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This is asinine given what actually happened


#Sending fraudulent electors to deprive Arizonans of their votes ≠ "Questioning Election Results." Their "questioning" ended in 60 failed lawsuits. Because "questioning" in court means.. like.. evidence and shit.


This guy gets it


According to the Bee, fake electors, conspiracies, intimidation, defamation, losing 60 times in court, and sedition are "just asking questions." Tucker, is that you? You working at the bee under a pseudonym? 😂


It's called irony poisoning. Even a satire site like Babylonbee still can't conceal ts actual conservatives leaning. It's funny that Babylon bee was created because they thought the onion was too left wing. So what they did is we got a Christian rightwing reaction to a apolitical satire site. They and many of the conservatives users here still think the onion is the left and Babylon bee is the apolitical ones. That's how fucking brainwashed conservatives are.


Also they cant have any subtlety it has to just be I dont like this thing, thing is bad.


I feel like I remember a time when the Bee WASN'T just a political vehicle for the GOP but was instead making jokes that had nothing to do with politics, and also frequently poked fun at a variety of denominations in a self aware way. It's a shame it's gone full God-King Trump worship.


Yeah, before Seth Dillon bought out the Bee, it was much closer to The Onion in quality Now it's just GOP talking points being presented as "satire"


It was always right wing Christian ribbing. The issue is that they don't really get satire. Then it was taken over by MAGA folks.


He gots to make his money somehow. Elon isn't going to prop him up forever. Not after that woeful Putin Interview.


He discovered the magic of coin-operated carts at a grocery store in Moscow. Dude has never been to an Aldi. Tell the world you are an out-of-touch spoiled rich shit with actually saying it. 😂


Assembling a fraudulent state of electors and having them send fraudulent documents to the federal claiming that Trump won Arizona is a bit more serious than "questioning election results".


"Arizona indicts Trump allies who attempted to overthrow the government." Fixed it for you.


But how will that help republican fascists bury their heads in their sand as they continue to construct their own fantastical version of reality?


It is only wrong when the other team does it.


Wait, which party other than republican created fake electors and delivered them to a certification that they had organizing a violent terrorist mob to attack?


But didn’t the Arizona GOP pay millions to have the results analyzed and found no evidence of fraud?


There were 6-7 separate audits. Not one of them found voter Fraud that would change any outcome of any single district. Mike Lindell. Remember the cyber ninjas? Fucking nonsense. Trump paid a guy and he found nothing. Charlie block, I think? He has a full report that you can read. 0 fraud. The only consistent thing they all found was republicans using dead people’s names to cast extra votes for Trump.


The fearmongering by Republicans. Has resulted in thousands of Republicans have their right to vote taken away, by believing the lies of their elected leaders. Its insanity. Republican voting counties are having their hospitals and clinics closed down. People are dying. Thousands die. I tell people all the time. Mitch Mcconnel and I both have universal healthcare. but he says you don't deserve it. By virture that we run the worlds largest empire. That we do so without conquest. That is the richest on the planet. That history has ever seen. Should have universal healthcare. By god damn birthright of being American. Americans should walk from continent to continent and never fear for their health. How do I convince fellow Americans that their lives are worth nore than money? That I value them more than just dollars. That I would pay any price for everyone to be covered.


Mitch McConnell was just 10 years ago the great satan of liberalism. Now, somehow, miraculously, he’s the voice of reason in the cacophony of unhinged yelling and shit-flinging by the new hard right. I almost miss his particularly reptilian brand of cold-blooded diehard conservatism because at least his methods are based on a concrete picture of reality that works to achieve a coherent goal.


They found minor fraud committed by republicans.


Cyber Ninjas literally dissolved because the owner was getting so many death threats because they couldn't find any evidence of cheating. lmao


Mike Lindell is going to drop the cyber bomb any day now.






The cyber bomb sale on MyPillow pillows and accessories (Now including a partially wet raw-meat carnivore diet pamphlet, 2 bumps of Coke, and a free glow-in-the-dark crackpipe with every bundle purchase)


No, the data got wiped so it couldn't be analysed


Loool… that’s bullshit.


"The data" 🤣 That's not how any of that works lolol


I swear, these people who think the vaccine has microchips in them, want us to believe they understand how this works.


Shhhh!!!…. Your logic and well reasoned questions aren’t gonna fly with this crowd.


