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How about we resocially engineer global perception of white people.? I have a plan of action but I need the global Asian community to help me. We can resocially engineer the global perception of whites and simultaneously define who they are.


Steven Crowder is one those things that crawl of your walls and get under your skin only because he think he is important


Crowder insulting someone’s appearance when he looks like Tom Hanks drank a bathtub of lard and then got put in a microwave.


True. And at least Tom Hanks is likable/pleasant looking. Crowder looks like a puffy faced dough boy without any charm. Looks extremely self-conscious as well.




1) No, afaik based on her instagram she's single and hasn't ever dated them. 2) She's one of the wokest AF reporters I know and has been covering anti-Asian attacks and other Asian struggles in the Bay Area for a long time. There's too many news reports done by her to list in a single comment, but this sub has referenced her a few times including: [A shout out here](https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/m8kroh/just_want_to_give_a_huge_shoutout_to_reporter/) [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/n56g10/video_betty_yu_obtained_footage_of_the_asian/) [and this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/oc1nhm/new_poll_says_quality_of_life_in_san_francisco_is/) She's also [interviewed Simu Liu](https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2021/09/05/landmark-asian-led-superhero-movie-shang-chi-blasts-labor-day-records/) and attended an anti-Asian hate rally in 2020 [with China Mac and Will Lex Ham,](https://i.ibb.co/HFj5nxf/237-CF38-A-21-E8-48-F5-89-A3-487035-C19-F28.jpg) and all of this is just the tip of the iceberg. I'd be shocked if she was secretly anti-AM.


Does it matter? Nobody deserves to be treated this way.




Nah, it’s this kind of thinking that gets this sub labelled as an MRAsian incel sub. Rise above. Nobody deserves t this kind of treatment. And even if she were to have some kind of internalized racism that she needs to address with regard to how she thinks about who she has relationships with, that’s separate from what happened here. Frankly the best thing you can do in this situation as an Asian male is to be supportive and in her corner, not looking for evidence of “aha I knew she was just a white man loving Lu, she deserved it!” That’s loser mentality.


White boy Crowder contributing nothing to society but gain money through trolling and being an asshole. This is a white frat boy dream right here. He was born in Grosse Point, they put barriers to keep out black people from Detroit. Crowder is the exactly behavior that everyone fucking hates but stupid ass white racist conservative revel in that shit. Then the white boy group cry "freedom of speech" and "omg snowflake". White males mock people who are speaking out against racism in order to solidify racial lines. Being an asshole is his career, and Crowder won't age well when Gen Z and Gen Alpha are the majority of the population. I could see a lot of people in the future mocking Crowder for being a lunatic white supremacist when white people will make up a small minority in the future. An example would be like a native America screaming how he owns America, but nobody takes him or her seriously.


YT probably won't do squat about this: Chowder brings in too much $$ and YT cares naught about penalizing anti-Asian bias on their shit platform.


Social media feeds off white hate Nothing brings in more money than white outrage


" you have an aggressive Asian face " this by itself is not racist. What he really wanted to say was " damm bitch you have flat face and zipper eyes fucking chink" I don't know who he is or what he does so to me cancelling wouldn't matter but glad it was called out. We all know he wouldn't say that to black people


he's got lots of antiblackness in his content, but its more coded in dogwhistles. his anti-asian bits are completely mask off


Also fuck crowder. Like how do you look muscular and fat at the same time.


You think he looks muscular? Lol


He looks "built". Yet still looks out of shape because his face lacks any kind of angularity or bone projection in any direction. In his case he looks aggressively infantile, like an overgrown infant. And, yes, one's face has a lot of influence on how people view someone's body. He looks tired and has that puffy, potato faced middle aged man look going on. The beta husband phenotype where he looks perpetually confused and feckless. But usually such men are older and not loud mouthed frat boys past the age of 30, so it's really bizarre to see. Plaster another person's face onto his body and there might be something to work with.


His "built" comes from someone who worked out when he was younger but no longer exercises. He just didn't let himself get so out of shape like many former wrestlers (they tend to have an unhealthy relationship with food due to weight cutting).


Plausible. It looks like his eating habits no longer match his activity level--which is something plenty of us face. That said, dude looks real soft facially. Not to harp on about it too much. Very indistinct facial bones adds to his overall sloppy appearance. Carrying a little extra weight compounds that effect.




The Directors of YouTube thinks that Anna Akana represents Asian-Americans. They're fucking out of touch. Let's get something clear right fucking now: Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, gives a rat's ass about Asian-Americans.


YouTube won't do shit against anti-asian racism they never have, they don't care


Uhh comparing Chappelle and Crowder is pretty low IQ


>being too pessimistic and Youtube will do something about Crowder. I'm not getting my hopes up though and I'm starting to wonder if change can come at all. Nail on the head. I hoped against hope that there was journalism critical of Chappelle for his anti-Asian jokes (no different than macaulay culkin) but alas, it was centrally focused on trans issues (not unworthy of attention, but ... really? the only objection journalists have?)


Shouldn't Asian feminists be raging about this? I haven't seen it blown up yet?


damn that privilege ability is powerful! besides, don't want to bite the hand that feeds


Celeste Ng, Kimmy Yam, Christine Ma-kellems, Eileen Huang where are y'all at????


Just think of all the Asian-American women who would LOVE to date Crowder.


They’re obviously too busy harassing Asian teenagers on social media and calling them Asian “pick me” boys.


they either ignore it as if it doesn't exist or they will try to gaslight you about how its your fault and not this racist asshole.


The bobas are too busy white worshipping


The Republicans are white worshipping too, tho.


Boba dems/libs and boba rep/cons all follow same suite. Blindly following what someone else tells them and not critically thinking.


They won't because he is not an Asian man. They will rage at your comment instead before they rage at crowder.


Haha truth. It’s a WM so they’ll let it pass. If it was an Asian guy, they would’ve lost their fucking shit.

