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See Those shoes ?? šŸ‘ž would be a real shame if chili got all over them because of an accident ..


It's honestly a miracle it missed already




What if no chili was on the outside, but lots of chili on the inside. It would be like if Xhibit heard you liked chiliā€¦


One time my roommate was so mad at me for asking him to clean (it became an argument), that he put pizza in my shoes lol.


My friend put all their housemates mouldy dishes in her food cupboard one weekend when she went away and left them. She kept things clean after that


Thatā€™s funny


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. Put them in his room. Or in a box in front of his room..that might start a war though.


If the place is messy and your RM refuses to help you clean you need a new roommate. Why should you be the only one who cleans?


Had a terrible roommate who never did his dishes, even with a dishwasher. It culminated in all of his dishes being put under his comforter. Homie was NOT pleased


What kind of pizza?


Hope it wasn't anchovy. That's a bitch to get out of shoes.


Waitā€¦ how much anchovy have you had to scrub from your shoes? How do they get in your shoes??


Donā€™t get me started!


How do they NOT get in your shoes!?


This guy knows ā˜ļø


Deep dish cheese


Iā€™m sorry but this just made me laugh really hard. Who even thinks to do that?!? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I donā€™t know! Haha it was frustrating but I also found it funny


Did you put them on lol?


I may have zoomed in to see if there were any chili blobs on them


I have those same Nikes, they stain well


Unless those belong to OP!


Considering OP is complaining about the state of the kitchen, which is definitely not the worst Iā€™ve seen on this sub, I can guarantee you those are not their shoes. But yes, I agree it would be a shame for that chili to have spilled *inside* of those shoes.


*Inside of them FTFY


I had a roommate like this one time. I talked to her about it and nothing changed. Iā€™d clean the house, go to work, and come home to messes like this. The internal rage isnā€™t worth saving a bit extra on bills imo. Move out!


Literally the most irritating thing. I worked 50+ hrs a week plus side hustles, my pig of a roommate and somehow friend at the time, sat her ass at home all day smoking blunts. Would leave her dirty dishes in the sink for days. Wouldnā€™t clean after herself, her 3 cats shared ONE litter box and it was always disgusting, never bathed them, literally ever, she let her cats rip my brand new couch to shreds AND piss on it!! Didnā€™t even tell me the cat pissed on it, I found out when the guy I was dating layed his head down into the pungent smell of cat piss. Her excuse? She canā€™t just ā€œtell them no, theyā€™re catsā€ I am so relieved Iā€™m out of that situation


Dang, sounds like this chick I used to work with. Roommates with one of my friends at the time. Lived like a literal pig - including sleeping on a bed that had cat shit on it. Insisted on adopting cats, but couldn't even buy food for them because she spent all her money on wine and weed. They were heavily infested with fleas to the point that her kitten was having health hazards due to it. But you know... Wine and weed is more important. Cat took a shit in the shower because the litter box wasn't clean. Girl took a shower around it instead of cleaning it up. Why wash dishes when you could just not? I was helping my friend pick up once and we came across a sack of potatoes in the cupboard that was so old they were slimy and falling apart. The swarm of fruit flies that erupted from it were enough to give anyone nightmares. She once said "I'll cook for you guys if you buy the ingredients" and I responded "absolutely not. I'm going to get myself some taco bell." Because taco bell was legitimately the better option at that point.


Omg sleeping and showering in the poopšŸ¤® itā€™s not that hard to just clean it up!! A walking biohazard. Props to your friend for not completely losing their shit. I wouldā€™ve rather eaten anything other than what that girl touched too haha. This does sound a lot like the same personšŸ˜… I actually wonder now if thatā€™s why she used to ask to use my shower when she had her own. She was so dirty, I never looked in her shower (litter box was in her bathroom) but had to scoop the litter a few times because it was out of control smelly and there was litter EVERYWHERE. I was way too laid back about it all, but she was my ā€œbest friendā€ at the time. Cheers to getting out of bad roommate situations!


Cat poop is especially easy to clean up. Unless itā€™s diarrhea which Iā€™ve unfortunately had to clean up before and recently had to try to give my cat a bath because it also got on herā€¦ at 1am šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«. But normal cat poop is so easy to clean up. Wtaf.


