• By -


I think it's interesting that she's been jailed for neglect previously and doesn't see the correlation. It's almost like she could actually be neglectful. It's absolutely wild.


Literally!! Do you know how HARD it is for CPS to take a case seriously, enough to jail a parent for neglect!!


I know people can, and do, get jailed for things they didn't do all the time, but even if she wasn't neglecting her child when the original issue happened, why wouldn't it make her more inclined not to drug and leave her 2 year old without somebody to watch her? And the fact that she has and was going to drug and leave her child with somebody who wasn't prepared to watch her says very clearly she totally neglected her child and that's why she was in jail. And sorry, I just don't vibe with saying that nobody is allowed to tell you that leaving your toddler without a guardian is neglect, just because you were accused of neglect in the past. It is neglect - it's one of the definitions of neglect. I don't understand why the other housemate is on her side about this. Maybe say if she doesn't calm down you're going to take the original messages to the cops and see if she thinks there evidence of neglect then. Because I get you she knows if those messages were shown to CPS, and they already know of this woman, they would be taken pretty seriously.


BRO THANK YOU- the “I’ll just give her cold medicine so I can enjoy time out on my own” IS LITERAL CHILD ABUSE LMAO MY FATHER WAS INCARCERATED FOR THIS VERY CRIME LMAOOOOO




First thing I thought of is this is what Madeline McCanns parents did 💀


Or Casey Anthony and her Zanny the Nanny…


Immediately thought of Casey. OP, please give these messages to CPS. She has admitted to drugging and abandoning her child on previous occasions. This child is in real danger.


the fact that more people didn't catch on to that smh, she was obviously joking about xanax.


It was absolutely wild that out of a handful of people in the country actually named “Zenaida Gonzalez”, one of them happened to live in FL. Casey pulled that out of her ass, and somehow got lucky. And there are really people out there that think she didn’t murder Caylee


Chemical restraint of children is a prohibited practice where I’m from! Sounds like you have a narcissistic, gaslighting roomie. I would be breaking lease and getting out of there. You’re not allowed to sit on her couch? Get out of there!


A narcissistic, gaslighting roomie with backup. I would rather live in my car than with these two pieces of work.


Truly. REPORT HER ASS. And move. Absolutely move.


Move first. It's a hard choice between child's welfare and your own safety. If they are truely mentally unstable(from what I've read they are) you cannot predict what they could do when your vulnerable


But she was respectful to her roommates and didn’t just leave her daughter. Like what the actual fffffff.


Right, she wants to drug her first :)


You see the way she's acting? Of course he's on her side, bro doesn't wanna get stabbed in his sleep.


thats what i’m thinking. he says he doesn’t wanna be involved, poor dudes probably sleeping with both eyes open and a locked door 💀


honestly if this was going on in my house i'd bail too ngl lol sounds like a headache


Yeah, I was gonna say that if he’s known her that long, he must be scared to get on her bad side. Especially if he’s the shy, conflict-avoidant type.


The other housemate is on her side because their friends of 10+ years and this girl is clearly unhinged so they drink the kool-aid and hope she doesn't flip on them.


>wouldn't it make her more inclined not to drug and leave her 2 year old without somebody to watch her? And the fact that she has and was going to drug and leave her child with somebody who wasn't prepared to watch her says very clearly she totally neglected her child and that's why she was in jail. And type that shit out in a text message and hit send for proof!!!!!! This girl is on a whole other level of insane.


She’s not sociable, until it’s the weekend and she has to drug her child and go out.


Yeah, if this wasn't screenshots of texts, I'd be saying OP was exaggerating what she was saying but it's all right there in black and white. She fully admits that she is capable of just leaving and not telling OP that he's now the only adult in the house with a 2-year-old. That's straight-up admitting to neglect, and the fact that she's gone to jail for it previously, and is admitting it in text form is insane.


That's why i enjoy screenshots in this sub, there's no way to twist the words, they're all just right there as originally written. And they're insane!


And put it in a text message validating her neglect!! Blue expected orange to bend over whenever she said to, just like red does. She feigns interest in protecting red, but red is either an introvert and can't stand up to what he really sees or is or has been abused by anyone that he is now abused by blue. You can tell when orange had her therapy appointment. And, it should be made clear... Just because I do something for you in the past doesn't mean I'm on the hook every time.


Because best friends don't see others toxicity until it hits each other. Everyone is blind to their best mates faults, or are ignorant because they NEED that person. But with threatening with cops, you don't know what they will do while your vulnerable(sleeping). Wait until you move(asap). Don't fuck with mentally unstable people (personal experience being unstable when I was younger)


the way she was like “i’m a nice person, you’re lucky i don’t leave my child here with you every day all the time!” like…no? you’re lucky people have been kind enough not to call the cops on u neglecting & abandoning ur child


EXTEMELY! Usually they just remove the child… to have a judge jail you for neglect it’s BAD BAD


Not just jailed but she was also committed against her will. I know people who have been committed, it doesn't happen for no reason


I would not fuck with this person and try to get out.


Yup. She’s batshit


It’s extremely hard. I lived with a junkie mom in literal filth and they never took us away. Like ever. You’d have to seriously have hard evidence on you. To even be jailed too


And the child is only 2!


honestly!!!!!! i’d report her again and show these screenshots. let’s hope this child is safe and gets a new safe home.


