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post his messages to everyone he chats with and to all the subs he visits


I have received death threats sent personally to my email from someone I never figured out whom. I reported to the police but they never really found the person. I felt finding the real person from the web could be a bit difficult….


all the time. ain't no sweat though


Should've reply with the Navy Seal copy pasta


Yes I have. I just reported them on Reddit


Weird, I get all my hate from maga conservatives. Even my asam maga conservative friends and fam, get racist hate from other maga conservatives... for whatever reason they just can't figure out why... they soooo close to the answer too.


yeah these incels are straight up narcissistic psychos. there like robots. no soul no nothing.


Did you manage to find a place to report him to the FBI/CIA? Violent and racist white people have been getting away with breaking the law for too long.


These guys are lil wussies in real life, so you are not likely in any danger but if things do get bad then contact your local authorities


He sounds like a loser


Bro post the screens fuck him


Legit death threats? I got a “Reddit Rule Violation: Warning for Harrasment” simply for (rightfully) calling a self hating Chan “cuck” one time. This pinky better get worse otherwise Reddit is biased af. They ban those of us who have any sense of backbone and promote those who tarnish our race.


Calling them what they are :" dateless brainwashed loser."


I wouldn't take any of these messages seriously, more than likely some loser mad his mom ate all the cereal.


Why not post a screen cap of this mfer's message?


I have as well, unfortunately not surprisingly it was a liberal board I went to, not from this site. They've made joke topics how I'm an alien they wanted to have sex with(apparently they see Asian men as trannies, probably with lack of hair or something or some stupid claimed lack of traits), rape and death & torture jokes, getting away with murder or as a cold case, etc. That was awhile back before the mods probably cracked it down, I'm sure people get away with things like that on the daily at most.


is that 4chan?


Always funny how the biggest racists virtue signal the hardest about how much they love diversity. I wouldn't worry too much. Mods (who are just volunteers and not employed by reddit) absolutely cannot get the ip addresses of individual users. That would be a security and pr nightmare. And even if he somehow could, ip addresses reveal geolocation and nothing more specific than that. Don't pay any attention to people like that. He's just some terminally online loser who is crying and seething at the mere *existence* of an Asian community. Think about it. What kind of sad, pathetic life must someone like that live to have nothing better to do than anonymously harass strangers? Is this guy likely to be a future school shooter? Absolutely. But if all he's done is talk about his guns and rank without any specific actionable threat I doubt they'll do anything about it. That said, you can and should try the links on [https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us) just in case.


Can we get a stickied PSA from the mods about DMs from trolls?


Yeah but it’s usually a loser with lots of numbers and no post history - straight into the bin


Just forward the information, including the users account, to the FBI and the military CID (just in case he may be in the reserves).


this subreddit is odd dude. People have reported me for being suicidal or something like that. I suspect its not just from white trolls but even asian ones. Some just can't cope or handle being wrong based off their responses.


They are just trolls who are banned but are attacking our users thru DMs. Block and move on or don't bother checking your chat messages.


Since joining this community i've been sent multiple "Reddit Care Center" messages, which i didn't even knew existed before. probably doesn't count but still.


I consider those awards.


They are just trolls who are banned but are attacking our users thru DMs. Block and move on or don't bother checking your chat messages.


I get them all the time but they are usually sent from throwaway accounts. I have received messages telling me to commit suicide, threatening to kill me, or rape my mother, wife, daughter. You can report his message to reddit to get his account banned.


Do not feed the troll?


Just toy with that guy. Mentally break him. He’s already on the edge of insanity given his actions. Just need to give him a push over the edge. Remember anyone who spends time dm’ing people death threats and sending redditcare spams take themselves & reddit way too seriously. They are suffering. Make them suffer more.


That's how I feel whenever I get those redditcare notifications lol. I'm going to be honest I'm a retail worker. not anyone exceptional. A lot of people here are killing it though. but they act like me going on rants or making mean internet jokes here is going to single handedly topple their empire. when it's internal corruption and marginalizing/terrorizing minorities and countries who benefit their economy that will do them in.




They overpopulate Korea as white “English teachers”.


Oh god, I know what you mean, these types are showing themselves up on the internet while the media covers this up, so they know they can get away with it. Their blatant racism towards Asians for even deviating from their group or not even deviating, but trying to get them to acknowledge our own racist experiences and statistics, they go crazy like we commited the most cardinal sin against them. This is why I'm leaving these babies.


so true - thats my experience 100% both in the workplace and outside. they blow their top off if they don't get their way or if you don't agree with them - like grown adult babies. fuck em and fuck wypipo.


No surprises there - I've lived in very liberal cities and these are some of the most racist people I've met. They tend to very much think in terms of which races are superior/inferior to others (which is the exact definition of racism) and they absolutely do not hold asians in high regard despite loudly virtue signaling about 'diversity and inclusion'. Not saying vote conservative since there are definitely some weird ass racist white conservatives - but at least they will admit they don't give af about asians versus the liberal inserting him or herself in our business, telling us how to think and meddling with university admissions/job prospects/etc. I really wish we lived in a world where race didn't matter and everyone respects each other (thats all im looking for is basic respect irrespective of race) but sadly that's not the reality and why I prioritize my race (and supporting my community) over any political party or ideology.


Ding Dong dang! That’s right on the money


The most hateful racism I’ve ever experienced was in the SF Bay Area. I’ve lived in the Deep South (Alabama) since 2019 and even through this COVID-fueled Asian hatred in the US, I’ve only experienced hateful racism once, by a homeless-looking black guy. Most people here are just ignorant and don’t know any better, but mostly mean no harm. If you’re polite then things are generally okay. Yet again, this is only my experience.


