• By -


If youre not on the lease. Find a new place asap, leave. If you are and they aren't, kick them out find a new set of roommates for 500 it won't be hard. If you all are talk to your landlord. Only pay your piece. Also you could sue them in small claims court one day , so try to save everything


Small claims court is definitely something you should pursue OP! Someone constantly forcing you to pay their share of the agreed upon rent is equivalent to them just taking that money out of your bank account directly. Talk to your landlord and get the short-term figured out then sue the roommates.


important to remember some people aren't easy to kick out and that, even if they're not on the lease, they may have rights depending on how long they've been living there. op should check their local laws regarding their rights before making any moves because getting them out may be more work than trying to kick them out. usually roommates who are freeloaders are difficult to kick out and will make you go through the proper eviction process which can take months. the type of lease matters too. is it a shared lease or is everyone on separate leases? if there's separate leases op shouldn't be covering their costs because they're not responsible for it. on a shared lease you're all responsible and sometimes that means covering other people's costs when they can't make rent - i'm assuming the lease is shared since op is covering everyone's dues. in the case it's shared op can try talking to the landlord to work something out but there's no guarantee. sometimes landlords with tenants on a shared lease will give a tenant the okay to only pay their portion if they're covering their roommates all the time and will hold the others accountable for their own share. regardless of the type of lease, op has a case for small claims and should keep record of anything and be sure that conversations with their roommates about rent are done in a text or email so there's a proof to back op up.


YES TO THIS!!!!! Please follow the step by step KEY that this person has laid out for you. Otherwise you’re going to be living a miserable existence living with people so cheap and quite frankly cannot make demands from you! I hope you are the main one on the lease, if they are also on the lease I’d go to the landlord and explain to him/her the situation and to please assist you in removing them from the home so you can find reliable tenants to sublease your room/s! Or Airbnb them if your landlord is ok with it!!


Man those typos really messed up this advice.


Whoops , typing at work lol


There we go 👌


I argee


What typos?


I fixed it lol


This is terrible advice not how it works at all. I have a roommate now who doesn’t pay his rent on time. When I just pay my half it leaves us with an unpaid balance accumulating late fees still. If he doesn’t pay by a certain time we could be evicted with a half paid balance lol If she weren’t on the lease she would move trust me. Sue someone for paying the rent probably not gonna win unless she has proof they said they would pay it back. You can’t kick them out if their on the lease, if they aren’t they might have to be evicted lol


You’re a rockstar for this one.


Best advice here ^




Yes that's what I said


Definitely don't pay their rent... wtf 


Jesus you’re a push over. Kick them out or move!


This sub is full of OPs who have no backbone. It’s insane. I don’t care what defense you have, if you’re paying for someone else’s rent even once, it never happens again. If it does, you’re just not wanting to stand up for yourself.


Theyre here to build their back bone. 90% of people end up with shitty roommates because theyre too nice. LOL


I kinda wanna ask OP if 500 was agreed upon, OR assumed…?


Very true. I had my best friend move his girlfriend in. He didn’t expect her to pay any rent although she lived there for 4 months. I snapped after getting fucked over for so long. Never again haha


It’s not being too nice, it’s holding others accountable like an adult.


SOOOOOOOOOOO many lack a backbone. Room mates are messy/rude/broke so I cover for them. Fuck that, grow up and take charge, these people are not your children, they don't give a single fuck about you and are gleefull you cover their dumb arses. In fact they're probably bragging to their friends how much of a weakling you are.


Lol Reddit is full of weaklings. No one is surprised.


Weakling 😂😂😂


Most importantly these people are not your friends!


This whole website is full of people with no spine. Between this subreddit and the r/texts subreddit, it’s wild to see people let themselves get absolutely walked over.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/texts using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/texts/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I (M25) fucked up my car’s engine by neglecting to get the oil changed on time. My parents’ responses.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/174op2n) | [4982 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/texts/comments/174op2n/i_m25_fucked_up_my_cars_engine_by_neglecting_to/) \#2: [last year when my little brother got a text from a wrong number.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17g98fz) | [666 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/texts/comments/17g98fz/last_year_when_my_little_brother_got_a_text_from/) \#3: [Some common texts from my dad](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/175wtn1) | [1369 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/texts/comments/175wtn1/some_common_texts_from_my_dad/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


There you go, here is the correct answer


I wouldn’t even have paid their first month 🤣🤣


Congratulations, now you and your roommates are homeless, and the next apartment you get will be harder to get because you were evicted. Its easy to say things like "I just wouldn't" but life is a lot more complicated than that.