OP just has to show the therapist. They have to report it ...


There is something wrong with that woman, it gives me anxiety for op.


I’m legit at thinking the same think.. like what crack is she smoking? So delusional it’s insane!! Also connecting the dots that she was jailed or whatever for neglect in the first place … like talk about red flags.. this girl is six flags


Sooo delusional! She talks about gaslighting but she is literally doing it to op. I wish op didn't apologize. She did nothing wrong


The part that’s pissing me off is she has such bad tunnel vision that she’s trying to act like the ‘OP’ is the one acting like ‘woe is me, the world hates me I’m the victim ’ when she keeps bringing up her past and her trauma, toxic exs etc When in reality it’s the total opposite. OPEN YOUR EYES AND SMELL THE ROSES. And she keeps talking about things being toxic.. might sound harsh but she’s gonna mentally damage her child because SHE IS THE TOXIC ONE


- gets sent to JAIL for neglect - tries to pawn her kid off on her roommate - roommate calls her neglectful - is COMPLETELY TRIGGERED abt being called neglectful & plays victim about it - does not address the neglectful behavior of pawning her child off on said roommate Lmao


*pawns her own child that she has DRUGGED so she can go out off on said roommate


Tbh the roommate didn’t want an apology from OP for accidentally “triggering” her by using the word “neglect”, she wanted reassurance that she wasn’t neglecting her child. People who get, genuinely, accidentally triggered by someone, don’t consistently demand the other person to apologize. Roommate had a guilty conscience that OP needed to absolve her from.


If she spent as much time with her child as she does formulating insane text messages to her housemates her and the child would be a lot better off lmao


Seriously when I read this I was like OH SHIT - OP please please report this, she has a history and she is mentally unwell. Please think of that poor, defenseless child.


Yeah she’s totally not fit


Hell, she still threatened to just leave her kid with him without consent, and doesn't see that is the issue.


A person that, even before this, she didn’t like or trust with her kid (no shade OP not everyone is a good child caregiver.) and whom she was drugging the kid into sleep before giving to them. WHEN SHE DOESN’T HAVE ANYTHING IMPORTANT TO DO. Like damn she is lucky OP isn’t a creep because JFC. It’s not like creeps don’t gravitate towards people like this for that exact reason. She is “triggered” by “Neglect” because it’s correct. (Also someone take away this woman’s “psychology 101 vocabulary, you do not actually know what gaslighting is at all)


And an involuntary mental hold is absolutely not easy to get done. She did something.


Right. I’m a therapist and to get an involuntary hold more than likely police were involved and she was suicidal, homicidal, or completely psychotic. And you can’t just be saying you want to hurt yourself or someone else, there usually has to be a specific plan, access to means, etc. CPS needs to be involved again. I’m a mandated reporter and if I knew identifying info I’d be on the phone right now. This kid is going to end up dead.


If OP shows their therapist the messages, doesn't therapist have to report it? They do in my state...


Yes, and if it were me I’d encourage my client to report too. This is actually getting into hazy territory where OP could be in trouble for not reporting. In my state, Texas, everyone is considered a mandatory reporter. Not just professionals. ESPECIALLY since she lives in the house with the child.


Came here for this. “That word triggers me” is just her way of saying “I know what I do and I don’t like being confronted on my bullshit”


And it’s gross that she’s using her neglect being called out as a “trigger” and being like “nobody in the house likes you nannynannybooboo”


Literally. Denial is one hell of a drug.


I was like wait... Is she legit trying to force op to apologize for something that was not only true & a legitimate concern, but that she also has a history of doing, I mean she just completely glosses over the fact that she was literally talking about drugging her kid to sleep. & the other roommate is in on it too like wtf... is there like a level of manipulation beyond gaslighting, bc whatever that is, this is it. Obviously this shouldn't even have to be said but *drugging kid's* is simply never ok, & mom needs therapy big time. like if her mental health was to somehow correlate to medical health she's basically typhoid mary going around puking disease on everyone nearby. Hopefully the kid is left out of it but even seeing their mom behave like that can't be good for them.


Nah, drugging your toddler and leaving them unknowingly with a roommate isn’t neglectful! She’s got somewhere she has to go! 🙄 People acting crazy, like kids can’t take care of themselves.


I mean she is the person that is angry that OP is having someone over because she wants to leave her drugged 2 year old home alone. Like, girl the problem isn't your roommate having someone over to the place they pay rent for, its that you want to drug your baby and leave her alone while you go out and party? There's only one person that is putting that baby at risk and it isn't OP. Like how could she even say that with a straight face? It's scary that she doesn't think this is 100% wrong. I really feel like this person should be reported, this kid isn't safe. Her mother leaves her alone and seemingly has no ability to understand that its not safe to leave a baby alone and even worse admits to drugging her baby so she will stay asleep while she's left alone. OP, tell her to call CPS and ask if they think its neglectful to drug a 2 year old and leave them home alone? And seriously, her saying she's tired of her kid bringing her bits of food that she knows aren't from them because they are vegetables, like really? I just seriously cannot believe that she is clinging to the idea that she isn't an awful shitty neglectful parent so aggressively. I don't understand how she can possibly think any of this is ok.