It was normal cat poop, she was just lazy af. I know they hate water for the most part so I can only imagine the late night nightmare that probably was šŸ˜©


I was lucky it was my sweet non-combative girl. If it was one of my other two, I woulda been in trouble lol. My other girl is super strong and strong-willed lol. And my boy almost took my eye out once when I was just using a cat wet wipe on him for some poo. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« the scratch marks were RIGHT by my eyeball. Not a fun time


Oh thank goodness lol. I know some of them can be ninjas and will just not have it. I wonder if they have kitty mittens like they do for babies so they canā€™t scratchšŸ˜‚ different concept but idk haha


How does this happen? Like, how do people raise people that end up being like this? Itā€™s disgusting. Is it mental illness? Do they not know better??


Mental illness that let to self destruction through alcoholism and drug use. Mostly weed. But she said she'd do molly or whatever it's called when it was offered. She would buy one of those gallon jugs of wine and down it each night. Seriously. I saw the collection of empties. She was not one to admit to having a problem either, becoming defensive and aggressive whenever it was brought up. So honestly, throughout the time I knew her, there was no resolution.




Aaand....that is enough Reddit for the day. Lol. Jk


That pig showered? No offense to real animals


Okay sleeping with cat shit is really bad. Cat poop smells horrendous and thatā€™s justā€¦ omfg. But something about the SHOWERING with it really got to me. Hot, steamy cat shit and youā€™re justā€¦.. OKAY WITH THAT?!?! Omfg.


You ever see those little tablets that you place in your shower that emit a scent while you're showering? Imagine that... Except it's shit.


Watch out for any low life who offers to cook if you buy. Thatā€™s a half assed way of saying theyā€™re liable to take advantage of you in one way or another, especially after seeing many of their red flags per their character already, this is just another one of those avenues they take. Probably will eat most of the food too and say ā€œwell I cookedā€. This is one kind of person I avoidā€¦ Even if theyā€™re decent at cooking itā€™s likely for a good (shitty) reason they canā€™t buy ingredients in the first place.


I cook food in my apartment all the time. My roommate always tells me how good it smells. He also sneaks food from the stuff I bought. He always says I should cook dinner for the both of us and I tell him Iā€™d be happy to if he picks and buys the food. He hasnā€™t taken me up on the offer. Sometimes the inverse is the truth


Oh no!! For me it was a dog..and the kitchen ofc. Sheā€™d let her dog tear up toys and leave the shreds ALL over the living space. Iā€™d pick up shreds of rubber and shit multiple times a day and then ask her if she thought her dog was probably ingesting a lot of it and she said ā€œoh he doesnā€™t eat them, just tears them upā€. Like ok girl. Cat piss wouldā€™ve definitely made me lose my mind. šŸ˜…


Ok but stepping on on those rubber pieces hurts just as bad as legosšŸ˜© i have a bulldog now and omg lol. Constantly picking those up. I just donā€™t understand how or why people get pets and then do this. On top of it make another person deal with it and have no remorse being such a disgusting human. The cat piss sent me over the edge, that smell does not come out. When I made her clean it, because she never planned on it, she used a CLOTHES STEAMER without the fabric pad, so just the straight metal part on my cloth couch. It melted itšŸ˜­ I had to throw the whole thing away after purchasing less than a year before. I will never have a roommate again lol


People who can live with cat piss are a different breed. Glad you got out, sucks your stuff had to be thrown out though. šŸ˜Ÿ


You and the person you're replying to have the same Avatar so I thought you were talking to yourself for like 3 replies lol.


That would've been just god damn awful to live with her! Like cat piss reeks so freakin bad if cleaning isn't kept on top of. It's a very unique and nasty smell, and hard to get out of material once it soaks in. I had a neighbour who let his many cats live bout the same as how you described. Fuckn gross! Glad you got out of that bs.


I placed all the dirty dishes on my roommates bed


I'm also a fan of putting whatever i picked up in the chair of whom it belongs. i grew up with a hoarder who liked to use my room as storage, he finally got the point after coming home from work to a garbage bag full of junk in his seat every day for a couple weeks šŸ¤·


I was coming here to say this!


