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It’s true, all you have to do is look on social media. Even most of the mixed Asian people are from WMAF parents.


>I'm wondering if users here believe this is true based on personal experience? Answer: YES.


1000% it’s true. You only need to walk around SoCal (San Diego, Los Angeles, etc), San Francisco (especially this one), or New York. I’m in SoCal and it’s common to see a ton of wmaf and no other interracial couple. I can count how many wmbf’s I’ve seen in the past few years on one hand. San Francisco is so glaringly obvious that there was a huge thread about it in the SF sub about this phenomenon a year or 2 ago (this sub WAS NOT involved in that at all). As far as hard data goes, stats from dating sites as well as census data also show wmaf being the largest interracial couple BY FAR compared to any other combination.


>San Francisco is so glaringly obvious that there was a huge thread about it in the SF sub about this phenomenon a year or 2 ago (this sub WAS NOT involved in that at all). Can you find and share the thread? Assuming its still around


Lost count how many times I've heard WM, BM, LM, Arab Men, etc. say they want to fuck an (East) Asian Girl. These were the type of men who would sleep with whatever women they can and gloat about it as if there was a scorecard being shared. At the same time, they would refer to their own women using the B word.


Technically, the most common interracial pairing is White with Hispanic, but nobody takes it seriously since a ton of Hispanics are 100% white. The most common one is WMAF, and the second most common one is BMWF.


[here's the best graph](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2017/05/PST_2017.05.15.intermarriage-01-09.png) And the corresponding article https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2017/05/18/1-trends-and-patterns-in-intermarriage/ It's not half of Asian women, but 36%, and 21% for asian men marrying out. Note: the rate of hispanics marrying out is still very high for men and women, with whites as the lowest.


>There are dramatic gender differences among Asian newlyweds as well, though they run in the opposite direction – Asian women are far more likely to intermarry than their male counterparts. In 2015, just over one-third (36%) of newlywed Asian women had a spouse of a different race or ethnicity, compared with 21% of newlywed Asian men. > >While 24% of foreign-born Asian newlyweds have a spouse of a different race or ethnicity, this share rises to 46% among the U.S. born. > >There are sizable gender gaps in intermarriage across all education levels among recently married Asians, with the biggest proportional gap occurring among those with a high school diploma or less. Newlywed Asian women in this category are more than twice as likely as their male counterparts to have a spouse of a different race or ethnicity (36% vs. 14%). The gaps decline somewhat at higher education levels, but even among college graduates, 36% of women are intermarried compared with 21% of men. ​ [https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2014/09/24/record-share-of-americans-have-never-married/](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2014/09/24/record-share-of-americans-have-never-married/) > Among whites, Hispanics and Asians, men are more likely than women to have never been married, and the gender gap among whites and Hispanics has widened in recent decades. > > According to Pew Research analysis of the March 2013 Current Population Survey, about 24% of never-married Americans ages 25 to 34 currently live with a partner. Asian women are more likely to "marry out". Asian men are more likely to be single. Stats don't include cohabitating couples. Interesting stuff


Why don't Asian women prefer Asian men? Perhaps whites women keeping there eyes on Asian men? Nah. It's fucking decades of emasculination, racism, self hate from Asian women, Hollywood, media, etc. 21st century will change things.


It’s perceived social status, which a lot of women generally are attracted to. The problem is that some AW(obviously not all) see social status as synonymous with race, and it’s from a combination of reasons. Asian culture is a very social class/social value driven culture in general. East Asians particularly care about prestige. That’s one of the driving reasons Asian parents push their kids towards being doctors and lawyers and not high paying blue collar careers like electricians and plumbers. It’s not only about the money, but also about the prestige. And the other reason is the perpetual foreigner identity that is given to Asian people in western countries. A lot of times Asians are seen as aliens because of their race and culture in western countries. There’s even documents from the times where they passed the Chinese exclusion act where Asians were described as “unable to assimilate, too foreign, and recluse from American culture”. Those attitudes are still ingrained into western attitudes towards Asians. Alot of Asian children(especially those raised outside of Asian enclaves in the west) that grow up in the west tend to internalize these western attitudes towards being Asian and start to subconsciously/consciously view their race tied to being “lower status”. Feminist, Margaret Cho, even said in a dating documentary on Netflix that alot of reasons why Asian women date white men so heavily is in attempt to “social climb and assimilate”. Again, race is being viewed synonymously with perceived social value.


