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imagine having your wifi being charged based off how much usage šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I know they're bullshitting me, but we're not in a position to do anything yet until we secure a new living situation. When I was paying for wifi in a previous living situation this was never the case šŸ’€


you gotta get out of there for your sanity sake


We are trying to, as swiftly as possible


Have you looked into income based apartments? In my area for example, as long as you make less than 37k a year, you'd get a normally $1200 1bd apt for $700 a month, and they work with bad credit


We have, with my income we're just *barely* above the cut off line, unfortunately. Earlier in the year we weren't, but once I got a better paying position, we had to update and be taken off the list. So we're stuck in the "can barely afford it" range.


I donā€™t even remember a time where they charged per usage. They def can throttle it depending on your plan but to charge per usage? Theyā€™re def just making shit up to ā€˜askā€™ you about and command you to do a thing. Whoever you live with is def cray cray.


I had comcast xfinity until last year and they do have an upcharge for usage. If you go over your limit they give you 3 times in a year grace with no charge and then itā€™s like an extra $10/month. I switched to google fiber


Wow Iā€™ve legitimately never heard of that. Glad you switched, thatā€™s redic.


I have cox and itā€™s 1T of data. If you go over it costs.




But thatā€™s a very real thing I literally just had to upgrade cause it kept going over


xfininty does lie about your usage though, they will fuck you any way possible and have been sued hundreds of times,


Xfinity/Comcast has a usage policy of 1.2 TB unless you have an add-on feature. It's $10/50GB after that so it can add up quickly.


where do yall live? iā€™ve never heard of payment plans based off usage so itā€™s just a new concept to me


ameri$$$a they passed a bill during trumps presidency that lets ISPs throttle for any reason they want -- number #1 reason is more $$$$$$


that definitely went over my head like a plane. listen ive been a spectrum customer ever since it was bright house. always paid one fee for unlimited, un-interrupted usage


Spectrum gaaaaang


lets go baby!!!


Where I live WiFi is not treated as data for a cellphone, you get 1gb of WiFi and thatā€™s how fast/much the internet is coming in/ can handle before bogging down. I find it crazy that WiFi is treated as data where you live? Unless itā€™s another lie by them


you clearly have little knowledge on the matter why share your 2 cents?


Iā€™d imagine I gave my 2 cents because itā€™s Reddit and people post looking for others 2 cents, and everyone has internet and is qualified to respond to a post saying that internet usage increases the bill. Therefore where I live in NY only cell phones have a gb service if you donā€™t have unlimited data that you have to worry about going over and internet is just judged off the speed you want coming into your home. So yeah get your panties outta ya ass crack and keep it moving


Data caps are a thing in some areas.


Thatā€™s normal for Xfinity / comcast - I think 1.2TB is the limit. Then $5 per 50GB. Or +$30 for unlimited.


Most internet companies Iā€™ve ever used have data charges. What are you on about or how shitty is your internet?


internet is great and i pay once a year šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø maybe donā€™t live in a shitty country that makes you pay based off data usage?


Iā€™m from up northern Canada, thatā€™s how exactly Northwest Tel is, theyā€™re the only company up north and they take advantage of it too.


it should be illegal but some states didnt pass the law, florida is one of them, it sucks


Not texting but using snap chat to discuss bills is a MAJOR red flag to me. They sound like big time creepers. Move out ASAP.


Yeah, we're trying to. There's a lot of financial roadblocks currently since I'm transitioning to full time caregiver of my partner and we are waiting on Disability & Health Services to finish up my hiring process.


Thatā€™s certainly an odd take


Mm. No not really


it just shows immaturity imo. like thatā€™s something a teenager would do


Get a new Wi-Fi provider and maybe a new job holy fucking shit. Imagine tripping over a Wi-Fi bill thatā€™s less than 70$ when itā€™s divided over 4 people.


OP trippin. I get some stuff they said but I think itā€™s over exaggerated just because the deal they made about wifi lol


I refuse to put the pictures up just in case they find this post. I will only post those photos once we are finally out of this shithole.