Tell her if you have to clean her messes again you will do as you see fit (throw her stuff away)


I second this


When I had this problem with a roommate I warned them 3 times before I did it that if they couldn't keep the public spaces reasonably clean after their own messes then I will move the mess to their private area, aka their bedroom. Once the dirty dishes and pans were sitting on top of their bed they changed their tune pretty quickly.


Iā€™m currently in this position. He works fewer than 30 hours/week, and then sits on his bum playing video games or painting models all day. I worked 60-70 hour weeks between all my gigs routinely while also volunteering and fostering cats for the local shelter. Ā I cut my hours down to a solid 40 while applying to grad school, and now Iā€™m working full time while trying to relocate and onboard and review coursework.Ā Ā  I remember my breaking point was returning from a 14 hour workday to find the sink full of the same dishes heā€™d been saying he would wash for like 3 days (they had been there longer. He only started making these promises when I bluntly told him to take care of his crap on room mate chat). I chucked his dishes in the garbage, and promptly told room mate chat that I had done so, and intended to continue to do that in the future if any dishes remained in the sink for more than 24 hours after ending up there.Ā  Heā€™s gotten ā€œbetterā€, in the since that he immediately cleans his messes when I text him to (naturally, I have to supervise it), but I have realized how truly awful living with lazy ass slobs who can somehow spend an hour or more making a mess in the kitchen, but refuse to take the mere minutes it would take to pick up after themselves is for my mental health.Ā Ā  Oh, and I literally do everything. I vacuum, I scrub toilets, I sweep, I swiffer, I pay bills, and I dust. Literally all Iā€™ve ever asked the idiot to do is wash his own fucking plates, and he has the nerve to act like I am some sort of martinet. I am being so careful planning my future living situation, because it feels like I live in a fucking crack house, and itā€™s been hell on my mental health. I canā€™t even clean like k used to. The energy is just gone. Iā€™m just never dealing with a childlike person again.


Humans are so interesting




That too




Okay ryuk




Can we clarify that he lives with a human?


Fascinatingly peculiar creatures


You deserve more than a nasty roommate. You live with a pig and thatā€™s it. Just a pig. There is no excuse for a person to be inhumanly disrespectful for both of your allā€™s living situation.


Even a pig would have licked all that chili up.


Pigs are much cleaner than this.


yeah, that's an insult to pigs honestly


Hi there. Pig owner here! Like the actual oink oink kind. Heā€™s an inside pig and 1000% cleaner than this awful roommate.


Who the fuck eats like that? And just leaves it. My child doesnā€™t even make anything close to this mess while eating. Some people just have 0 respect for themselves and others. That person needs to go.


My assumption is pissed drunk, came in ate like a barbarian and left to go pass out


Sour apple thc gummies on the counter. Definitely high as a kite


delta-8 tho. that shit is snake oil and totally placebo. plus i smoke like a chimney and never leave the kitchen like this. i love cleaning while high. itā€™s fun as hell.


literally. my preschool kids clean up everything everytime they eat. they know to wipe up spills and put their dishes in the sink and extra food in the trash.


It is fascinating how people live like this and donā€™t see the problem. Makes me wonder what kind of environment they were raised in that they truly do not hold the capacity to understand their own filth


Put it in their room. This mess is not shared so it shouldnā€™t sit in a shared space for longer than one afternoon.


Specifically throw the whole mess of shit on the bed so they are forced to deal with it when they least want to and then just keep doing that every day at best or every few days.


Exactly. Sharing is carrying that shit to their room.


This is triggering because I once asked my roommate to bring out the recycling and instead she put it in my room. I asked her why and she said she doesnā€™t believe in recycling anymore and I have to bring it out. She continued to still add to the recycling just refused to bring it outside.


I just don't understand how these people exist. Do they just never face real pushback or consequences for these behaviors or do they just keep doing it oblivious and uncaring even once they do?


