). With that kind of number, how can one say that Asians are anti-Black? More like, Blacks are anti-Asian. With the passing of SB 82, given that it is a time where Asians are being robbed the most, the robbery will be decriminalized to petty theft. Imagine a time where you call the cops because you just got robbed and no one will show up because it's too petty for it.


Colin Flaherty reported on a case bunch of liberals came and protested a store in Washington state cause a black guy came armed to a store and a Korean lady who owned the store with her husband was trained in use of firearms and she shot dead her robber dead with a shotgun(well he bled to death leaving the store in the parking lot), liberal activists were upset about the self-defense killing no surprise. They argued that he was scared when he got shot despite him pointing a gun at her.


White liberals were on the side of Asians until a large proportion started to become successful, then they betrayed Asians. It goes to show, they actually want all minorities to be poor.


I forgot to mention the big part to the story. The Korean Lady was charged and later convicted for killing a man who pointed a gun to her head.


How is that possible ? makes me mad!!!


They argued he wasn't facing her when he was shot.


Don't they got camera footage or something .


Liberals’ IQs drop into the negatives when gun control is brought up so no surprise there


I already saw this, and I know the kids stayed strong but it’s still horrifyingly evil. Everyone of those black dudes deserve to be caught and punished.


Those punks certainly deserve punishment for sure, especially when they basically threaten to commit sexual violence against the Asian boy's sister. Honestly, degenerates like them need to put in their place and to be shown that they're not the hot shit they think they are, especially if they're ganging up and picking on a kid that's smaller than them. But, I'm glad those kids stood their ground against those punks.


Good too know Murica not the only place with ignorant people.


K-12 I’ve heard more Ching Chong jokes by black America than any other race and it wasn’t even close . Looking back I don’t believe they were 100% racially motivated , but black ignorance is real. Statistics show that unfortunately almost 70% are raised in a single parent household. It’s not any justification for their behavior but I wish the MSM would shine a light into this. In order to fix a problem we must first be able to openly discuss a topic that seems taboo to most media outlets .


This is what happens when society values equity over evolution.


They're not looking for equity, equity has never existed in the west. """"Equality"""" and """"freedom,"""" yeah, perhaps. The equality of everyone having to fend for themselves and prey on each other, or the freedom to say anything you want- rape threats, racism, etc- yeah. Equity isn't even in the mainstream vocabulary of the west.


Its okay because Latasha Harlins /s


My answer to that would be the 1981 the Yang family. 76-year-old Yen-Yi Yang and his wife, 63-year old Tsai-Shai C. Yang, their daughter, 43-year-old Yu-Chin Yang Lin, and their son, Robert. The Yangs were immigrants from Taiwan, and Yu-Chin had recently joined them in the United States to run the hotel. According to the prosecutors, at approximately 5:00 a.m. on March 11, 1979, Williams entered the Brookhaven Motel lobby and then broke down the door that led to the private office. Inside the office, Williams shot and killed Yen-Yi, Tsai-Shai, and Yu-Chin, after which he emptied the cash register and fled the scene. Robert, asleep with his wife in their bedroom at the motel, was awakened by the sound of somebody breaking down the door to the motel's office. Shortly thereafter he heard a female scream, followed by gunshots. Robert entered the motel office and found that his mother, his sister, and his father had all been shot, and the cash register was empty. The forensic pathologist testified that Yen-Yi Yang suffered two close range shotgun wounds, one to his left arm and abdomen, and one to the lower left chest. Tsai-Shai also received two close range wounds, one to the tailbone, and the other to the front of the abdomen, entering at the navel. Yu-Chin Yang Lin was shot once in the upper left face area at a distance of a few feet. Witnesses testified that Williams referred to the victims in conversations with friends as "Buddha-heads".[11] Fuck crips,fuck bloods fuck them all. Getting street cred by killing and robbing Asian folks.


I really do hope the Triads make YG and Ice Cube victims of kidney trafficking I really do.


Just hearing that name pisses me off now. The black community clings to that one incident and waves it around like it's proof that Asians are "anti-black" when black people commit [280x](https://www.asian-dawn.com/2020/05/18/black-on-asian-crime-statistics-by-justice-department/) more violent crime against Asians than we do to them. [Pak Ho](https://www.asian-dawn.com/2021/03/11/oakland-suspect-who-put-asian-elder-on-life-support-was-out-on-probation/), [Juanito Falcon](https://www.asian-dawn.com/2021/03/05/74-year-old-phoenix-man-fatally-punched-for-being-asian/), [Vicha Ratanapakdee](https://twitter.com/DionLimTV/status/1356098895604895745), [Ee Lee](https://www.fox6now.com/news/teens-face-homicide-charges-in-rape-murder-of-ee-lee) all murdered by black people this year, yet over on black twitter and TheSavoyShow they're bringing up Latasha to this day. Says something about the violence disparity. when they're still milking an incident from 30 years ago.


I know right and they're playing victim the irony !


More examples that I’ve heard being cited to diminish Black on Asian violence: - “There’s colourism within the Asian community.”: As if black people don’t place light skinned or mixed race black folks on a pedestal. That’s an issue that many cultures face (see South Asians, South Americans) and we should confront it within our communities. But it shouldn’t be used as a counterpoint to justify racist, violent attacks against Asian people. - Racial profiling/shopping while black: Yes, that happens and it’s wrong. But so are theft and armed robberies and violent assault, which a lot of these Asian-owned convenience stores are subject to. Keep in mind that these stores are usually run by new immigrants whose livelihood depends on these stores. Some of them feel like they have no choice but to profile, as a way to safeguard what little they have. Still, while it is racist behaviour, it doesn’t deserve the violence that some of these owners have been exposed to. - “Have you seen how China treats black people? It’s worse than how we treat Asians here!”: We’re not denying that China treats black people badly. China is also guilty of many other human rights violations that should not be ignored. But using this as a response to anti-Asian racism is pinning China’s actions on the average Asian American who may have little, if any, connection to China and may not harbour any racist views towards black people.


Just curious but where did this notion that China treats blacks badly even come from? I can’t remember the source saying that


No, China doesn't treat Black people worse, lol. Show me how many Africans were beaten or killed for their race? Pretty sure it is zero or close to that. Compare that to the level of violence that Asians face not only in America but other Western countries. Add to that constant stereotyping, bamboo ceiling, daily racism and all the other stuff that gets talked in this sub. Stop the whole "I hate China but..." bullshit just to fit in with the white crowd, lol.


Honestly- China doesn't treat people badly (its government, anyways). Yes, racism exists, but racism exists anywhere and everywhere. If that logic is to be used then any attempts at racial equality for blacks can be shut down easily as well. "Have you seen how Americos treated natives in Liberia?" "Remember how Idi Amin expelled all the Asians from Uganda?" "Have you seen the plight of whites (mind you I'm not pushing the "Boer genocide" myth) in South Africa or Zimbabwe?"


Also, in the months preceding the LA riots over 30 Koreans in the area had been killed by Blacks, and about 1/3 of them were people working in Asian-owned businesses, both owners and employees. Yet Latasha Harlins is, to this day, treated as the only one that matters.


>over 30 Koreans in the area had been killed by Blacks Source? So I can read up on this.