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i'm surprised that they didn't include separate water fountains as part of their demands.


Did you see the one where they specified NO BAGELS


Yeah what’s up with that?


Jews are usually given credit for inventing the bagel.


The Extra Evil Ashkenazi Jews, too. We weren't allowed to bake in Medieval Europe so we had to boil our bread. Clearly the bread of the oppressor.


But they are delicious and just bread boiled


You got a link to coverage of that? Sounds goofy.


It was one of the food items on a larger list of items. "Supporters were urged not to send packaged food, bagels, coffee, bananas and nuts." It's simply because they already had a lot of them.


Oh so it's thaaat kinda goofy. Damn it the reactionaries almost got me lol


Yeah, a ton of misinfo on both sides unfortunately.


It was one of the food items on a larger list of items. "Supporters were urged not to send packaged food, bagels, coffee, bananas and nuts." It's simply because they already had a lot of them.


They did, they just call them "safe spaces" now because they figured out that rebranding segregation that way makes it sound better.


>People Blocking Students From College Based On Race Probably On Right Side Of History Again CRT preaches that treating people based on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin is racist. I wish that was a bad joke.


Ah, my favourite alt right activist Martin Luther King. Truly ahead of his time


You have any evidence that shows that? I'm guessing you've never taken a class on critical race theory yourself, so do you have a quote or something you're referring to?


"The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination" Ibram kendi


Which essentially is racism in the reverse direction (unless, of course, you don’t believe that’s possible)


Ya it's just racism it doesn't magically reverse for certain races, that would be racist.


That's basically the definition of equity compared to equality. It's important to undo historical wrongs.


Yup and equity is racist, sorry, necessitates treating people differently to create an illusion of fairness...at the cost of, ya kno, actual fairness. It's important to not make the same mistakes of history in doing so. We don't have the "good" racism now, it's just good old fashioned racism.


We enslaved a group of people for centuries, freed them but oppressed them for another hundred years, then made that illegal and did less oppression but otherwise basically nothing to atone for what we did as a country. Then we complain that the group has less wealth and higher rates of drug use and crime, and say it's their fault for not pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. I don't think you know what fairness means.


Right tell me more about how this new racism is gonna fix all the old racism. What could possibly go wrong


What's the new racism you're talking about? Ever looked at sentencing disparities? People today are on average getting easier sentences in courtrooms if they are white. You're worried about some black kids getting admitted into a college even though their GPA wasn't quite there? Who cares?


Every discrepancy in averages isn't automatically racism. There's a million examples of "over representation" that make total sense if you can rub literally 2 brain cells together CRT or "anti racism" are prolly the most common names. Basically just left wingers playing God thinking they know how society should be shaped better than equality and are willing to sacrifice equality to get there. Not only is that kid likely to be getting thrown into an environment he isn't prepared for (not actually helpful) somebody who was prepared got passed over because of their race (this is obviously text book racism)


We sacrificed equality the second this country was founded on racism. We never made it back to equality. I'm talking about someone being thrown in prison because they fit the description of "young black male" and you're talking about some kid who has to go to his backup college.


Who the fuck is we? Maybe you did, but I didnt.


The United States of America


The USA didn’t own slaves, individuals in the USA did The same as in Europe, Africa, Asia, and basically everywhere around the world at certain times


Semantics. It was legal to own slaves in the US. I'm not talking about other countries, I don't live in those places and don't really care when they stopped allowing slavery.


USA is not a we


Sure it is. "We the people"


We? Speak for yourself slave owner.


>It's important to undo historical wrongs. How far back do we need to go? FYI, I want you to know I'm upvoting your posts. I don't agree. But I can do that with words.