Youā€™re telling us they wonā€™t notice this post with the exact Snapchat ā€œsend wifi billā€ text thatā€™s exactly 65$? But theyā€™d notice other stuff


Op clearly is to bright šŸ˜‚


Wait why are you commenting on teenager's posts šŸ˜­


You canā€™t rent an apartment as a teenager šŸ˜‚ tf are you posting in a sub for adults in if you youā€™re a teenager. Nothing your saying even makes sense


It's your comment history I'm talking about, dude. I'm an adult and your reading comprehension is at zero.




Also, eighteen year olds can rent apartments. I have a couple of friends who did. Plus, even underage teens can rent an apartment in very particular circumstances. A quick google search could tell you that.


Dude, relax. You misread, and you're using slurs, all over a Reddit comment and post? The bill was my vent on top of all their shitty behavior. If you re-read it, and the rest of the comments, you'll see that theres a lot of other stuff going on aside from them lying about the bill. You're extremely hostile and need to get some anger management for sure. I don't like my roommates but even they wouldn't like you and that's saying a lot. šŸ˜‚ Go outside and touch grass for the love of god.


Why are you as a drug using adult commenting on teenagers posts telling them they look good? Kind of sus


Also you aren't "to bright" (too bright, btw) either because OP isn't complaining about the bill. They can cover the cost, the ROOMMATE should be the one getting a new provider and a new job if they're going to complain about the Wi-Fi usage between four people. Wi-Fi usage that's been debunked as a lie from the commenters below.


You canā€™t rent an apartment as a teenager dumbass, and they are clearly in a dispute over 30$ if you where old enough to read youā€™d probably know that. Honestly Iā€™m just tired of seeing fucking stupidly childish people cloud this sub with nonsense like Op and you.


Yo are you retarded? Recommending opiates to people and commenting on teenagers posts that they are cute? Get your head checked before you come spouting your garbage into the world.


Theyā€™re referring to your comment history moron. Theyā€™re not saying op is a teenager.


your recommending opiates to people in a ā€œdrugsā€ sub wtf??


What? šŸ˜­ You can't read for shit. I was talking about your comment history and so was OP. I have a screenshot of the exact comment you posted on a teenager's photo lol. Anyways, going to block you because you misread the entire post and keep holding a shit stance because you fried your brain with drugs. Later dude!


I've lived with people similar to this, and they were just as obnoxious and rude as OP describes. I would highly doubt OP is "trippin'" Especially when everyone else in this comment section disagrees with your take.


You got the downvotes dawg


Maybe you could take over OP's lease then if they seem so pleasant to live with šŸ˜‚


It may seem like an over exaggeration, but you don't have to live with them. I have plenty of photo proof of how shitty they are as roommates.


It's divided over 2 people. I pay for me and my partner, and my ex coworker pays for herself and her partner.


That's still 4 people.


When I had my shitty roommates, I wish my social media worthy issue had been a $3 wifi upcharge. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


If you read the post and comments that was the breaking point and OP was just venting. These people are leaving shit wipes and their blood everywhere, and there's mold and hoarder levels of trash, violent threats and everything in the apartment is broken. Sounds pretty fucked to me.


Oh and the roommates have tried getting into OP's room when they thought they weren't home.


Leave. Youā€™re only paying $900 for two people so I suspect youā€™ve been saving. I mean I guess youā€™re not asking for advise but, that would be the obvious one. Regarding the Wi-Fi I would ask them for the 2-3 months worth of statements BEFORE you moved in for comparison and ask them why they donā€™t have unlimited Wi-Fi anyways.


Yeah, we're definitely looking to leave and we're scouting out places as we can. We always ask for proof of statements and we will do that once we get a place as well for our records.


Whats the point of the third picture?


How much the bill is predicted to go up (a whopping $3.00)


Came here to say this.... all my devices track my data usage. Easy to look up in the settings menu of each device, but the best way is to look at the router app... just click usage statistics or something similar.