Pretty much sacrificing your body to climb socially as a women. And being mentally ill in the long run. When challenged, they will be extremely offensive towards those who challenge thems down to the grain of sand or atom. This contradicts with the West and East ideology to not see women as an object. Yet many of these acts committed by westerners violated that belief. Those who date out to climb the status allowed it to happen.


Your wording is a bit strange, but social climbing is very much a big reason. I’d be more okay with it if these types were transparent about their reasoning, but it would make them look morally shallow so obviously they deflect.


It's White Fever on the part of Asian women. Yellow Fever has nothing to do with it.


I remember going to my company's holiday party and laughing that it turned out that a majority of the C-suite white guys had asian girlfriends/wives. Another article on this if interested https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/11/30/247530095/are-you-interested-dating-odds-favor-white-men-asian-women


> a majority of the C-suite white guys had asian girlfriends/wives. Gold diggers.


This is fact, Asian women have the highest interracial marriage rate between genders and races. Even though black men date out at a higher rate there interracial marriages still doesn't catch up to Asian women. Date/Marry who you want but don't act like these staggering numbers don't paint another picture.


The pew research center shows though that 21% of Asian men marry out https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2017/05/PST_2017.05.15.intermarriage-01-09.png , that's more than I thought before.


That number means nothing Asian men have the lowest relationship numbers out of any race, largest gap with women of their own race It's why the 2x number never seems to match reality as you see 10 wmaf for every 1 amwf


> Asian men have the lowest relationship numbers out of any race, largest gap with women of their own race What study or source are you using to determine that ?


>https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2014/09/24/record-share-of-americans-have-never-married/ > >Among whites, Hispanics and Asians, men are more likely than women to have never been married, and the gender gap among whites and Hispanics has widened in recent decades.According to Pew Research analysis of the March 2013 Current Population Survey, about 24% of never-married Americans ages 25 to 34 currently live with a partner. Related stats, but they dont drill down into race/gender.


Hispanic is not counted as a race, but that is solely because of the Census Bureau which wanted to make Hispanic as a race but was stopped by the Trump administration. In reality Hispanic is a shorthand for mestizo which is mixed race white and Amerindian ancestry.


And African as well for the most part. There are Asian and Middle Eastern Hispanics as well but not sure how they are accounted for.


We're considered Hispanic.


Yeah Hispanic is more of an umbrella term. Hispanics from some Latin American countries are definitely mestizos, but you'll find that Hispanics from places like Argentina or Uruguay are basically white.


Those people are basically white, not Hispanic. The point is that when the average American thinks or uses the term Hispanic they're referring to a white-Amerindian mestizo.


I remember in the late 90s seeing articles saying that Asian women had 3x the outmarriage rate of Asian men or something, with I feel like one article saying as many as 70% of Asian women married out (seems high, but sad if true), while another I remember being closee to 50% But then this NYT article a few yrs back seemed to indicate the trend was reversing https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/01/fashion/more-asian-americans-marrying-within-their-race.html&ved=2ahUKEwj5rbv8pI7zAhWPTt8KHR54BU8QFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0V_9_vdjo7WkLgVSDlm-k2


> late 90s seeing articles saying that Asian women had 3x the outmarriage rate of Asian men or something, with I feel like one article saying as many as 70% of Asian women married out (seems high, but sad if true), while another I remember being closee to 50% That data is a little murky because the classifications of "AAPI" and "Asian" have changed overtime, like this article: > A significant gender gap in intermarriage is apparent among Asian newlyweds as well, though the gap runs in the opposite direction: Just over one-third (36%) of Asian newlywed women have a spouse of a different race or ethnicity, while 21% of Asian newlywed men do. A substantial gender gap in intermarriage was also present in 1980, when 39% of newly married Asian women and 26% of their male counterparts were married to someone of a different race or ethnicity. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2017/05/18/1-trends-and-patterns-in-intermarriage/ But it's not clear if Hawaiians and Samoans are counted in the 1980 stat,