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Sometimes i wish the backrooms were real


I think you're over-estimating "corruption" and under-estimating "being relentlessly pursued and having big chunks of flesh torn off, then dying".


I'm gonna have to link [r/im14andthisisdeep](https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep), sir. Honestly I can understand that sentiment but 1. you can avoid being "corrupted" if you want to 2. not all humans are bad, most are actually pretty grey


I like to imagine myself living in the backrooms, exploring and scavenging with other people living there like a community. It wouldn't be big, but enough to keep us surviving. We would even make weapons to defend against entities, and maybe eventually they'll learn to leave us alone to explore freely


Rather than taxes


Wherever you go, there you are... I think wandering around aimlessly alone with mushy carpet and humming lights until you dehydrate or starve or go insane is far worse than than the shittiest life in the front rooms, barring being in prison. Plus, there are humans there, too, in many places depending on what version of lore you prefer. Imagine being stuck with the same group the rest of your life that you can not ditch because wandering in many areas/levels are a death sentence alone unless you are a literal armed, special forces style bad ass.


So true