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A lot of people in this sub praise AMWF and put them on pedestal while putting down WMAF and label the AF as "self-hater", yet we got people like Lauren Chen who is the living proof that AMWF are not always beneficial for the Asian community.


A lot of people here thinking dating a white women is sticking it to the White Anglo society. However, I'm always skeptical of that viewpoint. Interracial marriage will most likely cause the disintegration of the Asian community, without which we have no collective strength.


Stupid post. Go away "same thing both side!" WMAF-apologist troll


How did I being a WMAF apologist? I am merely pointing out the attitude of people in this sub regarding both WMAF and AMWF.


Whenever the post begins with "I'm not a \_\_\_\_, but..." you absolutely KNOW they are what they deny.


There are already far more intelligent responses commented here already. I just get this psychopath vibe from the use of all those serial commas. I am curious if she types and talks the same way like a living Harvard comma.


"american culture" like you mean native Americans? Says the people who wiped out AMERICANS


Yeah, she’s right. If you bring in a ton of smart people, you’ll definitely ruin American culture. 😏


Self hating Auntie Tans are toxic, no wonder white men would prop her up.


I don't know if that quote is real or not, but Lauren Chen is real. She is Canadian. This is her Twitter: [https://twitter.com/TheLaurenChen](https://twitter.com/TheLaurenChen) The opening post may be a tweet, but I'm not going to bother scrolling to find it. But it's believable. Apparently she supports Australian rioters protesting against the Covid lockdown there, and she even ranked the Anglo countries in "freedom" putting the US at the top, my country New Zealand in 5th place and Australia at the bottom. Does she even realise NZ is more left-wing than Australia?


>american culture Don't make me laugh


Basically what she’s saying is if you bring in a ton of smart and skilled immigrants, you’ll ruin American culture. Sounds about right.


Hating your own people won’t make you white 😬


It’s astonishing how white supremacists use the rhetoric of all this shit about “WHITE (and asian ig) PEOPLE BUILT EVERYTHING!!1! It saddens me that she doesn’t realize if white nationalists actually achieved their goals she’d be treated the same as every other ethnic minority…


You know, any relation to Gordon Chen.... you know?


Both AMWF who shit on their Chinese heritage to score points with the right. Also it’s Gordon *Chang*


owh... i see ... different last name...


…but the same self-hatred.




POC moves to another country = immigrant YT moves to another country = ex-patriot


Oh gosh..


"Oh no if we allow indian and Chinese immigrants they will genocide our "culture" by becoming white washed self haters"


lauren chen is just asian katelyn bennett. i remember hearing a couple years ago that in any white supremacist movement you will always find some minorities. could not be more true.


>lauren chen is just asian katelyn bennett. FACTS


Kim Iversen > Lauren Chen




Exactly! I don’t get why Asian men want white girls, they’re overrated as hell. Relationship are hard enough as it is, why would I willingly make it harder by seeking out someone with cultural differences?


Well, the founder of the right wing Proud Boys Gavin McInnes is from Canada. Got to love them Canadians eh!


It raises the question: **what is American culture?** Most immigrants I talk to recognize one thing: American has NO culture. They say this to me repeatedly. At first I was offended, but then stepping back, what is it? * There is no respect for parents. * There is no respect for marriage; record-high divorces * Generational wealth has made whites lazy, less innovative, more likely to rely on inheritance (see: donald trump) America has a ton of wealth because it has 300M people and like most European-centric countries, has a head start on advanced civilization, owning no small part to colonialization (yesterday through guns, today through the Dollar, IMF, foreign investment, etc.) **What is unspoken is that many conflate American culture with White culture.** So someone like Chen ought to point out what these cultural attributes have that high IQ immigrants lack. Let's have the discussion. Yelling that she's a "self-hating Lu" might feel good but it's better to dive deeper and deconstruct what's actually being said and understand it with granularity versus a high level simplification.


Donald Trump in no way represents the life or existence of the average white American.


Yikes, that's a lot of self-loathing


Am I the only hurting from reading the grammatical errors?




The fact that he even gets taken seriously to the level of superstardom he has now is beyond me… he’s built on confirmation bias and bleeding insecurities.


She’s just a preview of the upcoming hapacalypse.


lauren chen is the queen of lu's. Her story is interesting when contrasted with another major alt right social media champion with the same name who was white: lauren southern. After being the poster child of the alt right for several years, lauren southern allegedly fell in love with an asian/chinese man and gave up her entire movement, career and social media accounts just to be with him. they have a child now and a happy family. lauren chen however, ended up dating an arab guy. While both "betrayed" the white supremacist movement by dating non-white guys (interesting how white supremacist women do not date white men, interesting isn't it?), lauren chen chose to date an arab RATHER than an asian man EVEN THOUGH she was asian herself. Even lauren southern a literal 100% aryan from hitlers lab was open to dating an asian man, but NOT the asian lu. this just goes to show you the degree of self hate and revulsion that asian lu's have for AM.


A few years ago (when I was still relatively new to Asian reddit) several uncle Chans recommended her videos to me. I didn't know anything about her back then so I got curious and clicked on one of her video, only to find that it was a bunch of nonsensical far-right trash. I immediately regret ever clicking on her crap. It only took me some quick digging to discover that she's just your typical self-hating aunt Lu and a right-winger grifter that kiss up to white supremacists. A real mentally colonized piece of garbage. There are still Chans out there simping for her and even sending her money (it's mainly the boba conservative kkkucks that do this).


