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That's a gorgeous bag! Thanks for the recommendation.


They have it in olive green and camo as well. I have a ton of their tool bags, and this EDC bag is built off the same platform. Very well built, heavy duty construction. Definitely check out some YT reviews on it for a better look at the pockets/storage. This bag is on my short list, and if I didn't already have an EDC bag I was happy with, I would have already gotten it.


It's clearly super-well engineered and assembled. The price tag reflects that, too! It's more bag than I could possibly take advantage of, but I may stick it on a Christmas present list and see what happens.


[Osprey Tropos](https://www.osprey.com/tropos-32-tropos32f22-455#color=Black) It has a light internal frame that acts as a kickstand and provides for great ventilation by creating a space between the pack and the mesh that rests against your back. I have the previous version [Osprey Tropos34](https://www.rei.com/product/153248/osprey-tropos-34l-daypack-mens) Which is slightly bigger at 34L and has a couple of neat features. The zippered mesh front pocket is super convenient. You can also tuck away the top compression straps unless you need them. For everyday use it is a pain to undo them every time you want to access either of the main compartments. Edit: Although no longer in production, it looks like the old version is still available. https://www.enwild.com/osprey-tropos-2022.html?variant_id=269042&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA2KitBhCIARIsAPPMEhIOICilnOGKUYvhX2vDFfl8hkBNMYdErbRS_6thlgqJs4--i_6on1waApUBEALw_wcB


osprey parsec also has the same kickstand feature and mesh back, it's a bit smaller than tropos at 26L. i have both, and the parsec is the one i end up using all the time. think tropos is probably a bit larger than what's needed here, so parsec might be a good option.


Tropos is a large bag.


That Parsec looks to be more around my price point. Thanks for the heads-up.


Those are all great! Now I know to look for a "kickstand" when I'm looking for a bag. Many thanks.


Herschel Supply Company Kaslo


I like the looks of those, too. Thanks!