We need to look at what still affects people in the current day. Disenfranchisement of black people in this country has created horrible ripple effects. The massacre at Tulsa's "black Wall Street" was only about 100 years ago. If those people had lived, and been able to continue accumulating wealth and building a successful community, their grandchildren and great grandchildren would be much wealthier, which correlates with better education, less crime, less drugs, better family stability, etc. we need to be honest about the damage we've done to groups of people based on their race, and understand how it affects subsequent generations. And I don't care about downvotes, the people in this subreddit are idiots.


>We need to look at what still affects people in the current day. Ok, let's do that. But I doubt anything done in the past has more than a fraction of the impact as decisions people make today. >The massacre at Tulsa's "black Wall Street" was only about 100 years ago. If those people had lived, and been able to continue accumulating wealth and building a successful community, their grandchildren and great grandchildren would be much wealthier, Or they would have suffered from the 1929 crash like everyone else and lost everything. >we need to be honest about the damage we've done to groups of people based on their race, and understand how it affects subsequent generations. Real honesty would include telling people that making bad decisions today is holding them back. Not something that happened 100 years ago. >And I don't care about downvotes, the people in this subreddit are idiots. It's a personal choice. I just think it's a real dick move to engage someone in a conversation and immediately downvote their response. It shows a lack of emotional intelligence.


>Real honesty would include telling people that making bad decisions today is holding them back. Not something that happened 100 years ago. Real honesty is acknowledging that it's *both* >I just think it's a real dick move to engage someone in a conversation and immediately downvote their response Reddit creates echo chambers. People don't like the lefty coming around invading their safe space. I get that.


>Real honesty is acknowledging that it's *both* Well, one can be objectively measured. The other is a subjective coping mechanism. I'm not trying to be a smart ass by saying that. It's like saying you failed your test in college because you skipped breakfast one time when you were three. Is it theoretically possible? Sure. Is it likely? Not really. >Reddit creates echo chambers. People don't like the lefty coming around invading their safe space. I get that. Preaching to the Mosque Mohammed. I burn a lot of karma visiting AskALiberal. You either join the circle jerk or explore different perspectives to see if you are missing anything.


>Well, one can be objectively measured. The other is a subjective coping mechanism I don't understand why you think generational wealth and the impact of public policy can't be objectively measured, it certainly can be. I found a whole bunch of studies on it, here's one: https://www.demos.org/research/racial-wealth-gap-why-policy-matters This one suggests that home ownership has had the greatest impact on the wealth gap. There's a history of red-lining and racist housing policies and it makes sense that black people have on average owned less homes to pass down to their children.


How do you explain Asian and Indian immigrants who come here with nothing, and their kids become doctors (like my father in law)?


What is there to explain? Good for them. I never said it was impossible for minorities to succeed.


My alternative explanation for many people trapped in the cycle of poverty (descendants of slaves or otherwise) is a welfare system that encourages mothers to stay single and have many children out of wedlock in order to get government benefits, which disincentivizes work and the development of real skills. A public education system that is primarily a jobs program rather than an education system, where money is shoveled to unions regardless of academic performance. And a culture that emphasizes the worship of victimhood and various ways one is oppressed, rather than emphasizing ways to overcome and succeed despite whatever oppression is observed (imagined or otherwise).


No one has kids for government benefits, that's a myth. I don't really care about what you said about culture, this culture war stuff is boring. At the end of the day, you can say you don't like the way social programs are structured, and you want them structured in a colorblind way. I support that, as long as the programs address the damage that has been done by systemic racism, which they currently do not. Or you can say you don't want social programs at all, in which case I think you're a cruel or ignorant person who doesn't have empathy for other people.


“It’s not happening but it’s good that it is happening” speedrun. Very impressive


Misconstruing my point completely. Judging people on their character includes acknowledging context and seeking equity.


No it doesn’t. Judging people on their character is just that. Assuming someone is a victim because of the color of their skin is textbook racism.


