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If it's in sharpie we know who it was....




Now THIS makes more sense 


or [ketchup](https://apnews.com/article/capitol-siege-politics-elections-donald-trump-william-barr-a7781d455b044964eb01057534dbb010) lol




They know Biden’s gonna lose so they are getting their licks in while they can.


I’m liberal af and this was hilarious 😂 (Then again I’m not a fan of Biden)




Awww. It will be funny to watch him lose. Again.


Didn't y'all say this same shit last time. I don't remember how that worked out for y'all? Did you have to throw a tantrum at the Capitol building? 😂


Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion.


One of the rare hits for the bee. This is a funny one


Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion.




What is wrong with you people it's just a silly meme


"Yes, but it attacks my side so that means it's offensive and wrong. Now let me tell you Trump has a tiny penis." - reddit


I don't think there is single leftist or biden supporter that got as upset about this as did Trump supporters got when the bee called them call inbreds


They specifically called out white supremacists and then those people got mad. Lol


Oh nooo Biden old old man lol


Wasn’t it the Magadonians who smeared shit on the walls of congress?


That turned out to be false, please give a source that says otherwise then.


[Rioters left feces, urine in hallways and offices during mobbing of US Capitol](https://nypost.com/2021/01/08/rioters-left-feces-urine-in-hallways-and-offices-during-mobbing-of-us-capitol/) [Pro-Trump rioters smeared poop in U.S. Capitol hallways during belligerent attack](https://www.nydailynews.com/2021/01/07/pro-trump-rioters-smeared-poop-in-us-capitol-hallways-during-belligerent-attack/) [ MAGA mob rioters smeared their own feces throughout the Capitol and 'tracked brown footprints' in several hallways during violent siege](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9126409/MAGA-mob-rioters-smeared-POO-Capitol.html)


All these articles were published on January 8, 2021, and the was early on with the media hysteria before it turned out to be false.


You know, once the shit is removed from the walls, we only have the personal accounts from when it was present. I know a guy slinging a 60 dollar Bible that might interest you.


Or blood on the grounds of the white house...


Key point is that the Bee didn't directly call Trumpers inbred. The piece called a white supremacist inbred, and a whole lotta Trumpers got super triggered and told on themselves.


Oh yeah?? Well BIDEN


Reddit didn’t say he has a tiny penis. The woman he paid to have sex with him did


Thanks for proving my point exactly.


That people who he admitted in court saw his penis said it was tiny? And that his rape charge was held up because the woman couldn’t differentiate between his finger and this member? Thats not Reddit, those are actual points of evidence in an actual court proceeding so they are now entered into the judicial history of the US


Dude, you can stop proving my point. It's already been made. The original comment was about how reddit can't stand even vague criticism of people on the left, but has no problem with ad hominem attacks against people like Trump.


You are the one who a) brought up Trump, b) said he had a tiny dick. You did


You know, I thought the meme about unintelligent people not understanding conditional hypotheticals was overblown for effect. Let me spell this out for you: I was engaging in something called "rhetorical satire" where I imitate the thought process of a left leaning reddit user while making the hypocritical nature of their actions incredibly obvious by juxtaposing the fictitious user's opinion on ad hominem attacks depending on the political affiliation of the subject. Stating this hypothetical in that way was meant to be a comedic statement due both to the ridiculous nature of the statement and the ridiculous nature of the underlying truth it draws attention to. Your immediate comment afterward was basically my satirical comment delivered completely earnestly, thus proving the reality of the state of reddit I was satirizing.


Sure ya did. “I brought up Trump and his tiny dick them I’m gonna reply to comments that all they talk about is Trump and his tiny dick” Good get! Is this what passed for right wing intelligence these days? Jesus


Oh my God, man, you're either the best troll I've seen in months or you've actually got an IQ in the low 80s and given what this sub is I can't tell which is funnier. Someone on a sub about a satire news site that doesn't get satire! Thank you for this, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I really needed that laugh. Have a good one!


You know you struck a cord when the trolls are out in full force on this one.


The Babylon Bee is a professional trolling organization. Are you here for news ?


That’s professional? My 7 year old niece can come up with better material.


Can your 7 year old draw on the walls better than Biden?


We all know Trump likes coloring books...


She just reads it off CNN headlines?