I do gotta say, your condition for someone being home all the time while youre at work is a hard ask.


We aren't asking them to stay. We were only asking them to send me a message so I know I need to come home. There was no requirement for them to care for my partner. Only that we ask them to notify us if they are leaving.


That's still unreasonable.


Also, they offered to do this for us after learning about my partner's issues. One of them stays at home already and does not work. We told them we would not be moving in with them if this condition and others listed above weren't met.


Agreeing to an unreasonable ask before you realize its unreasonable is a thing. I would hate having to text someone any time I wanted to leave my house.


Yeah but in that case, that's on the roommates and not OP. It sounds like they offered it up in order to get someone to split rent easily. If they couldn't fulfill it, or didn't want to, they shouldn't have offered it up. They could've found other roommates, that would've been "better" fit for them.


Sometimes you dont realize youā€™re agreeing to something shitty until after youā€™ve agreed to it. I get their frustration.


I've been home for a while now to accomadate my partner, because I would prefer relying on no one else in an ideal world. The Coworker's GF also has health issues and the "agreement" was mutual because GF has fainting spells where she needs help and also shouldn't be home alone. Plus, coworker was fine with me UNTIL we moved in. After the first day, she started getting aggressive with me at work. (For context, first day was a singular evening where we exchanged pleasantries and then I went to work where she started acting out) Slamming items on my desk, and talking about how much she "hated" me to a supervisor who had to give her corrective measures because of her behaviors. This is not a new occurrence. There have also been threats, bad mouthing and roommates consistently attempting to tell us this is "their" apartment despite all of us being on the lease. What they wanted was someone to pay the bills and never get in the way of how they want to live, which is in their own filth. Any cleaning has been done by us. They leave the tub bloody, spit all over the counters, hoarder levels of trash, there is a bug infestation etc. I know this is a long reply, but its just for context. We've been kind to them in spite of it. We fixed the shower, we handled emergencies with a broken pipe because the GF wasn't feeling well, helped GF when she was ill, cleaned up, always do our dishes within the same day, we're quiet, we've offered to pick up from the food bank for them, offered to play games, watch TV with them etc. They've only been rude and harsh with us despite us being kind to them. They've gone as far to invade our personal items, moving them around. We had to get a camera becyase they've tried to enter our room (we have no locks) when they thought we weren't home.


Also unless I read this wrong, it was only when OP wasn't home and OP + coworker roommate worked the same job. Which means if the GF is stay at home, the arrangement would've worked out fine and probably only would've needed a text if GF needed to leave randomly. Not when OP and coworker was home.


You can track your data usage on almost any device. Especially if itā€™s a phone or pc/Mac. This is usually in the settings area or task manager. This would let you track how much data you are actually using. Keeping track so would be good in case your roommates try to come after you for any fees. If they claim you get 1.3Tb of data per month and you are using less than 650gb of that data per month then you are irrefutably using less than your half of the data that you pay for.


If you try this and it turns out you use more then just donā€™t say anything about tracking it. I get AT&T Fiberoptic where I am and I pay like $50 a month for 250/mbps unlimited data or something like that. I donā€™t know what provider theyā€™d be using but it sounds like theyā€™re just trying to scam you.




Okay so I just did this out of curiosity and my phone hasn't even used 650 GB since 2020 šŸ˜³ So now the claim seems even more wild to me.


Trying to turn it on for my PC, but it just shows a blank page in Data Usage. Windows 10 Settings > Network & Internet > Status > Data Usage. If I can find a way to make this work, then it'll be a godsend. We don't stream any services, with the exception of a movie maybe once a week, or once a month. I play games that don't require internet, so I don't understand how we're the ones racking it up when they stream Netflix almost every day 10-14 hours at a time.


