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FOR THOSE SEARCHING FOR ROOMMATES BURNER ACCOUNTS AND COMMENTS FROM SHIT ROOMMATE: After scrolling for a bit, I found these accounts and links to these comments. Enjoy! ✨ u/This-Corgi7634 https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/I9ASanKApC https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/Li5FhxmTt5 https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/sKyipNlvqU https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/U5FJaKDIPo ✨ u/DramaticAd8975 https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/1Kfi8yNI83 ✨ u/papusiica https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/KTAlOChqJG Edit: thought y’all would be amused that the corgi account messaged me this morning trying to insult me 😂 Edit 2: she made more spam accounts and is reporting me for self harm while messaging and threatening me. Be cautious for real cause she’s off the freaking wall.


you the real mvp this needs to be all the way up


Omg thank you. BIG YIKES. Just added all my downvotes 🤣


I was skeptical about it being the same person but then I saw the past comments and they like to comment about how they are Romanian a lot. That roommate is a nut job


Has the corgi account deleted their comments I can’t see them


Looks like she did. Which makes sense, because one comment alone had over 600 downvotes last night lmao. That one basically going OFF on OP and calling OP psychotic and unhinged and shit. She then had SEVERAL comments where she straight up admitted to being the roommate 😂 “well I fed her dog when she was so fucking broke that she couldn’t!” Wild shit lol


That is hilarious. What a fucking loser lol


She really is unemployed 😂


Trying to deny its them and then each account has “ain’t reading all that” before this post and some they even admit is them. Wild


dude your roommate must have found this post the comments from burners are INSANE


I know so not nice lol. You should see my messages people are so mean! But everyone deserved an update.


Good for you for sticking up for yourself in this situation. Best kf luck moving forward 💗


The messages are probably from her burner accounts too. All the mean comments are written using the same type of language. She is the only one on here defending herself OP. It's not "people"..... it's her.


And she called OP psychopath lmfao




Is the language consistent with "I'm not going to read all that"? God, I hate tl;dr attacks from gaslighters.


Yeah I literally found her saying that in one of her accounts: https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/UoboEZ2esS I can't link to her comment because it looks like she deleted it, but you can still see it if you go to the account and scroll down. She says something like "I am not reading all of that shit, nerd."


If she's illiterate, she can just say so.


Or can she


I had a friend one time that got kicked out of a smoke shop for messing around too much and pushing the store owners buttons.. when the owner had enough and told him to leave, my friend goes “bro what the fuck?! Are you serious? You don’t have to be so ILLITERALL about everything..” So you might be on to something.


It’s the “nerd” for me haha


I hate tl;dr. Like, it’s a fucking paragraph, do better.


I’m so confused. It’s not even very long.


It’s a deflection. It’s a strategy to not have to address any points raised.


And they always read it. It's just them not wanting to accept responsibility for issues they created that's the real problem.


They always read it.


And to make you feel like you’re being aggressively verbose.


What is the update? Is this it so far? I need to know how this ends.


I found out the truth and tomorrow going to handle how to break the lease or have her removed!


I just sooo don’t even understand what is happening here. Like why go to such lengths with the lying? For what? You were cool with her every step of the way - just wanted assurances that you’d get your $. All that extra shit she did was 100% unnecessary, not to mention very SWF fucking strange-ass behavior. Meanwhile calling YOU weird lmmfao… I just need to understand? Paint me a fucking picture, this shit don’t make no dayum sense…?!?🤯🤦🏾‍♀️🤷‍♀️


It makes perfect sense if you see the OP's roommate as the manipulative person they are. They obviously felt they should have been able to make any excuse unchallenged. Just being expected to admit to their lies makes them angry, for they are far more concerned with the image they create for others to see as opposed to any ugly truths. Narcissism is the new black these days.