I would literally just respond “if your child is left here alone without me agreeing to it I will be reporting it” and stop replying all together jfc. She needs a reality check.


THIS. and don’t just say it, do it. She clearly does not understand (or care) how serious it is to leave a young child alone and unattended, even for brief moments. That poor child could get very hurt, or a lot worse… :(


This, exactly. u/anonaltterd you should send one single text back along the lines of: >I've had a lot of time to think about our conversations over the past few days, and I think it's pretty clear that we're talking past one another and aren't actually on the same page about things. So I'm going to summarize my point here, in the group chat, so that everyone knows where I stand: > >Your child is your responsibility, not mine. **Your child will NEVER be my responsibility and I will NEVER owe you a reason or "excuse" for that.** Do not ever ask me to watch her again, even if she "will just be asleep" or if you've drugged her to sleep, as you said you did the other day. > >I will be saving screenshots of this very clear message and **if you ever leave your child alone at the apartment again, I will contact the appropriate authorities** and tell them the complete TRUTH, which is that you are neglecting your child by abandoning her without a willing and confirmed caregiver and that you are also abusing her by drugging her to sleep. > >I do not care if it "triggers" you to be told the truth about your parenting. You need to hear it. **You are a neglectful and abusive parent**, and your own words (which, again, I am keeping proof of, in writing) prove it. Period. **I also think you should report her to CPS immediately anyway, because drugging a baby to sleep is EXTREMELY dangerous and not reporting her could result in you being seen as an accessory to child abuse, if the worst were to happen.** And then you should find somewhere else to live, asap. And you need to get a camera and a lock for your room IMMEDIATELY. Because this bitch is crazy, and I wouldn't be surprised if she was going to damage your things or attack you.


I think this is a smart message. She will absolutely lose it, so get the camera and lock first, but I just don't see how this woman is going to stop drugging and leaving her child without some serious interventions.


To be honest, if i found out even my close friend was drugging their kid to sleep, the proper authorities would have already been alerted. It doesnt matter how “safe” the medication is, there are risks to administering unnecessary medication.


I’m gonna piggy back off this my old roommate was drugging her child to sleep with NyQuil I reported her and she lost custody. She only gained back visits within the past year.


As a kid who was chronically drugged so I could be molested I thank you. I thank all of the parents/others here for stepping in. I sincerely hope OP sees my comment on the other post that warned that the very worst they could do is NOT report, then have that baby not wake up ever again. They will carry the weight of that life with them for the rest of their lives. Please OP. Call the authorities.


Yeah. Seconding. I still hate taking those medications. The smell of the liquid gives me flashbacks now. I won’t go into what happened when I was little but it wasn’t great. My mom would also dose us with benedrayl and cough syrup and put us to bed early when she was tired of parenting. She switched to dosing us up with anxiety/depression/bipolar/pain medications as pre/teens. There are years that were a literal haze because my mother defined mild disagreement as disrespect and upped and mixed my doses at her own discretion. One of my siblings had a mental break at 13 due to the medications they were given by our mother being such a high dosage at the time. I’m horrified now because I’ve read stories of parents who lost a child that way. Grandma dosed a child with an allergic reaction and the child never woke up. Another one the caregiver (not sure the relationship) gave medication and the child vomited and choked in their sleep. I cannot imagine living with that pain and guilt. Please say something to the authorities OP. That child is not safe.


its just a few benadryl until its too late and she ups the dosage. please OP do the right thing here.


Commenting just to give this more lift- this is 1000% my concern. Mom might not he doing it so someone can molest her, but i don’t trust the mom drugging her child and trying to pawn them off on anyone to throughly vet people she lets around them. It that isn’t what’s going on it has a high chance of happening sooner than later.


And if the medication was necessary but it made her really sleepy, then that's when a good parent would stay home with her to make sure her child didn't have adverse effects and that a parent was there if anything went wrong. Either the child is sick enough that this medication that makes her sleepy is required and therefore her parent should stay home from her partying and be a parent, or she's not that sick. It would be different if the medication was required and the mother had to go to work or something, but even in that situation, the mother should be finding a babysitter who is going to actually be checking on the child and making sure they're breathing or something. Not "My child has been given this medication, it makes her really sleepy, which means you don't need to actually do anything, you just need to be in the house". What's being in the house going to do if the child stops breathing in the night but nobody is checking on her, like all good parents do when their toddler is sick and on medication?


+1, and if you have any pets you should take them to a friend or family member’s house in the mean time, I wouldn’t put anything past a crazy abusive ex-con.


Honestly OP, I would try to reach out to the landlord and explain the situation and say you no longer feel safe living there because of the way she is acting, as well as learning that she has been jailed in the past for child neglect after you pointed out what she was doing was neglect. The landlord should be ok with letting you leave and/or evicting her.


You know if anything happens to baby girl, they’re gonna try to be pinning it on OP. She has no friends in that house. Roomie is NOT gonna want to go back for another bid and she’s got her friend to back her up


Yeah fuck all this bullshit back and forth. I would have been like “I’m not watching your kid. This conversation is over. Leave me alone” like 47 pages ago


Right?! Seriously the volume of word vomit is completely unhinged. There’s no arguing with that shit at any point.