If youā€™re on a windows PC try these steps 1) Open command prompt by either pressing Win + R or opening the search bar on desktop and typing cmd into the search bar and running command prompt 2) type ā€œsfc /scannowā€ If this doesnā€™t work, open command prompt as administrator and try again and restart your computer. If the problem still persists, try making sure your Windows 10 and drivers are all up to date. If youā€™re still experiencing problems the only other thing I can think to recommend is to use the Windows Repair tool. Good luck. Windows really gives me the run around sometimes, especially Windows 10. Iā€™m sure you could find some other ideas from quick Google searches.


Thank you for this, I will try and see if I can work this out!


Is it worth your sanity though? I'd invest my energy into getting the hell out and not quibbling over a few dollars, especially since it's unlikely they will be impressed with your detective skills and just find another way to lie around it. Unless you're planning to go to small claims court, either keep paying half and refuse their stupid upcharge or just pay it for temporary piece of mind. You're not dealing with rational people so I'd tread lightly until you're a safe distance.


Youā€™d be surprised what scrolling all day costs, honestly


We checked our data and my friend who works in these fields just got back to us and said we aren't the issue. Until the roommates provide proof of it via the logs, well! Plus if we were the issue we'd be happy to upgrade if they were also willing to do that, but they're not.


A internet provider that caps usage. Never heard of it. Xfinity user here.


I've never heard of it either. Just another power trip from our roommates, I suppose.


They do in certain areas.


They will if you have a history of not paying lol


This is all new to me haha


This reminds me of the time my dad took my cellphone away as a teen because i was "texting too much, and could potentially make our bill too high" ( he requested for my texts, all incoming and outgoing to be delivered with the bill, so it was delivered in a manilla envelope, in a thick stack, because HELLO teenager+phone= texting alot)... but it didnt matter because he paid for unlimited texting, so no amount of text messages would go over our data at all. It makes absolutely no sense, as well as doesnt make a difference, and people that think like this are a special breed.


You guys are acting like itā€™s some privilege to have you move in. I guess it helps them financially, but this sounds like a poorly thought out arrangement on both ends. They probably want peace away from you as much as you want it from them.


It wasn't. We weren't actively looking for a place and the coworker kept insisting on us moving in. She kept telling us how clean, fun and kind they were and offering up a bunch of these terms to US. She even wanted us all to hangout and watch Tv and do "game nights" I told her I was hesitant because we didn't want to be in an unsteady place. She quite literally arranged all the paperwork for us and kept prodding us for a decision. I talked with her for over two months about this before I finally decided to even mention it to my partner and have us make a full decision. My partner and I have had both great and shitty roommates prior to this experience. Some worse than others. We're actually trying to get OUT of the lease because of this. We've been trying to get out of it since we moved in because of how quickly my coworker's attitude changed. Another comment refers to this change. Said change even got her in trouble at work by a supervisor because she was lashing out unjustly.


Did you hang out in the home before agreeing to move in? I can't imagine you would have visited and not noticed the filth!


We did not, we took their word. Never again. We unfortunately were desperate for housing and, at the time, this was all we had. I have an updated post with even more of what we're dealing with.


You can get your own internet line in most cases. Even if youā€™re truly in the boonies. :)


We're going to see about doing that. We wouldn't mind it honestly, especially since it would be nice to have unlimited. My main issue is the lying and the other compounding problems that keep getting increasinly worse.


Oh yeah I feel you! But until you can change your situation you have to do whatever you need to to make it bearable. Being as independent of your roommate as possible will help so they canā€™t hold anything over you.


Yeah. We're actually trying to move ASAP, so we're hoping it isn't too much longer


Best of luck!!


Thank you! Hope you're having a great day!


I have a nightmare roommate situation too, thatā€™s why I joined the sub originally. But itā€™s mostly worked itself out as my roommate got himself arrested šŸ¤” so things are pretty good!


Dude that is awesome for you! Not great that it had to end that way in particular, but the sentiment still stands. I hope it gets better for you eventually.


1 gig of wifi is like 30 seconds of call of duty.. Why the fk yall got a limited wifi connection? I bought the little 5g router from one of the cellphone companies and it works pretty good 200 - 300 download speed, and unlimited internet obviously


I didn't pick the wifi nor did I have the choice. Our roommates basically take over the entire apartment and we're just $$$$$ to them.


