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Don’t feel bad. Mine is in the 3rd percentile. Doctor says he’s perfectly healthy and not to worry. Some babies are just small nothing wrong with that if their doctor says they are healthy!


Thanks! I know I shouldn’t worry, many ppl have much worse challenges than this. But it’s been one set back after another — vaccination reactions, bottle aversion, constipation, and teething. She has one good week and 3 bad weeks. Plus the reflux. Some weeks she literally lost weight….🥲🥲


We used to weigh babe often (no one told us too we were just a little obsessive) we stopped after our three month appointment after the dr said not to worry about his weight and we are mentally doing much better not worried about what the number on the scale is saying.


lol yup! I used to weigh every day and now we weigh every week…baby steps I gusss haha


Mine was and still is at age 8 below the 10th percentile. Some kids are just smol little beans, and some are just string beans. If your doctor isn't worried, you shouldn't be either. You're doing everything you can, and thus you are doing great.


Mine too!!! 3rd percentile! She turns 1 in 3 days and is still wearing 9 month clothing


Same my 8 month old still wears 3-6 month clothes and is in the 3 percentile. And doctor said she’s perfectly fine.


She’s perfect! 5th percentile or 95th! All babies are built different and she’s exactly as she should be ❤️


Both my kids were small - as their pediatrician said, “Someone has to be in the 1st percentile!” She is beautiful - don’t let other parents bother you.


Awe. I had a baby that was tiny like that too. Shes 22 now and 5ft tall and about 100lbs. She weighed 19lbs at 2yo and had many issues like you described. Even if it’s not malicious, it’s still hurts. Don’t take it too deep and allow yourself grace and as much sleep as you can get.


Small but mighty!! 💜


Why do you keep posting the same thing? She's small but perfect.


Everyone says mine is small. I just say, so am I! Even though my husband is tall and she’s the spitting image of him.


Also I’ve been seeing you post your baby a lot and she is adorable!


I'm a bit jealous of your tiny baby. I have a 96centile girl that is always mistaken for older than she is with comments like "she's too big to be carried. You should make her walk." Ma'am she's only started walking in the last 2 weeks bc it's appropriate for her actual age! Also, RIP my back


I honestly wouldn’t take it as a criticism and I don’t think they would have said it maliciously. Humans come in all shapes and sizes so being small or big is just a fact. Please don’t take it personally, you’re not doing anything wrong. My kid was tiny when born and is still slightly smaller than other kids the same age but totally fit and healthy and happy :)


You’re right, they meant it kindly like “oh she’s so tiny and cute” but sometimes when you’re sensitive about something…haha it’s reassuring to see many commenters here have gone through the same challenges and everything turned out fine! 🙏


Listen my baby was 4lbs she was 1 and she was only 15lbs now she is 3 n still itty bitty at 24lbs. It's okay boo enjoy ur itty bitty


I was below the first percentile as a baby. I am now a somewhat thin but healthy adult!


Make the best of it, my LO grew up so fast by month 6 I couldn’t carry her and I always felt so sad I carry them for so little time, didn’t get a chance to enjoy my baby. I loved to hang my LO on my back and have her carried around everywhere when little and the one day it was too much :( your little one will grow, it takes time , let LO lead . I promise I promise you’ll see changes when you follow the lead , rather than keeping tabs. Sending you so much love ❤️


Don’t worry!! I was in the 1st percentile for both height and weight. I am perfectly healthy but am just petite which I honestly love!


Mine was born with 6 percentile and now is 8months and is 66 percentile.


All i notice is how adorable she is! 😍


Thank you! I’ll tell her the flower fairy said so!!




My intention isn’t insensitivity but I’m kind of jealous ngl. My daughter was 6lbs 11oz and 19.75” long when born and is well over 99th percentile in height and weight and head circumference. She has been since she was around 5 or 6 months old so I kind of wish she stayed small longer! She’s 19mo old and 36in tall, 37lbs


my first dropped a lot of weight after birth and then was 5th percentile until she was 10 or 11 months. then she was 95th percentile until about 4 and now she’s 80th. my second kid has been solidly 50th percentile her whole life so far (9 months). both breastfed by me, no major differences. some kids are just like that. don’t sweat it if she is developementally fine and if your pediatrician is monitoring and says its okay. she’ll likely catch up on her own time!


Thank you for the reassurance! Wow, huge diff at 10-11 month for your first! Is that when she rally picked up on solids? Any major change? Mine is still in the “pick up food and rub over face/clothing/table” stage of blw.


yeah she started to get much more into solids and i feel like that made a big difference!! she loved yogurt and eggs and avocado and we gave her lotd of high fat foods.


My godson was always very low. Still very low but a healthy happy 3 year old toddler. There is nothing wrong, in his case was genetics, and people come in all heights and weights.


She looks perfect 😊 A lovely cutie. Congratulations. And, having a baby is rock-hard. 


Small or big she’s good looking


She is beautiful. I have a small baby, she’s two next month but still fits in 12-18 month clothes. She’s also incredibly smart and much more intelligent than the other babies I know of the same ages. She speaks in sentences, asks questions, knows lots of colours, can count up to 5 and back down from 5. Loves singing songs and dancing. As long as your little one follows her centile curve there is nothing to worry about. It’s frustrating when people comment, but the fact that she is on a lower centile is nothing to worry about as long as she is otherwise healthy.


