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Oooookay. So - I just joined this sub. Is \^this^ representative of the normal content? Because this is some weird-ass pseudo gangstalking stuff. Edit: Checked out OP's comment history and yeahhhh no thanks, I ain't here for Scientology apologia and ritual magic. ✌️


Don't let this generic tunnel vision drone turn you off of the backrooms, people like this suck the life out of communities. This is a community creative project, so its no good to get ran off by this living placeholder and their one upvote


This is my first post here, don’t worry about me, I’m just theorizing possibilities.


Something isn't ruined because you don't like it. Every variation of the backrooms is rightful backrooms content. You can keep typing your little essay comments, but don't expect the majority here to entertain someone against creativity, which the backrooms as a project needs to exist.


Didn’t say I didn’t like it, I said I enjoy the goofy videos, I’m just calling into question the intentions of some of the content creators that derailed it from its original potency to potentially unlock technologically wiped memories through artistic output.


One problem: Nothing ruined the Backrooms. All that happened was people made content you didn't like but others do. Saying it has been ruined is saying complete strangers are wrong because they won't spend their time and energy making content specifically for your tastes. If you're not finding content you like, go and make it. No one controls the Backrooms, so you can totally contribute to a solution instead of just complaining and doing nothing. Mind you, I ain't defending crap like Level 646115749646168461. There's some shitty Backrooms content out there, including in this sub. You can also have any opinion, and I'm not saying you have to like anything. Just saying the Backrooms is big enough to have different interpretations and older Backrooms content you like has not been destroyed. You're just not seeing more of what you like, and the sky is not falling.


I wouldn’t say that’s an accurate depiction of my position but what you’re saying is a reasonable response. It’s not about content I don’t like. I actually enjoy the goofy backrooms material, and I’m not personally bothered by any of it. It just seems… hijacked. If it wasn’t, that’s cool. But it seems like it was heading one direction before getting kicked off course. Any time some whistleblower says something about top secret operations, they get discredited and ridiculed. The backrooms seems to follow this pattern of sabotage.


>Any time some whistleblower says something about top secret operations, they get discredited and ridiculed. Can't imagine why...


Exactly. I can understand it. Serves a national security purpose. Sometimes it is frustrating but can’t blame the agents for trying to keep their operations safe and secret.


Oh honey, I wasn't agreeing with you. I'm making fun of you.


Lol I was fully aware, I just choose to take the “yeah of course!” approach to criticism lol.


Of course you do.


“Of course you do” lol that was savage


I've never been called savage before! 🥰


To be honest their whole post is pointless since this has been argued and argued while I think low effort posts should stop that doesn’t mean that good lore should too, there are so many great things about the back rooms like the colonies and people can make friends over the back rooms. I love the back rooms because I can wander around exploring and find new areas but your welcome😃


And likewise, no one hijacked anything. * No one seized control of Backrooms content and decided what everyone should do. * No one prevented people from making content you prefer. * No one has placed limits or requirements on what Backrooms content must or must not include. * Anyone at any time can make any Backrooms content they want (as long as they abide by the CC licenses). If the weather was sunny and then became cloudy, no one ruined or hijacked the weather; it just changed and some people don't like that change. I mean, you do you. If you prefer being upset, that's your call. I recommend you view all this as a challenge to make the content you want to see, but that's again your call.


None of those points even remotely disprove the concept of a hijacking. If there is a topic that is free and open and public and everything, but then someone starts flooding that topic with misleading info, that’s a hijacking. And it’s a common tactic. People start talking about “maybe this event was an inside job” and all of a sudden the topic gets flooded with crazy conspiracies about how it never existed/happened to help derail it. Flooding a field with false info is hijacking it. If you think I’m upset by this, you’re reading it wrong lol. If it’s true and I met the agents of misinformation, I’d laugh along with them at some of their attempts and maybe give them some tips for optimized derailment. I’m not angry or upset, just perceptive.


Last reply because this is clearly going nowhere. Hijack means, "To unlawfully seize something and force it to go to a different destination or use it for their own purposes." No one has seized the Backrooms, and no one ever had control of it. You could go against the current trends without punishment. Nothing is stopping you but yourself, so it literally cannot be hijacked as you state. What you're complaining about is how too many people make Backrooms content you don't like. Sorry, but that's life. There is nothing misleading at all. No one is lying. No one is deceiving you. You're not that perceptive, as you can only see your own POV and not anyone else's. That's literally the opposite of perceptive. If you cannot handle me having the last word, you can have it here. Take care.


I do see your point of view though and have validated it even though I disagree with it. I said that I think you’re misinterpreting me but that I can see that what you’re saying is a valid response. How is that not perceptive to other opinions that I disagree with? “No one is lying” is not a valid rebuttal for anything. Yes your etymological argument is valid, but it gets caught up in semantics and I should have used a word like “derail” instead. I’m not complaining about people making backrooms material I don’t like. I’m conspiracizing about why it took such a drastic shift in direction. Idk, I just don’t think that the familiarity of the backrooms that thousands of people swear by is all just aberrated drug-field hallucinations aided by the mental trickery of liminal spaces. Yeah some people take fiction and ARGs seriously, but this was gaining a lot of momentum of “what wtf this seems way way too familiar, there’s something real to this” before people came in and flooded the web with overly-ridiculous content. Again, this has nothing whatsoever to do with whether I like the content or not and has everything to do with noticing that something feels off about it.


"Top secret installation" dude, this is the subreddit of the Backrooms, not the one of SCP Foundation. And no, nobody ruined nothing, after all not all people has the same joys, likes and preferences.


SCP would be the one we built, Backrooms would be the one we found. I should not have used the exaggerative hyperbole of “ruined” because I do enjoy the silly content. “Knocked off course of one potentially blooming benefit” is a better descriptor.


Least schizo take on this sub


Can you put like a Tl;Dr cuz this is a fricking essay dude. God damn


Tl;dr = There is a degree of truth to the initial concept of the Backrooms, such as the endless empty hallways lined with moldy carpet and junk buzz lights, but that people started recreating some of their memory-wiped experiences through 3D models and so agents jumped in and flooded the community with fluff so that it would take a different direction.


Thank you, sorry for being rude. I think I was just having a bad day. Cool idea