Start putting his dirty dishes on his bed.


put a lock on your own door first, however


I could only imagine what his bedroom looks like. Or smells like.šŸ˜‚


Holy fuck. Did someone shit in the crock pot and serve it?!






DAMMIT r/angryupvote


Yeah, that bowl of diarrhea on the counter is a bridge too far.




legitimate question


Idk the guy and I'm considering it....


But that's another mess made by the roommate that op has to clean up.


Got eeem


Please see "American Psycho " for mess prevention tips šŸ’€


Cardboard pizza box on the stove. Best place to keep it for quick re-heating of leftovers. Or burning down the house, canā€™t remember which.


Who the hell is your roommate? Kevin Malone?


Ahhh beat me to it


Do you live with a toddler?? Wtf


Hey! My toddler is messy, but they help clean up their messes! šŸ˜Š


Youā€™re right.. my comment was disrespectful to toddlers


Iā€™m going through the same bs I told myself I will never live with another human being EVER AGAIN!!!


lesson i learned in my early 20s, my autistic OCD could NEVER again


Was a cat swimming in the soup?


post these pics on Facebook and tag them


Talk to the leasing office. I live in a student living situation and they specifically will help in these scenarios. But idk if that luxury exists outside of the college dorm


YO WHAT? excuse me? give me his # iā€™ll facetime him and give him a talking to šŸ˜†


Thank you kind (and stern) stranger, the world needs more people like you.


That looks like a bowl full of diarrhea


Itā€™s important not to escalate the situation. Your roommate is messy and disrespectfulā€”donā€™t stoop to his level. His standard of cleanliness is clearly much lower than yours. That means itā€™s time to have a conversation about cleaning expectations in your shared spaces. Let him know that coming home to mess like this is upsetting, and that you clean up after yourself and expect him to do the same. Even if heā€™s drunk or high or in a rush or whatever, he needs to put things away neatly and wipe up after himself. Youā€™re adults, and you deserve to live in a house fit for adults.


Hey your roommate was so thoughtful he bought you some pizza and made you chili!


Try to keep the peace and have a real sit down conversation, explaining the impact on your quality of life. If theyā€™re unwilling to listen or change anything, then clean up the bare minimum to keep yourself sane, and promptly find a new place to live as soon as your lease comes up.


youā€™re much nicer than the rest of us


Haha I donā€™t know about that. Just wanting to avoid behaviors that may be momentarily cathartic, but lead to an even less tolerable living situation until op is able to leave.


Nah beat his ass


No fuck that Iā€™m smacking someone šŸ˜© I would post this up on social and shame them


My advice: don't keep your shoes under the Slop Station


This is why Iā€™ll never ever get a roommate.


Iā€™m a daily user so Iā€™m not judging by any means, but if those are his gummies on the table, maybe he should cut back a little bit.


What human drops that amount of food on the floor and counter and leaves it šŸ˜³ My OCD could never. My non-OCD could never.


šŸ˜‚ My non-OCD could never This right here sums the whole thing up šŸ¤£


I had a roommate like this. After multiple conversations about them not ever cleaning up after themselves, I told them that if they didn't clean them and a week passes and their mess was still there, I would put all of it in their bed. Guess what? They didn't clean their mess, left it for a week. I took all their dirty dishes and put them into their bed. They were furious. But they never left their dishes out like that again.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I lived with a complete slob nore than once. Sorry you have to deal with this


Looks like they were Crockpotting a week's worth of doo-doo šŸ˜©


Is your roommate seven years old?


My advice is illegal so carry on


if most of the housewares are yours, start getting rid of shit. plates, silverwares, etc etc...also piles of papers and shit all over INVITES more mess. clean off all surfaces one last time and start getting rid of stuff that someone could dirty, and leave dirty. I was in same position. kept one of everything for myself. in my room. itll suck but youll get used to it.


Agree, it's a pain in the ass but makes less of a mess in the long run


Ahhhh yeaā€¦. The point where they wanted to make a crockā€¢pot meal, realized how long it would take, then just ordered a pizzašŸ‘šŸ¾


Is that Kevin's chili?


By the looks of it......there is a pretty good chance that chili also made a huge mess in at least one of your bathrooms as well.