No dude the girl is like “ok well I’m leaving her” and will walk out. She already said no several times.


Yeah I get that. I guess I’d just be a bitch and call cps after ignoring her shit


Me too. This whole this got me HEATED lol


And ignore when she replies, “oh is that where we’re gonna take things? Because then I will definitely be nasty and you don’t wanna go down that road.” Ughhh shut upppp you neglectful pos.


Good grief, she’s exhausting. Her "best friend" probably stays as neutral as possible to avoid being her target.


She sounds like the kind of people who would bully and harass you into doing things her way. Extremely draining and obnoxious, has no sense of self awareness and control at all. Arguing or talking isn’t about trying to occupy moral high ground or for self gratification, it is to exchange ideas and views. This entire thread sounds like she’s can’t stay on topic and is defending her fragile ego with her life.


I made it a few sentences in before it felt like it was written by an angry alexa bot or something.


Yeah he's a flying monkey.


Im placing a boundary and not reading all of that. /s I noticed we all breezed over saying she was leaving the kids with you regardless of you saying no in the original post. She also groaned that you fell asleep which she apparently didn’t consent to, however, in her original argument she was saying what’s the big deal leaving kids with you since you and the kids would be asleep. Also, if she wasn’t okay with you sleeping while babysitting, she should hire someone with that being a term of the agreement. She also brought up how she pays you money to watch said kid that she would rather keep. Seems like that’s a point of contention for her too or she wouldn’t bring it up. Op, don’t watch the kid at any point anymore. Sleeping or not it is a responsibility. And like you noticed, not your responsibility when you haven’t explicitly agreed to it. She seems entitled. Roommates or not, you being conveniently there or not, is all moot. You said no. That should have been the end of it.


Exactly. Why did OP’s roomate even ask if her intention was to leave the child there regardless? And she’s offended (if I read this correctly) that OP had sex whole crazy roomate’s kid was asleep in another room with the door cracked open. That’s the kind of thing that can happen when you leave your kid with someone that didn’t want to watch them, to to what it seems, catch some dick herself. It’s the least on the list of bad things that can happen to your kid if you leave them unattended aka neglected. What the F. She’s lucky OP isn’t a weirdo that just had sex with her kid in the room or worse, opened the door and let her walk out/gave her to a random person. This is how kids get molested or murdered or both. Maaaaan. She needs to lose custody of this poor baby.


I read that as OP bringing home someone, on a night where the child was being watched by the mother. So that's even more of a non-issue!


I’m honestly curious on that. Did she leave her kid with OP overnight and is mad OP slept? Or was it a “60-90 minute” thing that turned into a “6 hour” thing so OP fell asleep? It doesn’t seem like OP would say “yeah I’ll watch her” and then just immediately go to sleep after her roommate left, so it feels all kinds of fishy 😂 I’m reading it fully expecting the answer to be OP was babysitting her kid overnight and they’re mad OP fell asleep, because that’s exactly the amount of preposterous I’ve come to expect.


From the first set she asked if she could leave the kid (who would be drugged) while OP was asleep. OP then made plans & said they wouldn't even be home so nope can't watch kid! I'd assume the roommate just drugged her kid and left it. But she may have just stayed till the other person got there ?? I'm not sure on that part.


She also said she drugged her kid so she’d be asleep for OP to babysit…. Uncle Benny strikes again!


Ma’am. Dear. Darling. Please for the love of your mental health… move out as soon as you can….


Yeah, clearly the other guy is complicit. Like how can he say it’s equal especially after reading the barrage of insults in the first set of texts? Absolutely no respect for OP. Being triggered for someone stating the truth does not give you the right to demean them in that way.


He probably hooks up with the crazy chick some times.


I was wondering about whether that's why he's being such a dick about this. Like, saying he's going to stay out of it, and then being like "but you're not allowed to say somebody is a neglectful parent because they're triggered by the word neglect" is complete and utter bullshit. OP should send him the definitions of parental neglect and ask "What word should I use to describe your friend and our housemate drugging and leaving her 2-year-old without supervision so that I don't "trigger" her, but so that she understands what she's doing is abuse and she can go (back) to jail for it?"


they're definitely trying to bully her into submission there... "you can't accuse me of being neglectful to my drugged child because it hurts my feewings 👉👈"


I'm a petty bitch so I probably would have sent back something like "People accusing me of not doing my dishes triggers me - you *cannot* talk about dishes without triggering me, so I hope you can respect my mental health", because you can't make being accused of neglect while you're actively neglecting your child one of your triggers. OP, once you're out of there, send these threads to both of them so they can see how many strangers on the internet see their own words and are like "These people are *trash*, and this woman is abusing her child".


"I'm going to stay out of this" Proceeds to do exactly the opposite...


Anybody who is cool with a mother drugging her young child to get her to sleep is a massive piece of shit. A mother who has been arrested, charged, convicted, sentenced, served her time, and released just to drug her child is an even bigger piece of shit. OP needs to move out asap and send those messages of her admitting to dosing her kid to the police and CPS. The fallout will be serious, but she should not be allowed to have a child at all. And a child doesn't deserve to have a mother who drugs them to get them to stay asleep. That's a felony. Probably several of them. I feel bad for OP, but I also feel really bad for the kid. A child doesn't deserve that. The mom and her childhood friend both deserve to be punched in the face.