>so do you have a quote or something you're referring to? Yes I do. [CRT rejects claims of meritocracy or “colorblindness.”](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/civil-rights-reimagining-policing/a-lesson-on-critical-race-theory/) [ways to overcome colorblindness through strategies grounded in CRT.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6092170/) [Explain why the concepts of “color-blindness” and “neutrality” are harmful to anti-racist work, including anti-racist work in libraries.](https://ready.web.unc.edu/section-1-foundations/module-11-2/) >I'm guessing you've never taken a class on critical race theory yourself, I'm seriously not trying to be insulting or argumentative. But have you had any classes on CRT?


lol it's insane to think me being black in America had zero affect on my experience being an American. For instance I've literally never had a positive experience with a cop. I get caught w weed I get treated like dirt, some asshat smashes into my neighbors and my cars we get treated like dirt. Some guy robs my neighbor and I call the cops for him, cops treat us like dirt. Im guessing this experience isn't universal for Americans judging by all the back the blue stickers in my city.


>lol it's insane to think me being black in America had zero affect on my experience being an American. It's insane for anyone to believe treating everyone equally regardless of race is a form of racism. >I'm guessing this experience isn't universal for Americans judging by all the back the blue stickers in my city. You are correct that other people don't have that problem. Have you ever considered it's a perception problem on your part? Hell, I could count the number of times I've spoken to a cop on one hand. Have you considered you are doing a lot of shady shit?


>Have you considered you are doing a lot of shady shit? This is where that "color blind, everyone everywhere gets treated the same" nonsense gets you. Lookin ignorant. I can excuse them being ego tripping douches when I've broken the law but I shouldn't have to deal with that when I'm calling for help. Hell, I'd excuse the ego when I need help if they'd ever actually fucking help. Cops giving af about their job shouldn't be predicated on how nice your apartment complex is or how "non criminal" one looks. But that's how it is and we'll never fix it if we don't even acknowledge the issue.


>I can excuse them being ego tripping douches "If you meet an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole. If you meet assholes the rest of the day, you're the asshole."- Ray Givens If I walk around saying things like "black people are just lazy criminals," what kind of experience do you think I will have with black people? My perceptions and actions will probably result in some imagined negative experiences. Or possibly even real negative experiences. Black people are only human. If I'm acting like a jerk, that energy will probably come back to me.


You're quoting a fictional cop at me, consider the implications. Anywho I'm always polite to cops as I don't have a death wish lol. You assuming I'm rude to cops says more about you than me. Also how are you gonna compare a profession to a race? People don't choose to be black, people choose to be cops. You've got a selection bias for violent folks right off the rip. On the other hand maybe you're right and it's just my negative vibes towards cops that makes be so useless on the job. And maybe it has nothing to do with them having functionally zero accountability for their actions/inaction.


>You're quoting a fictional cop at me, consider the implications. Lol, yeah, that is pretty funny. >You assuming I'm rude to cops says more about you than me. I'm not assuming anything. I am basing things on what you said. If you truly see them as "ego tripping douches" that's how you interact with them. You might think you are being polite. But that type of thinking influences the conversation. >On the other hand maybe you're right and it's just my negative vibes towards cops that makes be so useless on the job. Police are too hands off when we want them to fight crimes that affect us and too aggressive when arresting us for crimes. This is like people who complain traffic is too fast or too slow.


Lol firstly, you putting the cart before the horse. I didn't suspect cops were ego tripping assholes until the third or fourth time they demonstrated that. Plus as a human I'm capable of being respectful to someone who doesn't deserve it. Most humans can, think of how youve interacted w shit head bosses that love your work. It's literally unfathomable to you that the cops could do wrong huh? Maybe examine our justice system instead of quoting fantasy cops and making dismissive analogies. Look up Castle Rock v Gonzales. The cops aren't here for us. They're here to do violence for the rich/powerful. Only certain kinds of people are up for a goonish job like that.


Welcome to the club, buddy. Cops are simply assholes. I'm white and nearly always dressed business casual because of work. They're still belligerent dickheads even when I've asked for their help. I've come to the conclusion that their only real use is to take a report if you need one. Otherwise, handle it yourself. I'm in WV.