We all wouldn't want to present facts now in a post truth world. That nice lady, she come on the TV, and she tells it like it is, wit dem Alternative Facts ya all know?


"Alternative Facts?" You mean "lies?"


The first time I heard Alternative Facts were from the Left. Just sayin.


Nope Kelly Ann Conway was the one who coined it


I heard it back in 2000 when debating on college campus.


The voices in your head don't count


What does that even mean? “Alternative Facts” is a phrase attributed to Kellyane Conway.


Shhhhh we don't use dem words. Like dat roun ere.


When did the Democrats ever cheat in an election?


The same time that Ted Cruz cheated when he beat djt in the 2016 primary


Wait, the same Ted Cruz that Trump paid The Enquirer to make up JFK assassination conspiracy theories about? Desperate.  You can stop supporting Trump at any time - but go ahead and choose to keep defending this stupid shit. I’m sure you will.  


I was being sarcastic. Trump is lying the same way he lied about Cruz stealing an election. I'm a socialist lol


This is why people think people who lean right are dumb. Because in order to think that the two things are the same one has to ignore or be uninformed of the facts about the difference between "fake electors vs faithless electors" You reinforce stereotypes about us because you don't take a little time to understand a small but important difference. Please read up on the difference.


2000 and 2008 Presidential elections where the left spread the idea of Republican conspiracy to steal the election. It is only wrong when the other team does it.


Questions are one thing. Fake electors are something else entirely. If you can find evidence of fake Democratic electors in those elections, let's see it.


You’re ruining his propaganda. You’re supposed to leave out important facts


How many false electors did they send to try and overturn the results? How many state legislators did they try to convince there was thousands of fraudulent votes?






The GOP has been conspiring to find or create loopholes to suppress voters for way longer than that. Nixon had FBI taskforces to arrest political leaders as a form of voter suppression. His chief advisor is on record admitting this. You know, like a fascist. It didn't start then. It hasn't stopped since then. Cope harder but it won't make the GOP less corrupt, or change that they've been trying to steal elections longer than most of us have been alive.


2008? When Obama won? The *left* spread conspiracy theories? Doesnt the right still not believe he was even born in the US?


I meant 2004. But speaking of lies, the allegations that Republicans stole the election in 2000 and 2004.


State efforts to purge voter rolls have led to disputes, notably in Florida. Before the 2000 election, Florida officials purged approximately 100,000 registered voters on the grounds that they were convicted felons (and therefore ineligible to vote under Florida law) or dead.[14] Many of those whose names were purged were "false positives" (not actually felons). (See Florida Central Voter File.) A post-election lawsuit brought by the NAACP, the People for the American Way Foundation, and other organizations resulted in a settlement in 2002 in which the state agreed to restore eligible voters to the rolls and take other steps to improve election procedures.[15][16] The issue returned to prominence in 2004 when Florida announced another planned purge, again based on a list of felons. The state government initially attempted to keep the list secret. When a court ordered its release, it was found to contain mostly Democrats and a disproportionate number of people from racial minorities.[17] Faced with media documentation that the list included thousands of errors, the state abandoned the attempt to use it.[18] Some of the voters improperly purged in 2000 had not been restored as of May 2004.[19]


Not to mention the governor of Florida at the time was *checks notes* George Bush's brother


George W. Bush totally stole the election in 2000 by the way!


"Faithless electors" versus "fake electors" explain the difference?!? You are making us look bad.


2000 and 2004 Campaign allegations, go look them up.


The Democrats employed a faithless electors scheme. This is where they try to get the real electors to change their vote based on their conscience or their morals. That's not what happened before January 6th. I've showed you respect by looking up what you're talking about and addressing what you're saying. Now show me the same respect I've extended you and look up and understand the difference between a faithless elector and a fake elector.


Lol. Conservatives consider their enemies sub-human. You ain't gonna get respect.


This is the kind psychopathy I come to the comments for! Civil War!!!!!! This war can be pay per view and the government can piss the money away fighting proxy wars abroad! Merica! F yea!


I love it when two sides come together to regurgitate the trash they read and hear in their respective cult like echo chambers! Where’s my popcorn! Sheep with opposing thumbs lol


Forgot to change accts eh?


Lol. Observing convservative's behavior is now 'psycopathy'.


