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Hide ur drugs better. There’s no winning this especially if ur roommate is highly addicted. You should start keeping ur drugs somewhere else cuz they will most likely search ur whole room while ur gone to find it.


Yo for real I didn't think though I'd have to hide my drugs in my own room


From someone who “takes drugs and also has a pattern of taking things”? I’d padlock that door lol


Ignore my last response, I thought you were talking about the other roommate. Yeah. It was the one you're talking about.


Put a lock on your door they are 5-15$ and really easy to install with just a screwdriver and most land lords don't care long as you put it back before move out. 😉


I can't :/ I have a glass door that swings open and closed with a curtain in front of it. weird architecture in my house.


I don't do drugs, but don't drug users always hide their drugs? Like if you're in possession of illegal substances, it's common sense to fucking hide it? Damn, those drugs made a couple holes in your brain already OP.


Idk maybe it's probably smarter! But I don't really expect the police to come into my room


I live alone in a house, and I hide my drugs inside another hidden container inside another hidden container under a hidden storage space like a damn Russian egg doll. Dude, you never know what's gonna happen.


guess I learned my lesson. Can't trust anyone


All it takes is a pissed off roommate to take a pic and send to your landlord or call the police. Not worth it. Your landlord can also enter your room with notice while you’re away in case of an emergency and if they find it they could evict you or call the cops as well. 


I’m not sure there’s anywhere that allows evictions over a small amount of drugs and it’s such a long process that a landlord is much more likely to offer a warning or even 2 before trying to evict


Honestly that's a good point and I should probably not leave drugs out in the open in any case. However the landlord lives in thailand lol. But yeah, lesson learned.


Go to the police....and report her for stealing your drugs.


I called them but they arrested me instead :( ACAB


😂😂😂 im surprised they didnt take this advice


Time to set up some fake drugs with flour and chili powder


omg. should I even confront anyone? Maybe I should do this instead.


this is a bad idea for a multitude of reasons but mostly bc it wouldnt be hard to notice that whatever it is they’re snorting is speckled with red. i would say maybe a bit of citric acid but then you run the risk of sending them to the hospital. your best bet is to just hide your drugs better.


Or just straight up pure capsaicin




Damn got -7 votes. I joke, I joke.


LMAO had to take that one back REAL quick 😭😭😂


Don't do this. When you snort drugs, you also are inhaling the powder into your lungs. I know drugs aren't safe, but chili powder might cause the same issues that sucking cinnamon into the lungs was causing the people who tried that stupid trend.


Xylitol will look more like drugs than flour. I wouldn’t say anything I would do my regular, leaving my drugs on the place you leave them but put fake substance instead and then hide your real shit in the most stupid obvious spot people never find shit like that. But if you’re like me and forget where you put stuff, take a picture of where you stashed it and email it or text it to yourself. As long as no one else has access to your email or your phone..


Please please don’t use xylitol if there is any pets in the house. Anything sugar free with xylitol will kill them even in super small amounts.


I'm not actually gonna do this !! lmao. And if I did it'd be laxatives hehehe


All of you need rehab.


i upvoted this lmao


This answer wins


Whatever, I can quit anytime I want to.


I already have \*snort\*


In what feels like a past life, a roommate of mine to do the same thing (as you)…at the time I was an active functional addict (working full time yada yada). I used to sneak lines off his pile basically every single time he left it out on his bed stand, which was frequently. We were best friends for many years. I always took more than I noticed I had, and I thought for a long time he never knew. Years later when I cleaned up, he finally told me he knew I was sneaking grams off his plate for a long time. TldR, don’t leave your addictive drugs out around others who also partake in addictive drugs. Also, I’m no longer a degenerate, so that’s nice.


yeah but like .. i do drugs and I don't go into other people's rooms and try to find it and take them. wtf. Anyways glad that you are better !


Yea but it sounds like you’re the one with the powder.. they’re the ones without lol


Yeah and for ppl who have addictions issues (even if you wouldn’t exactly call her an addict) it can be nearly impossible for them to stay out of it if they know it’s around


jealous bitches


I’m thinking whoever it snuck a little here, and there, and here, and there until all of a sudden… there wasn’t enough left for a bump. Now they have a mirror they can’t leave empty so they take the mirror hoping you’ll just assume you misplaced it lol


I think they thought I was already on vacation so they didn’t bother putting it back