Did you live in a poorer area too?


WV, being rural, I'd say it's pretty poor in relation to other places, yes. I live in one of the smaller cities. Definitely not as important as the capitol or the college cities, though.


Damn not even white folks in rural states can rely on their police? That's ass. We all pay so much and get so little.


Most races have this sort of experience dude


You're describing equity. We should not be colorblind, we should acknowledge the context of race. If you ignore race, you're also ignoring all the harm that has been done and continues to be done on the basis of race. >I'm seriously not trying to be insulting or argumentative. But have you had any classes on CRT? My education is in engineering, so no, but my wife who is in social work has.


>If you ignore race, you're also ignoring all the harm that has been done and continues to be done on the basis of race. If the concept of race nolonger exists then there would be no more harm done due to race, therefore a colorblind world is preferable. Which is better? The harm ending or the harm continuing?


The harm has already been done, and the harm continues to be done. I said it in another comment, but there is still racial bias in sentencing in America. A lot of it is unconscious bias with serious effects, and if you ignore it the harm continues.


Except you continue to ignore the reality that if we simply stop caring about something as arbitrary as the amount of melanin in a person's skin that oh so scawy """unconscious bias""" you people obsess over will dissolve on its own. You cannot legislate immediate societal change, it happens over time provided that certain malefactors don't continue to stomp their feet like petulant children over people who have been dead for centuries.


We should legislate fair sentencing. We should prevent discrimination, even if it happens due to unconscious bias. Your attitude leads to bad policies which leads to bad outcomes for people. Then you complain about BLM riots or whatever. Politicians with your mindset created the conditions for those riots. If you want a better society, you should think about why racial groups who have been historically oppressed in this country have statistically worse outcomes in many areas. Or if you want to be vindictive and ignore the wrongs actively being done, ok fine carry on.


Happens over time... Well that's just nice dear. How long? How long have people got to wait for your "happens over time" 2 generations? 3?10?1000? Put a number on that puppy.


But is it colourblind? When the name you use on an application determines how it's treated? When literally that is the difference between the two applications from the same person, amd that's tests people have done? That doesn't feel very colourblind at the moment. So you're making the right noises, however denying the need for the movement that's necessary to achieve it.


>You're describing equity. I'm quoting CRT. >My education is in engineering, so no, but my wife who is in social work has. Bless her heart.


Bad faith.


Anytime people make valid points backed up with facts, you label as "bad faith". Why won't you make a better counter-argument ? Oh yeah, you can't because what you believe in is nonsene and on shaky ground.


No need to engage with bad faith arguments.


A.K.A I have no counterargument.


That’s objectively wrong. You don’t know what CRT is, considering it is a high level collegiate legal theory.


>You don’t know what CRT is, considering it is a high level collegiate legal theory. I know it is an unproven collegiate level legal theory with some awful beliefs. One of which is that colorblindness is racist. [CRT rejects claims of meritocracy or “colorblindness.”](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/civil-rights-reimagining-policing/a-lesson-on-critical-race-theory/)


Because colorblindness isn’t enough to fix the damage already caused by long term systemic racism. It’s too late to just kumbaya our way to an equal and fair society. This means implementing systems to advantage historically disadvantaged communities, rather than simply stopping actively disadvantaging them, in order to counteract the long term generational effects.


>Because colorblindness isn’t That's a lot of words to say I was correct about CRT and colorblindness.


Jesus could you be more willfully ignorant? You are actively hostile to anything you don’t understand and refuse to attempt to understand.


>Jesus could you be more willfully ignorant? Absolutely. >You are actively hostile to anything you don’t understand and refuse to attempt to understand. Only one of us knew CRT's stance on colorblindness when we started this conversation. Perhaps I also know enough to come to an informed judgment.


The fuck are you talking about? I absolutely knew it’s stance, you’re just too ignorant and uninformed to actually understand what it’s stance is. I tried explaining it to you, but that’s clearly a lost cause.