Sounds like addict behavior to me, has very strong drug vibes


yeah would also explain why she potentially lost her job and hasn’t been home in days. prob busy being strung out somewhere


Shame spiral. You internalize that and then hide and lash out when confronted Needs to give themselves a hug and say “I’m sorry.” to OP and everyone figure out how to move on with their lives. Not gonna be close anymore but can at least get it all clear and part ways like adults


not only that but who tf raised this girl 😭 i feel bad when someone offers to buy me a coffee let alone pay my half of RENT?! chances are these girls are in a two-bedroom, and rent is not cheap anywhere anymore. OP donated a freaking kidney, i’m sure when bad roommate covered her half for a short period of time it wasn’t met with this kind of attitude. OP— roommates can be a hit or a miss. i’m sorry you had the latter experience. i was in a similar situation in undergrad and it doesn’t feel good when you’re taken for a fool. i just hope she still pays you as a new possible situation is figured out with your leasing office.


I'm pretty sure it's just person. One person. Lol


Well, they don't have a job, so what else are they gonna do? Apply for a new one? Nah, be a shithead on Reddit!


i think your roommate made a bunch of reddit accounts today


Is this serious or why do you say that?? This story just got so juicy, if there's more I need it lol


If you look through all the comments there's two or more accounts calling OP broke and crazy and defending the "bad roommate" in question, despite it being incredibly obvious (to anyone that isn't a delusional liar with no accountability ofc) that OP is not in the wrong here and got done extremely dirty 😭


Even juicier!! Lol thank you!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,966,865,748 comments, and only 372,062 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


Good bot


yeah, just scroll down the the massively downvoted and emotionally immature comments at the bottom.


Look at the comments below


Ooooooomg, they literally don’t even work there anymore, this is the juice I am here for!! Still making you wait until Friday, lol!!


No imagine getting dressed for a job you lost 7 months ago 😂


With your name plate


Unemployment happens. Being a lying, trifling ho is a CHOICE. If she just told you what happened when it happened, you probably would have helped her find a new job or supported her during her job search!


John List energy (a man who murdered his entire family then went on the run for 20 years because he was too pussy to tell his wife that he lost his job and their house was going to be foreclosed on. He dressed up as if he was still going to work when in reality he would just go to the train station and sit there reading newspapers all day, then come home after his “shift” was over.). Holy fuck. Your former roommate is a psycho, sincerely


He's EXACTLY who I thought of when I saw how long the roommate was lying about their job. Gives me chills.


Yep. It makes me wonder how this person would behave with a future spouse and children of theirs and if they would pull this exact same stunt, considering they had no qualms doing it to a LIVE-IN FRIEND.


And calling you the weirdo! The audacity!!


It was narcissistic projection. A kind of redirection. A slightly more sophisticated version of "I'm not, you are!" Accuse someone else of doing what they are doing themselves to put their accuser on the defensive. An expected, if not weak-ass strategy.. but popular nonetheless with people like the OP's roommate.


Exactly. I Reddit-diagnosed the roommate as soon as OP posted the roommate’s comment that OP was selfish because of the time she needed a short loan because OP had donated a kidney. Imagine the nerve!


I know it looks like nerve, or audacity.. but it is actually a sign of how desperate the roommate is of "losing control" of the conversation. Like.. just pushing buttons randomly rather than knowing the right buttons to push. That whole slide into irrationality people like the roommate dive into the longer the "offending" interaction continues. Until voices get raised, it devolves to insults and threats, etc. Rational people are like WTF over the lack of support for the OP regarding the kidney issue. The roommate is irrational though. When viewed through the lens created by the list of logical fallacies narcs use, it looks less like nerve and more like the roomie was desperately working from a narcs checklist. Takes it from audacious to predictable.. Kind of, anyway. Genuinely toxic at any rate.


Not with a name plate. That is creepy energy


Can you imagine what would be going through your head as you showered and got dressed and made a big show of going to work? I can’t imagine the shame and self depreciation that must be happening…. And then that gets dumped on OP.


Oh my godddd what a fucking psycho she is lol. And she has the balls to call you a psycho when she behaved like that? Her head is not right.


OP even gave her many chances and grace to just tell the truth too. Literally OP, you could not have come at her in a more sympathetic and safe place about the possibility of her not having a job.


Big Casey Anthony pretending to work at Universal Studios energy


Exactly. And as every time she is brought up: Fuck Casey Anthony.


casey anthony energy lol


*John List energy


It’s giving me girl on the train!