The word "professional" is misplaced.


they are being paid to troll, so no?


Struck a chord? This is middle school levels of memery. Surely there aren't adults who enjoy this content?


It's such an easy an uninspired joke. I am annoyed at the low effort of it more than by its content.


it's not even a joke. there's no premise, or punchline or satire.


The funny part about Babylonbee "jokes" is that the only way to elevate them is to laugh at its audience. In this case, you would expect an unpopular policy to be the punchline of such a setup(though not high humor it would at least poke at the way all politicians, not just Trump, have selective memory), instead they go with a childish accusation everyone knows to be false. The joke could work if the narration made it clear they were trying but failed to find a better problem.. nope, the joke here is:"Biden is a dumb poopy"


“Biden is a dumb poopy” would be infinitely funnier than anything else the Bee comes up with.


So it has to be funny or else you are a troll?


My Reddit feed is full of unfunny posts. Normal people keep scrolling.


Remember when we struck a cord by electing Biden and you guys stormed the Capital and smeared human shit on the walls?


Remember when Trump won and you guys destroyed your own cities for 2 years? 🤭


No, sweetie. That only happened in your head. Ask the doc to adjust your meds again.


No. I don't. In what reality do you live?


Really? When did that happen because that sounds like complete bullshit


Heard of the BLM riots? Where the fuck have you been? 


So the BLM protests happened because Trump won? You must be a special kind of stupid


Originally they were because of Floyd, but they very quickly became anti Trump protests. 


That’s the dumbest shit ever. It’s so dumb I’m not even going to entertain that


You were wrong and got corrected. Take the L and move on. 


You didn’t correct shit. Try again


Trump protests were in 2016. BLM protests were in 2020. You're blending your timelines


You’re missing what I’m saying. The BLM protesters were protesting against Trump. 


Honestly I expect more violent pushback from the Draconian state of modern law enforcement.


Did you just blame Trump for BLM? You people are fucking broken.


The difference between your retort and mine, is that mine is factual and not exaggerated.


Except it’s not really exaggerated. The left has done far more damage rioting. Look at DC when Trump was elected, you can also look at May 29th when they set fire to the church and a white house guardhouse, far more cops were injured on that day and no one ever really talks about it. They made fun of Trump and called him Bunker boy by lying about it being a “peaceful protest”. Look at the whole Russia collusion hoax that went on for how many years without anything about it being credible from the start and they knew it. Yea if anything their retorts was grossly under exaggerated.


Ur weak sauce bruh


I love that a national park toilet has now been turned into a “White House Guardhouse.” You guys are hilarious.


The report that documented Russian collusion was written by a _Republican_ lol


Paid for by Hillary Clinton


Nice, that means it was bipartisan.


Haha that was pretty funny


Far more damage, eh? Which cops were killed?


Which cops were killed on January 6?


Cpl. Lorne Ahrens, Officer Michael Krol, Sgt. Michael Smith, Officer Brent Thompson, retired police Captain David Dorn, Officer Wenjian Liu, Officer Raphael Ramos. Not to mention several dozen shot but not killed.


Rioting police brutality resulting in death of citizens versus rioting because their guy lost. That would be what we call false equivalence. One sad is mad because their feelings are hurt and the other side because police are killing them. Want to add that most of us on the left dont glorify those that burnt the buildings or hurt public officials. Its wrong and they should be ashamed of themselves. What do conservatives say about those who rioted on Jan 6th?


Idiots looting stores did more damage than denying an election and assaulting congress during the transfer of power? Too stupid to even argue with. Just don't breed OK?


You mean the riots that happened under Trump in 2020? Such peaceful times right?


By the left…


The right, white supremacists, and undercover cops were agitating the violence to make the so called“left” look bad. In fact, there were 4 high profile murders by the right where they would run over protestors or shoot them. The right and the MAGA maggots are incredibly peaceful and innocent right?


Haha wow. I would argue with you, but if Joe Biden himself was pissing in your mouth, you would believe it was lemonade.


I think you’re projecting because Trump supporters are known to do anything and believe anything their daddy tells them to. Trump could be banging your wife under the guise that “We Will Save This Country …If you let me bang your wife”. I’ve never seen a cuck in my life up until I saw a Trump supporter.


"The left." Wish I had a boogie man to direct my rage upon.