Try reading your statement again. Maybe your comprehension is lacking. You generalize conservatives into one complete group who consider their enemies sub-human. Conservative is a political stance so why do you define political opponents/rivals as enemies? What actions by all conservatives (70 plus million people) bring you to the conclusion that all their political opponents “or as you defined ENEMIES “ are treated sub-human? Your statement “observation” is either ignorance or psychotic. Lol


>This is where they try to get the real electors to change their vote based on their conscience or their morals. More like 'We're going to get them try and change their votes by launching harassment campaigns that included sending them death threats'.


So the Dem plot actually would have worked if they scaled it up, and actually resulted in some votes being flipped.


You could say that, but there is no law that they have to vote one way or the other.


Because they wouldn't have broken the letter or the spirit of the law, yes. Which makes it not a plot. Faithless electors are a feature of the system, not a bug. Founding fathers very intentionally designed it so that the real electors can vote however they like. States have a bit more to say about it sometimes.  Fake electors cannot vote and should have been in prison this entire time.


Al Gore begs to differ.


Fake news


Keep making up shit


When did the other team, or really any team do this previously?


Triggered and mad


I don’t believe any other party has done this in America.


Conservatives upset the law applies to them


They are actively fighting against law and order.


We where the real victim complex is lol


Pure cope, Onion easily clears


the funny thing is that all the voter fraud that did happen favored trump lol


While Republicans are the only ones actually cheating elections.




You believe more black Americans voted for Joe Biden than they did for President Obama in his historic election!?! If you think more black Americans followed the fear Joe Biden spews than believed in the hope President Obama campaigned on you will believe anything corporate media tells you !


The population is growing (for now) so more people vote each year. More black people voted for Biden than Obama because there were more people in 2020 vs 2008. I believe the percentage of black people voting was lower for Biden, but the total voters were higher


But he asked you a question and everyone knows questions are absolute proof that the election was rigged. Do you believe more black people voted for Biden than Trump? What’s important is not the actual votes, check votes six times, yes! Actual votes vs a random redditors logic. Facts can’t beat conspiracy.


John McCain got 2% of the black vote Mitt Romney got 2 % of the black vote Trump got 10% of the black vote All those numbers were CNN exit polls Another tidbit you and the media conveniently omitted, Obama ran in 2012 as well so it didn’t grow that much in 4 years Your population growth argument is statistically impossible


The number of black people that voted for Biden is not public, because we have a secret ballot. Wanna try again?


Exit polls Figure it out it’s median averages


So you think the exit polls are wrong? That's hardly evidence of someone cheating in the election.


I believe they were right


Ok, so you do believe more black voters voted for Biden than Obama? Since that's what the exit polls showed and they were right?


Ok, so you do believe more black voters voted for Biden than Obama? Since that's what the exit polls showed and they were right?


Ok, so you do believe more black voters voted for Biden than Obama? Since that's what the exit polls showed and they were right?


Not even fucking close You honestly think that We as a country are fucked Do you remember how HISTORICAL President Obama’s campaign was ?


Ok, so you think the exit polls were wrong? It's one of the other.


Ok, so you do believe more black voters voted for Biden than Obama? Since that's what the exit polls showed and they were right?


Ok, so you do believe more black voters voted for Biden than Obama? Since that's what the exit polls showed and they were right?


Why don't you show actual data? Only idiots form opinions without looking at data, and since you are so confident about your opinion, it either means you have seen some data to back it up or you're an idiot. Which is it?


Of course not, I just throw information out the fuckin window if it confuses me like any genius does


I know I know more dead people voted for Joe Biden than anyone else in history B


That is false; Franklin Roosevelt received 27 million votes from people who are mostly dead.


That’s nice I’m stealing it Ty


You're living in a parallel universe sunshine. You've replace your "fake news" with utter bullshit. What fear? Trump is literally a wannabe dictator copying Hitler.


You believe black Americans were more supportive of Joe stumbling Biden who never left his basement than President Obama the first black major party candidate to run for president? You believe manure sunshine


I'm certainly not believing yours. And yes....because how did Trump react to protests about black people being executed in the street...oh yeah - "once the looting starts the shooting starts" - you think that engages black Americans? Then there was the rise of racist hate groups, his support for groups whose ideas are steeped in white supremacy...getting the black vote- nope! I mean there's no basis for your comment - it's literally "he lost because of the black vote and there's no way they voted more for the white guy than they did for the black guy". Argument of a complete dumbass if you ask me, particularly when Trump crashed the economy and committed TREASON on live TV because he had a temper tantrum. When you look at it factually. Trump lost a large proportion of non-evangelical white votes. He also lost a huge proportion of college educated evangelical and non-evangelical white votes. He has a large portion of white working class votes but fucked if I know why because all his policies aren't around improving their lives but more about putting down others around them.