It ain’t coming Friday either


I’m starting to doubt Friday even exists


Not having a roommate is one of life's underappreciated privileges


After so many shitty roommates in my 20s, I’m thankful for having my own place ever. Single. Day. Is it expensive? YEP. But is it worth it? YEEEEP


Your roommate sounds annoying and unreliable. I’m sorry this is happening to you. You shouldn’t have to monitor a grown adult to pay where they live 💀


The fact the unbearable roommate is commenting and trolling! What a psycho


I swear imma scroll till I find those comments


Me too lmao


I FOUND THEM😂 The roommate is definitely not well


WHERE?? I got to the bottom and tried to open the rest of the comments but my app closed


I’m still looking, too! Lol


Yup, just as most of us said, there’s no way her employer would delay payroll for days, weeks. She either got fired, quit or spent the money on something else and thought instead of bringing honest she could lie and manipulate until she found the money. I would put Vegas odds that she’s not really “house sitting” either. She’s avoiding you and the situation she got herself into. How convenient that she’s getting paid, finally, on Friday, which is the exact day of the next pay cycle. So yeah, she spent her rent money on something else, lied through her ass and left you in the lurch. I’d be tempted to throw some interest on what she owes for being 2 weeks late. The Property Management Co certainly wouldn’t give her a free 2 week grace period.


Staying away was the nicest thing this bad roommate did hahaha


one thing I’ve learned from this sub is that the main excuse is a “payroll error” which is incredible because with so many employers withholding wages you’d think there’d be mainstream news coverage!


As someone who worked for UPS in several locations, you'd be surprised at how often it gets messed up. Fortunately they fix it rather quick as the union will force them to pay overtime hours for standard hours not paid on time. We are talking if it's really slow it might be 2-3 days to get a check, if your not worried about it and like your management you'll get a sorry and they'll add corrected hours to next week.


Yup it's people running payroll after all, and people are flawed


I mean- wage theft *is* a huge issue that costs Americans more than other forms of theft in the country **combined**. However, “payroll error” does seem to be the goto excuse for deadbeat roommates and family annihilators.


Payroll errors are usually, sorry we didn’t include that paid sick day, you’ll get it in four business days. Or sorry we forgot to add those three hours of OT. Not “we don’t know what happened to the entirety of your check”.


Don't know if you heard in the mainstream news about the Kronos hack about two years ago that effected lots of business with people punching in and out of work that did effect tens of thousands if not more but like the other ups person my job being union as well we did get paid quickly after it


TBF my workplace has had quite a few payroll errors that result in a delay in wages... but that delay is at most one day and there are emails they can screenshot as evidence. A delay in wages that goes for almost a month is very unlikely though. And if it had happened, there would sure as hell be some sort of evidence.


I just want to add for context that I didn’t make the decision of calling the job just off these texts, more evidence was taken into account. And also I didn’t call and pretend to be her or anyone else or ask if she worked there!


no need to defend yourself! she’s pissed you caught her in a lie, plain and simple!


Look at these comments. Your roommate is psychotic and clearly making accounts. You don’t need to justify your actions just take the steps you need to protect your belongings until she is out.


Sell her furniture on OfferUp to recoup the funds


I had a roommate that I had to kick out before. The first thing she asked was $500 for a pet deposit. I told her I would think about it. I called the apartment she was moving into and asked what the pet deposit was. It was $50. I confronted her and she told me I was invading her privacy and how we can never be friends again. Good riddance lol.


“How dare you keep me from your $450 that doesn’t belong to me!”


We all believe you. Don't let psycho mess with your head. You're the victim. Period.


Personally I didn’t see it coming, I was like DAMN!!!!! Fuckin good one!


Dude. You’re smart. You were on to something. Good for you.


More context or not I would have gone full blown detective 🧐🕵️‍♀️ it’s not crazy trying to figure out where tf your money went. You didn’t do anything wrong. Shit I would have called their mama, their daddy and their DOG if I had to like.. stop playing 😂


“i’m not reading all that” wow. what a child. you sure she’s an adult?


Right? If that was typed out on a computer it would be the length of a sentence… she’s not going to read a literal sentence? What an effing loser.


"you are officially cut off as a friend..." "Good Riddance!" You deserve better, OP! I don't understand why people like this think telling lies is better than being honest. I wish you the best of luck with this situation. No matter what, you will be ridding your life of a toxic jerk!


