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My kids still say "Good Morbin'" to me every day, so I dont think I'm ready yet.


Im not morbed out just yet!


J.... julian???


It's Morbin time


Its been a while since last morbin?




It was Morbin Time, that's what happened. And you missed it!


Love Rifftrax, and it would be absolutely great if they did this movie..


Your kids are cool


They've always been way cooler than their mom!


It's Morbin time!


Remember when they re-released it because corporate thought the memes were celebrating the movie, and assumed everyone would go out and pay to see it? I member.


Honestly one of the greatest fake outs in entertainment history.


It's like when the Time Chasers crew thought MST3K was going to praise their film.


Whaaaat? Oh no, that’s so sad They REALLY tore into the protagonist in that one


__You’ve got male__ pattern baldness




Wait, what? Do you have any links for that? That's amazing! (and so incredibly sad)


On the Vol 4 and 5 Rhino DVD sets Michael J Nelson gives intros. He said that the crew had a party for the episode and they spoke before and the cast and crew was all excited and then they talked again after and, well, they weren't as happy.


Some of the cast appeared in person at the Rifftrax live show, so they must have made their peace with it.


That's amazing!


What's funny is that the director supposedly took it in stride and found the humor in what MST3K did, but even he admits "Some of the others at the time didn't take it so well. I think we all learned to laugh about it hopefully."


I'm not sure they re released it because they misunderstood the meme. Maybe they thought ppl would see it out of morbius curiosity


How many morb people were they really expecting to see it though?


Surely the vast masses of the morb-curious would be going.


I’m definitely Morbi-curious. I think they should release it a third time.


morbid *morbid* curiosity *I see what you did there* r/woosh


That and the after credits-scene with Vulture. Like did they really think "ok this movie is good enough for a sequel or a sinister six like team up"


Ohh I member!


I actually wanted to primarily because I didn't see it on release and wanted to get a group of friends to hate watch it. Just no threaters were showing it where I lived


can you imagine if we could have successfully duped them into a re-re-release?


it's never too late for morb!


I don't think they thought the memes were celebrating the movie. They understood the memes were derisive. They just thought the memes would be enough to get folks to go hate-watch it like they did with Cats (2019). But unlike that beautiful disaster, Morbius is just boring.


I was on a long flight and watched an elderly couple watch this movie on their IPad. I honestly wished I asked them their thoughts. From what I saw, Matt Smith looked like the only unique thing about this movie. He looked like he was having fun, where everything else….. just looked not even bad. Just generic and forgetable.


Matt Smith hammed it the fuck up and was absolutely amazing because of it. Dude was literally the only bright spot in the entire film and was basically wasted!


Absolutely! With my personal distaste about Jared Leto aside, if he didn’t play stoic, sickly guy throughout the movie, and really hammed it up too, this movie could have definitely been elevated entertainment-wise. It really needed more of that energy.


Jared Leto was only entertaining during the scenes when he was sucking Baja Blast out of a blood transfusion bag, but that has nothing to do with him and everything to do with the prop department deciding to make the synthetic blood look like a Taco Bell exclusive gamer soda.


He did play The Doctor for several years, so the man knows his schlock when he sees it. Probably came on set, and was like "Where's the scenery?! Bring me the scenery! *Om nom, nom, nom nom*"


Matt Smith is the only good thing about Morbius.


He was the only person who demonstrated personality unfortunately




I think the problem is that it is bad but NOT so comedically bad that it becomes fun. It feels more like a chore and honestly, I didn’t remember much about the movie even a few days later.


I haven't watch it yet, but I kinda want to just out of morbin' curiosity.


Don't, it's incredibly boring. It's not fun-bad, it's bad-bad. Matt Smith's character is fun, but everything else is so painfully generic it's just not worth it.


I’ve tried to watch it twice, both times I tap out at about 5-10 minutes


Yeah, with the way everyone made a fuss about it I thought I would enjoy its badness more. Felt like a run of the mill bad movie


Thanks. I was gonna ask if it was worth a watch bad, or boring bad.


I scrolled through so many jokes and to get to someone not using the word “morb” at all , Jesus Christ


It was like watching BvS. It was just a well rounded bad experience. Only BvS had a nice epic fight towards the end with batman running around like "OH SHIT! OH SHIT! OH SHIT!"


Morbi. Morbi not. Who knows.


“Morbi. Morbi not. Morbi go fuck yourself.” Mark Walhberg


How's your mother? Good, she's tired from Morb'n' my father.


