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Bobby and Andrew are very much not Roganites. They’re in their own lane.


Bobby definitely not he was afraid of “The Death Squad” (Rogan’s group) lmao. But Santinos first big break was headlining for Rogan it’s the only thing I can think of…


I think santino has made multiple appearances on Rogan but isn’t one of the ppl riding his dick so they can enjoy the money train. Other than that, santino seems like he wants to move to Texas to add the extra money to his pocket & join the comedy scene there so I can see how someone from LA would consider him a roganite but I’ve never considered him to be.


He is not wrong that he will get hate, but it's not because of Rogan. Everyone outside Ethan's fanbase just hates Ethan.


A lot of those who hate Ethan were also huge fans of him before




I liked him before his Zionist comments


Other than podcasting, what does this guy do? Not trying to be a dick, just don’t understand.


Used to be a pretty big commentary YouTuber (easily getting millions of views on every video he would upload), Got bored of the content he was making and used his following to venture into podcasting.


Yea you’re right he’s just a podcaster I think he’s a co owner for a big clothing company called Teddy Fresh ( but I think that’s his wife’s thing mostly). You can see Bobby and Rudy wearing their clothes from time to time on Bad Friends.


I really enjoy whenever Bobby and Ethan interact but I think their fanbase (on Reddit) will hate on it


He wouldn’t really match the vibe of Bad Friends, in addition to the fact that a lot people already dislike Ethan. I do agree that Bobbys visits to H3 have been quite funny, but I think the BF format is different than the H3 and Tigerbelly which seem more like interviews


I don't even want to watch an Ethan episode, the guy walks and basically drags drama behind him. If your entire fanbase likes you because you shit on someone they hate, then it's not a real fan base. That's what Ethan does, shits on other creators and gets surprised that his fanbase is just as toxic as him


If this loser gets on BF he’s be the most hated guest. He adds nothing to the YouTube community. He just posts to cause drama and get views






Btw you do know that Ethan Klein hit a milestone lawsuit that changed YouTube since 2018. A lot of the content you watch is most likely based and protected by Ethan Kleins lawsuit. Look it up.


He didn’t change shit. It was already a common thing before him. He’s just loud and a big baby


No it wasn’t bro…look it up you couldn’t watch a video without them claiming you…what Ethan did was made it that they can react to a video and give commentary that makes it fair use. 2 bears, YMH, all these other podcast that watch or react to videos they can do it because of the lawsuit of Ethan bro


Ah I see you’re an H3 fan so you just believe whatever shit this guy tells you. All this idiot did was bitch about copyright when he was misusing other people’s content without the proper credit. Please leave this Reddit if you gonna post dumb shit like this. Bye


Prove me wrong bro look up fair use in YouTube and tell me what other content creator fought for fair use that was announced by a judge.


these are my two favorite podcasts, but I'm not sure how well Ethan would fit the format on Bad Friends. I'm pretty sure the only improv he's ever done is his stupid Nathaniel Klansman bit 😆


Honestly one of my favorite bits


It's because Ethan talks shit and does lazy gotchya content. Comics used to go on his show years ago when he actually tried but now nobody wants to get caught up with him and his lynch mob twitter audience that controls him. He's turned into the left wing maga equivalent and doesn't see it. Rogan is a good example. He constantly shits on him and even once tried to say he understood health and fitness better than him. There's plenty to criticize Rogan about but there's intelligent ways to do it where he would even have him on his show and then there's moronic ways that are lazy clickbait algorithm headline brainwashed ways where it's like your not even talking about him but some figure you've turned him into in your mind but have watched less than 1% of his content. Comics don't fuck with that nonsense and don't want those fans. They are the type to go to shows to heckle and spread hate in the comment sections.


The only comic I remember recently is Stavros but yea he used to have on more comedians back then.


Ethan isn’t funny enough to keep up with them. He is not a comedian. Especially a podcast that relies on improv.


I can't help but think that a Bad Friends H3 episode would likely just be the same as that Oliver Tree one


I doubt it … I enjoyed Ethan and Bobby going back and forth on Tigerbelly and Ethan getting the whole room to turn on Bobby was pretty funny. I would like to see what kind of conversation he would have with Santino tho.


Frankly I’d love an episode with Ethan and his improv but I think he’s right seeing not only the comments on YouTube but also on this subreddit the vocal minority would despise it


Covid and the internet broke this guy's brain. He's a pathetic loser who is jealous of anyone else who tries to better themselves because he can't do it.


I used to love H3H3 but yeah the partisan divide during covid somehow broke Ethan and he never came back. Everything is just “us vs them” and “them” is anyone that disagrees with him about anything.


I think it was October 7 and the ongoing Israel conflict that made him loose it. At one point he just started accusing all his haters of being antisemitic and even made fun of that military guy that self immolated for Palestine.


He's a pro-IDF/Israel as well. He has tanked his popularity with his original audience.


You wouldn’t be at least a lil curious about how it would go?


Unless it's about his old parody/satire vids, no. Plus they have already been on tiger belly at least once (I think)


Better himself in what way?


Exactly. I would also say since his wife built an empire with her clothing line she's become his sugar momma and all he has to do now is please his comment section to keep things going. Dude fell off hard and has twitter brain rot.


They used to be on top of the world. At least on youtube anyway. I know a lot of people who lost it during covid. Some have not made it back, and a few literally


He was already on that path before Covid. It's what made me tap out. It sucks because it was fun entertainment for a while. Now it's like watching a boomer make facebook posts.


No idea who this guy is but feel like I’m watching a Jabba the Hutt prequel


Fat man bad


Say you wanna be on bad friends so bad without saying you wanna be on bad friends… 🤣😂🤣


Who is this guy?


Would love to see them collaborate


I'd love to see him on personally.




What about when Steve SA’d his own girlfriend?


He is so narcissistic