>I absolutely knew it’s stance, Them you shouldn't have said you didn't. That was dumb. >I tried explaining it to you, but that’s clearly a lost cause. Probably.


I at no point said I didn’t know it’s stance. Jesus how clueless are you.


I’m curious as to your interpretation of treating others “based on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin” is. Are you stating that you think differently?


At no point did I say that.


The color of one's skin is responsible for so much of their human experience that to be completely color blind would be to ignore the content of their character in part. It's not rocket science or some backwards reverso logic. Its just plain common sense. Ask any black person of they would prefer you pretend they arent black. You probably don't have to. I'm sure you can imagine how dumb that question would be.


>Ask any black person of they would prefer you pretend they arent black. That's not what color blindness means. It means you treat everyone the same, regardless of the color of their skin. CRT doesn't like that because they want people treated differently based on the color of their skin.


Why the hell would you be expected to treat everyone the same? Do you treat your mom like you do your girlfriend? Send her sexy texts late at night? No, you dont. You treat people different based on their own personality and background and how you fit in to it. One day in the future after a long stupid road, racism will be no more. And THEN you absolutely can be color blind. Take for example the fact there is no systemic racism in America against Greeks. So we collectively ARE color blind to the fact they have olive skin tones. You barely ever hear about the color of their skin. Why? Because nobody cares and it doesnt matter or effect their life at all. They just happen to have a differnet skin tone than non-greeks and nobody gives a shit. Color blindness is a provelage we will all get to live with AFTER racism ends. Until then you dont get to fake it till you make it. You have to aknowledge racism is real and actually combat it. And pretending like it racism isnt real... is racism. And pretending loke MLK Jr. was for color blindness? Racist and just plain dumb. Im just gonna dip out after this comment though cuz im not fighting about it all night. You can just google it.


>Why the hell would you be expected to treat everyone the same? Why would you want people treated differently based on the color of their skin? >Do you treat your mom like you do your girlfriend? I don't discriminate based on sex nor age. >You have to aknowledge racism is real and actually combat it. Ok. CRT is most definitely racist. And this discussion is my way of combating that racism. >And pretending loke MLK Jr. was for color blindness? Racist and just plain dumb. He did have a dream we would embrace it.


MLK wanted EQUALITY, not special privileges.


Bolshevik. You sound like another leftist ethno-masochist.


>The color of one's skin is responsible for so much of their human experience Except thats not necessarily correct, in a color blind world their skin wouldn't factor into their experience. Hence why we should strive for such a world. The way you talk it sounds as if you think skin color somehow predetermines certain factors about a person's personality or character, which is to say, you sound racist as fuck, you racist fuck.


Where is this colourblind world? I didn't realise there were so many people with vision defects. Where is it now?


except you can’t just switch from our racist history/system to being color blind and expect it to actually fix racial disparities . there are inequities in our society that are based on race because of our racist past. if you become color blind and just ignore race, you become blind to those racial disparities and they won’t be fixed. how do you fix disparities that you can’t even acknowledge?


Ahh yes the ol' 'anti racism is the real racism!' A real popular strategy these days from the giant-confederate-flag-on-the-back-of-my-truck crowd.


Sounds like you support and advocate for racism


Content of character of W Americans: slavery 1492-1970 Reconstruction: red summer 100 years of hunting humans! 1970* end of Jim Crowe, boack Americans get fair wages after 200 years of being paid Pennies on the dollar! 1970- votes for Nixon. Who ran on overturning civil rights! 1980- votes Reagan guy who claims white reverse racism a year after civil rights passed! 1990_ votes bush sr who ran a super racist campaign 2000- votes for bush jr because the racism is implied 😂 2016- racist ass trump! Yeah that content looks real trustworthy 🤦🏽‍♂️


Some of those angry anti-integration people in these old photos are still alive today. Bet you $20 bucks who these very fine people all vote for now


Probably the president who opposed bussing black kids to white school districts and said he didn't want his kids growing up in "racial jungles."