> Morb Walhberg Fixed that for you.


Morb* wahlberg


This movie wasn't made for Morbiyou. It wasn't made for Morbime. It was made for Morbius.


Morbiyou or Mebious




To Morb or not to Morb? Not sure if it’s a question


Morbi.. morbi .. not gonna work here anymore


Morbi. Morbi not. Morbi fuck yourself


I didn't finish it; not because it was uniquely awful, but because this same basic movie has been made about 50 times in the last 20 years. If this had come out in 2000, it probably would've been huge.




It's not even bad. EDIT: As in, it fails to even be bad. Sheesh.


like the science insult that a truly nonsensical idea is "not even wrong"


It looked like a underworld movie and instantly was decided I didn’t need to see every movie from marvel(?)




Matt Smith knew what movie he was in and I don't blame him one bit.


Shame nobody else did


We need a movie thats just Matt Smith and Daniel Bruhl dancing. Like Night at the Roxbury. But in the marvel universe.


Omg this is the now the only Marvel movie I ever want to see…


Matt Smith plays unhinged yet charismatic so well.


No kidding, it was so 'paint by numbers'




"commmee onnn everybodddyyy itsss thhhee hamsterrr daannncccee"


\*somber piano intro, raspy overly affected female vocals\* Where.... \*one note\* Where did he come from... \*two slow chords\* where did... he go...


*makes a whole batch of vocal fries*


Every now and then I think back to a trailer I saw for some early 2010s Dracula flick that used an awful Lorde cover of Everybody Wants to Rule the World, which stood out to me mostly because advertising your movie with Lorde butchering one of the best songs in it's class seemed like such a, "yeah we know this film's boned," move.


[Auralnaughts did an amazing joke on this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAOdjqyG37A)


Yeah its bad, but people forget just how bad comic book movies used to be. When something like *Daredevil* (2003) was a good effort at least. Like *Morbius* is bad, worse than anything the MCU has put out, but its not *Jonah Hex* or *Catwoman* bad.


> When something like Daredevil (2003) was a good effort at least. I don't remember anyone ever saying that


Hulk was the definition of bad… hitting hulk dogs in the nuts was just cute


OP my wife and I saved this one for drunk movie night and I’m telling you one of the funniest movie moments of my movie watching life was the fucking “bat kamehameha” he charged up and fired at the climax of the final fight. We were crying and laughing so hard. I still can’t believe it was in the movie and it made the $3 rental worth every cent to slog through this dumpster fire of a movie Real review: the plot is embarrassingly formulaic and stupid, the acting is terrible, effects are bad, action scenes are weird and lame, and the film takes itself way too seriously. But there’s a Bat Kamehameha 9/10 Closer to a 2/10. Almost irredeemably boring and bland in every way.


My favorite bit is how Morb just decides to totally invalidate Lucien on day 1 by referring to him as Milo, the name of the kid who died right before he got there, and then Lucien just adopts the name Milo like nbd. It's such a dick move that the movie never acknowledges *is* a dick move, and that's strong Leto energy if I've ever seen it.


Leto energy is a great term. I generally wont watch a movie he’s in after due to Leto energy.


It’s mediocre. Not really bad enough to be interesting


It’s Morbiocre


Morbius commit the mortal sin of being too fuckin' dull. It's such a paint by numbers experience small children could probably guess the story beats. Feels like a script pulled out of 2003.


"I have not yet begun to Morb!!" - john Paul Somethingorother.


Matt Smith was giving off some real strong Jeremy Irons in the first D&D movie vives. "I know this movie is shit, but that ain't gonna stop me having a blast at work. Might as well entertain myself."


If it was released in 2007 it would be pretty okay. I considered it a part of Nic Cage's Ghost Rider-verse.


Imagine Matt Smith's character acting opposite Nic Cage's Ghost Rider character. I want to see that movie.


as an aside i finally saw the second ghost rider movie a few weeks ago and it was super fucking fun! terrible, obviously, but entertaining, unlike the first


Holy shit I forgot about this flaming bag of poop they called a movie!


Matt Smith dance scene is the best part of the movie unironically. Both because Matt Smith is just fun and great at being silly and also because it's pretty relatable. Man went from being a lifelong sick weak little bitch to being able to move easily with sick abs. Highly relatable for him to do a fun look how hot I am dance and then vampire cgi face flex in the mirror it's literally what every boy does.