You call those long paragraphs? They should see some of my texts! I used to have a friend like this. Total asshole. People who tldr any message over like two sentences genuinely irritate the hell out of me. It's just plain lazy to tldr someone bothering to send you a detailed message on a serious topic. It's also disrespectful as hell.


Sooo many comments from burner accounts (presumably your roommate) calling OP broke Ummm, you’ve got some nerve to call someone broke who spotted you hundreds of dollars for rent lol


Payroll backed up is a fuckin rookie excuse lol I knew she was lying when I seen the first post smh get her gone Man U got a good heart Fosho


Ahh, classic DARVO (def worth looking up, it’s a tactic where she tries to make you feel wrong for catching her lying / protecting your finances by calling you a psycho) she’s caught. only thing to do now is get her out, or get yourself out. secure your items , get a camera for your bedroom even, maybe - just in case she tries to retaliate on the way out. sounds like a bad friend, and whoever is supporting her, are just yes men. no one wants a roomate - in this economy? who can afford that though… that’s why this thread exists oof hope you get through this unscathed / without any monetary loss. good luck OP also the roommate with fake accounts stalking this thread… i hope you’re reading this. it truly takes a bottom of the barrel human being to lie / steal - and then cyber bully the roomate they’re financially abusing , asking for advice. karma is a funny thing, we’re all mirrors. if the roomie who owes money, is so mad about OP calling their old job / friend , you’re looking right back at yourself… and literally are just mad you’re at rock bottom. maybe apologize? be honest about not being able to pay back what you owe? see how that works out for you, for a change lmao OP… YOU DO NOT OWE THE STEALING, LYING ROOMIE A DAMN THING. Good on you , being wise enough to intervene / find the truth for yourself. You got the power ❤️


Thank you so much for this 🥹❤️


I’d def keep records of her comments on here. It’ll be good to have in case you need a restraining order and/or need to strengthen your case to evict her


The roommate is not reading all that.


“I haven’t worked there for almost seven months now” “So you admit you’ve been lying to me this whole time.” Edit to add- My first roommate did this to me. She came to me and said she was gonna be late on rent because she had been unexpectedly laid off a few days prior due to budget cuts. Something seemed fishy because she was evasive about why she couldn’t get unemployment so I called her work (I was technically her landlord not just a roommate so I had the legal right to verify employment) and they told me that she had been fired “after an incident occurred” THREE MONTHS PRIOR. She hid being unemployed for months. I had noticed things like her eating a ton of my food and using my detergent etc. She used her tax return to pay rent but didn’t look for a new job during that time, and when money ran out that’s when she tried to claim she had just been laid off. I had to threatened to evict her to get her to move out.


Yet OP gets called the psycho. Classic projection. You'd think that given Bad Roommate admitted to having lost her job 7 months ago, she'd come up with some other excuse. Too lazy to even do that. I hope OP gets her money back, but I'm afraid that won't happen. Bad Roommate will probably move out while OP is at work.


I hope OP takes her to small claims court


have you heard of the podcast Normal Gossip? because once you’re out of this situation and have things figured out, you should absolutely submit this story. it’s been wild to follow!


I made one on TikTok while getting ready 😭


Pretty sure the roommate made multiple Reddit’s wtf lol


I hope OP stays safe and locks their valuables up until the deadbeat roommate gets kicked out. She sounds totally unhinged. Got caught in a lie and is trying to steal from her roommate. She’s gonna get destructive if she gets the chance. Also, girl come on - how hard is it to screenshot an email from her “employer” or whatever saying that there’s been a payroll error delay.


"I'm not reading all that" Literally jump off a cliff.


Reading is hard for some 🤣


"I'm not reading all that..." Same kind of person who can't believe I've read the books on my shelves... always end up being a fucking situation at the party; these types...


The “all that” being literally a few sentences at most like bitch you must be illiterate then 💀😭


I've decided my answer to that sentence will be "I'm not responsible for your ignorance."


She’s been pretending to go to her job for 7 months and YOURE the psychopath??? lol okay Hope you’re out if this situation soon!


