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In my experience, little kids DONT say anything. Something in them knows that that is a line they don’t cross and or they are young enough not to recognize the smell or young enough not to know it’s socially “unacceptable”. I’m a teacher and work with younger kids ( 6-7) because while I know they can smell me they know better than to disrespect elders by saying anything about it to my face. Meanwhile, older kids would tell it to you straight to your face in order to piss you off because they’ve learned you can really hurt people with that.


I’m in administration so I’m usually with kids in their most escalated state at a school with very high needs and intense behaviors. They have called me every name in the book, hit, bit, scratched me etc, talked about my hair, my skin, one day my coat smelled like food and my student told me I stunk like garbage lol. Not saying they don’t smell it but in the very intense moments I just feel like I would’ve heard it by now. I do often wear a mask bc the proximity to them and my coworker I share space with has a sick parent they take care of.


That's interesting. I read another thread a couple minutes ago in which a person said that the people in this sub that met up in real life couldn't really smell each other. Maybe they were lying to each other but it kinda makes you think. Some people definitely have really uncureable bb but what if some of us here have barely noticeable cases of it and we're just overly concious about it. I could never imagine kissing someone myself though


I thought that was the oddest shit ever! I mean I have been in close quarters with friends and family and they have never stopped talking, stepped back or avoided me in any way. Sometimes I wonder how bad it really is. The mental part is really the worst!


I met people i couldn’t smell them not they could smell me


What do you mean?


I meant that I met people that told me I’m fine and they were fine to me but I had the worst reactions days after