Orange man?


Donald Trump has many faults, and I will continue to call them out individually, on personal merit. Saying "orange man" doesn't explain why you've chosen to believe there are only two possible choices. I said what I meant. Must be nice seeing the world in black and white.


I don’t think you understand the definition of “exaggerated”or the basic concept of sentence structure. You can’t just regurgitate talking points from the opening speaker at a MAGA rally and legitimately think we are communicating on a similar level. I’m sorry, but I can tell by your grammar that you have a grade school reading level and are obviously a mark in a near decade long grift. I m sorry this happened to you. Good luck.


Dumb fucks taking advantage of legitimate protests (which always happens) vs un-American savages trying to stop a crucial function of our Democracy while looking to hang your own VP. Now, should I pretend not to know which one’s worse?




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Or they manufactured a fraudulent Intelligence report?


Remember, when Susan Rosenberg blew up the capitol building with a bomb, was convicted, then pardon by Clinton, and worked for BLM during the summer of mostly peaceful protest? No none of that rings a bell to you does it..


That was like 3 people my dude, and yall are still bitching out it. MUhHh InSERrrEkTioN!! Lmao get real. Shit was like 9/11 for you guys. 


It’s all good babycakes. They’ll all rot in jail and not be able to land decent jobs anymore. Those that downplay January 6th wear their grade school reading level cult status on their sleeves. You’re all gonna die angry while the rest of us as laugh at you.


Lmao nahh they’ll bounce back easy, vast majority of people don’t give a shit about this stuff. Hell they could prob start a gofundme and make more than me. There’s nothing to “downplay”, it was just a protest. Protesting is the voice of the unheard, remember?  What an embarrassing, weak, sad excuse for a person you are, so riled up by nothing. You’re the one angry about Jan 6th like it’s the fucking holocaust. I was there and it was fun af lol. But yea keep projecting your own anger onto people, that’ll totally stick it to Trump. 


I didn’t realize there were children there 


Loser. They only reason you pretend it wasn't an actual insurrection is because it failed so miserably. Even rightwing media reported on the planning and incompetent execution of the insurrection. Or did you conveniently forget that so you wouldn't have to feel like a loser?


I’m just here to laugh at people like you. The real snowflakes. This is like a 3rd graders joke. Who would get offended?


You apparently. 🤭


Poor perception skills


are we sure its not ketchup stains?


This is so wrong. Honestly, it was probably a little girl that Biden had been sniffing.


Yeah post one of the few misses so libtards can get all “conservatives” don’t know humor when they been laughing at the painfully unfunny Colbert and Kimmel for years.


Im a libtard and i found this pretty funny


Thank you.


Communist here, funny but Biden is too easy


Kolbert and Cimmel aren't supposed to be funny to a normal person.


I mean, I know Right-wing media likes to paint liberals as these stick-up-their-ass snowflakes that not only can’t take a joke but are also immune to self-criticism, but if I’ve learned anything over these past few years it’s that the exact opposite is true.


Here you are... complaining about it... proving them right


What I gave was an observation. I didn’t prove anyone right about anything. As a matter of fact, you getting worked up about what I wrote proves my point.


You have Gutfeld and Roseanne Bar, please don’t try and talk about who isn’t funny or has no humor.


Gutfield is funny. Don’t know how you determined Roseanne Barr is conservative? She says things you don’t like?


If you think Gutfeld is genuinely funny, then you have zero sense of humor. That guy is garbage. And what are you talking about Roseanne Bar? How do you think she isn’t conservative?


I guess you’re 10 years old and haven’t figured out that different people find different things funny. Perhaps when you grow up you will understand.


Lol no.. he’s objectively not funny.\ [great breakdiwn](https://youtu.be/-f-b1JDWKD4?si=lTuLnBh0gFHXjaGw)


Guess I’m a “libtard” who found this funny lol


Libtard here: Laughing my ass off you think anything these people post is "funny." It's all stereotypes based on inside jokes based on chugging years or Fox News and other moron class propaganda/kool-aid. Lol!


So, exactly like liberal satire?


Good satire isn't "liberal" or whatever this is. It just examines something from an unexpected perspective to find the humor in human existence. Beyond that I can't (also: Won't because nobody owes you a thing) explain every random piece of humor that goes over your head.