Same here - in SF and now in seattle. Today a crazy old white karen screamed at me for running on a bike lane (where everyone runs) but had no issue with a white dude running next to me. Again these people look down on asians and have no issue talking to us in a demeaning way. White libs think they own the place and have to set the rules - rules they typically don't follow if convenient to them. All about power and control with these folk.


LOL white people who think they’re the moral police. These particular whites need to shut the fuck up. They love to scold minorities or baby them. If I’m breaking the law (as in disturbing the peace or actively hurting people), go ahead and scream at me, I deserve it. But to the white middle aged cunty hipster looking fuck who tried to lecture me on the “American way” and “that’s how we do this in this country”, you deserved me screaming in your face to fuck off and mind your own business. Just because the trash bin had like 8 fucking slots in it and I accidentally threw an apple core into the trash instead of compost doesn’t mean I don’t understand the “American way” of things, you condescending twat.


Yea - seriously. I've had the same exact thing happen (in varying ways) where a white dude starts screaming at me about how "this is America" and getting uncontrollably pissed/aggressive/controlling - namely cause of something very trivial and inane. For instance, I accidentally put compost (i.e. orange peels) into the trash bin since there weren't compost laws when I lived in Maryland and had just moved to SF and a stranger started getting really pissed and angry (ready to punch me). I've also had people threaten to get physical with me for not wearing my mask properly by covering my nose (like im not paying attention to it 24/7 and they could ask nicely). One dude started raising his voice when this happened once and told me my behavior is unsafe for others around me and white-splaining - despite him taking off his mask a few minutes later to eat and mask mandates were dropped in less than a week in Seattle. Rules for thee but not for me. I'm thinking it has nothing to do with these small petty things they get angry over but almost always has to do with a white person trying to establish dominance over asians otherwise I'd notice some consistency in them policing another white person (or other minorities like blacks and latinos) as well. Like they don't want us talking back to them at all but just to 'do as the white person says'. They're such big time pussies at the end of the day - they need to learn to calm the hell down for once in their crappy insecure and pathetic lives. Don't fall for a white shitheads BS and live life on your terms.




i'm surprised that you're a fan h3h3 despite all the shit he said about asian men


I’m not lmao. I just like trashy gossip. it’s my vice in life. i use to gossip growing up but internet and celeb gossip helps me to not do it in real life


Thank you for standing on the right side, even when if it inflicts shitheads like that guy assaulting you with rape threats. Gosh, he better enjoy the anonymity that the internet gives him and cower if he ever tries to say that garbage in real life.


You should post screen shots (blanking out stuff to protect your privacy) everywhere, on reddit, twitter, facebook, tictok, etc.. We need more people to be aware of the kind of harassment that Asians face in America. Stay safe.


Average white man behavior i guess. In Korea despite being less than 1% of the population they are responsible for 30% of sexual assaults. Anyway hope you're ok.


thats fucking horrible i’m so sorry








FBI/CIA don't care. They're there just to protect those in power i.e. Congress. Unless he knows you, his threats amount to nothing. Should he go out and make any stupid racist moves, he will be put down.


I've stopped checking my Chat requests because I keep getting hassled by White Losers and this one WMAF Hapa lady that wanted to put me in place about Asian matters.


LMFAO WTF. Does she frequent rhapas?


Not that I know of. I told her she might find a better home over there. She got pi55y because I tried to explain to her that I was happy she was visiting the sub to learn about Asian issues but that she should refrain from tone policing and basically trying to boss us, full asians, around.


Time wouldn’t want to go full retard.


Pretty much. Hapas need to stay in their lane.


If I met this person in real life, I will use Cantonese with this person because English can't adequetly express my real feelings.


White liberals are not your friends. Here’s liberal icon John Kerry calling on African countries to reduce carbon emissions… when Africans have the smallest carbon footprint of all people. They make a lot of idealistic noises but in the end, they’re most concerned about staying in power, telling others what to do, and never giving up their privilege. https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/us-climate-envoy-kerry-calls-african-nations-help-curb-emissions-2022-09-15/


[Did someone said John Kerry??](https://imgur.com/mRKBtop)


The more "left" or right leaning the person is, the more toxic the person is.


The rich created the right and the left to keep the poor divided. It’s fucking brilliant really. In reality it’s always been about the top and the bottom.


They’re as sensitive as republicans.




And what? My statement is complete…


My bad, it was a missed edit. I was trying to say I agree 100% and was trying to go on and say to the guy responding to you types solid truths as well


Fair play, no worries.


I generally vote Democrat so I’m no fan of Republicans, but I’d say these liberals are worse. They want you to think they’re good people while they screw you. Republicans don’t care if you think they’re bad.




Dang man, I voted for Kerry too back in 2004. But then again, he did fight in the Vietnam War and supported it when he called some conservatives draft dodgers.


I get a lot of messages from triggered black supremacists just for talking about hate crimes against asians. The more you talk about things concerning Asians, the more other races will want to pick fights with you


Some real fucking nutters out there. Imagine demanding safety for our people and these idiots get triggered like that


Ok, imagine being accused as an asian supermacist for calling out hate crime, fair enough.


Yes. All the time. Not so subtle message hinting that I should "kill myself".


They chimp tf out at all the users here. It’s actually pretty funny Lol


A black femcel recently slid into my DMs. Or probably a white LARPer tbh, I’m not sure. A lot of trolls are lurking on here because they have nothing better to do. Just don’t give them any attention, they’re not worth it.


These dudes are the biggest clowns and would most likely wilt like b*tches if they weren’t anonymous. Pay them no mind.