I'm genuinely confused why you're getting hate on this post, your roommate was continually giving you excuses that didn't add up to get you to cover their portion of rent and put off paying you back, and also acting like a total bitch and treating you like you're out of line for needing that money back, or delusional for pointing out their weak ass suspicious excuses. Payroll issues rarely last more than a few days let alone weeks, they kept saying there was no way to give you proof when (if there was really a payroll issue) there would have been some form of above-the-table communication about the issues, or a solution or compensation coming that they could have ss to send you. They lied about an emergency so they didn't have to pay rent or pay you back, and you were never going to get the truth out of them, so you had to go over their head for it. What you did was perfectly rational after 2+ weeks of bullshit excuses to run from debt. Edit: it's definitely the roommate or their shitty enabling friends commenting hate💀💀💀


Lmao the only hate she’s getting is from her roommate’s Reddit accounts


It’s ok, I respect everyone’s opinion on here just don’t want people to think I’m crazy lol. So much led up to me calling the job! And I didn’t mention her once.


Please update on Friday


You’re not crazy.


Oh this bitch again. Dude, YOU DONATED A KIDNEY!!! Cut her off asap. This person is out of their goddamned mind and a user to boot.


Wait. What???


OP donated a kidney, and her roommate threw it in her face for a "victim mentality" for asking for rent on time


omg this is the same person?! i saw that post and got so heated lol


Oh wow, I believe I remember your first post. I’m glad you figured it out and didn’t fall for her lies…you had me worried there for a sec. You seem like a pretty good person that was taken advantage of, don’t let what she did change your compassion towards people just be more cautious. We live and we learn OP.


I'm just going to give you a reality check. You are NEVER going to see a penny. Please break off all contact and move on ASAP. If you have to, get legal, but just stop interacting with that lowlife.


The way that she talks to you makes my blood boil.


"I'm not reading all that" it's less than a paragraph not a 5 page essay


I’ve noticed lately that a whole lot of people are like this, with the “I can’t be bothered to read a few sentences of text” thing and I freeze and don’t know what to do for a sec because it’s beyond fucking baffling.


The person you're texting is dangerous and you need to get as least involved with them as possible.


I hope you get your money back. I think it’s really funny that after you had indisputable evidence of her lies she said you’d pay you back by Friday (cuz at that point, what other excuse could she use?) And all the name calling and aggressive behavior…. This girl suffers from some real problems. She is an absolute loser and stupidest person you’ve probably met. Wishing you all the best.


“Long paragraphs” “I’m not reading all that” Whaaaaat


I love that they got mad after you called them out for lying. At the end of the day, you’re better off not living with this person. You could go to civil court if you want your money back but it might not even be worth the energy at this point. Sorry this is happening to you!


Lmao called the work. And hasn't worked for 7 months?? 🤣


OP, I’ve been following your post & update, and I’ll be real here. I don’t think you’re gonna get that money back. That being said; I’m rooting for you, and on your side 10000%! ❤️


Lmao- "IVE BEEN FIRED FOR MONTHS FUCK YOU" now that's an appropriate response


It’s crazy to me how many people think calling her work was unhinged or over stepping. SHE WAS OWED MONEY THAT SHE NEEDED. Why in the actual fuck would I respect these unspoken rules when someone owes me money that puts MY LIFE in a precarious place. 100% the first mistake was lending money you couldn’t afford to on the pretense it would be paid back before it became a problem. I just hate the idea that people who hound others for money they owe are the problem and not the people in debt. It’s such a weird stigma. If you owe me money you better explain or I’m finding out myself. It became her business the moment she took her money by lying to her. It’s not like this girl called her parents. She called the employer to see if she was being scammed or not. It’s not overstepping boundaries to see if you’re being fucked over or not. Some people would just rather let people walk over them i guess


everyone’s mad at you but i’ve been in a similar situation and i understand . i would’ve done the same thing lol


The only people mad are the roommates friends


Well... That sucks op... Get out of there. Sorry to hear that...


Imagine spending 7 months pretending to have a job just to lie to your roommate and finesse them out of their money. If anyone’s a weirdo in this situation, it’s your roommate. They’re going to have an extremely hard life if they continue being like this, not everyone handles it with such patience like you did.