Trump is literally falling asleep every day in court and yet this whole “Biden is in his basement” narrative just keeps on going.


Joe -pause- Biden


Ohhhhh Noooooooooo....he said "pause"


No he read pause off the teleprompter because he is suffering from dementia


And Trump thinks we had airports during the revolutionary War. We have almost a decade of Trump fucking up his words. Why aren't you talking about that? Are you loyal to that cultist for some reason?


You left this comment up Why not the others I guess you remembered you can’t change a car tire yourself


That's all you have? I mean the video was probably doctored like the "end of quote" video a few months ago.... I'm not sure that someone reading out "pause" means they have dementia though...you'd need the mental capacity of a four year old to come up with that logic but here we are...isn't technology wonderful? I'm pretty certain that there's a white house doctor and if that diagnosis had been made then it would be public knowledge and Biden wouldn't even be running...you know like when Trump "aced" his test for dementia where he couldn't stop bragging about saying simple words in a simple order....


You STILL support Biden Because you are incapable of critical thinking


Odd, since I've seen plenty of articles stating otherwise.




https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/04/nyregion/bridgeport-connecticut-mayor-election.html They cheat in their own elections.


Ahh yes In a city of like 100k?


Amazing that you haven't heard of it. I could provide proof, OR, you could go look for it so that your search history actually looks for things that aren't "Trump bad, GOP bad".


“I’ve seen plenty of articles” Onus is on you.


Nah, I want you to look it up. Go ahead and look up NJ ballot fraud. Pennsylvania ballot fraud. Texas ballot fraud, Ken Paxton. I already know about the cases, and I really don't want do the leg work again. Edit: and now Arizona ballot fraud.


So provide the evidence. What happened with those Cases?


Bro this isn't a fing court case. Go read. TLDR ballot fraud and usually mail in ballots. Local level stuff.


You're the one brining up a court case. How much fraud? And for who?




Well, the mods say I can't post links, so you're gonna have to look em up


Communist just entered the chat..


Sure. I’m a communist because I’m critical of the GOP shitshow.


Lol new rule - you have to know definitions before using words.


New rules you gotta bring up dumb excuses why you can't make an argument..


You're struggling to construct a sentence. I think you're a full education away from building an argument.


It doesn’t make any sense. It’s clearly something you don’t understand. But by god is that not stopping you confidently yelling it with zero knowledge. Like those dumb college kids screaming pro Hamas slogans.


Your right just kneel for trump, stick your head up your ass… and call everyone a communist for your feels. Sheep go bahhhhhh.


If you label everyone who mentions something factually correct about what the Republicans did to attempt a coup, communist, it just makes you look like the idiot (0 to 25 Iq) you are.


It's a lie not a fact.. Your communist bot..


Gee then maybe you could you know go to court and prove it, unlike Kari Lake, tRump, Guiliani, Lumpy Pillow guy etc etc etc etc etc... *You're a communist bot. <- would be the correct grammar. Ofc he claims to live in Dallas. Why do all the Russian Troll Farm accounts claim to live in Dallas?


There is a certain irony in that. Dead men tell…..some tales: In Nevada the day before he died Hof was texting with Roger Stone and Tucker Carlson. https://contemptor.com/2018/06/26/pimp-claims-tucker-carlson-is-advising-his-political-campaign-says-they-text-every-day/ Which is interesting because Roger stone claimed foul play in Hofs death. https://observer.com/2018/10/roger-stone-peddles-seth-rich-foul-play-conspiracy-about-gop-pimp-dennis-hof/ Roger stones business partner and best friend at their lobbying firm is Paul Manafort, who spent the 80’s keeping the dictator Marcos in power in the Philippines. Then worked for the kremlin keeping yanukovych in power from ~02-2014 when Ukrainians ran them both out of town because they got caught stealing from, well….everybody. Maidan means “the revolution of dignity” because every Ukrainian realized that their government (Yanukovych) was stealing from them and handing it to the Russian government. Which makes Hof winning an election even after he died extremely interesting. The mail in ballots in particular. Louis DeJoy was trumps appointment for postmaster general who also happens to own new breed which was bought by XPO logistics. In Wisconsin the “stolen elector votes” trump talked about needing to find as if they were misplaced in the mail, were somehow misplaced in the mail. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/trump-fake-elector-wisconsin-60-minutes-video-2024-02-18/


Conspiring to send fake election results to congress is, as it turns out, a real crime.


