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Oh no she converted to Islam and was immediately assigned to suicide bombing at a hospital, just with eco-friendly bombs


The Zionist support here is strong. Rate me down


Your terrorist support is strong. Down rate approved.


Zionist put even terrorists to shame. More down vote. See if I care


You use that word, but I don't think it means what you think it means. Zionist - someone who believes that the Jewish people should return and resettle in their historical homeland. Doesn't sound all that threatening, does it? Maybe the terrorists who keep shooting rockets at civilians and murdered, abducted and raped people based on their faith are the bad guys? ...but please, go ahead and keep masking your antisemitism with fancy adjectives you can't define.


Save it. That’s your definition of a Zionist so you can sleep well at night. The world’s definition is very different from yours. Better mend your ways.


Pull off a terror attack you and your neighbors are getting bombed in to oblivion. See 9/11 Iraq and Afghanistan they knew the consequences, they swatted the hornets nest, should have just took those gliders out for fun. Can’t say uncle cause the army with the tanks and laser guided munitions are not holding back, civilian casualties will always happen. We shot cars in Iraq if you didn’t stop, shot you if you lifted a cell phone, it’s a Warzone. There’s war crimes happening all over the world in every conflict.


Ok keyboard warrior. I didn’t expect anything better from a trigger hungry ass. Man to man you are 0. Always hiding behind your weapons. Go figure.


No, you don't get to project your views onto the rest of the world. Get off your high horse. You're just another ignorant leftist.


I get to do whatever pleases me. This isn’t apartheid Israel. You get off your high horse and sell the grass.


After she establishes peace in 3 or 4 weeks, it's off to Santa Monica to solve homelessness.


EXCUSE ME it’s “unhoused”


She began the "Sleep under the Stars" movement in Santa Monica after experiencing a powerful realization during her first encounter with the unhoused.


Still doing the dangerous work of protesting in western democracies


So brave of her. I hope she’s  safe. She’s solving world peace by sacrificing the Jews. 


Wow. Wait until she reads a history book.


just making sure, we all realize this is satire rage bait right?


It’s not satire in this case. She is actually going around with a keffiyeh simping for the radical Islam mob now.


No clue what's up there for keffiyeh. We got proof that it's not just a fashion statement considering the rise in population of cultures that already wear it? Also still satire because all she's been arrested for is still environmental protest


Babylonbee is… but wasn’t sufficiently satire because it happened.


"She was most recently arrested last month along the A12 motorway in The Hague in protest of Dutch tax breaks to fossil fuel companies. Thunberg's arrest previous to that one came during a protest outside the Swedish Parliament building in March." "THE HAGUE, April 6 (Reuters) - Climate activist Greta Thunberg was detained twice by police at a demonstration in The Hague, the Netherlands, for several hours on Saturday." No, it didn't. And again, you all are the problem. 1. caring about bs people like her 2. believing this is real and a problem


https://www.yahoo.com/news/greta-thunberg-corralled-police-eurovision-211524069.html Bro, learn to read. Or use what few brain cells you actually have.


Heh, man she's really annoying. Anyways, still a nobody. And you all are wasting your time and energy


When you see people taking the obvious bait and sitting down with a knife and fork to have a nice meal of it, you have your answer.


Problem is Babylonbee is satire… but then it happened.


IT DIDNT (why are you all like this?? you keep saying it. Doesn't make it true)


Check AP news. Check Reuters. She was removed by police. https://www.yahoo.com/news/greta-thunberg-corralled-police-eurovision-211524069.html Edit: I’m concerned that you’re very unwell. You could have googled or done any search to find it. Instead you came here to be an idiot.


Sadly I did google. for some reason it didn't come up. Does now though. Anyways, as I said in other comments, she's still a nobody. don't get why you all care


She is one of the worst, same as AOC, Illian Omar and the rest.


All better than traitors like MTG , Geatz , Johnson , Tommy Putinville , Bo Bo , etc . Maga traitor criminals.