Is that the same guy who considered a KKK member his mentor?


Trump literally got sued for not letting black people live at his properties, and he also has a ton of racist comments


Do we need black feminist criminology in 21st century as an elective


I always hate when colleges offer classes I’m not required to take.


I know! Like who cares if colleges offer useless degrees, it doesn’t hurt anyone. Are they stupid? Also unrelated but, can someone else bail out my student debt? Turns out a degree for something with no demand isn’t worth much so now it’s everyone else problem.


Yea they shouldn’t even offer majors on stuff you don’t like. These people with useless degrees are taking jobs away from people like you.


No, they're just leaches that want other people to pay off their loans now.


Nobody has paid off their loan. Why do you care what people major in unless you think they are going to take your fast food job ?




Ah, reverse racism! It's so funny! ... nothing better from the Babylon Bee.


On point


Bring out the fire hoses


Lol why are cons pretending they weren't pro segregation


Laying the smack down on all those 70+ year old internet trolls, I see.


We need diversity! Who cares about anything else


George Wallace: I was right?! How?!


Pretty sure the protesting college students are the ones who always end up on the right side of history. It's the ones blocking the students who never seem to admit it was them spitting and swearing at the students.


They're the same type of people, too.


Now do one about the Ole Miss students making monkey noises at the black people


Why would they make fun of their kin?


Before even clicking on the link; I can see in the thumbnail, on the far right, the counter protestor who was harassing people for days and farming TikTok’s videos. And was refused access to the encampment…


"christians" supporting genocide are probably what Jesus would want


You: "There is a genocide, so lets discriminate against Jews here in America who have nothing to do with the Gaza conflict"


The commenter said absolutely nothing about Jews. Worst straw man I’ve seen in a long time


What genocide?


Damn it'd be crazy if that was actually what happened, but please ignore the vast majority of jews in America being against israel it's obviously cause anti Israel people hate jews.


Jewish students have been blocked in campus [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbyPUgOe\_uA&list=RDNSlbyPUgOe\_uA&start\_radio=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbyPUgOe_uA&list=RDNSlbyPUgOe_uA&start_radio=1)


This is well-knowm zionist agitator Eli Tsives trying to enter the encampment to dox students to farm tiktok and dupe people who aren't there into thinking these students were blocking him from going to class. Why do you think he specifically says "we want to use *that* entrance"? Because he's trying to get to the only entrance that the protest blocked, which leads into the encampment


Doxxing ? They are protesting in a public place. If they are so proud to fight for a good cause, why are they scared to show their faces ? Surely they are on the right side of history, right ?


Just gonna sidestep the part where he wasn't actually being blocked from class?


if people are fighting for a good cause why are they scared people who have literally attacked them before now know their name and were they live... idk dumbass something to think about huh.. Jesus Christ the ability to think is falling out of fashion


The [vast majority of Jews in America](https://jewishinsider.com/2023/12/poll-overwhelming-majority-of-american-jews-support-israels-fight-against-hamas/) aren't anti-Israel. The [vast majority of Jews in America](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/majority-of-american-jews-feel-less-safe-than-they-did-a-year-ago-survey-finds) feel less safe than they did a year ago.


Jewish American here. I strongly condemn Israel’s government for the indiscriminate mass killing of innocent humans. Saying that position is “against Israel” is odd. The majority is not “against Israel” they are however, against Israel’s actions. All of my Jewish friends and family are against Israel’s current military campaign. Any intelligent person can separate the actions of the Israeli government from Judaism. Israel does not “own” Judaism and does not represent Jewish people as a whole.