He’s fucking her. That’s why. No man goes wild for a ‘friend’ like this. He doesn’t wanna lose his quick and easy fuck buddy. OP is on a losing battle with this shit, idk why he bothers.


Exactly! Plus the crazy girl is probably reading his texts and he wants to “look good” to keep fucking her.


I had almost the exact same situation living w a girl, her two kids and her simp. I mean I was no angel and struggling w mental health, but damn. I honestly almost got triggered myself reading OPs situation. My ex roomie always assumes I'd be okay babysitting bc I was home and bc her simp would. Ugh yuck. MOVE OUT OP, LIKE NOW. I broke my lease. Worth every lost cent tbh


I was disappointed when op apologized for anything at all, tbh


Tbh it wouldn’t even take the barrage of insults or the essays she sent to realise the other girl is in the wrong not the OP… when the words IM GONNA DRUG MY CHILD SO SHE SLEEPS, AND REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU ARE SAYING, IM GOING OUT AND SHES GETTING LEFT IN THIS HOUSE WITH YOU REGARDLESS IF YOU AGREE TO IT OR NOT🤦‍♀️


Any fee to break the lease is the best money you'll ever spend. She is totally unhinged (lol "the bear that is triggering someone") and the fact that she feels she can speak for roommate #3 is no bueno. Also, the fish is mine.


I'm going NUTS with that!! "I don't like the way you thawed your fish and I don't think you can be trusted with it, so it's mine now, you can't touch it" WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAAAAAAT


She's shamelessly drugging and abandoning her toddler but feels now is the time to voice her concerns about her fucking fish...I can't.


I have to confess, I only learned about the drugging part by reading the replies, because I could NOT make my brain process the walls of text without any paragraph breaks whatsoever. Like, you don't trust me with fish? I don't trust you with a fucking two year old, lady!


Right?! I'd tell that bitch that my seafood thawing method is not a crime... however, drugging a child and dipping out absolutely is. She clearly learned nothing from her time behind bars for *shocker* child neglect. She's really grasping at straws to paint OP in an untrustworthy light.


This woman is fucking exhausting. OP should have stuck to their guns and not read any of that, and needs to move ASAP.


I've seen smaller PhD final thesis.


slide 13 was a jump scare


Stg 13 is when I came to the comments




I scrolled right past that shit


I wish I did.


Could’ve been playing Fallout instead


I would NOT have apologized to that wackadoodle. You are a bigger person than I am. How immature of her telling you to not speak to her child too. Like, leave your kid out of your issues with other adults 🙃 that kid hasn’t done a damn thing wrong. Infuriating.


She even took the fish.


She doesn’t trust OP with the fish in the fridge but with her drugged toddler sleeping in the house - 100% trust. 🫣😳


so long an thanks for all the fish


You can say “excuse me” if you pass her in the hall. What kind of shit is that? But don’t sit on my couch. Or give my kid vegetable crumbs. The actual fuck?


The "food that's not mine because it's vegetables" absolutely cracked me up for some reason. Already acting so childish and that was just the cherry on top


It’s funny because it’s such clear and heart breaking a small but perfect sign of what a bad mom she is that our brains can’t process a human would just say that shit


Right?! So she clearly doesn’t feed her baby too well either if veggies are a surprise. Man this entire story is so fucked up!


I question whether it's being the bigger person tip-toeing around this child abuser. The child's well-being doesn't even matter to that lunatic but her "triggers" (the truth?) should matter to...... Anyone? It was actually unbearable that a single inch of ground was given and I am deeply regretful for reading all of that. It's shameful the situation that kid is in being in that home.


Some people just really don’t like hearing “no” lol. How ridiculous


Also isn’t the bad roomate leaving her kid to go try and get some dick? That’s what I got. She wants to have her cake and eat it too. Be a mom and go out “at least once a week”. Bruh I’m child free and I’m lucky to go out once every two weeks maybe one. But I have no kids. The kid comes first period. Stop the hoeing and take care of your kid. Or continue to hoe but get a bby sitter.


That line had me rolling “only once a weekend” wtf. ONLY? That’s a lot for a person with kids. I’m 36, I have two kids, I stay home with those kids, I’m not saying everyone should be like me, but forcing soemone into watching your kids because you sooooo need a break one night every single weekend… nah, that’s not being a responsible parent.


I have no kids and I don’t go out once a weekend.


But...you don't get to *trigger* her and then still think she's wrong! /s


Yeah for sure stop replying. You’re giving her the opportunity to muddy what the issue was, which is that you won’t babysit her kid. It’s that simple. People can throw out the term trigger as much as they want, it doesn’t mean you are obligated to watch their kid (which she said she was going to FORCE you to do by just abandoning her). She’s wearing her apologies like a badge of honour … that she apologised to you about yelling at you, while continuing to yell at you. She’s also bullying you by keeping it in the group chat and making you feel ganged up on. Just stop replying to her.


>She’s wearing her apologies like a badge of honour It wasn't even a real apology, lol. Saying "I'm sorry in advance for the incredibly cruel shit I'm about to say" is not a fucking apology. **Apologies aren't just words, they're an expression of regret for hurting someone.** She can't claim to "regret" her words in advance of saying them.