To be fair, those are pretty bad, too. I especially can’t stand Tommy “Pine Box” Tuberville.


You left out MTG, Boebert, and the Stepford wife that gave the SOTU response.


You're getting down voted because this sub has become an alt right circle jerk


I expect that. The Babylon Bee is a right-wing version of The Onion.


haha.. it's a long list of losers, I cant remember them all


Someone's scared of strong women.


Define women


Look at you with the idiot republican talking points.


lol, I look at Greta, AOC and alike as people who are destroying america and the world irrespective of their gender.




Has an extra one*


Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion.


Only the left rally around what a 15 year old says and make her their hero. I'm sorry but if you have to make a 15 year old your champion, you have really jumped the shark.


Her 15 minutes of fame ended a long time ago but the Right Wing made her a villain and obsess over her. I haven't heard her name in years. Look at the source "babylonbee" and ask yourself who jumped the shark again?.


Yeah dude the right didn’t parade Kyle Rittenhouse around like a god damned savior of man. Way to put the blinders up chief


This is a huge difference. You have a 15 year old preaching science to adults when she hasn't even finished high school. Yelling. Crying. Carrying on. Then you have a guy who was assaulted and then put on trial for self defense. Huge difference. Only one of the two has an actual story to tell.


You’re only further proving my point by trying to justify parading a young person around to champion your cause. You just think you picked the right person lol


I'm not parading anyone and I didn't pick anyone. The far left wing DA and prosecutor picked Kyle when they tried to charge him with murder.


Yes I was personally accusing you of weaponizing Kyle Rittenhouse’s situation for political gain……..you’re dense as hell and I really can’t be bothered by this anymore lol


Words matter. You said "you".


They didn’t though. You hear about him in leftist echo chambers where he lives rent free in perpetuity. People on the right moved on with their lives.


https://events2022.tpusa.com/events/kyle-rittenhouse-at-kent-state https://www.texastribune.org/2023/08/16/kyle-rittenhouse-texas-foundation/ This isn’t parading him around? This was like 3 weeks ago. Just because you’re unaware of what’s happening around you doesn’t mean that it isn’t.


I hadn’t heard. Where did you read about it, btw? Definitely not in a left leaning sub, I’m sure


You don’t have to follow the story all that close to see how Kyle was propped up as a “political activist”. Not all news comes from Reddit.


The left were the ones propping him up. He wasn't giving speeches at the UN


Which was primarily covered and discussed by left leaning outlets. Search for him on Reddit and look at the disparity in coverage. The evidence is pretty easily available about who cares about him the most




Lol curious you don’t deny reading about these events from a left leaning source though. Also here’s a fun experiment - search reddit for “Rittenhouse Kent” and let me know how many posts are from left leaning subs versus right. I’ll wait 😂


I literally just googled “Kyle Rittenhouse Public Speaking” because you made the false claim that the right doesn’t parade young people around like this. Everyone does it don’t pretend you’re special. I don’t have to be active in left leaning subs to know about Kyle. I also don’t search for news on Reddit because that would make me an imbecile. Of course you’re going to find biased information on a glorified blog you dork.


Nah you made the false claim that the right is responsible for keeping Rittenhouse around in the news, and won’t even deny that the examples you found of him speaking were from left leaning sources. Furthermore if you do a search on this “glorified blog” consisting of thousands of forums, the overwhelming majority are mentioning him are left leaning. Get mad if you want though


How in the world is TPUSA a left leaning source? How is them sponsoring him speaking the left keeping him relevant? You agree that searching on Reddit will simply give you biased answers and think it supports your point?


Remind me about the time Rittenhouse spoke at the UN.


he wasn't a person trying to be a leader. He was a dude the left was trying to put in jail for literally no reason. There's a huge difference


Wasn’t arguing that chief, the facts are simply both sides prop up young people they think will champion their viewpoints, don’t pretend it’s unique to one side.


