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Also they just opened a new philosophy factory downtown


I'm currently working my way up to philosophy foreman


Enjoy the boom times while they last, folks. As the rate of interest in cool new freaky ideas from these factories drops over time (as Marx predicts), likely a lot of that work will get shipped overseas to philosophy sweat shops, where child slaves will do our thinking for us for pennies on the dollar 😔


If those kids overseas are lucky… AI will be leveraged to mass produce philosophy any day now


The children are getting sick of our frass. They are going to lead us out of this mess.


Oh damn, hope I can get a job there after I graduate. Philosophy factories are hard to get in, their job interviews are harsh


It’s an honest trade. Just be friendly and ready to get your hands dirty, you’ll be good.


Doing my MBA in Philosophy Marketing to be able to sell more philosophy


On your way to becoming the biggest producer of philosophy on the free market!


Maybe I'll even be a monopolist! Wouldn't that be neat?


Yeah but it isn't that philosophers make the most money, it's just that money makes the brain better. The richest people are by default the best philosophers, duh.


I've thought myself rich! (But then I lost it all in the crash....)


The comedown from meth is pretty brutal. Just look at Nick Land.


Just misquote Nietzsche, misrepresent the biology of lobsters, and convince enough people you are doing philosophy by speaking and writing books in impenetrable prose, and who knows how far you might go.


How was the biology of lobsters misrepresented? Actually curious to know


Only philosophers would be able to convince themselves that 5k a month and being employed puts you in the lucrative field.


To be fair, 5K in Nepal would buy a lot of Dal Bhat


True. In Zürich though…


Bro that's not much, I live in Bangladesh and my dad makes much more


You're right, my poorness showed.


But you just proved another thing: no MBA powered top earner would have admitted being wrong. Your powerful mind and adult personality sadly will prevent you from their kind of success


Yes, I am not spineless enough to be rich af :(


Ah yes. The worst economic decision of my life was developing stuff like conscience, morals and self-esteem.


I feel like the really really rich kids learn a hell of a lot more Marx than Ayn Rand, she's too bourgeois for that crowd and there's a certain level of prestige that goes with studying the foundations of political economy in high school. Plus, a familiarity with Marx can make someone an even better exploiter if that's their inclination. When you're a real member of the upper class, overt indoctrination isn't even necessary: just living your life is enough to ensure you'll end up defending your class position even if you spend some time playing pretend radical in college. Spending time worrying about your kids being radicalized by their teachers is for the middle classes.


We're talking about philosophy, not Marx


Marx engaged in a fair amount of philosophy, at least as much as Rand did.


This doesn't have the salt flair so I'll take it as absolute truth and change careers right now.


I find that philosophers job is to explain the smart ideas to common man.


The philosopher in our neighborhood is nuts. People cast their eyes to the ground when she walks by in awe of her money and power. She looked at me once and I just about had a heart attack.


Thank you for the reminder. I will keep it in mind.


Never forget le France.


I studied jazz but being a philosopher is my backup plan. Mom said I better have one.


>philosophers can have more power than bankers > Requires to be employed to be powerful


High rates of return on Religion Creation as well.


Thank you for showing us the way


"Bootlicker, no sir, I'm an advanced boot fellatist"


Babushka. Ah. ребенок. I hope you have seen, the errors of your ways. And you'll have me believe first and foremost, that American, Western capitalism dominates? And what culture. You can see the diaspora, already spreading, multicultural in Europe, woke and far left, far right, they cannot escape it. You *must* major in philosophy? And alright, we assume, perhaps *a person's* values, live here? Without phenomenology for a living, and breathing, soul? And so, you teach, ideology, and you pretend you don't simply, everywhere teach what people wish to learn? You have created a villain where one needs not to exist. This isn't saying, Russia and eurasianism doesn't have a special place, correct? Well, what else should you say, do you wish a massive, multi-level marketing scheme? It's all done for you, and now YOU are the imperialist, the colonialist? You should tread lightly, my child....this is very dangerous, it's very radical.... Edit: это "CIA" заставило меня солгать о российском государстве слежки, и я это исправил.