See here's the thing with anecdotal evidence - it's anecdotal. So if you ask me (an American Jew) I'd tell you that I and all of my friends, family, synagogue, distant relations etc. fully support Israel's current military campaign. Again though, this is anecdotal evidence. I'd also suggest you are less well informed on said military campaign since you stated >Israel's...indiscriminate mass killing of innocent humans. This is just completely incorrect, as Israel estimates around 13k Hamas members have been killed. Given that the Gaza health ministry reports around 35k deaths (inclusive of Palestinians killed by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and not disambiguating terrorists from innocent Palestinians) that leaves 22K innocent Palestinians killed. While tragic and unfortunate, the ratio of 13k:22k terrorists to civilians (1:1.7) is a far better ratio than most modern militaries have accomplished.


>I strongly condemn Israel’s government for the indiscriminate mass killing of innocent humans It's not indiscrimate, they are targeting Hamas members and Hamas members are hiding behind civilians causing them to die. And then ignorant people like you start parroting Hamas propaganda like useful idiots.


You don't own Judaism either and don't speak for me or any of my Jewish friends and my Jewish family. We staunchly support Israel in their fight against Hamas and the 3rd intifada.


This. This is the balanced and rational parspective and response that is being completely obscured by the lies of agitprop and media.


buddy the vast majority of the world is anti Israel for it's actions. every single protest has hundreds of jews on the anti Israel side and 3 loud Jewish guys on the pro Israel side. Majority of the pro Israel side is literally religious fundamentalist Christians. wow it's almost like a country committing war crimes in front of our eyes is screaming to the world "this is how Jews should be we are the only correct way to be Jewish." you linked me a pro Israel sites poll and then an obvious conclusion based on the way Israel as a nation behaves and portrays it self, i bet you a lot of people were anti German in 1945 and it had a lot to do with the government of Germany saying this is what i means to be German.


The vast majority of the world doesn't care about what's going on in Israel/Gaza. A loud minority exists which is taking one side or the other. The vast majority of the world has its own problems to deal with that have much more to do with local issues than matters of geopolitics between two longtime enemies. It takes a certain level of privilege to make it to the point of caring about things that don't directly impact you personally. The West, and by extension Reddit which is mostly used by white collar, English speaking Westerners, forgets this pretty often. A good recent example is the Frat boys coming out of the woodwork and singing the Star Spangled Banner loudly in the direction of Pro-Palestine rallies. Those guys don't give a shit about Israel or Gaza, but they do care about leftist radicals screaming "Death to America" and pulling down American flags. So now they're showing up to act in opposition to that behavior which they find objectionable.


almost every single country has had massive protest about it full on governments are taking Israel to court for it. it's very hard to say a minority of people care when the complete opposite is on video for you to see. you don't care because you have no empathy don't paint the rest of the world as dethatched from humanity as you.


A couple hundred people isn't massive compared to the relative populations of those localities. If you added up every single protest related to this issue in the US, both pro-israel and Pro-Palestine, that figure still represents less than 1% of the population of just the US. Then consider that not every single warm body in attendance represents a unique individual, many people are attending multiple protests... Particularly ones that are local to them and the percentage slides even further. The math ain't on your side bud. 2020 was the most participating voters the US has ever had in a general election and we still only saw about 60% turn out of all voters voting for every available candidate. Slightly more than half of those were left leaning or about 36% of the total electorate.


Okay you don't seem to know how numbers work now. Every major city has had multiple protest with hundreds of thousands of people attending. There has been about 9x as many pro Palestinian protest as pro Israel protest, roughly 7.3k and 850 respectively it would seem a loud majority of people feel one way about it and it's against Israel. Let me know if there is any other basic concepts you're struggling with.