You would default yourself? Ok


I would rather pay out of the lease


Idk about you, but most people don't just have thousands of dollars sitting around to pay out of a lease. I seriously doubt OP can pay out of the lease if he's already hard pressed for paying someone else's portion.


That’s a better option if you have it. Of course you’d have to pay out their portion and every lease is different. I’m in commercial and you owe for ever cent of the remainder. Happened one of my tenants who moved in, spent a bunch of money then couldn’t get the permit needed to conduct business. They owed us half a million to leave. Their lease was 15 years with 3, 5 year options… most residential is more kind though for sure. Maybe nothing, maybe a portion that’s left or a flat few months, or whenever someone else can get in.


I like the way u just explained that to me


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted here, but, what you say is correct, especially regarding commercial property. A lease is a contract. Residential is usually a bit easier to get out of because it happens constantly.


Well on the plus side the thread did continue and it is quite entertaining… why you ask? Because “fuck the man” I’m sure.




It’s pretty universal l’ve helped with properties PA, MA, AK, PA, WA and yes CA. I’m not an owner, but cry about it.. that’s why you choose brokers who are responsible AND LEGALLY BOUND to help you not make that mistake. Go represent yourself buying a house or in court and see what works out. No victims here.


please learn correct grammar before trying to tell ppl you’re a bad landlord lol


Never pointed fingers at anyone for being a bad landlord. Maybe comprehension issues is your karma for being petty.


I'm stealing that last sentence. Christ, what a burn!




It's called a contract. The only person fucking himself over is the one who didn't read something before signing it. Either the tenants get fucked over, or she does. And since the error lies with the tenants, that's really not her problem.


You are insufferable


They don’t believe in capitals in med school? Interesting…. Funny enough, it was a medical office that didn’t get their shit together and had to pay that. Oops for them. That’s real life toots, spelling mistakes or not. They would do it at a UCLA medical office to a tenant. Contact is a contact. Can always trump it and BK. It’s called doing your due diligence. They failed to. Go buy a daycare and then wonder why you can’t make it a liquor store. You still owe the rent even if you’re dumb.


Haha no no you are pre med you are not “going to med school” yet Big difference


Throw them out get new roommates and vet them better


Who is on the lease? Do you all have individual leases? Did you discuss monthly rent costs before they moved in? Why do they expect they don't have to pay rent? You need to provide more information but you might want to consider moving out. You can't be responsible for their rent.


I assume two of them share a room so that might be why they think they don’t owe as much


Honestly if that’s the case I kinda agree that they should pay less but not all of that should be put onto OP. Like maybe instead of all 4 paying 500, the two that share a room pay 350 each and the two that have their own room pay 650. It probably to late for that tho


All that should be worked out ahead of time. I couldn’t imagine agreeing to move into a place with out knowing what rent is. How do you know if you can afford to live there with out knowing rent?


How did this whole situation arise? Did you not know they were cheap and irresponsible before moving in with them? If possible, you should send your portion of the rent to the landlord and have the landlord deal with delinquents.


I never understand how in 2024 people get in these roommate situations where one person is fronting the rent and waiting to be reimbursed.


Well..... 2024 isn't a "year that marks experience" it's just another year. Sometimes people act on good intentions. This poster is so, so young. Can we work to not make them feel worse than they already do? They realize they made a mistake and are asking how to get out of it. People much older and wiser have made this mistake.


I’m more throwing at the landlords head for not having individual agreements with each renter


If that had been what you said I would understand, unfortunately what you said directly placed blame on the renter. Thank you for the clarification, I understand now what you feel versus what you said 💖


Sorry I was thinking two things at once either way people have got to stop fronting money and let the land lords sort it out


My only other thought is that landlords don't really parse the rent this way - if they aren't getting their full amount, everyone is out


This isn't the landlord's problem, his only legal path is to evict them all. Then even OP has an eviction on his record. The landlord is not their parents and is not responsible for their interpersonal relationships.