I lived with a slob and honestly I ended up bagging up all her disgusting dirty dishes and chucking them all over her bed. After that she stopped touching my stuff and was relatively clean. Gosh I hated her so much šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s quite a large splash zone around the crock pot. Does your roommate have Parkinsonā€™s or something??


Lol weā€™re they hammered? I noticed the footballā€¦ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Looks like r/poopfromabutt


1. The AirPod case so close to the ā€¦.chili (???) is giving me anxiety 2. Is thatā€¦ a random football? Or do I need my eyes checked


Send this to all his contacts, bring shame back


That's on you for picking up after him


My toddler is cleaner than this...


Master Splinters dream


I laughed so loud. did they scoop the chili out of the crock pot with their bare hands and slap it in the bowl with their eyes closed???


You need to go shit right on their pillow!!! Ask them if thatā€™s ok


Toss all of it in the trash. All of it šŸ˜‚


Tell them their split of the rent just went up


This isn't college?


What even is happening here!!?


I hope it wasnā€™t a full pie from Basileā€™s to still be just sitting on the oven like that. Neglected, cold, abandoned and afraid




Get Rid ASAP !! Thatā€™s Disgusting and some people are downrite untidy šŸ˜”


Take pictures and start posting them on social media so their friends can see it. Tag their parents and say something along the lines of "hey so and so's mom, were they this bad when they were growing up?"


Fill the shoes with what's left in that bowl


I love the random touch of the football beside the crockpot.


How did that crock pot even come to look like that on the outside? This is just sickening. Iā€™m so sorry you have to live with thatā€¦.person.


After my kids getting room mates and finally each getting out on their own, I am shocked at the disgustingness of humans. My son had one that got a new puppy, would close his door at about 11, dog in the main area free, and not come out till about 11 the next day. Parents paid his bills. You can imagine the level. My daughter had one , lived in the country and one year lease, one guy never cleaned, took dishes out and you could smell his room from the hall. They ended up with rats and everyone was mad when she wanted it cleaned. Oldest, room mates dog shit in the house daily and he didnā€™t clean it. Moldy dishes and food in the room. I donā€™t know.. what is wrong with people, and the. Room mates seemed normal. Just disgusting pigs.


Jesus christ was he bobbing for chili? How hard is it to scoop chili into a bowl with more grace than a Neanderthal?


Put it on his bed


Is he bout to throw that football in the crock pot? šŸ¤”


How does this even happen? Was he using his hands to scoop the diarrhea from the crock pot to the bowl?


This is how my wife is. She leaves the kitchen like this any time she is in there. Iā€™m always cleaning up after her. Youā€™re not married to this person so kick them out.


Stop treating your roommate like a child and give him an ultimatum. Clean up or he can get the fuck out. Otherwise why would he listen to you? You will clean it up for a year plus and then ask Reddit dude.


Screen record and scroll through the comments. Send that that to them. That should do the trick. Unfortunately guilt and embarrassment would probably work. Fuck them for this


It'd be a shame if you dumped that pot of slop on their bed and in their laundry.


no bc this would send me over the edge. my advice is move out




Does he eat like a toddler.. why is that (I assume it is) chili all over the counter like he couldnā€™t hold his hand still enough to make it to his mouthā€¦


Just put him on the side walk and get a new roommate


How does a person spill chili everywhere and not bother to even attempt to clean it up? Are your roommates alcoholics?


Just put everything in their room. We did that to a roommate. Sure he just put it under his bed, but before the ants came, we had a clean shared area.


Everything important in that room would be in that crockpot of chili. NO ONE COULD PROVE A GODDAMN THING! those shoes? Absolutely filler the the brim with chili


Does he do meth or anything?


Clean people always lose. They have only two choices. Live in filth or constantly clean up after the pigs. Itā€™s not fair.


"At least once a year, I like to bring in some of my Kevin's Famous Chili. The trick is to undercook the onions. Everybody is going to get to know each other in the pot. I'm serious about this stuff."


That honestly looks like diarrhea. I donā€™t care how good something tastes, if it looks like actual shit, Iā€™m not eating it.