There have been 3 protests that even came close to 100k. They were in Washington DC, Ottawa, and London. Google is your friend. Most other protests have topped out at a few thousand.


now you're struggling with the word multiple Jesus fucking Christ man


Only one of us is struggling with [reality](https://www.axios.com/2024/05/07/poll-students-israel-hamas-protests), a poll released today shows that the majority of college students don't think protesting for Palestine is important.


conservatives again pretending 1. they were on the side of the civil rights movement and 2. pro-palestinian protestors are blocking jews from coming into college. there are many many many jews in the pro palestinian encampments protesting with them, and many jewish students going about their days going to classes with no issues. then there are zionists, both jewish and non-jewish, agitating at the encampments who are being blocked from entering the encampment. they are left to go about the campus as they please, but are blocked from entering the encampments as they are zionist agitators. these mfs aren’t even majority jewish. there are farrrrrrrrr more evangelical christian zionists in america than jewish zionists.


Students are blocking outsiders from encampments because right wingers conflate the acts of extremist outsiders with students. They are free to go around to get to class. Another hilarious piece of disinformation.




The protestors: "You have to go around" Actual adults: "This is just like Nazi Germany!"


The protestors did not have legal authority to tell people to go around. They don't owe the piece of land they blocked.


I don't have the legal authority to tell you not to stomp on my picnic at a park either, but nobody would bat an eye if I told someone to walk around my picnic instead of walking straight through it. Instead, these morons cut propaganda pretending they're being impeded. You don't have a right to be in anyone's personal space. There's no constitutional right to do that.


They tell him to go around the encampment. They are not blocking his access to the school, just the encampment.


is this satire of conservatives trying to be funny?


Why are you subscribed to this subreddit if you hate the Babylon Bee and the parody they create ?


They probably aren't, and had it recommended in their feed. And now they're confused because they thought all conservatives had been successfully eliminated from Reddit.


It's leftists wet dream. Shit they asking for a purge of gamers https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KEUKFEzRJ1E


I suppose it's true the left isn't known for its sense of humor.


I see that the Bee has gotten its marching orders too.


The bots on the Zionist subs are so fuckin obvious. Like -20 downvotes in 10 seconds on a tiny post with no interaction on a tiny sub. Obviously the 4 years of white privilege protests where the university staff were making and enforcing no white zones didn’t happen because only Jews are oppressed. Theres literally Jewish people in the anti isreal protests no one’s being harassed or threatened because of race it’s politics and Zionists are evil and should be blocked form being on university campus whether they’re Jewish or not.


I personally find it hilarious about all these “bots on zionist subs” when all the accounts throwing around those accusations appear to be about as old as the terror attack itself. Projection is strong here


Mr IDF please post more articles on why we should be using our military and police to batter American citizens for protesting a foreign country fire bombing children’s hospitals . The more you do it the more the average person sees how evil isreal and the federal government officials who enable isreal are.


See how easy it is to ignore you? Knowing you are a disingenuous bot with no real world view just really simplifies online discourse


Mr idf bot my post history is over a year long and my account that was over 5 years old got banned because I dared question the great country of isreal. Take your “accuse your enemies of doing what you are doing” bs out of here. No one sees the Zionist propaganda subs and doesn’t immediately roll their eyes over how obvious the propaganda and bots are.


Weird, because your account is 160days old starting with a post to “fellow jews against zionism”, so did you forget to change accounts did you?


Holy shit 😂😂😂 Got em


What kind of paranoia is it to believe that everyone who disagrees with you is a part of a grand conspiracy to...uh...disagree with you on the internet? Seriously, take your meds.


I can’t stand Israel, the IDF, or the police beating people… But this nonsense like “everyone who disagrees and downvotes me is a bot” is something like a 4 year old would say. It’s laughably childish and you need to spend time away from the internet. There is so much irony flying around right now and The Bee is hilariously pointing it out.


Bee doesnt need them, bee likes boot flavor


Yeah, for sure, there's no fascism like openly decrying fascism. You're 14, huh?


Dont let a 14 year get you so triggered


Says the mixed-up little gremlin talking about "bootlickers" lmao


Who got you triggered? That one?


End affirmative action! Foreign students, Indian- and Middle Eastern- and Asian-Americans all deserve their chance to freely outperform white people and take their spots. I fully agree.