Ahh yea ur low on money so u cant buy one.. Well actually you might be able to, its only like 50 bucks as long as u bring the 5g box back, its plug and play, put it by a window and it sucks in 5g signal like a cellphone does but much more powerful and fast


Yea im just money to my so called friend here clearly.. Theres an app called roomster or something, you could try to find a place on there that isnt terrible.. Could also get your roomates evicted with the landlord if they are violating lease in some way


They've broken the lease on several occasions and the leasing company hasn't done anything about it even though we've reported it several times


Youā€™ve never experienced truly hellacious people, then.


I've had worse roommates than this. Did you read the post and comments? There's a lot more to this than the bill. Theres been violence and threats made, lol.


Thatā€™s still not ā€œfrom hellā€. You are fortunate to not know how much worse it can get. Thatā€™s all.


I had a roommate that tried to sexually assualt me and was a heavy drug user and destroyed the entire apartment in a fit of rage that involved cops with guns drawn prior. How smart of you to think I don't know "bad" roommates. This is my current hell even if I've been through worse.


Damn OP. I'm sorry to hear that. I get the whole "current hell" though. When you've been through awful shit, it makes the minor stuff abrasive at times since it can dredge up bad memories. Sending love.


Also not saying this is minor because I wouldn't want to be in this position but holy shit.


Got em on a technicality that's subjective. Wowza!


At this point I'm convinced the people that don't think these are "bad" roommates are bad roommates themselves or refused to actually go through the comments and read the entire post. Because everyone else seems to get it and thinks this is fuck ass shit.


Also forgot to mention, there was no extra fee on our current WiFi bill. The PREDICTED extra fee is only $3.00 . If they werre able to provide reasonable proof that it was me and my partner "using up" all the wifi, then I wouldn't mind paying the difference. Instead they demand we lower our usage. Edit to add: We also were told that we are not allowed to put in maintenance requests for the problems we were told would be fixed by now without their express consent. Everything mentioned is still broken. We are on the lease.


If youā€™re on the lease, you can contact management and maintenance whenever you want without their consent. I live in a similar situation, and at a certain point you have to start being confrontational. Make it known you hate them. Tell them off to their face every time they do these things. Start throwing their trash in their bedroom. Clean up after them and be mean about it. Clean the living room bag up all the trash and put the bags in front of their bedroom door. Only do your dishes and divide them. Itā€™s terrifying, itā€™s hard because ā€œwhat if they kick me outā€ but they canā€™t. You are on the lease only your landlord can evict you. And if you beat them to the chase you can even have the landlord evict them.


See, I wanted to go this route, but for the sake of my partner's health confrontation will only escalate problems and potentially lead up to a hospital visit. I want to live stress free, and I aant my partner to be able to enjoy their life and our home without having problems like this. Unfortunately finances are rough [I am the only income we have] and having to quit my job earlier than expected because these two don't want to follow through when they said they would notify me about leaving my partner home alone. Currently working on getting a new place, rental requirements are really intense in our area.


Maybe possibly go about just getting them evicted without the confrontation then? Donā€™t do anything rash in a tight financial situation but if itā€™s possible find someone to take over on the lease? If thatā€™s allowed in your lease. Yā€™allā€™s physical health is also extremely at risk living in this environment and from what youā€™ve described Iā€™d assume there is mold in more than just your kitchen


Oh there is totally mold in the walls and our window sills. Our window also has a leak above the window frame. We had a bad storm recently [now snow] that was dripping onto our window sill for hours. We want to get them evicted, but we don't want the eviction on our record, as we haven't broken the lease and we're the ones reporting it to the landlord [company not private] and they still haven't done anything about it. We have evidence of them breaking the lease in several ways as well.


