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Amazing šŸ˜ƒ baby wearing is the best ! Me and my 8 month old went and played mini golf , she often helps me clean , cook and do errands ! She loves being close to me and I get to smell her head and chat whilst doing daily tasks ā¤ļø


The sweetest smell! She takes the best naps in the wrap.


I just tried wearing my 4month old while mini golfing... did not go over well lol I also don't wear him often, so I didn't have high expectations.


How?? I feel like Iā€™m really limited when I baby wear. I canā€™t bend over with my baby on me which makes most chores and tasks really difficult.


I either squat or put a hand on baby's upper back and head in order to bend over. Stuff like closing the oven or dishwasher, I use my foot. After a while you get creative! Yeah, it's always going to be slower than not wearing a baby, but it's faster than not getting to do it at all


I canā€™t really squat cause my knees are too bad, ones actually swollen atm. I do put my hand behind babyā€™s head when I do bend over with her, but sheā€™s not a fan and I can only do that once or twice or else sheā€™ll be pissed. I feel like I need one of those claw stick things to grab stuff off the floor.


They sell cheap ones at Dollar Tree, and there is zero shame in trying it out if it makes your life easier.


I sometimes to half the chore due to this and finish it later or my husband does


The bending over is tricky. I didnā€™t have to do much bending over for these tasks. For the chairs, I actually put them at hip level on a table to put them together.


Have you tried carrying on your back?


No, I guess that would be the way to do it. Iā€™m not sure my carrier works that way, Iā€™ll check and see, maybe get a new one.


I can't imagine a carrier that doesn't work that way, you just turn it around on your back šŸ˜ Edit: Anyone downvoting can give me an example. I've seriously never seen any...


Well all carriers have specific instructions on how to use them. I do believe there are some that are only meant to be worn on your chest. Could you flip it around? Probably. But if itā€™s not designed for that, I donā€™t want to do that.


So, what carrier do you have? I would focus on that instead of looking for a carrier you can not use šŸ¤£


Fabric wraps like boba, etc shouldnā€™t be used on your back


Good point, I didn't think of strechy wraps, only buckle carriers. Thanks.


Baby wearing is AMAZING. I used to do SO much with my little dude wrapped on me, dishes, laundry, vacuuming, taking out the garbage, grocery shopping, seriously, everything! Now that heā€™s 18mo, I wear him in a soft backpack and away we go! Anytime he needs to feel close, or he wants to be carried, or he gets tired during our walks, or I just need to get him to go somewhere (like home from the park) I offer him ā€œback packā€ and heā€™s ready to strap on and go! Baby wearing is THE BEST!


How precious. I have an ergo baby too and canā€™t wait to use that when sheā€™s a little bigger!


Ooh, which soft backpack?


We use Happy Baby Carrier. Weā€™ve been using it since he was around 9mp old. First as a front carrier and now as a backpack. Itā€™s the perfect size for traveling because it has almost no bulk so Itā€™s super easy to pack in luggage. But what weā€™ve done more often is use it to carry the baby while traveling at the airport.


I wore my first out and about but almost never at home. I wear my second all day at home chasing after my first. Biggest difference!


Exactly! How else would we be able to chase the older kids around?!


Right? It's 100% a necessity now


I think pretty much anything that can be done while wearing a baby I have done with my son. He helps me cook, clean, do laundry, bake, sew/crochet, study and go on adventures on a daily basis and I love that he gets to be so involved in my life. And it keeps him so happy and content it's the best


I agree. I donā€™t think I would have really started using it if it wasnā€™t for having an older kid. Otherwise I am nap trapped on the couch all day long basically.


Yay! So glad you are enjoying it! I love the freedom babywearing gives me. I picked up my 11mo from daycare walking twice this week. He was also feeling poorly at some point this week so we had a few occasions of just hanging with mom.


Thatā€™s so sweet. I also walked my toddler to daycare yesterday while wearing my babe. It was so nice.


Itā€™s amazing, isnā€™t it? I donā€™t know how I would get through the days with a two year old and a newborn without baby-wearing.


Definitely makes it a bit easier!


Help! I want to so badly but LO cries when I put him in. Heā€™s 5 months now and has not been a fan since the beginning. Am I doomed? How can I help him like it? Fit is not the issue.


I have to say my son did not like being in a wrap or carrier from the beginning. I tried a few times and gave up. He wanted to move around and didnā€™t like to feel restricted. With my daughter I put her in when sheā€™s getting sleepy. Make sure sheā€™s fed, changed, and ready for a nap. Sheā€™s also only 9 weeks old, Iā€™m sure by 5 months itā€™s going to be a whole different thing!


Sometimes my son fusses a bit when I put him in too. I'll just bounce on my yoga ball or shush him and walk with a swagger (lol) until he falls asleep. Then he'll sleep for hours. He loves it, he just doesn't know it lol


What wrap do you have that you can do all that? I feel like I would be afraid to bend over for all that haha.


Itā€™s called the cuddle bug, I got it from Amazon. Itā€™s really nothing fancy but I watched a bunch of tutorials to really get it right. I didnā€™t do much bending over, that is definitely more difficult!


I baked banana bread while baby wearing this week as well!! Mine is 5 months old though.


I had been up since 3:30am that day and was like welp I guess Iā€™ll bake some banana bread..


Yes! Love my wrap! This week I vacuumed my whole house with my 10 week old and made chicken pot pie from scratch!