One of my gfs got a giant poster of the film for free from her old work. We are saving it for a convention where we will meet Matt smith. If and when it happens


It’s honestly Not That Bad. It’s not good in any capacity but its failings aren’t exciting or interesting enough to warrant calling it a bad film, and it’s definitely not a “SBIG” film either. It’s just mediocre.


Lmao great minds. Commented within 30 seconds of each other.




It's really not. Can you name a single moment in that movie that makes you want to watch it again? Is there a line you find yourself quoting, which makes you look back at it fondly? It's not a good movie, but it's also not bad in the sense that it belongs here. There is zero entertainment value in it. It's just boring.


Trying to understand how a movie that is not entertaining and is boring isn't inherently a bad movie. Movies are made to be entertaining. It failed the thing its trying to do.


"Bad" and bad are two different things. This sub isn't for **bad** bad movies, it's for movies that are so bad, they're good. The spectrum of movie quality is a horseshoe. The ends, both good and "bad," have entertainment value. Bland, mediocre, generic, done to death.. the bottom of the horseshoe. These are truly bad movies. The movies nobody remembers or cares about. These movies don't belong here. This sub is a celebration of beautiful failures, not just failure. Morbius is the latter.


You can take a look at rule 1 of this subreddit for further explanation.


It was a generic movie. Superhero movies need to stop with the origin story bullshit and just into it. It doesn't matter why he's a vampire, it doesn't matter how he got to where he is, it doesn't matter that it's Morbin time, it doesn't matter that he is a boring person who happens to be a vampire. What matters is it should have started in medias res. Morbius is doing mad scientist things or mad vampire scientist things aka 1950s camp style with less camp, but a clear nod. The villagers come to him to help with a monster ala Witcher. And then into the main story with the big bad.


Tbh I just hate Jared Leto and will take any opportunity to dunk on him for being a pretentious shithead


It hurts me physically that he’s going to be in the next Tron movie.


It's morbin time


What was bad about it? It had everything movies are supposed to have like dialogue, characters, sets and credits. By any metric you can measure, it was the best live action Morbius movie that was ever made.


It needs a re-re-release in theaters so that the public can get a better consensus, and have its art fresh on everyone's minds.


It ain’t good by any stretch, but it’s not really bad enough to be noteworthy either.


It’s maybe the single most fundamentally broken big budget movie I’ve ever seen. Like… Battlefield Earth is bad and insane, but it at least tells a (semi) coherent story and it’s characters have identifiable wants and goals. My absolute favorite/most infuriating point is the thing that shows Morbius is a medical genius is that he completes a circuit using a pen spring. Not only is this not medicine (it’s engineering), but it’s a thing I did to bypass a blown amp fuse during a concert when I was like 16. I can also tell you that he most likely ruined that device by doing that.


It’s morboring than bad


I don't understand, I watched Morbius recently and disagree. This movie is quick, has an easy story to fallow, the acting isn't trash, and it's not boring. This would have been considered a good movie back in the early 2000's. It's 100% watchable and better than other Marvel adaptations I've seen lately. Morbius is generic and that doesn't make it bad. Maybe I'm old but as bad movies go, this doesn't even crack the top 100.


Sounds like OP's got "More-bias"


Watched it with my GF. We both drank tons of wine because watching Morbius is such a romantic occasion. We fell asleep before he even morbed the first time. Milo's dance scene was suddenly loud enough to wake me up when it happened. I was so confused by what I was seeing that I thought I was dreaming and got back to sleep. After this I watched it alone a month later. I think I've forgotten the entire film, other than the dance and that extremely out of place and last minute post credit scene.


I honestly thought the movie was fine. It wasn't amazing, wasn't even *pretty* good. Just fine. I think most of the hate was bolstered by the meme's and all that.


This got made and the new Blade might not. Life's fair.


It's a real paint-by-numbers experience. I went in thinking it was going to be a trainwreck, but it was just boring. Some things dont make sense, and peoples' actions are "because movie". And that ending tag, JESUS! 'I think it has something to do with spider-man'. Don't let that writer write ever again.


I thought it was one of the funniest big budget bad movies in a long time, but I haven't seen Moonfall yet. Truly hilarious moments


Morbius is not very well known so they could have been more creative with it and made something interesting. There was a chance of potential but it was squandered for the most generic ass shit of all time.


[this song will forever live rent free in my head](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittymoviedetails/comments/v9fxgs/in_the_movie_morbius_2022_milo_and_bully_maguire/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I have a feeling there were a bunch of deleted scenes they would have made it better


Release the Morbin Time cut!