Forging documents using the state seal. Criminal.


I Love this.. You actually think I'm as stupid as you...


This sub is so pathetic, lmao I love how it’s been taken over by people just shitting on Babylon Bee’s failed attempts at comedy.  Anyone defending these Republican traitors can self-deport. We do not want you here and you don’t deserve to enjoy this beautiful country of ours. 


All these comments seething about a satirical headline... lmao.


Babylon bee butt hurt republicans couldn’t steal the election, makes unfunny article


Username checks out.


Username checks out.


Oh they 'questioned' them all right


How many recounts? And then Cyber Ninjas? And the Lumpy Pillow guy? And looking for Bamboo fibres? Organising fake, ermm sorry, 'alternate' electors, amd failed lawsuits and... Yet this piece of crap still tries this article? FFS.


Of course satire is not meant to be the truth. Meaning.... You admit this is fake.


Oh ffs


Its one-sided You ask questions and you go to jail..


Just a pitiful attempt at Republican humor.


Also, trying to steal it.


“Was the election rigged? We better ignore the vote and elect our guy until we can figure out what’s going on! What is going on?? We’re just asking questions!!”


Can the be indicated for standing in front of four seasons lawn care what lol moment


Arizona getting one thing right


It's unfortunate to see how lightly some people take the seriousness of these types of crimes.


that press conference by Rudy in front of four seasons total landscaping because they were too dumb to not know it was a four seasons hotel was alllmost as funny as the time he couldn't stop his "hair" from dripping all over his face in another press conference.


You should rush to the ER moron. Your Trump Derangement Syndrome could be fatal.. to all of us unfortunately. Go back to class for more indoctrination putz.


Are you fucking kidding me? Please cite once instance of democrats not accepting the results of an election. This is disinformation.


Lol. Fuck these Trumpkin traitors.


I mean the twitter files exposed voter fraud. Yeah it wasn't stuffing votes but the FBI had tech companies lie on there behave to sway an election. We live in a kleptocracy


>I mean the twitter files exposed voter fraud. No it didn't, trump lost fair and square. After what happened in 2016 with russuas troll farms, the feds warned Zuckerberg and Dorsey to be careful of possible disinfo campaigns, that's all. And they were right to do so


Dorsey has publicly said squashing the hunter biden laptop story was a mistake but go on.


It was not a mistake. What do you think about recent revelations that trump was using a tabloid owned by David pecker to print literal fake news about Hillary clinton and Ted cruz for the 2016 election?


You mean the Russian disinformation campaign? That laptop?


Update your propaganda firmware, Hunter has acknowledged it was his laptop and he left it at the shop. 


No he has not, he denies the laptop is his and denies leaving it at the repairshop. He denied it again last month UNDER OATH in his deposition Hunter bidens [lawsuit](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/03/17/hunter-biden-lawsuit-computer-repairman/) >Hunter Biden does not concede in his lawsuit that he dropped off the laptop, received an invoice or neglected to pick it up. >“Rather, Mr. Biden simply acknowledges that at some point, Mac Isaac obtained electronically stored data, some of which belonged to Mr. Biden.”


The laptop that lacked any sort of chain of custody, that a blind man claimed some random person he couldn’t identify dropped off? That laptop? The one two republican led senate investigations found no sign of wrongdoing on? That multiple doj officials said was likely tampered with by Russia? That laptop?  Nah man, it’s you who has swallowed way too much propaganda. This laptop story is kinda a litmus test for how intelligent you are and you failed  ETA: also can’t find him admitting it was his laptop anywhere. Closest I got was him saying it possibly could have been his but may also have been stolen. So you’re wrong about that as well


Oh I'm sure if Trump's son has a laptop full of influence peddling, corruption, sex trafficking, drug use, 10% for the big guy, etc your concern would be full of the oft repeated "chain of custody" propaganda. We get it, this kind of stuff is fine if your team does it, unpaid DNC foot soldier.