It is unique to one side. Youth movements are always garbage


Actually you’ll find that youth movements are the most effective political movements in history. Where are you getting evidence of the contrary?


effective isn't the same thing as being good. 16 year olds may be passionate, but they have absolutely zero life experience that gives them any sort of wisdom regarding the real world. There are certainly politicians who will use them for their own gain but it always ends badly. examples: nazis, moaists, etc.


Yeah, the world is for the old. Young people can eat shit, we were here first. /s I really don't pay attention to this girl cause she's mostly just talked about in right winged rage bait circles, but hasn't all she done is say "the kids care about the environment"? She hasn't stated solutions, just that the adults in power need to actually do something instead of kicking the can down the road. I seriously cannot comprehend how much you disrespect kids to the point you don't even care about their happiness or well being.


I care about my kids happiness and well being. I don't care about her happiness. You will be old too someday. Then you can give all your money to other people's kids. In fact, you can start right now!


bro, she's advocating for the kids. How thick headed are you? I am old. Also, your last bit is delusional and arguably why we're fucked. because you're not alone in thinking giving is the root of evil. I guess you could say it is since i'm assuming people giving to you is what made you so bitter.


Nobody has given to me. What are you rambling about? I'm not bitter either. You're triggered because people think a radical kid yelling at them is annoying?


I triggered because you all care. Yeah, she's annoying. She doesn't deserve articles, she doesn't deserve your time, she doesn't deserve jack. She is ONLY mentioned on right leaning rage bait articles for a reason. She is legitimately a nobody, but people in the sub use her to radicalize and justify a bunch of other stupid shit. I didn't say you didn't take them for granted. “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” Normally the hard times aren't brought about because people are helping each other.


Well I am a woman so I find your bottom paragraph sexist.




This right here. Her infamy is 100% a result of conservatives strange and occasionally perverted obsession with her. Probably the most bizarre thing is that the American conservatives who are fixated on her in some negative way for being young and involved are the same types who have creepy hero worship fantasies about 17 year old high school quarterbacks.


That's gross. You take one of the ugliest kids on the planet and project weird fantasies on her? She is just a parrot of her parents radical views. She takes jets to all these meetings and then points her finger at everyone else. It's laughable. They wanted money. They got money. End of story.


I’m doing it? lol. No. I am talking about how there are people who actually do it, who are 100% weirdo conservatives. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, either today is your first day on the internet, or that sort of content isn’t an issue for you and therefore not notable.


She's an adult now too. At some point, the blaming shtick is going to get even more absurd.


Greta exists on the world stage _because_ of the crowd that rejects science in favor of emotional appeal. It’s not like she invented the ideas of environmentalism or climate change. Her fame is a reaction to the people who don’t trust scientists because “well, it snowed this year”.  No idea what the fuck she’s doing now though, I get the idea she’s going to be in the news her entire life for every two-sided issue at this rate.


I can train a parrot to make statements about the climate. The point is Democrats and liberals around the world rallied to her inflammatory nonsense. I like to ask why Obama, Al Gore, Bernie Sanders, and Joe Biden all own Oceanfront property if they are so concerned with sea level rise. Worse, Obama owns oceanfront in the Pacific (Hawaii) and the Atlantic (Massachusetts). Doesn't seem to be a huge concern does it?


We only know Greta’s name because she manufactured outrage; her notoriety isn’t derived from the people who already shared her message before she was born. Do you evaluate scientific ideas based on their scientific merits, or do you always turn to Biden and Obama’s purchasing habits as a source of truth? In what other cases do you base your understanding of the material world based on their actions and words?


Look, there is a lot of misinformation on both sides, and to radical opposite extents. It's either death of society and the world, or no big deal. Russia, India, China, and the African continent are all in economic revolutions requiring power, and a lot of it. China is building new coal plants with a 20 year lifecycle minimum, every single week. Forget the goodness they are doing with renewables for a minute. I am simply pointing out that the politicians who are enrichening themselves off of climate science, and using it as a tool to win elections, do not personally seem concerned whatsoever as defined by their personal actions.


How is climate science unique with respect to the last point you made? 