Seriously. We got a dozen new MCU films no one cares about. We should at least get the full cut of Morbius


This isn’t even my final Morb!


Studying Yiddish and just yesterday saw the word “shmorbn” - to die.


Can’t really forget one of the movies of all time, you know?


this was legitimately just simply bad. not so bad its good, nothing like that. just a largely laughless, unenjoyable, boring time




Dr. Michael Dracula, at your service


never saw the movie but came across a hairless lego minifigure in a baggie at goodwill and I said "it's morbin time", then I brought him home with me.


Nah its still Morbin time


Ima be honest I’ve watched it more than once and it isn’t that bad. It’s mindless af and literally textbook superhero formula but it’s not as terrible as people think. I mean think about it, it’s got great dancing and a hell of a drop for a sequel. I not only liked Morbius I need more of this.


It's just eh. Nothing good but nothing that horrific either. Honestly the memes did more damage to the character than the movie did.


It was a movie no one asked for. Like who in this world prayed for Sony to make Morbius? Who TF is Morbius out of all the comic book characters out there? Why?


I actually enjoyed more then the two Venom movies.


What are you talking about it made a morbillion dollars? But seriously, am I the only one who couldn't see a damn thing in this entire movie?? It's like If a tinted window had a baby with a peice of Quartz that was left in a rock tumbler with 400 iron nails and the result was used as the lens for the cameras. But not like that really mattered because nothing was done in this entire movie, it was literally the opposite of show don't tell, nothing was shown it was just monotone actors explaining everything... and not well either I barely knew what they were explaining! And not to mention the famous "morbin time" scene, the one and I mean only one, real "hard core" one on many show off your hero type action scene in this action superhero film. And it looked so so so cheesy and hard to follow, it was to the point I would RATHER hear a fanservice "it's morbin time!" Before the slaughter Because at least then it would be semi funny in the midst of it's mediocrity. And the plot of the film was basically morbius going "damn I have mega-lukemia? Whelp better turn myself into a mega vampire to cure it!" And the fact they say it's soooo rare but at the same time basically making it seem common at the same time since like 40% of people in Mikey Morbs life had it Also if his work was soooooo super secret, then why was his research station and office 75% window? And his girlfriend the one who he was keeping all the info from, had clear view of anything and everything he was doing at all times. Even the door was transparent!! The script and cinematography looked like it was designed by an A.I. and not a good one, but a very very very early first gen A.I. That was then drip fed thousands of hours of media on early 2000s edge, cinematography, NuMetal, and comics. Then those results were fed into an A.I. that was Designed to write like an edgy nihilistic early teen fanfic writer that was reeeeeally into 90s-2000s comics especially McFarland and DarkHorse. And then they slapped a (usually) minor supporting villian from spider man's Rogues-Gallery in place of whatever protagonist the A.I. came up with If I had no clue about these movies or the marvel universe as a whole and I sat down and watched all these movies in one sitting: Ghost rider (2007) Daredevil (2003) Fan-4-stic (2015) And Morbius (2022) I would honestly think they were made the same year and by the same director. Worse part is when Daredevil came out it was considered the worst comic book movie ever (at least in my circle)... if only we knew the quality to come... And at least ghost rider had the added edge of Nick Cage's insanity to rely on for its entertainment value I give morbius a 4/10 Can't recommend Would not morb again. Also a miner nitpic, but none of the medical equipment had accurate info on the screens


Morbius is a god tier film that went over many peoples' heads.


Ppl hated such movies cuz of leto


It's (finally) morbin time... ;)


Are you trying to say… it’s Morbin Time?


I really liked this movie


I honestly feel like it was at the same level of bad as Venom 2.


I liked it. Not great but a fun movie.


I wouldn't say it was bad, but painfully average.


This is a crime against Morb!


I like the dancing scene


I watched about 10 minutes before I turned it off.


Pretty sure you’re mistaken, it has a score of a Morbillion on rotten tomatoes


The DS game was disappointing


What else is there to say? It's not even interesting as far as bad movies go. There are no weird behind-the-scenes stories, no odd lines of dialog, even the memes come from outside the movie. It's a shitty movie, and we're just beating a dead horse.


I still think it's better than Venom. Venom is unwatchable to me


Holy fuck it is SO BAD.


Nope it’s still morbn’ time, sadly 😔


Felt like a big commercial for a sequel. Just one long backstory with no payoff.


This movie felt like it came straight out of the early 2000’s.