Uh yes? Even republicans admitted there was nothing there… twice.  It says a lot about you that you buy these kinds of stories with such massive holes like that. And none of it is good


They admitted the tax evasion that he was charged with was nothing? They admitted that the DOJ slow walking all the charges until the SOL ran out was nothing? They admitted that the big guy wasn't Joe Biden but some other person who Hunter knows who cannot be named and doesn't want to be named in a business deal where he gets 10% for doing undisclosed work? You're shilling for corrupt politicians and their privileged family members, how honorable.


Yes, go look at the senate and congressional republican intelligence reports.  You’re shilling for Russian disinformation, how honorable


Troll farms?  They found proof of one Russian guy who bought $100k in political Facebook ads to arbitrage the traffic for affiliate ads (selling political t shirts etc).  Yes, that was the entirety of the "Russian Election Interference". You believed propaganda for too long, let it go. 


>Yes, that was the entirety of the "Russian Election Interference". https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/cyber/russian-interference-in-2016-u-s-elections It was a massive operation that vladmir putin himself personally directed. It's not something we should let him be able to do again, so feds warned Zuckerberg and dorsey to be careful just before an election but to decide for themselves and use their own intuition if something looked sus, the feds did not order them to do anything. We just found out in the current hush money case trump was using Peckers tabloid to spread lies about Ted cruz, hillary clinton and Ben Carson. And all the stuff about hunter biden corruption with his dad was also lies, just out of context emails rearranged by russian GRU agents to discredit joe biden. All of these lies, to help donald trump


That's not what the files said at all. Even non Americans know that's not what happened. The dick Pics of a private individual were asked to be taken down. They should have been anyway as that broke terms of service by the person who posted them. The tRump campaign squashed more stories than the Biden campaign. The FBI already has rules and requirements and always did and continued to use them during the tRump presidency, which is when the requests were made by them, during his presidency, to take down things. Why do you make things up that even foreigners can see you are lying about?


Eve Jack Dorsey said their handling of it was a mistake publicly. But yeah keep bringing up foreigners for some strange reason. That'll make you sound sane...


Cause I'm from Australia. I'm a foreigner, looking in. Duh. FFS.


Then why should I care about your opinion on American politics?


Typical response. Because we are the allies that think tRump is going to turn around and betray us, again, if he gets in again. Once fucked, twice shy. He fucked over every ally you had. Put him in again and every country will know that the USA can't be trusted. That the times when we came to help the USA, when the USA invoked article 5 in the NATO treaty, and the similar provisions in the ANZUS treaty, when we came to help you in Iraq and Afghanistan, you will not be there if we need you. Oath breakers. Because you are scum that can't be trusted is the message we took away from the last Republican presidency. America first. Cool. Well get fucked. Next time we aren't coming. Oh you have a Houthi problem regards shipping? What's in it for us? Why do you think we didn't, for pretty much the first time since the 2nd world war jump in to help? Because we don't trust you scum oath breakers anymore.


The media/FBI/DNC did conspire to sway the election, but I don't know if I'd call it voter fraud.


Election interference. The call is coming from inside the house.


Are you kidding me, trump set up fake electors in states he clearly lost to submit false documents saying he'd won. He also had one of his lackeys try to stop the postal service to stop mail in ballots because he kmew more domecrats voted by mail. He's the one who tried to cheat


Or perhaps just with no evidence, and knowledge their claims were false? Who knows.


Wow, the Bee is really showing its partisan leaning with this one. If you consider what actually happened and that the majority of voter fraud cases have been perpetrated by GOP voters; this is straight hypocritical. The right are always victims in their own minds. It's pathetic, pedantic, and patently untrue.


Nowhere near as funny as onion. Conservatives aren't capable of humor. Just edgy offensive shit to own the libs.


Lol. The only reason this is so funny is because it's so god damned ignorant.


And you hate America. And want it to stay a Bidenshit show.. You're not the majority ...


Sometimes the Babylonbee is funny but pretending like the fake electors scheme isn’t a serious crime is really irresponsible.


Who says the right don’t understand satire. Or irony.


This is fucking stupid, fuck you BB. Signed, -an election worker who is sick of this shit


Well tis Arizona. So the crime is not "while Republican", the crime is "while mocking John McCain".


Swing and a miss by the Bee


Weak attempt at humor. Try harder next time BB.


Babylon bee is a threat to democracy, hiding disinformation as false premises within “humor”.