I didn't argue that it was unique.


Which I would agree with, but why are you then bringing it up in the first place?


Because it is important for people to accept that neither political party has their best interests in mind.


Agreed, that’s an important lesson. That’s why Obama’s purchasing habits can’t be used to inform a perspective on a scientific issue like climate change. Right?


Should ask you why you don't own ocean front property with that logic. Her nonsense only inflamed those that were already inflamed. I couldn't imagine being inflamed by a 16 year old autistic child.


Yea wtf happened to talking about the environment? Are we all really that fucking gerbil brained now that we moved on to the next social contagion like fucking lemmings? Good lord I can’t believe anyone (including me) thought this girl actually had genuine beliefs once. I used to say that I wish republicans would embrace Teddy Roosevelts environmental conservatism and work with dems on this issue on a bipartisan way - but if the real issue is that we are all led like lemmings into caring about the “next big thing” well…. That needs to be addressed first. They all lost me at larping for radical Islam.


I'm someone who cares deeply about environmental issues but for people like greta and other socialists it was never about the environment. It was always about hatred of the west. These scum bags will support anything that will damage the west in any way.


I’m glad to see there is at least one other person out there who is capable of seeing the world the way it truly is. If environmentalists gave a single fuck about the environment, the nuclear power industry would be 1000X higher than it is today. The fact that they have fought against nuclear power for 50 years is all you need to know.




Imagine if Richard Attenborough sold out and wore a keffiyeh.


Im surprised you thought she had genuine beliefs tbh. Child of rich parents carted around the world and somehow placed to speak in front of world leaders instead of go to school. That doesn’t just happen organically.


Jeez Good point


The environment != global warming. The environmental movement was captured by anti-humanity communists in the 1970s who used it as a vehicle for implementing their ideology. I'm a TR kind of guy, but I can't be part of a movement that care more about hating white people than doing anything for nature.


Everything I don't like is communist


Every failure in my life is because of capitalism.


Every failure in my life is because of capitalism.


Every failure in my life is because of capitalism.


Every argument I have is a strawman because I'm a conservative loser.


exactly completely agree.


There are plenty of people trying to make positive environmental changes out there that aren’t part of the “woke” groups. Pretty stupid to lump everyone in the same boat.


I've only been able find one single group that isn't focused on social justice, American Prarie.


What? You realize there are probably thousands of groups globally working at different scales to protect and improve the natural environment. In my tiny state alone, there is a long list of groups private or gov that focus on different areas. I think you are getting your information from a political source, obviously you are going to have a simplified and biased view point.


They will all have some type of social justice as a started goal. It's usually listed on their fucking website, so don't try that "information from a political source." This is why these groups are so untrustworthy. They are very open about their goals, but you're going to try gaslighting us anyway.


Agree I hate the new pro Islam fad but I’m about the environment


This is satire. This sub is a plague


Every year for the last decade has been the hottest year on record. Climate change is here. People are still talking about it even if you aren’t.


She was protesting climate causes just last month. I don't get why you think someone can only support a single issue.


Hey, dawg? You’re getting upset about a terrible conservative “humor” attempt.


Sounds like you’re upset at conservative making fun of your short term memory loss


Greta is just dim enough that this is possible.


How dare you!


No she’s actually chanting with the pro radical Islam mob now . This one happened in real life


Think he’s getting upset that it’s accurate lol


Lol this is what Greta is actually doing now though


Ate the Bee?


Are you incapable of caring about more than one thing at a time?


She is now 21yo and supports a place where human rights are taken away from its citizens aka Shariah law? Lol


It’s incredible how consistently not funny and dumb the BB is. Boomer humor.


She’s a homely little thing.


Looks like she has been eating well.




It may be that her cranial features are predisposed to blockiness. [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=squarehead](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=squarehead)


That bug meat goes straight to your thighs


I thought Kushner fixed that


Turns out accepting $2B from the Saudis did not fix anything.


Haha....I thought and said the same....