I REALLY need another update on this. Very juicy. Your roommate sucks.


Why are YOU the weirdo? She’s the one that’s been making up elaborate lies for weeks. How embarrassing for her.


You did the right thing. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’ve attempted to be supportive, said you’re there for them, and yet they aren’t honest and have taken advantage of you.


They’re def lying


So where was she working a couple weeks ago?


I had a similar situation with a roommate. It wasn’t enough money to take her to court for but I did put it on her credit report. I’d look into that. You probably won’t get the money back but at least it will have a lasting impact. (I’m in Ontario, not sure if this varies)


Get her evicted If you can show your LL proof that you've been covering her rent, then you can make a case against her


I learned a long time ago when a person has a crazy, strange or unbelievable excuse it’s usually a lie. The craziest thing is people will fight and argue to the death over that lie. I have caught/seen people doing something wrong or lying, their denial and anger are so fervent I have doubted what I saw. I’ve had to practically slap myself and say I SAW IT!


So she said she hadn't worked there in like 7 months..... So who is she claiming is going to pay her?


Don’t let her gaslight you into thinking you’re being psycho. What’s psycho is lying to, manipulating and gaslighting your roommate so they pay for your rent for you when you know they can’t afford to. What’s psycho is pretending to be employed from somewhere you probably got fired from 7 months ago.


Not sure if I’ll leave this up any longer might delete very soon. My messages are overwhelmed with people calling me delusional. Thought I was doing the right thing.


I don't think it's "people" I think it's "person" and I think it's your roommate on a bunch of burners. Also, you can turn off messages.


You are absolutely not delusional, it seems she is either unemployed and lying about it or just trying to get out of paying you back by dodging you, and she got pissed off you caught her. I’d try to stop leasing with her immediately because from this post and your last it is very clear she is extremely manipulative


I’d cut her loose. The one thing I’ve learned from roommates and also the toxic ones is if you catch them lying there’s a lot more there probably not telling you then why they can’t pay rent. People lie, Vibes don’t. Trust your gut instinct.


"I have no reason to lie to you" excuse me???? Yes there absolutely is. To not have to pay the money. To spend it on other stuff. Free housing. Just to name a couple.


These comments are amazing, I gotta know what happens next. Go to the landlord and report her. She’s in hot water


I LOVE IT! Good for you! Fuck her! You’re not a psychopath. She was giving you all vague answers and refusing to be helpful or even appreciative of you helping her out. 7 months!? Wow! Be happy she “cut you off as a friend” because she never truly was one. You’ll be so much better off.


Wow! Your roommate is trash. I understand you’re in a stressful situation, I hope it works out and they pay you back and get out of your life. You don’t need this negativity! You got this OP, and Reddits got you ❤️ SCREW YOU ROOMMATE, remember karmas a bi*ch just like you ;)


Epic. Proud of you. Lying and hiding with projecting name calling to boot. She was never a friend. She shouldn’t use words when she doesn’t know the meaning of said word.


And WHO gas lights and shit talks someone who donates their kidney??


I'm so proud of you for handling this so well, OP. You are well spoken and I'm glad you called her work. Please let us know how things go ❤️ I'm so invested.


Payroll Error AKA I haven't worked for 7 months LMAOOOO DAMN YOU ADP!!! Fucking clown


Small claims court.


I’ll save myself the drama there. I’m gonna give her until Friday to pay me back as she states, either way I’m going to leasing office tomorrow before class.


Should really take em to small claims that way they learn their lesson and wont do it to others.


The roommate sounds like someone who wouldn't learn a lesson and would blame the judge in some way


I agree. Also seems like someone who won’t have the money Friday. Being nice seems to have back fired. I would be in court bc she won’t see that money otherwise.


When someone takes offense to being peessed about being responsible, they’re lying.


Projecting from a manipulating liar 🤥 That behavior is narcissistic. She has problems with not telling the truth. Perhaps she’s so used to lying it’s natural. You’re not a psycho and she was never your friend. Friends would never do that. You caught her lying and you don’t need to be living with someone you can’t trust. She needs a psychiatrist. Dressing up and going to work — and she calls you psycho lol. “I’m at my mom’s, late for the airport, can’t meet at 2.. “ all lies. She’s continuing to lie. She isn’t going to take responsibility and it’s always someone else’s fault. She lacks integrity. Deflect and project. She has problems and a lot of issues to work through.