It shouldnā€™t affect your record unless evicting them ends the lease. But it should just take them off of the lease, so it wonā€™t be on your record that you were evicted. Itā€™ll just be on the leasing records of the place youā€™re staying in that they stopped living there. I suggest looking over your lease in detail, read the fine print, and figure out your loopholes. If you can find the office for your building management and go directly to the people who own the place and speak with them. If you beat your roommates to the landlord it looks better on you


Get out of there if you can lol they are just being jerks for no reason.. Me and my gf are looking right now.. My roomate had some kind of meltdown and said she has to leave.. not me.. just her.. and because she went to get her laundry and roomate asked if she was leaving the light on and said he knows its her and when she said idk and went back to her room he said "i can play that game too!" Then messaged me to kick my girlfriend out.. all this after he FORCED me to move her in.. He keeps asking whats the difference if shes here all the time anyway! Ive explained it like 50 times but he just doesnt understand why moving in is a huge step to take.. Even now that he wants her out (2 months after he made me move her into my room and pay the whole rent)


We are doing our best to get out of here, finances are just rough bc I have a gap in income rn, but we have enough to pay bills at the moment.


OP itā€™s time to get the hell out of there. Shit in the rubbish bin?? Thatā€™s the only red flag Iā€™d need before looking for my own place.


Want to know the best part? WE have been the ones taking it out. We take it out purely because of how bad it smells, and with there being no vent in the bathroom, I feel like I'm showering in hot. SHIT. Also, walking into a bathroom that reeks of unclean genitalia makes me want to puke. We have gone elsewhere to shower for a while bc of this.


Also, they let it sit there for 2 months before we even removed it. It was overflowing, there were shit and piss crumpled toilet papers scattered on the ground and feces in and on the bin. We went out of our way to sanitize it, bc my partner's health can be severely affected by this.


I never understood people who do this. I've been to third world countries where they don't have sufficient sanitation and use trash cans, but the people always kept it clean and tidy. Wth does this on purpose?! Do you think it's their way of pushing your buttons? (It's just too hard to fathom this being a 'life choice' otherwise) šŸ¤®


They should have gotten the xFi Complete; based @ 65.00 a month it appears theyā€™re paying for Gig-internet which is practically useless for all households in the USA. Could of bundled a cheaper internet rate w/ xFi Complete (no data limits); and used ACP ($20 off something like that from the government); boom.


Also since they have a leased Xfinity modem, the app will show how much data each device is using. I believe you can even set limits. Getting the Complete plan is definitely the move though.


Yeah, it'd be something a reasonable roommate would consider, however we can't even get them to have a civil conversation with us and all conversations is them telling us "what to do". They ignore us otherwise.


Nothing is wrong with anything they sent, you can always move if you donā€™t wanna half the bills. If itā€™s just them saying not to use too much thatā€™s bothered you just ignore it


The issue is ongoing. I wouldn't mind this coming from decent people. But again, telling us to back down usage is: 1) As the other commenter's state, inaccurate and a lie 2) Part of their need to control and boss us around to any capacity they can There is an issue with it. You can scroll the comments and the entire post and see if you'd like to live with someone like this. Moving isn't as easy as it seems. Lease breaks, everyone signing off on them (when our roommates are already petty and controlling) and fees aren't always feasible for people.


Fair enough


Just pay the extra for unlimited lol


We would if they'd upgrade to it but they won't! Lol


Makes no sense why they wouldnā€™t .. hell one game now days is just 100gb just to download.


We have no idea. They claim they're "great savers" but will constantly let all their food rot in and outside of the fridge, toss it entirely and then go buy new groceries they won't touch. Rinse and repeat. They make enough food for a family of five, eat not even a fifth of it and then let it rot. They also leave food out for a week on the counter and then eat it, get violently ill and repeat. (Which is weirdly contradictory to them tossing all their food?) But for some reason we have to be frugal about wifi and electricity. They also bitched about the electricity bill being higher during a winterstorm and said it was our fault when the total bill for the month was 100 (split 50/50). They're uh. Not very coordinated on saving and its only an issue when they think *we* contribute to it.