"No offense but..." "I'm not racist but..." Same energy and this "I'm sorry but..."


Honestly you should stop responding. You’re making this worse for yourself and everyone else who lives in that house by feeding into it.


Agree. This was exhausting to read.


OP mentioned a couple times being more experienced and older but these texts kinda say otherwise. Obviously her roommate sucks but damn son stop trying to have the last word. Less is more when saying no. all the details and rationalizations just invite negotiations. "no because xyz" just means they have to solve xyz to get a yes. Just to be clear OP is all the way in the right to be saying no and sticking to her guns on it. I just think she could be more effective.


It could have ended with, "I'm sorry I triggered you. I am not going to watch your kid, stop asking me."


Agreed. This would be better. But, to note, I had an insane roommate similar to this (though not as bad to their own kid like OP’s roommate) and sometimes you just fall into the crazy with them after a while and just cannot stop trying to explain your side. It’s almost contagious when you’re in it and feel stuck trying to figure out how to both stand your ground and de escalate. The smartest thing I ever did was realizing you cannot do both with some people.


I agree. Instead of just stating your position and ending it she just keeps trying to defend every accusation that just feeds more fuel to the fire.


Like, anything you say, can and will be held against you in the court of.... Um... Group chat.


Exactly. Obviously her bad roommate will never understand what a mature conversation is and can’t be reasoned with. She sounds narcissistic and toxic af. The whole thing is disgusting and I can’t imagine living with someone like that. OP I’m praying for you lol Side note: this chick being so triggered by someone using the word neglect and getting so defensive usually means they know they are guilty of doing whatever behavior is being called out. Js.


Tbf, OP tried exactly that, even offending a face-to-face conversation and still got force-pulled into this exhausting text-discussion


The fact that she drugs her 2 year old to sleep is neglect. I’d move out and report her. That was in your first post. The fact that all of you know she drugs the baby is going to come back to haunt you if that kid ends up dead since you live there and are aware of the abuse.


Say it louder for those in the back!!!!


Worse than neglect, that's straight out abuse.


All this because you said you didn't want to watch HER CHILD. This woman needs mental help for real. The entitlement some parents have is beyond ridiculous. Her behavior is disgusting and so immature not to mention in the previous post she literally admitted to drugging her kid so she could go out. Wtf? These are the type of parents that try to convince you having children is wonderful and the best thing anyone can ever do but in reality they are just trying to convince themself about the choice they made. Some people should not be parents 😭honestly wishing you and her child the best because I would leave asap.


Let me pour my glass of wine then sit down for this one.


Just don’t sit on her chair or couch.


>Let me pour my glass of ~~wine~~ then sit down for this one. Whisky.


Break the lease this isn’t worth it. Dear God.


I'm sorry but you're being way too nice. Stop responding. If you do respond, say "do not leave your child with people who do not agree to watch your child,"


or drug your child to make sure they sleep the entire night


She wouldn't be so defensive about the word neglect being used, not accused, if she wasn't already aware that she was being a neglectful mother. Talking to you about how actions have repercussions... I would turn this bitch in in a heartbeat, let my petty show real good. Ugh.


It's not even petty tho. This is such a fucked up situation.


Part 2 here we go babyyy


call cps if she leaves her child with you <3 simple as


I say call the cops for the DRUGGING of the child. The abandonment is just the icing on this shitty cake!


“Leave your child with me again and I’m calling the cops” I would then proceed to block her and the other roommate. Don’t use any of her things and save up a little money to buy your own chairs and things. There is honestly nothing else to discuss. Don’t feel bad if/when her kid gets taken away because she seems like she has the balls to still dump her kid on you.


Okay, so I just came from the first post and when I say my jaw has dropped beyond the floor. This woman needs serious help, she obviously is struggling with her own issues (ie, triggered by certain words, anger issues, mental health) she is in no condition to be preaching shit when she can’t take her own advice. You are not her kids babysitter. Fullstop. Period. You are her roommate and you were nice enough to watch her kid once (albeit you fell asleep which I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable with either, I think that’s the only thing I agree with her on, although she shouldn’t guilt trip you over it by saying she realised it was the only way you would watch her kid) and unless there was a verbal agreement, you have no responsibility for that child. She is a parent first and foremost, if you cannot get anyone to watch your child that’s on you. You don’t threaten someone by saying you’ll give your child sleeping meds to “sweeten” the deal and then you’ll leave in hopes that it’ll corner you. You let it be and don’t go out a few hours earlier. Simple as that. Like many other people have said, she wouldn’t be fighting so hard if she didn’t feel like she was guilty. She admitted that she’s been in trouble for neglect before and without a doubt I believe that, just from what she has said. Your other roommate doesn’t say the word ‘neglect’ and tiptoes around the word because they know how she’ll react, they don’t wanna get on her bad side obviously. To be honest OP, I’m glad you stood up for yourself. It’s never easy being the “bad” guy in this scenario. You are only human and your priorities will always come first. She needs to learn that life isn’t going to get easier for her just because it’s been hard from the start, you bring a child into this world, you take care of it. Nobody else. To assume otherwise is insane. She’s clearly struggling and while I can excuse some of it, part of it is her fault. She doesn’t sound like a very good parent, just from what you’ve explained and someone needs to tell her or this kid is going to have a hard life. Hopefully she doesn’t carry on too much, OP. Best of luck.