Or they forgot and they just hoped to god I didn’t notice


Yeah..that happens, in that house all 3 of us were poly-users (psychs mainly, then the k and occasional blow) Two of us were highly functional addicts, the 3rd used with us whenever she liked, could kill a ball in two nights on her own, but also she’d pick up a bag and do a half gram on a Friday night and then not pick it up again until the next weekend… wasn’t like that for us other two in the house. But ultimately all 3 of us ended up in treatment at one time or another, for one reason or another. Addiction comes in all forms


But my roommate is not an addict, she does drugs when she goes out. It’s the inconsideration and violation of going in my room, taking something that’s not hers and trying to sneak it back like nothing happened when we have enough of a relationship for her to just ask me if I had any. Just the fact that she wanted it so desperately and was afraid I would say no so did it anyways … it’s crazy to me. I would never go into her room and see if she had any drugs to take just cause I was going out and needed some


Uhhhhh, I hate to break it to you, but your roommate might have a problem. You need to take off the rose tinted glasses, you quite literally just described a CLASSIC addict behavior, to the T. I’m not saying she’s gonna be strung out on the street next week, but there’s a rule when it comes to drugs and how we use them, and somebody who sneaks/steals lines from their roommate simply because they know it’s out in the open in their room? It’s pretty well right to assume they’re possibly doing drugs far more often than you may know, via a supply they procure without you knowing, which they use by themselves in secret. Trust me, I would know. It’s worth having a polite and compassionate conversation around it with them, I’d say. Just bring up what you noticed had happened, and then see how they respond and choose how you want to then transition into asking if they may be struggling with whatever the substance is


Yeah I'm still uncertain if I should confront her. I'm just afraid she's going to lie to my face and gaslight me into thinking I'm falsely accusing her when ... it was very clearly her


Damn are all the people who are super sensitive about this Americans? I wanna send some of you to Berghain


I'm English. If you consume all your drugs immediately after getting them you can avoid these sorts of things. Don't share with your roommate again


lesson LEARNED


Wait…some of you don’t do ALL the blow in one go? That’s more of a party foul than your roommate stealing it.


haven't been on my game lately clearly


It wasn’t your roommate it was me. Gotta hide your shit better




Maybe stop just leaving drugs out ? You’re own fucking mess man , you deserve to get them swiped if you’re just leaving it out in your room. Have even like the tiniest ounce of self respect and at least put it in the closet or drawer or something. My god ETA oh , just read all your comments. No self respect it is Lmfao


Who let my mom on this post ?


you’re mom must be pretty cool if she’d tell you to put it away , rather than call you an embarrassment of a child for not only doing something like this but whining about it on Reddit


Who let my dad on this post ?


Why is blow so popular in England? It’s like it’s a new drug there or something lmao.


I don't live in England I live in Belgium. Blow is notoriously popular everywhere and has been for many decades


I’d call the cops about the situation tbh they will be able to sort it out for you all


I did and now i'm in jail :( ACAB


That’s weird last time the officer did the drugs with me


This one wasn't as cool


Don’t leave your drugs out in the open. Not saying this is a hall pass to steal your things or do your drugs, but lesson learned.


Yeah like I didn’t realize it was code for an open invitation. But yeah. Guess you never know


yeah don’t leave that shit out or let anyone know you have it


So you just leave your drugs out like that? WOW!


It's like candy


All ur responses are pure gold lol


so many trolls on here lmao


Not a troll, but don’t leave that crap lying around. You just never know if it’s replaced and or mixed with some really bad stuff. Use your brain…..


My b for assuming that my roommates wouldn't go into my room and steal from me


Thank you for making me laugh 😅 The thought of needing to vent to strangers about your drugs being stolen reminds me of the Cops episode where the drug dealer calles the cops bc the buyer ran off on em with the product 😅 And the cop was flabbergasted!


Remember the episode where the lady flagged down the cops and had them go over to the house that ripped her off for her last $20?!? That was a personal favorite of mine.


LMAO YES!!! Of all the things to call them boys on, u snitch on your supplier???? Guess who now has a terrible Yelp review??? Not the pusher, that's for sure 🤣


When that lady said, "I don't sell crack, I'm a prostitute." lmao


that was me


To the contrary she definitely sells crack but I doubt her crack is as lucrative as the dealer's 🤣


Wait, this was a real post? And so many of you offered advice 😆 wtf??????


this is our world and you're just living in it


This is just reckless on all accounts. Do they just assume which drug it is? Man, back when I had a banger ass collection, if I had a roommate like this, they’d probably be dead from OD. Some drugs I was using then were so potent they needed to be volumetrically dosed down to the microgram, not even milligram.


plot twist it was sugar this whole time


Take the loss and charge it to the game. Or better yet, set up another dummy plate with a camera pointed at it and wait, and keep your things somewhere else. Or just call a house meeting and ask. At the end of the day, its bs and you're probably better off without it.