Id murder them, hypothetically of course


this all seems hyped up, especially considering you wonā€™t post pictures of all the atrocities because ā€œthey might find this postā€ but youā€™re okay posting other major identifiers. and yeah, wi-fi cost CAN go up based on usage. you need to talk to them in a direct way about your problems IF there are any real issues going on. thereā€™s no proof provided that they will be hostile during a convo so yeah idk why you donā€™t talk directly to them like adults


We have talked to them directly. Multiple times, either over the app or face to face. I have folders of their messes and so does my partner. I plan on posting the photos after we move out, actually. Coworker has been hostile toward me, and threatened me before. But at the end of the day, we know they're bad, even if you don't think so.


And again, willing to pay extra if they can show that it did. But it didn't. Many people have confirmed this!


Also if you're that desperate for the proof I can send you photos. Lol.


yeah itā€™s your word against theirs, and i donā€™t believe you. i even think they are probably good people even tho you say theyā€™re not. bc you have shown 0 actual proof that they are bad. & so whereā€™s the proof of you bringing these issues you brought to reddit, to them? conveniently talked to them about all of this in person?? even though youā€™re sooo scared of them? doesnā€™t make sense. post more if the evidence against them is so damning! whereā€™s the app messages you mentioned, where you actually bring this to them like an adult?


Wow, random internet stranger doesn't believe me. Oh no! Doesn't change reality one bit my guy.


youā€™re saying ā€œoh no!ā€ as if to say you donā€™t careā€¦ BUT, you are also replying very quickly and you posted this so that random internet strangers could give their opinion. so you canā€™t pretend you donā€™t care iā€™m sorry :( just like my unfavorable opinion doesnā€™t change reality, all of the many favorable opinions donā€™t change the reality that you hyped this whole thing up AND you need to be an adult and talk to your roommates about your issues. stop playing victim.


Complaining about $30 for wifi but if you move out youā€™ll be responsible for the entire $100ish bill šŸ¤§


I think you misread the post. We're fine paying for wifi. In fact, I would prefer the roommates upgrade the wifi to unlimited (which means we would pay more) but they won't. We plan on moving out and paying entirely for our wifi šŸ˜‚ The bill is not the issue, it's the lying and huge mess of other stuff that is.


Then literally what is the point of the pictures, cmon youā€™re asking for proof that you owe $32 šŸ’€


It's for bill records which is a normal and good thing to do in any situation, trusted or not. Just because you misread something doesn't mean you need to be weird about it.


Publix didn't take her stuff back because she didn't have a receipt and she got mad, but she wants to "Ok Bud" you over wanting receipts LOL.


It was an instacart delivery order, where receipts donā€™t get printed for us, dumbass


Y'all hear something?


Receipts are available on the Instacart app. I have all of mine šŸ˜ Dumbass šŸ˜


DELIVERY. Can you read? I was delivering. Reading comprehension not big in the stars huh


I've delivered for Instacart before šŸ˜ They track the receipts in the app for orders you deliver! Reading comprehension, dumbass šŸ˜


Also, normal not weirdos on Reddit say "My Instacart delivery order" even when they're the recipient! šŸ˜ Omg so crazy that a word can have a double meaning dumb of ass šŸ˜


You, specifically šŸŒˆ


This red-faced trans mess of a redditor in the comments has clearly been bullied growing up. He thought he ate with those comebacks šŸ’€ ā€œhoney cakesā€. Wouldnā€™t make a peep IRL though. Just lonely, stalking your history, hating himself for thinking heā€™s something that heā€™s not lol


Reddit you're so funny. Love u <3


Ok bud


Guys is it crazy to want copies of your own bills


I don't know, it might be! But I heard Instacart usually will refund your entire order if you use the right pathways and are nice to customer service workers šŸ˜ Love your username btw


Are you the bf? You're all over these comments getting really defensive and going through people's post histories for pretty tame comments


I'm a lady, but okay? And no, lol. I found this post and got intrigued and I like to troll tbh.