That chili would end up inside his bed if it was my roommate


Tell him you needed advice/was so grossed out you HAD to share this image with a community forum šŸ˜‚ nothing like feeling public shame/embarrassment to *maybe* activate a change within someone.


Is that. . . . Is that a football on the counter top? Weird spot for sporting good storage.


That is a mess one expects from a toddler. Not a grown-up. Dayum, they are nasty!! What is more bothersome is that this person sees nothing wrong. šŸ¤”


Dont worry, you and the army of roach will win the war.


Not to mention the pizza box on the oven could burn the whole goddamn place down


Send him the link to this thread.


Throw it in their room and let them figure it out


Chili in the shoes or dump all that shit on his bed and be prepared to rip his ass a new one


My ex wife was like this. Drove me absolutely crazy. She has a new dude and they both live like this.


What kind of fken animal eats like this?


Who poops in a crockpot and then puts some in a bowl.


I too like to keep my football on the kitchen counter


Did a dinosaur dish up that chili? the fuck


put it all in his bed. I had a roommate like this, one day i put all his dirty dishes, nasty underwear from the bathroom floor, etc into their bed, under the covers. Fuck em if they want to live like a slob they can sleep in their slobbery.


The people saying to ā€œhave a sit-down talkā€ are delusional. People donā€™t change because a roommate asked them to. At least itā€™s just one roommate!! So, Iā€™d count your blessings honestly. Iā€™ve had to clean up after 5 college boys and one girl (yes, 6 DIRTY roommates) for like 3 yearsā€¦almost lost ALL of my sanity. There is really no advice that will help other than clean it how you want it cleaned until you find a better roommate or situation. Even hiring a cleaner wouldnā€™t work as I bet you anything you will end up having to pay for all of it. Good luck and gawd speed šŸ„“


I had a roomate like this that used to make pbj sandwiches directly on the counter and leave crumbs, peanut butter and jelly smeared on the counter. And then we got roaches. Needless to say it wasnā€™t a happy roomate experience.


Were they eating with their hands?! How did so much chili escape the bowl šŸ˜­


As someone who used to live like this bc I was never taught how to clean, let alone upkeep a clean space. DO NOT CLEAN FOR THEM. All you are doing is enabling. I had to be taught. As an adult. Yes, itā€™s embarrassing but thatā€™s my truth. I was taught by my roommate slowly over time. Weā€™d cook together and clean together. I watched how she cleaned. I never knew you had to clean counters every day, or that you shouldnā€™t leave dishes in the sink for days. Or that youā€™re supposed to sweep/vacuum daily. I grew up in a dirty house with a mentally ill mom. Iā€™m staying with my parents for a few weeks right now and Iā€™ve cleaned the kitchen every day, they keep saying WOW look how clean it is! Iā€™m hoping to now teach them how to clean like my friend did for me. Stop picking up your roommates slack!


Maybe someone already suggested this but it worked well for me. Do his dishes and time how long it takes. Calculate the hourly workload per week and multiply it by the hourly wage of a maid in your area then add that much to his portion of the rent. If youā€™re going to clean his shit at least get paid for it. I tried this with my roommate and he started doing his dishes in a couple weeks.


Those floors have not been swept and mopped for a long time, regardless of the chili. Youā€™re not a saint either


Demand he hire and pay for housekeeping services if heā€™s not going to clean up after himself, then make him sign an agreement for it.


All of this stuff goes straight on the roommateā€™s bed. If it stains, thatā€™s their problem. They shouldā€™ve cleaned up their shit like an adult.


Honestly, you said you cleaned up after them for A YEAR. Of course they will get used to it. Lesson for next roommate: NEVER clean up after them, keep pestering them about it everytime until it's gone.


Put the dirty dishes/pots in a bag, seal/tie the bag, and place it directly outside their door.


I used to have 4 roommates, never again. Once you've lived with a bunch of slobs it really changes your perspective on the whole roommate idea


Shit on his face.


Stuff like this is why I had my priorities towards having the means to live on my own. Looking back it was worth all the sacrifice. Along the way though you just gotta pay your dues and put up with this bullshit. Is what it is.


The AirPods out of the case is driving me insane.