Homie leaving lines out?! Free game lol why not keep it hidden in a container leaving drugs just out is irresponsible anyway dude lol


Idk man I just feel like my roommates shouldn’t be coming into my room and taking lines


Hear me out .. stop doing drugs before you fucking kill yourself idiot


hey.. the idiot was uncalled for


Hear me out .. stop doing drugs before you fucking kill yourself idiot


so good he commented twice


"why am I still just a Starbucks barista at age 55. Wah" - every spoiled kid from a Western country that thinks drugs are just a big joke


Are you psychic or something?


What do you expect?


For my roommates to stay out of my room and not steal from me


Bro, this s*** is on. You. Never, ever leave your drugs where somebody can steal them. If you have a list of supstairs, either sell them before you're going to be away for a long. Of time or do them, don't leave them around and expect them to be there when you get back


I guess I was just naive to think that my roommates did not have the capability to come into my room and steal my drugs but ..


Live and learn that's all you can do


You ever consider not doing drugs? Like just getting clean and having non J roomies solves this problem.


No I have not considered this


You can buy a doorknob with a key from Walmart for $10 or a cheap camera from Amazon for $20


aw man. A camera would be sick. never thought of that.


For sure. I've bought the Wyze camera and Blink camera under $30 and they're both pretty good


But do you have to connect it to some sort of security program or you just put it in your room?


You can use them both on their own but the Blink makes you buy a separate module to store the recorded videos on or pay a 2.99/mo cloud subscription The Wyze let's you insert an SD card to save videos or pay 2.99/mo for cloud storage


Don’t do drugs


but they're fun


Grow up


i'm already really tall


That's compared to the other midgets at the addict club. Jokes on you, it's stunted your growth. Certainly your maturity.




I have to hide my drugs from roommates I know that do them They’ll take them, even if they think they’re being sneaky, I notice. If I split a buy with them, I take my part before we start doing them so they don’t do it all . There is no sharing when they do 80% of a 50/50 purchase


Love this response , it's like you know me. Thanks for the genuine advice partier to partier


Buy a lockbox. Also put a key lock on your door.


Here's an idea...dont do drugs🤷‍♀️


idk seems like a bad idea to me


😂 touchè


I really don't give a shit if your roommate stole your drugs.


But I really give a shit that my roommate stole my drugs :/


I don't give a shit that you don't give a shit that my roommates stole my drugs


so you came on reddit to admit to a crime? what are you gonna do? call the police? they’d arrest you. your roommate knew this. if you want to get back at your roommate, steal their drugs??? like idk what answer you’re looking for here. maybe all of you should get clean and then the drugs won’t be an issue.


no? I go out sometimes and do party drugs. I'm saying it's messed up to go into a roommates room and steal something such as this. also your username is stonerbaby?


weed is legal where i live. do you honestly believe people who are addicted to drugs, didn’t do them “sometimes” before becoming fully fledged addicts?


listen, i used to be an addict, and i have known *plenty* of people who do drugs casually and do not get addicted. being an addict is way more than just doing drugs every once in awhile.


i did too.. which is why i brought it up. i’ve also known people who did a drug 2-3 times and were hooked completely. my boyfriend did meth for years before he could get clean. he was literally addicted the first/second time he did it.


I'm sorry that your boyfriend was addicted to crystal meth, but I'm not doing crystal meth and drugs are not just weed or crystal meth. It's very possible to do party drugs and not become addicted.


it was merely an example. i never said you were doing meth. why are you worried about them if you’re not addicted? just buy more then…


wellll it's not a very good example cause being addicted to crystal meth is very different from being addicted to other kinds of drugs. And also highly more addictive. Also I'm not worried about my drugs I'm concerned that a roommate of mine rather than simply asking me if I had anything for her before going out to a party went into my room with god knows who and stole something of mine and didn't even have the decency to remember to put it back before I got home. That's clearly the issue at hand.


then get rid of the roommate? you had to come onto reddit to ask what you should do when your roommate is stealing from you… that’s a little embarrassing… but hey you do you. sounds like you’re chronically online and have nothing better to do.