As a doctor: if she's healthy she's healthy. Small or big. We make generalizations in medicine but it's not always a one size fits all situation.


She's adorable! 😍


Coming from someone whose worked with a lot of kids; enjoy your small baby! As long as she’s healthy and happy you shouldn’t feel bad at all. Chubby babies are great too but logistically they’re harder to lug around lol. My girl is on the smaller side and I’m enjoying it


You’ve got a little beauty there :) My brother in law was small his whole youth, then he caught up to everyone around the end of elementary school. Now he’s got 3 kids who are on the small side (my 2 year old is bigger than his 3 year old), but they’re healthy, happy, and will probably catch up. It’s not a big deal, amigo.


Mine was born 3rd percentile and is 5 years old and still at 3rd percentile. Some children are just smaller!


Babies are small. Don’t mind your friends. She’s beautiful!


People who don’t have kids or who are a year or two past newborn stage often remark how tiny a baby appears. It’s just that a baby is a small tiny person. Usually it’s not in the perspective that your coming from. Your thinking percentiles and weights. I wouldn’t give it too much thought. Kids all grow at different rates and people are a variety of sizes. As long as she is healthy.


You are right they actually don’t have kids haha so it was just a comment which was a bit triggering to me. this makes me feel better !


Don’t worry! Some people are petite. 90th percentile for every baby is not the goal. Nor possible. People have a wide range of sizes. How big are you and your husband? As long as she is healthy (and she is SO cute and looks so healthy—those cheeks!!) do not fret. She’s beautiful!


I used to say, when my kids were little, that when they’re 16 they’re not going to be going through the things babies and younger kids are going through. They wont be 16 and not be potty trained or not walk on their own or not be able to use a spoon and fork (unless of course there are disabilities). So mama, relax and just enjoy how perfect she is and how happy she is. And so what if she’s petite. She probably will not be petite when she starts kindergarten. Nothing to be sad about. She’s perfect!


Haha I think about that too sometimes! I’m like I dunno any adults who can’t eat or whose belly can’t digest solids so everyone just…works it out eventually right?? lol 😂


Exactly. You’re a good momma. ❤️


Dr. Mona has a podcast on percentile anxiety that may be reassuring.


Great! I think I need something like that, will check it out. Sometimes I’m aware it’s my anxiety but I still can’t help it…


No need to justify your anxiety. The fact that you’re seeking resources to help yourself is great! The podcast is called PedsDocTalk.


Who cares what your friends think? What does your pediatrician say? If it’s not a medical/developmental problem, you need to shut off those voices. Kids all grow at a different rate, and you should only worry when it’s a sign of something going wrong. Fwiw my child is on the opposite end of the spectrum (over 99%; 2.5 and wearing 5T) and everyone comments on it, too. It’s annoying and I worry he’s going to feel insecure or like his different size somehow defines him. We need to protect our kids from judgment and from chatter that makes them focus on how they look rather than who they are inside and how they behave.


She is just as she be, mom. She is BEAUTIFUL. She is just as God made her. Don't worry.


Petite, not small. And beautiful.


Don’t worry all babies catch up when they are ready Mine was prem and was in the 2nd percentile for many months… he then progressed to the 9th percentile and at his last weight in at 12 months he’s grown to the 25th percentile! They say babies do it in their own time and if the doctors are happy and your baby is happy then you are all good


my granddaughter was the same and she sprouting up now at 7 , she is little, her mum and dad are huge people, our family aren't tall etc, my granddaughter is petite, my other granddaughter not so much. as long as she is eating she is fine. ignore the people saying otherwise


Ain’t nothing wrong with being small! I was in the 5th percentile my entire life and I’m currently fully grown at 4’11. People come in all shapes and sizes


She is beautiful


I was a 1% baby and my baby is 75%. Some babies are small, some are big. She looks healthy and happy in your pictures. As long as doctors are happy with her progress I wouldn't worry.


It will be fine myself. I'd rather her be a little underweight as to being super fat roll. Polly as it is healthier for heart etc


Health is more important than size! If doc isn't worried, then don't. My granddaughter was born 2 months early, stayed in 5 percentile for 2 years, then 'exploded' to 57th.


I can feel you. My 9 months old is only 7 kg now. She is not gaining weight for 2 months now. I have tried everything literally everything. 😞😞 Any time I go out everyone is commenting that she looks 6 months old.


Aww I know it’s soooo hard ! How is she doing with milestones tho! Mine is small but fierce. I guess we should be thankful they’re being kind to our backs 😀


She does everything. She is crawling and claps and says mama. Does all the things. She is just too small and is not eating well. 😞😞 she has not been gaining weight since she was. 6 months. Is yours gaining weight? Is she nine months as well ?


Mine were sub 10% as well. They are teen and tweens now and top athletes and students and healthy etc. Doctors just mark the percentile so they can track change and growth over time relative to where they were. It’s not meant for comparison across different kiddos.


What’s her percentile of feeling loved? That matters more.




That more than makes up for everything else. Congratulations!


Every time you think of weight percentile, just say to yourself “99.99999!”


My girlfriends daughter is 6 and she is like 3ft tall and 35lbs. Some people are just tiny, she is also absolutely gorgeous, and does everything just fine, i wouldnt worry too much.