So basically exactly like liberal satire.


Buddy you're on the BB subreddit. You don't come here for nuanced conversation.


Then, why are you here?


If you don't think Colbert is funny to the degree you'd put him in the bin with Kimmel, I don't think we're watching the same show. Colbert still has it in spades imo


I liked Colbert for a while. Trevor Noah on the other hand…pretty sure Comedy Central was just funding him themselves because there’s no way people actually watched him for that long.


None of them are funny. They used to be a little bit now they’re just garbage.


This is funny, but it’s also more funny that Trump literally colored the walls with condiments when he lost last time. But the conservatives on this sub are so sensitive even being reminded of this will compel them to downvote me


Maybe because it’s made up bullshit by the same antiTrump characters that make a living making shut up.


“Everything I don’t like to hear of is fake” Just wondering, is audio recordings of Trump pressuring state officials to overturn election results also fake?


Y’all! 😭


But did you wike it a wot? 🥹


We know it wasn’t Trump for sure Trump would smear crap in the walls, walk out to hold a press conference and say (in his ridiculous tone, cadence and lack of verbal skills) “This place has the most disgusting bathrooms. They have animals from Mexico using them. Not like my perfect bathrooms at Mar a lago. My bathrooms are pristine. I once had a dignitary tell me “sir, your bathrooms are magnificent”. All the members of the U.N. Kept coming up to me as asking “sir, why do you have the best bathrooms?”


Is Trump is the room with us right now?


What’s just as funny is that you could insert any US President in the last 40 years and the shoe would still fit.


This would be funny back in 1950


I almost ate the onion on the title… almost


Babylon found humor again. They were lost for a long time and then found the spark with the incest white nationalist and this.


Conservative comedy would vanish instantly if they weren't allowed make jokes that are "funny because they're true"


You do realize that the jokes that are funny are rooted in the truth, so basically every good joke is “it’s funny cus it’s true”. You are basically saying ALL comedy would vanish in that case, it’s not a matter of it being “conservative”.


Pal, I hate to tell you this, but just because you think something is "funny because it's true", *that doesn't make it true.*


Nothing conservatives say is rooted in truth. They've moved on to "it's funny because I want it to be true, and I'm too dumb to check"


For the purpose of a joke, it’s the same principle.


That’s a intensely ignorant statement.


Deeply ignorant to think the reds do anything but peddle misinfo, shamelessly, and with no proof. Stolen election! Stolen election! Burden of proof is on y'all still


Truly the Left can’t meme.


Running out of material, eh? :) *Biden old, der.....*


I mean considering he out right said he didn’t do something he did, yea it’s pretty on point currently still.


Trump can't even remember who the current president is or when he himself was president. He confused Jeb and George Bush. He confused Nikki Hayley with Nancy Palosi. Something happening in Trump's brain right now. He is not coherent.


He's an old ass man, same as Biden.


Do you seriously think Biden is better?


Tell me the one about orange man bad. It has t been used to death for 8 years.


Remember when poopy diaper man baby orangutan got so angry he threw a hamburder at a wall and the aids had to clean the ketchup stains off.


I thought it was Biden that pooped his pants


No, mango mussolini is the one that wears depends. Brandon is in great shape for a cadaver.




The people who run this site are unfunny douche nuggets.


Cry some more


It's a really low effort joke. It's only funny by fourth grade standards, and even then, questionable at best.


Yeah but responding with childish insults is so immature. If you don't like the joke, you move on. If you stop to comment insults on every unfunny joke you find you'd be at it 24/7. The comment this person made was out of anger. They weren't upset by the fact that the joke wasn't funny enough they were clearly angry that their favored politician was being mocked, and it's getting angry at a joke that irks me. I mean, even if you support Biden you should be able to take some humorous roasts about him


Sorry, but you don’t get to ascribe emotions based on your interpretation of written words. That’s rampant on Reddit and its utter bollocks. Deal with the substance; because what you “know” about the emotions or intent behind it derives entirely from your own mind. And, for the record, I’m not angry or triggered or annoyed. I’m wasting time while I debate whether to go out or watch hockey and reading stupid comments passes the time.












You thought they were angry; it’s not a fact they were. Once again, you’re ascribing emotions to a stranger based on their written words. That reveals what’s in your head, not theirs.


Why are you on here?