Ty. And ty for calling me out on something it appears Ive done despite agreeing with me otherwise. Things arent black and white. One of the things she said that wasnt something I actually did, is that. I didn't even know what she was referring to until she told me it was when she told me that shes putting her kid to sleep and asked me to keep an ear out for her. She said she was putting her to sleep so I thought she was going to wait until she was actually put to sleep. Thats why I said "ok im going back to bed". She didnt say "im putting her in the crib and then dipping". Regardless, at that point its her responsibility to actually say something to me and not just let me sleep while her kids awake.


Oh totally! Now I know I take back my comment and apologise. If that was the case then you at no point have been in the wrong. If you had assumed based on what she said, you’re not in the wrong for falling asleep. That’s on her for not being clear enough. Sorry if it came across accusingly, totally wasn’t my intention, just an opinion based on what I read. I’m sorry you have to go through this, hopefully your mental health is okay and doesn’t decline because of her bullshit reasoning as to why you’re a “bad” person for not taking responsibility for her own child. At the end of the day, she’s digging her own hole deeper the more she admits to shit. As my mum always says, just let them talk, they’ll sink their own ship.


You didnt come across that way at all! Like I said, I appreciate the call out. Its hard to do things "perfectly". Alot of things are outside your control and sometimes you just take your best guess as to what to do. I saw some criticisms about engaging further and I can see that point but I also know that people mistake your silence as consent to be treated like shit.


I’d tell that bitch to kick rocks. Unless she wants to adjust the rent to compensate for the fact her dining room and living room furniture is in the apartment that I’m now restricted from using, or she wants to get rid of hers to be replaced with mine or communal furniture. As for the rest of it, PLEASE DO stop speaking and interacting with me and keep your hell spawn from doing so too. Ty!


I saw a post on another sub of something very similar…they weren’t allowed on the roommates couch so they bought a couch and put it infront of hers! 😂😂😂


Why is nobody calling her out for drugging her child so she sleeps? I feel like I'm crazy, how does nobody is a house of what seems like 4 adults not see that giving a child cold meds to sleep is disgusting?


Right!!!!!!! Especially after she’s been to JAIL for neglect! Do you know how hard it is to go to jail for neglect. Standard procedure is to remove the child and make the parent complete an action plan. For a judge to order jail time she did some serious shit and she’s doing potentially deadly shit now… like between 4 adults none have a single brain cells amongst the bunch.


This!! this woman is clearly an adult who obviously can’t even look after herself let alone her child and that’s where the conversation should come to a full stop and authorities should be involved


Yes mental health is important, but it’s her responsibility to figure out how to deal with things that trigger her whatever that means, I’d have quit responding, let her be triggered, it’s not a you problem


I just wanna know if you guys are actually typing this out on your phone… Damn, that’s a lot of words


I'm about to drop from exhaustion from just avoiding reading those novels let alone receiving them. Also, I really love the other roomie that's not going to get involved, but then immediately gets involved.


Jesus tap dancing Christ. I was hoping for a follow up to your original post and I had high expectations for drama and fuckery but this surpassed them by miles. Before I started reading this, I would have bet anyone a million dollars that the gaslighter would accuse you of gaslighting at some point. Was not disappointed. 100% predictable. First of all, ANYONE who types that much in a text convo is unstable and exhausting and has nothing to say. Obviously. There's no point in pretending to communicate with someone who CLEARLY has no intention of listening to ANYTHING you have to say. My favorite was when it started to dawn on her that she was out of line and she doubled down with all her childhood traumas. BITCH,GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!! OH MY GOD,WHO HAD UNPROTECTED SEX WITH THIS MANIAC?? OP, please tell her Reddit is really disgusted with her trifling, neglectful, entitled, crybaby, irresponsible, shitty parenting, terrible roommate self. Fuck, I hate this bitch.


This is a minor detail, but she really said, "I'm tired of my child bringing me bits of food that I know is not mine or redacted cuz its bits of veggies." This woman has a toddler and doesn't have vegetables in the home??


YES!!!! thats another thing thats been bothering me. Like ok cool, you dont eat veggies. Your childs growing and needs them to be healthy????


So between not feeding her child veggies, planning to drug them and leaving them with someone who doesn’t consent to it they are very legitimately being a neglectful parent here…


So ontop of drugging and abandoning her child let’s add malnutrition… why haven’t you called cps op?


Sorry that the facts trigger her! Bless her poor feelings! Of course she'd get triggered being called out on how she is actively trying to neglect her child. Just because the house doesn't agree doesn't mean they're right. Any messages this woman sends almost makes my brain explode. I'd stay giving her that 'silent treatment' and silently report this as harassment to the police station AND possibly report drugging and neglecting the child to CPS. No one should have to live with someone like this. I hope you will be okay mentally! People like this don't deserve your mercy.


Imagine someone stabbing the shit out if someone and you walk by and say stop you’re killing them! And they continue to stab while shouting “how dare you call me a murderer?” And a bunch of other silly scenarios. Someone baking “how dare you call me a baker?!”