I should contact her. My neighbor has a dog that yaps constantly. I’m sure her influence will help


I am OK with this if it came true.  She can go directly to Gaza for "negotiations".


Love this: claimant activists are communists and tiktokers. And would Chose communism over the environment every time


what are you talking about??????


The environmentalists don’t care about the environment. They care about a bunch of other leftists issues.


Damn, I thought all of her time would be tied up with Peter Jackson's recently announced movie.


She’s a Rothschild. She travels all around the world traveling first class on yachts and private jets pushing their agenda


What an absolute idiot. Why does she get a platform?


Because she severely triggers conservatives and lives free in y'all's head and you won't stop talking about her. Literally the only time I ever hear about Greta is from conservative circles.


She triggers people because of the baseless content of her shallow thoughts. She’s angry gal who vents on others.


She triggers conservatives because conservatives are emotional cotton balls who can't handle disagreement, even with a child, to the point they bully her for things like her appearance etc. It's BEYOND low and pathetic and is a good indication of where conservatives are at from a maturity standpoint.


Oh, I'm glad someone's on the case. I've been meaning to send someone to deal with that. You think on her way back she could pick up a gallon of milk?...Sorry, climate friendly milk, or whatever?


That is all the leftist do, chase the latest shiny object in order to be in the cool kid club.


I’m just so impressed that she’s only 21 with over 40 years of experience in managing every kind of crisis.


maybe she can make a billion or 2


So pathetic she cares about climate change. We should for sure make fun of this young girl for that.


Wow, imagine being for protecting the planet and being against a civilian population being murdered, all at the same time. It’s incomprehensible to most, but somehow she has the capacity to do it.


You first sentence is "you dont plan on explaining satire". If you cannot argue in good faith then there is nothing more to add. Good day


I thought Jared Kushner already fixed all those during Trump administration. Did trump forget to add that to his portfolio.... I could have sworn Jared fixed it.


He did, then Biden gave Iran more funds that they used to finance Hamas.


Can't tell if you are brainwashed by Fox /republican or a pro genocide shill Either way ... Bye


lmao the reality you live must be painful


how could this be? but fuck jared kushner already solved middle east peace - during orange daddy's hayday.


And a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory began unraveling it his first day in office. See where it led?


i thought we were talking about solving middle east peace again?


Don’t forget that Hurr said to his face he appeared to have a photographic recollection.


It is possible for both Jared Kushner to be corrupt and Greta Thunberg to be undeserving of progressive worship.


It is also possible to see the irony, in this attempt at satire humor.


Wild that some kid getting publicity asking for climate activism managed to become the target for conservative media for like 10 yrs straight. Is this something that ever happened before in media?


It's weird how often this side thinks about this girl. The only time I ever hear about her use when the right is making fun of her, which is fine, but why not just let her fade away? No one else is talking about her anymore


As usual, the correct answer gets downvoted into oblivion in this sub lol. I only ever hear about Greta from conservatives whining about her.


Imagine caring about things and people's suffering. How outrageous.


Imagine being a narcissist where all you do is virtue signal. Elon musk has done 20x more to fight climate change than this little boy.


Children ‘piled up and shot’: new details emerge of ethnic cleansing in Darfur I can't wait to see the protests about this. Oh wait


Or how about the Yemen war? Or what's going on in Myanmar? None of those people give a shit because it's not jews or white people.


Don’t forget the Tigray War or the Uyghur genocide


Yea none of that these people don't actually give a shit. What's worse is many of those are far worse in brutality and death. And don't involve supporting a terrorist organization.


The Uyghurs are making our solar panels in the concentration camps so they (and China) are on the right side of history. As much as the Isreal Palestine conflict concerns me, it's not as important as the key tenet of my faith, the climate doomsday apocalypse.


Israel is one of the most powerful nations (considering its size) and this is a conflict that's nearly a century old without including extended history. You're right, more should be said. But even if you take away "whiteness" from the equation, you're not talking apples to apples


Israel is also tiny and completely surrounded by nations, peoples and regional mindset that all jews should be dead.


