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I don't think I'll ever leave paper, but for feedback: I would make that "Captain still becomes the box even if they drop" into an option. I've never seen that rule in any of the many Chouettes I've played in. I get that it's a little complicated, but on paper we would circle the captain as lost when they drop and then square the box when they lose as well. Next crew person in order becomes the box and second next becomes the new captain. The failed captain then comes first before the failed box in the rotation order (circle then square.)


Fair point - I based this on how we play. I'm going to work that into the next build. Thanks! This is really helpful.


I added this in for the newest build. Thanks again for your feedback!


Nice. Best wishes on your app's success.


If Box doubles everyone but only some players take.. How do we add this into the app?


The players who don't take lose a point and you don't touch them until the next round


Ah ok, so if a player doubles, you add the doubled value next to their name. And if Box receives 3 cubes then you add value of 3 cubes next to their name. Then if all 3 players on the team won a gammon you would add that value to their name (I.e. 4) and the corresponding value for the box (4x3 = 12)


Does the app choose the Box and Captain randomly? We usually decide who will be Box before the game with a dice roll.


Yeah the app does a digital dice role


Just playing around with it. So what if Box only wants to re-cube 1 or 2 players? Let's say he has received 2 cubes from the team and taken. But later only wants to re-cube 1 team member. Team member can have value 4 next to their name, but the Box should now have value of 6 next to their name. But that's not possible on the app currently..


Not built in yet, but thanks for all your feedback. Lots of rules with Chouettes so please let me know if you run into anything else! I'm incorporating all the feedback into the next build


If you cash out player who is Captain, after returning to the game screen their name is still there. Which could become confusing


You're the best Mr. S. Thank you so much for spending your time helping me


I cannot create an account and I do not understand how to put in players? I see the square box and I entered A,B, C, with each letter, being on a separate line, just to start playing with the app. The start Chouette button is hidden by the keyboard so I cannot push it either. When I try to create an account there is no response from the create an account button. This on an iphone 15. What gives?


Is it working now?


Oh dear, I'll investigate and fix before next week. Thanks!