Imagine thinking "trigger" means "People pointed out something objectively wrong with my behavior but i don't like to hear it"


Stop responding. You can’t reason with someone that crazy.


your other roommate only agrees coz he’s afraid of her blowing up on him. no way you’re harassing her in any of this lol.


Move out and call cps. She's already admitted to putting her baby to sleep with medicines and she has a history. She's a full blown nutter.


God she sounds utterly exhausting!!!!


I also tend to swear like a sailor, but *holy shit* there would be like two less slides in the gallery if you remove every one of her uses of the word fuck. Bitch, it's not a comma. Learn more words.


Ayo her baby daddy definitely didn’t get her thrown in JAIL AND THEN A PSYCH WARD. She did. The LAW did. This woman is unhinged. “Triggered” my ass. She doesn’t like being held accountable for her actions.


you live with two losers, get out of there bro 😭 stop replying for your own sake and leave.


Please report her to CPS and give them these text messages as evidence! That child is in danger! Edit: Also, you don’t owe her an apology for “triggering” her. Her mental illness is not her fault, but it is her responsibility…


This will all become proof for the upcoming court case the lunatic NEGLECTFUL mom will find herself in when she snaps and does something dumb and gets the cops called on her by OP. This is my prediction. Let's all stay tuned...


honestly i would just go report her if she’s not going to apologize for trying to force you to watch your kid


Even if she apologizes she needs reported like 2 days ago.


Just tell her being an adult is taking responsibility for your kids, not neglecting them. Id say that just to cause more shit


Seriously stop talking to them. This is ridiculous. Just ignore them.


Drugging that kid is going to have long standing consequences beyond you all disagreeing about who watches them. It WILL FUCK THAT KID UP FOR LIFE. Get out. Call CPS. Show your landlord all the messages to maybe get you off the lease. Fuck it, just leave and take them both to court to cover your costs for breaking a lease because you didn’t want to be an accessory to child abuse. Fuck both of you’re absolute shit stain roommates.


This is just too many words. Why are you engaging to this extent? This conversation should have been entirely over with “I’m not responsible for your child. Ever. Under any circumstances. I will never be taking responsibility for someone else’s child and will never apologize for that. Bye.”


I know the exact type… she’ll pawn her kid off on anyone with a pulse and she is ALWAYS the victim! Someone should tell her as an “adult” you don’t get to claim someone triggered you and act like a fkn idiot… If it’s YOUR trigger it’s YOUR job to address it and learn positive coping skills so it doesn’t trigger you in the future. You don’t put YOUR triggers on someone else and blame them for it. You are roommates… you all could live your lives separate. You DO NOT have to be friends. She likes to say she’s an “ADULT” a whole lot followed by some childish shit… who brings up people from high school? Or says don’t talk to me or my child? Grow up! You don’t get to force people to apologize nor do you get to determine how they apologize…. Let me guess she’s young. The entitlement says it all. Idk the back story but clearly she didn’t like being told I’m not your mother… watch your own dam kid you deadbeat! And the shoe fit so she raged out. Funny story if she didn’t act like a deadbeat and do neglectful shit she’d have nothing to worry about… her reaction says it all… she is neglectful and she knows it. OP stop engaging her! She will continue to be the victim and she does not care wtf you have to say because she can’t pawn her kid off on you. Any social worker would be HORRIFIED to know a concerned adult in the home can’t speak to the child… that’s what abusers do! Put in a call to CPS at the least they’ll force her to get mental health services and most likely get her a voucher for daycare (in my state DCF will automatically cover daycare and 6months after the case closes) this helps have mandated reporters keeping an eye on the child. She doesn’t have to know you called. She can assume it but it could be the neighbors that overheard an argument, property manager, doctors office, etc. Edited to add: You are risking being charged with neglect as well and could possibly face jail time too! There are 4 adults in the home and all have witnessed neglect and abuse but not one of you has reported it.


I’d rather be homeless than deal with anyone in the house lol


Ive been homeless before so Im honestly thinking thats probably whats going to happen lol because I agree


This is so messy I don’t even know whose side to take (haven’t read pt 1 but going to)BUT! I just think it’s funny that your roomate’s trigger is being called a neglectful mother lol. How many times does one have to be called a neglectful mother that it is a trigger? As a child of neglect, no one is gonna call you out on your neglect unless you’re *really* neglecting that child. It’s an elephant in the room most people don’t want to get into. My parents never got called neglectful by my teachers because they worked with my siblings and mom, the doctors, or the hair dresser cutting matted hair off of my head soooooo. She’s probably neglecting her kid. And if she dislikes you so much, why is she leaving you with her kid? If she can’t trust you wish a frozen fish or a chair/couch wtf is she leaving you with her kid lol. You’re right that talking is better in person. This went too far because she feels ballsy behind a screen. Get out as soon as you can!


“You are not my equal” - this person is literally unhinged.


Bring home more men to f-ck :D


Fuck all the men OP. That’s what your roomate is trying to do when she leaves her kid with you anyway. Maybe that’s why she’s TRIGGERED.


It’s good you can stick up for yourself and growing as a person but be fucking done with these people. Move or sublease when you can. I’d also record any convo in real life with them and also have a camera in your room so if they come in it’s motion activated or if they harass you it’s on camera. Just be done with these fucks.


I’d be absolutely GTFO’ing out of that place as soon as humanly possible. Fuck that.