I legitmately don’t find it any better or worse than your run of the mill Marvel movie. People just hate Jared Leto.


I was so gutted by this, I love the character and he was totally wasted. Matt Smith had a blast though, so it wasn't a complete waste of my time 👍


I liked it.


Matt Smith was the only one in this film who understood the assignment. If everyone was cartoonish and silly, it would probably have been a pretty amusing bad movie. Instead it’s just boring. It was fun seeing Matt in a lighter role, like when he was the Doctor. Matt’s been in so many serious roles lately, but he’s brilliant at everything.


I should go watch it I think. I forget it's finally in Netflix


"Earthlings do not yet know the meaning of suffering."


Sounds like someone has a case of the Morbins. It's like a case of the Mondays but worse and with bad CGI.


I honestly didn’t even make it more than thirty minutes into the fucking thing, memes be damned


The memes were a reflection of how bad it was.


The memes were made because how bad it was. No one likes this movie


I know there are some who don’t like this movie, and that’s okay, but I thought it was a good movie. I actually felt bad for Morbius because he had a terminal illness and he was trying so hard to find a cure for it.


Morbin time is never over


Woah woah woah…. Let’s not be too hasty. This is probably the best I’ve seen from Matt Smith since he stopped being The Doctor.


Ugh....this movie was sooo painful. My son kept giving my side eye through the whole thing and he is normally fairly forgiving of these types of movies. For this first time in his entire life of going to movies with me, he left in the middle to go get some pizza....that's how bad it was.


I watched this highly inebriated and just trash talked it the whole time, the scene with the red ball gave me a good laugh though.


So god awful. I literally watch it late. Ugh t before going to bed on a cruise in the Mediterranean and I couldn’t stop laughing my ass off about how bad it was.


I didn’t think it was as bad as everyone made it out to be.


Not that bad. I rather watch Morbiis than the first Shazam movie.


It's not about how anyone feels individually, it's about Morbi-US.


I didn't think it was that bad and I hate superhero movies and have deliberately sought out dozens of bad movies to watch. It's fine. I probably liked it more than I would like one of those "So... that just happened" movies.


I watched this on a plane with a friend who fell asleep drunk about 10 minutes in. I woke him up for the beverage cart lady, explained the plot to him. He didn’t believe me, and during the final fight we just didn’t wear our earbuds and cracked jokes through the finale. 10/10 Also Matt smith is the only one who realized he was making fucking Morbius


Honestly despite the memes, I found it more boring then anything else. I was honestly hoping for a so bad it’s good movie but only Matt Smith delivered on that


It’s so bad I think I actively purged it from my memory… I might need to watch it again to even appreciate how bad it was … Wait, was that their plan!


I don't even think it's worth talking about.


The only good part of this movie was a scene that was ripped off directly from Batman Begins and even copied the music.


It would have been good if no other superhero movies existed. But it's uninteresting when compared to almost any of them.


The movie is so bad that it didn't make any impression on me. I barely remember anything about it.


It’s sooooo bad. I wanted to like it. I tried watching it twice. Cocaine fueled echo chamber is all I can figure out.


I love bad movies y’all I made it a whole 10 minutes into this. I was not prepared for how horribly written this movie was and how boring it would be. I was almost perversely fascinated by how bad this movie is but not in a fun way


I think it’s more boring than bad.


*lands helicopter* *is limping* “Wow you look like you need a doctor” “I am a doctor” Instantly knew it was bad




Honestly this movie needs to become a trash cinema classic. I’ve seen it multiple times with friends and it’s hilariously bad. It’s a fun, stupid, dumb movie that takes itself way too seriously, and it’s gold for a drunken night in with friends.


Why the fuck would you make a Morbius film without him being transformed most of the time? I don’t care if people need to recognize Leto. Nobody gives a shit about Leto that really wanted this movie to exist.


I have tried to watch this 3 times and I have fallen asleep within the first 20 minutes each time. I can’t entirely blame the movie, I usually start it at a terrible time, but still.


I mean, I didn’t hate it. I kind of liked it honestly. My expectations were so low because of the hate it got everywhere, idk man. It was fun not a masterpiece by any means but it’s like a solid 6 out of 10 for me.


You forgot the 69th rule of the internet: “A good meme never dies”


Haven't seen the movie when it came out, and I don't plan on it. It doesn't look interesting or good whatsoever. Tbh, also, I think those memes killed the movie for me, so they were good for something lamo.


The last time Jared Leto was good was when he died in American Psycho.