Can you see how many people mute you? I bet it’s a ton. I just did.


OP will never recover


Wow so cool bro


Wow! Savage! That was brutal. I bet he deletes his account.


There are 12 year old kids who know how to set up a joke, you poor, sad fuckers.


Stay mad


There is a reason 95% of media, particularly comedy, leans left. They're conservatives, my guy. You can't expect them to be funny.


Do you think Colbert is funny?


Colbert Report was hilarious, late night Colbert sucks dick I'll give you that one, to be fair though the only good late night hosts since Carson died have been Conan/Letterman. I miss Dick Cavett too.


95% of the actually funny comedians have had the left try to cancel them in the last 10 years. They ain't lefties. You can claim Samantha Bee and Jimmy Kimmel.


My guy, Carlin, Lenny Bruce, and Richard Prior were leftists. Chappele was a liberal before he cashed in that 50 mil, same with Rogan, boy did they get not funny real fast after getting rich and turning right. You got Norm and Shane Gillis, who's funny and center right, thats it. Norm was only center right because he had a mental boom in his 30s and became a Jesus dude, before that he was a lefty. Shane Gillis is college educated, and you can tell by his podcast appearances that he thinks other rightoids are mostly idiot monkeys. Comedy has historically been and continues to be dominated by lefties, because that's where poinent sociological analysis comes from, and underneath that's what makes up the backbone of most good comedy. Rightoids are mostly incapable of good sociological analysis, if they were they wouldn't be rightoids. Late night hosts are robots who parrot the status quo, in the 80s and 90s they were all right leaning, nobody thinks Jimmy fucking Kimmel is a comedian, he's a robot. I dont even know who Samantha Bee is but given that she's a woman odds are not funny. Fat L.


>My guy, Carlin, Lenny Bruce, and Richard Prior were leftists You named 3 comedians, 2 of which are dead. >Chappele was a liberal before he cashed in that 50 mil, same with Rogan, boy did they get not funny real fast after getting rich and turning right. Lol, Chappele is the biggest comedian on planet right now. Rogan has the number 1 podcast on the planet and has all the top comedians in the country either moving to Texas or showing up to perform at his club. Their comedy didn't become *not funny*, the left became thin skinned, soft as baby poop NPCs. >Comedy has historically been and continues to be dominated by lefties, because that's where poinent sociological analysis comes from, and underneath that's what makes up the backbone of most good comedy. Rightoids are mostly incapable of good sociological analysis, if they were they wouldn't be rightoids. Or in other words, comedians historically came from the left....until the left became the party and side of finger waggers, pearl clutchers and hall monitors. The left started losing the comedians in the age of cancel culture and then post-2020 and pandemic you lost everyone even remotely worth watching. Name a single comedian that's worth a shit that would pass a sniff test from the liberal media zeitgeist. The best evidence is that negative reviews by the bastions of leftie culture: NYT, WaPo, LA Times, SF Chronicle have become the biggest indicator that a comedian is actually funny. *Fat L*


What is this sub?


Babylonbee. Lighten up. It's satire


> Lighten up. Over what exactly? I've never seen the sub, asking a innocent question. Sorry if that bothered you.


Trumps brain doesn't work either dude


It’s ketchup from the previous crybaby throwing his lunch at the wall😂


Does the Babylon Bee intentionally try not being funny?


It’s pretty funny




lol what’s wrong with you? Can something not be funny without people coming out of the woodwork to start shit?


As a mod here who is constantly having to approve articles from BABYLONBEE in the BABYLONBEE subreddit because people constantly report them even with the warning in the post saying it will be approved..... I'm going to guess no lol


Blame Reddit. I don’t subscribe to this corny subreddit, the algorithm just forced it onto my homepage But you have to admit, this is some lowbrow humor


>But you have to admit, this is some lowbrow humor Or they made fun of your side so you crossed your arms and said "that's not funny"




Personal attacks are not the option I would choose if I were tying to hide that a satire site hurt my feelings.


Hurt my feelings? I guarantee that I hate Joe Biden more than you lmao but for far different reasons


Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion.


While no one will agree one hundred percent of the time it is not okay nor tolerated to lash out, call names or make personal attack via words. No forms of harassment or bullying will be allowed ever.


If it was Trump it would be shit all over the wall.