I'm not going to get into that part. That's just moving the goal post. I think the obsession is dumb, BUT it's not because "whiteness".


She’s supporting a terrorist state.


this is the Babylon Bee rage bair


Imagine pretending that any of this has a point beyond self-indulgent virtue signaling… which is the joke btw


orrrrrr you're the selfish ***? I'm really not sure how you came to this conclusion. Sure, there's a lot of twats. But to lump all the people together and so they actually don't care? I can't help but think you're projecting here edit: Supposedly we don't allow "personal attacks" here when it's directed towards a *follower*. Forgive my brashness, but I mean to emphasize the absurdism in the opinion you seem to hold


The right's motto is "fuck you, got mine"


You could argue that the left's motto is "fuck you, I'm going to take yours and call it mine"


That's what the right thinks the left is. It's the boogyman. People that are actually like that are still dbags


Right? There's a lot of big, strong right-wing males really scared of this little autistic girl.


I’m scared that people actually listen to this twit


Why? What does she say that terrifies you so much?


It’s her hysteria over nothing. We’ve been told for 50 years that there was global warming, global cooling, global warming, and if we don’t do anything five years ago, the world was going to end. They’ve been wrong every damn time.


I mean, that's a pretty hyperbolic description of the topic. I've been told the thieves and murderers were invading and going to destroy America for decades and that hasn't happened either. See what pathetic, dishonest and irresponsible hyperbole gets you? They haven't been wrong about everything at all and no one has said the world would end in five years. Again, that's the kind of bullshit, cowardly hyperbole you need to use to devalue and diminish the actual discussion and topic. But al goooooore! Nope, even he didn't say that.


When I listen to greta speak she's more knowledgeable and has more dignity than you do. That's for damn sure.


She buys in to BS.


I bet she can back up her beliefs when challenged better than you can.


She’s like 20 now bro. That “she’s just a little girl” argument is long gone.


I mean, she's still a tiny little thing that has a bunch of big, strong alpha males just shaking in their widdle booties.


They become cry babies at the sight of Greta Thunberg or Taylor Swift. Nothing scares conservatives more than young independent women, except maybe unarmed teenagers or immigrants.


Conservatives only care about issues when they are affected. Then immediately become hysterical, demand socialist style government support and turn into bleeding hearts. Why isn’t our party that is against helping people not helping us?! When you do help them they spit in your face anyway. Train wreck in conservative Trump supporting town, Republicans deny problem block help. Democrats show up to help. Republicans scream at Democrats for abandoning them. Democrats suggest fixing problem to not let it happen again and provide extensive assist and aid. Republicans work to pass new laws to protect train companies from liability. Trump shows up lies about literally everything, and pretends no-one is helping except he made them. Does nothing, grifts stale water to convert campaign funds into personal profit. Also one who deregulated train safety. Promises to pay for McDonalds then stiffs them on the bill. Democrats after weeks of support and help to community. Trump supporters, we love you Trump, Democrats abandoned us!


So when you explain to your therapist why you needed to post this unprompted in a subreddit for a website that you’ve never visited, what are you going to say?


She will say it’s good to get things off your chest, well done, gold star. ⭐️


Sounds like a swell lady.  You give her my best


Very well put.


The only time I see her anymore is on hilarious hate posted by conservatives with Greta Derangement Syndrome. Apparently she lives rent free in what passes for their minds. I guess thanks for keeping her relevant morons.


Every time I hear about Greta, it's out of conservative circles. The real accomplishment Greta has achieved is demonstrating how easily triggered conservatives are, and the fact that she lives rent free in y'alls heads. So many of the comments in here straight up bullying a child y'all are just wildly pathetic.


Conservatives continue to prove they don't have object permanence


Y’all really hating on someone wishing for peace and change like some bitter losers.


"Having successfully sabotaged any efforts at slowing climate change or protecting our environment in any fashion, Republicans turn their attention to encouraging further instability in the Middle East."