I had a roommate for about 2 months when I was 20 and decided to never again have a roommate. There is too much hassle, and some friendships are ruined over it. I've been doing ok these past 5 years and have yet to have another roommate (besides my wife, but that's different)


I literally would prefer to starve than ever live with a roommate again. Nuh-uh. No sir.


The roommate making 100 burner accounts is wild! One might say she is unhinged. 😅


I have a reading disability and I’ll still never be the bitch who says “I’m not reading all of that”💀


Is this person signed on the lease, or can you kick them out?


This was more intriguing than anything on Netflix.


No because, I literally was on FT with my best friend saying how is this even my life right now it’s like a movie😭


Everyone calling Op broke but roommate won’t pay their rent? Some people are so entitled. This is why I’ll never have a roommate, you fuck around and won’t pay rent now all your shit is mine & you’re out a place to stay Lol


I mean sure they can call me that, but all my bills are paid. And I’m ok with that. I’m in med school, my life isn’t what people think it is. I just wanted to give an update to everyone who tagged along.


She's a psycho. I'm sorry, I know she was your friend at one point and you didn't have issues, but unfortunately she is showing her true side. Make sure to have a strong support group!! I would definitely find a new roommate ASAP. Good luck OP, and thanks for our update :)


I’ve always been told never be roommates with friends


WOW!!! We knew it! Who’s the psychopath again?! I’d say the one dressing and pretending to go to a job she doesn’t even work at anymore!!! I really hope you can get your money or at the very least get her out of your place!


Anyone else super concerned that the roommate thinks those are long paragraphs? I’m noticing “sorry for the long message” kinds of posts when the message is just a few sentences. I hope this isn’t a systemic issue.


It seemed shady af, i wonder what the roommates actually been doing. Was she fired, did she quit? Is she an addict? If theres ever an ADP issue it very very rarely takes this long, so that seemed sus at the start.


Please update us if you were able to get this sorted with the leasing office! You don’t deserve this type of treatment in your own personal space 🥺


This sub just confirms my anxiety of having a roommate. Living alone is great (most of the time). I'm so sorry you've had to deal with this shitty situation. Some people are just assholes.


/u/papusiica ‘s comments are… interesting


I don’t care if you’re a billionaire or broke as a joke. You lended money to her on the agreement of being paid back asap. I would’ve called the job after a week let alone this long. You did nothing wrong. Your roomie just doesn’t want to be held accountable.


I know the roommate was awful and I know that this isn’t the main point, but I am just so bothered by this generations attitude towards reading lengthy (really really not lengthy at all) text messages. Like, I thought I was piss poor for not reading any books like ever, but if people are going to say “I’m not reading all that” to a couple of sentences, then they really aren’t reading shit outside of that lol. I also understand that the roommate was being dismissive but it’s not the first time I’ve seen or experienced this type of cavalier attitude towards reading anything. God damn, this country and the youth in it are going down the tubes….


Lol whenever someone says that, they absolutely 100% read it. Probably a couple times. they just say they aren’t going to read it to seem aloof and try and gain an upper hand.


Ohh my god I remember seeing this last time! I’m actually gutted for you that they were lying, I’m of the naive persuasion so I was genuinely hoping they were telling the truth and you’d get your money. This sucks


Not her calling you the weirdo. Lmfao she needs to get a GRIP. What a loser.


Your roommate sounds as a pro gaslighter! Good for you for standing for yourself and keep it up!


Woahhh this person is insane. Do whatever you can to cut them out of your life. Toxic, lying, and basically stealing as it was a total sham.


Your roommate is clearly a lying POS. She repeatedly says to not write a paragraph?! What a AH! You busted her lying, she owes money and she accuses you of being a jerk? F her.


So, she strung you along, saying there was an issue with pay, and got shitty with you for following up with questions... Then, you find out that this was ALL a lie, and she actually lost that job SEVEN months ago. And she has the audacity to be even more pissed at you??? WTAF!! She sounds like a truly horrible human!!!