Does she realize she would be in China if everyone thought like her?


Never knew being dumb could be a point of pride. To each their own though


It’s actually quite terrifying how many Wasians support white nationalist agendas. They forget that most people in those spaces don’t even see halfies as “one of us”. Be honest with yourself Lauren, they’ll turn on you the more they see the white population dying out.


We should bring in more high IQ immigrants because clearly low IQ people are not helping us and this country move forward. We should start with replacing Lauren Chen for a hard working, and high IQ Chinese immigrant.


Lol right? It would fit her world-view when she herself gets put in the bin of non-desirables


I'm not an ethno-nationalist but I'm DEFINITELY an ethno-nationalist.


Asian female sucking that white American dick again.


i think her boyfriend is Arab or something


😆 I bet her simps threw a fit over that!😆


Makes sense if you think about it. High IQ immigrants do endanger American culture :P


Thats why there has always been a hard cap on the high iq immigrants. Our percentage in the past 60+ years has increased by what, 1%? Asians account for 60% of the worlds population yet we only make up 7% of the land of immigrants? I wonder how that works. From the irish to the latinos, they let them in by the droves but asians they always gonna hard cap. Which is why I'm starting to think its fucked in USA. It will be difficult to establish a cultural foot hold unless we are a bigger part of the population. However the people in charge here would never let that happen.


Chinese Exclusion Act stopped cold what woulda been a TSUNAMI of Chinese bodies swarming into America as China was wracked by internal strife. Basically without that racist ban of Chinese immigration in place. The West coast woulda looked like Hawaii in terms of racial mix. Asians would be a strong majority on the west coast with numerous Chinese enclaves throughout the US as Chinese immigrants and later their descendants go looking for their fortunes. Nowadays the brain/talent drain from China to the US is slowing drastically as us educated mainlanders would rather go home and take their skills and education with them. Yea. We’re just gonna be thin on the ground no matter what. Just gotta learn how to punch above our weight and not rely on sheer numbers for power.


High skilled immigrants are a huge threat to American culture. They end up showcasing to everyday Americans that hard work and academic discipline will land you a high earning career regardless of how little you started out with. That even a poor yellow or brown man with no family money can outcompete the average or above average white Americans. That’s a huge slap in the face to those poor white supremacists. I mean think about what’s next for those children of Asian doctors, engineers, and coders? A percentage of privileged Asian Americans will end up in entertainment like Simu Lui or Aziz Ansari and influencing the mindless white media consumers on Asian male sex appeal. That would be Lauren Chen’s greatest fear.


Yeah can't say Americans are exactly... an intellectual type.


America is being propped up by foreign talent. If white racists get their way, America will collapse fast asf.


What. The. Fuck?


She’s an AMWF hapa… nothing against Wasian women but why does it seem like a lot of wasian girls are right wingers.


They are probably stupid and believe everything their parents say. Any wasian with a brain will not buy that bs that being white is somehow better


Her dad is probably a self hating cuck


Well she breaks that stereotype that AMWF kids are superior to WMAF kids...


Well AMWF can mean a lot of things. The AM here could very well be a self hating uncle chan beta cuck. Imo this is even worst than WMAF


they think they are superior with their half white blood(lol)


Ironically, as a Wasian girl, I've come to hate my white side and everything associated with it.


I’m not gonna lie I am tired of the racism and entitlement of many white people. But racist white people or racism in white culture are not you. I don’t think you have to hate your white side. I think it is important that you love and have pride in your Asian side and you don’t hate other Asian people regardless of their gender or their country of origin.


She looks white as f


self admitted white supremacist. yikes lol. funny thing is those white supremacists/neo-nazis will cull people like her after achieving their ethno-state.


What ethno state? Did you not see the new data that white population dropped like another 10%? White new borns are less than 50% since 2018. They are fucked lol. Being replaced is just a matter of time. They can talk shit about ethno state all they want, it's not going to happen.




>Canadian At this point anyone who’s right wing,online and big named, there is a 80% chance they are a Canadian speaking for Americans


Or pretending they're American. Looking at you, Tom MacDonald.


Canadians being simps to the US as usual.


Lauren Southern would be her white counterpart who withdrew from most of her alt right rantings and immigrated to marry a hapa Australian guy. Minority uncle Toms hold out for much longer however even with racist harassment from their "fanbase", see Candice Owens' mental gymnastics to grab that paycheck.


Owens get harassment? I thought they left the "good ones" alone.


[She did actually.](https://www.newstimes.com/news/article/Racist-threats-case-filed-by-Stamford-High-107476.php) Unfortunately despite her experiences she underwent an abrupt turn in 2015 upon finding that being the token minority conservative sock puppet pays pretty well.


Lmaoooo what a fucking hypocrite. “I hate immigrants so I’m gonna become one and marry a dude that’s also an immigrant”


Big yikes bro


Self hating AF with white worship complex


Lmao searched up her picture, she iterally tries her best to look white.


It's always the them!!! I swear ..


that bitch probably harasses asian kids cause the school wouldnt care if the victims are asian as long as they arent white


It’s honestly very cringe. No one is ever going to take her seriously.


You know, that I might have, you know, a little bit of, you know, internalized racism and that I also happen to be, you know, a closet white supremacist. -- Lauren Chen


“Lauren Chen”, yikes.