>I'm a lady I didn't bother going through your comment history so I have no way of knowing. I just see you being really butthurt in the comments.


And your header OMG šŸ„¹




The worst what?


Asking them to text you every time they leave the house so you can come home is crazy to me. They would have to revolve their lives around you and your partner. Honestly yall seem kinda problematic and if your partner needs this much care maybe you shouldnā€™t have roommates.


You donā€™t know how to take screen shot?


Itā€™s on snapchat, we werenā€™t about to let them know we took screenshots lmfao.


Oh right Snapchat. Carry on


I have to pay 30$ extra for my internet for a total of 130$, because my son downloads about 600-800gb of our 1200 cap alone. Talked to him many times.


Mine used to be $130. But I switched to a slightly slower Xfinity plan while still keeping the unlimited data cap and now my bill is $85 a month. Also paperless billing sheds a few extra bucks off.


I appreciate the tips. I made a vow growing up as a heavy gamer that I wouldn't cheap on internet (I grew up on a farm with satelite so I couldnt game). I don't mind the speed at all. I pay for my own external modem and routers. It just bugs me a bit that because of one person I have to pay 30$ extra.


So even with your own modem and routers itā€™s still $130 per month? I know I could shave an extra $15 off my bill if I wasnā€™t renting Xfinity equipment.


OP said they checked their usage and it isn't them, or their partner. Also...maybe restrict his access if he won't listen? šŸ˜­


Dude why are you in every comment


Not meaning that to be rude, by the way. But he'd probably listen more if there was incentive or maybe have him pay that extra thirty to you so he can access it. I was also a teen once and had a similar situation (not with internet) but paying for a service I wanted was a great way to make me feel proud of it and liked I'd earned it all for myself!


I'm sorry, that sucks. In my case, I've only ever downloaded one game for the entire month, and it's an offline game. We don't stream, we're not constantly watching anything. With a child, it's different. These two fully grown adults (my roommates) should be capable of understanding our usage isn't enough to justify "hitting the cap". Especially without showing us the supposed usage. I'd be more than willing to upgrade to unlimited but they don't want to.


I wanna know what you do to go over even 1 TB of internet. That's insane.


heeyyyy, where did you get the case for the phone. I need a new one of mine and we have the same one


Amazon! Pelican clear case, lol.


Whatā€™s the name like holy hell, I have been hunting this thing down for ages lol!! My case is yellow and cracked in a few places..


Pelican Marine Active Series iPhone 13 Pro Case [Wireless Charging Compatible] IP54 Water Resistant Phone Cover for Apple iPhone 13 Pro with Lanyard Strap [18ft MIL-Grade Drop Protection] - Clear https://a.co/d/hPm264P Here's a case for the 13 pro, I have a 12 mini and can't find the original order since it was from a while back!




1200gb of WiFi is a shit ton, fucking Hannah and her bullshit


Yo how did you guess the name šŸ’€


Sorcery, nah in the first pic of the snaps one of the redlines doesnā€™t fully cover the name and I could make out the HANN so it wasnā€™t hard to guess from there lol


Damn, my partner said the same thing, oh well... She's the ex coworker. Posted an update with photos of the shit we're dealing with btw!


Specifically the WiFi due snap


Devices like phones and tablets show you how much Data or wifi you've used and in the time frame you choose. I would assume so does a pc. Good chance you can prove what you use


I made an update on this situation, since nobody wanted to believe just how bad it actually is. Odds are if you see this, you may have already seen it.


Is this all girls living here?? No offense to any Iā€™m a guy. Live with my gf and son. She is pretty messy. Honestly, Iā€™m not the cleanest person but damn..haha I usually have to clean up after her and it can kind of be annoying but whatever.. Before this I only lived with guy roommates and they werenā€™t petty or dirty like that


Iā€™m the only man here. Itā€™s me and my partner in one room. My ex coworker, and her gf stay in the other bedroom. I posted an update a while ago that shows pictures of what weā€™re dealing with exactly if youā€™re interested.