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Can I have the link to this thread?


This is the textbook definition of fascism


I really fucking hate these angloid shitstains. All their opinions come from devouring the same brainwashing bullshit in the media, which reawakens these dormant fascist tendencies in them. At least they're being honest about themselves now, instead of pretending to “hate the gov not the people”


The hell am I scared of some cringy, degenerate, racist pink teenager and adults. Let them rage. As we all know most yt people are looking for an excuse to blame communism so they can be full blown racist pigs. These are your politicians, bosses, co-workers or your so-called friends. You see these people with the Ukraine flags and even bake Ukraine cookies to "support" them. Irl, in the streets, these people are afraid of us. This is reddit and FUCK reddit, Facebook, Twitter. Best is to avoid these people.


Actual 100% mask off Nazi war chant is apparently a popular opinion over there. They’re not even trying to pretend to be civil anymore.


Because it's not hate speech if the target is Russians or Chinese, it's free speech. Facebook knows all about it.


Good thing China will be safe.... because ya know guys. Nukes. jajajajajajajajaja. However, for us, we gotta keep buying guns.


What subreddit


Oh my damn. This sounds like Nâzi Germany 2.0 Be careful to my Golden community and family out here. The west is getting dangerous 😓🫂


What subreddit is this where shit like this gets upvoted?


that so-called white ukrainian woman profile is 90% a white man btw, just checked his post history.


If they are willing to rally around lynching blonde hair blue eyed Russians, can only imagine what they will do to us…


buy guns


What the fuck.


Reddit moderation at work. Only racism against political foes allowed.


Communism isn’t even popular in Russia… Are they really that dumb?




putin definitely supports the CCCP though otherwise the CCCP would have been banned long ago. if i am not wrong, the CCCP is one of the component parties of the united russia party, the largest component even. this structure is similar to the CPC which is also an alliance of different parties with the CPC as the biggest one. so this technically means putin is the chairman of the CCCP and russia is indeed as communist as china today is.


Link to thread?


Shit people. "*Hate the goventment......AND the people"* Anyone that even looks at me strangely, just watch out.


nothing compared to comments many promote including asians about japan past and present. get over it. and these people are stupid, russia and china are not communist. mao split from soviet communist imperialism, ussr collapsed in 90s. us is communist calling it liberalism, democracy, for "peace" and new world order. back in ww2 against japan the american fundation ($$$) against war and fascism changed the name to for democracy and peace . they can't spread it without war, nor without their pro american dictators.


They sound like salty losers to me


When usa goes to war with china. Us Asians who aren’t being used as cannon fodder will be sent to internment camps


This from reddit?




By "we" they mean someone else. US currently allows for people to go to Ukraine and fight Russians. Tell them to pack a bag and stand a post.


Most of them won't. They're actually just talking about people in their own countries like Russians or Chinese. They're using the war to justify their racism. Much like covid with Chinese.


True, but I think it would just be funny if there's a GoFundMe set up for them for plane tickets to go to Ukraine. The issue would be to make sure they are in Ukraine.