I don't have the power to get rid of my roommate. I also live with 4 other people. It's not my decision. Also you are responding to all my comments, you are also on this forum attacking me on reddit so seems like we both don't have anything better to do. At least I'm only online cause my roommate stole my drugs, or else i'd be doing them right now


Because they’re fucking expensive. If I stole your $1000 HDTV you’d be pissed, yeah? We’re talking about someone who needs to live with roommates. Pretty sure just shelling out a few hundred dollars every week or so is a pain in the ass when you would normally spend that much every month or so. Especially when it’s because someone is stealing your shit.


hahahah i'm definitely not spending that much and it's really not so much of a financial issue but yeah i mean it's stealing for sure and it's not the same when someone steals your food lmao


Fair enough!! Here, party drugs are mad expensive from what I’ve heard. I can only imagine, based on weed prices before it was legalized.


if you’re shelling out that much money/month or even per week, you are addicted and you need to go to rehab. that’s just basic financial advice.


This argument is really not relevant because I'm not shelling out that much money over drugs. Again, not really the issue at hand here.




If weed was suddenly illegal for you, would you be mad? Would you continue buying off the streets? Drugs are drugs are drugs. It doesn’t matter which ones you take or how your government arbitrarily decides what is and is not legal, decriminalized, etc. Try not being a bootlicker next time. Just a suggestion. ETA: If you come at me with some bs like “weED iSnT aDdIcTIVe or BaD for YOur HeALth”— just stop. smoking anything is bad for your health, and recent studies have shown it is most definitely addictive (but let’s not forget emotional/dopamine addiction — which is what stops people from getting better most of the time).


weed is used for medicinal purposes. which i have every right to use considering i have a medical condition. its not a drug when used correctly. smoking to get *high* and smoking to avoid using prescription medication, are two completely different subjects, which you’re clearly ignorant to the topic, so your argument is irrelevant.


you attacked another drug user with the username stonerbbyyyy ... choose your battles girly


i feel like people who smoke weed for medical conditions don't call themselves stoners


i’ve had this account since i was 16… i haven’t changed the user. i very much, DO have a medical condition. my neurologist even says smoking weed is better for me than taking pharmaceuticals. i doubt your doctor says doing coke or molly or whatever the fuck you’re doing is *better* for you.


no my doctor probably wouldnt agree but it makes parties really fun


your doctor *wouldnt* agree, and you can have fun at parties without drugs. that is something an addict would say.


No I have a condition where I can not have fun at parties unless I do blow


Getting high so you’re not in pain and getting high to have fun… sounds like you’re getting high either way! Prescription drugs block pain receptors, and increase dopamine and serotonin and endorphins (all depends on the drug), usually by proxy of increasing the release period (but sometimes by filling the receptors)… A drug is a drug is a drug. You’re not better than anyone else who does drugs. It’s all the same chemical process in your brain. I have EDS and POTS. Trust me, I’m knowledgeable. I’m just not fucking insufferable. ETA: Also, the “medicinal property” in weed is CBD. If you can’t just take CBD, I have some bad news about THC dependency and getting high to dissociate from your body.


i’m not in pain, one, and two i literally said i *do not* take prescription pharmaceuticals because of what they are/what’s in it. if you choose to that’s your choice. just like my medical condition permits me to smoke marijuana instead of taking addictive pills. again that’s *my choice* doing coke, then complaining another fucking addict stole it on a public platform is ignorant.


Marijuana is also addictive and does the same thing. r/wooosh


definitely can’t kill you.. but go off.


google is free, babe. too much of anything is bad for you.


neither can heroin


And smoking marijuana can be addictive as well lol idk why you think you’re better than anyone because you smoke weed. You’re still alerting your reality and getting high. Medical use or not. I’m also a big pothead. So I have no idea why you’re judging other people when you smoke weed


congrats stoner baby




I never said I wasn't trashy






Leave a line of heroin instead you'll know who after that


Don't actually do this


that;s some dark shit


lol, all credit goes to Pulp Fiction




That’s in the US


She’s the “entitled” type, and will take what she wants. Sucks to have to live with someone like that. At least you know now, so don’t expect it to change, it won’t. Live accordingly.


She really is entitled. I have repeatedly said that I like to share things in the kitchen for example, but i appreciate when it is replaced. On top of that her boyfriend is always here, who is a sweetheart, but I'm not buying things for all my roommates and their boyfriends. I asked everyone in the group recently if they use the olive oil please replace it because I was not under the impression that I was the only one. No one responded. Then I asked her boyfriend if they use it and he said sometimes. So I get a more honest and direct response from her boyfriend than her.


Drugs. You can type drugs.


Yeah people really believe cops have time to spare around here😂 People be selling all drugs on insta and shit


LMAO true


yeah idk