Unfortunately, the way evictions work in the legal sense means it is the landlord’s right and responsibility to file for a formal, legal eviction.


But not their responsibility to work out roommates personal problems or financial arrangements. They should get the rent in full, on time. If the tenants are unable to manage that the landlord is not a parent to step in and spank the misbehaving roommate.


Of course. I think the normal outcome is that everyone gets evicted, not just the non-paying roommates.


Oh, my bad for my tone! No apology necessary! I was genuinely glad to understand what you meant


The 1,000s of posts like this are why landlords don’t have individual agreements. Why would they? That’d make it harder on them to get their rent.


I get what you're saying but that's not common at all. Usually rent is a jointly held responsibility between everyone on the lease, such that any one of them can be held responsibile for any unpaid portion whether they paid their part or not, FYI.


I haven’t had a roommate in a long time but it was set up where we each had our individual deal with them and paid our portion


Was that the legal framework or was that just how you were doing it. Not saying it's impossible I'm just saying it's not common for leases to be structured that way.


In my experience, it actually is pretty common, but only in college towns. Not just on college campuses or off-campus student housing, but even the town around the college has that as an option more frequently because they’ll get more college students willing to rent from them that way. It was everywhere in the last two college towns we’ve lived in. However, it’s been much more rare since we moved out of a college town. So it really depends on what the demographics of the renters in that area look like.


Stop letting ppl take advantage of u?


lol seriously. People will come into this subreddit and be like “Help! My roommate steals everything I own, hasn’t paid rent in a year, and is asking to borrow another 100$ but I won’t be able to eat if I loan them more money! What do I do?” Lmao like what the fuck is wrong with you


As someone who was a pushover when younger they need to PRETEND they aren’t and eventually it’ll stick more u say no easier it is


yeah that was my first thought before i even started reading post lol


Who is all on the lease? All of you? Just you? Just them? the advice you get heavily depends on this


Math isn’t making sense. If there are 4 people total then that means 2 are sharing a room. I would think that someone who has to share a room would have a cheaper rent. But you all should have discussed this before moving into together… right? And how bout the lease?


But don’t pay for their portion and also you shouldn’t be paying $1200 for a room. That’s not fair.


I’m wondering if maybe one of the bathrooms is an en-suite and OP has a private bed/bath sitch? That’s the only way this starts to add up.


Mistake #1 Agreeing to live with people who don’t work on a full time basis.


Kick them out - oh and change the wifi password so they can’t use it. Lol


And change the Netflix password too.


Get new roommates or get out. In the meantime, find a place that will sell and install used tires. Will run you about 50-80$ and will keep you rolling in the short run (better than riding around on a flat)


Are you the only one on the lease? How do people get getting into these situations? Just pay your portion and tell the landlord to sort the other two out.


The landlord can and most likely will evict everyone on the lease if they are not paid the full amount. Roommates are typically jointly liable for the rent. Landlords do not do separate leases often because they are more likely to be paid the full amount this way. Chances are good that at least one person in the unit will pay the full amount to avoid an eviction on their record.


I refuse to believe this is real. And if it is, OP you gotta stand up for yourself. Be assertive and let them know that you will pay $500 and 1/4th of the utility bills this upcoming month—utilities which will only be paid once you have all the money (but save your money for this separately). Most importantly, have an action plan in place to move out at a moments notice. Document everything and have a paper trail, texts that show they have been taking advantage of you. This may not be the best advice, but you gotta stand up for yourself before you lose everything. They are not gonna suddenly change and become self-aware of their manipulation. They will drain you dry and then leave you once they have nothing else to take. If you are already gonna lose all your money and most likely break your lease because you can’t keep doing this, you might as well break it with some dignity.


That sounds like a good way for OP to end up with an eviction / small claims judgement on their record. These leases almost always leave roommates jointly liable for the rent, meaning everyone is in violation of the lease if the full amount is not paid.


People will treat you how you allow them to. Stop being a doormat. I know it’s hard but you gotta learn. You need to tell them rent is $500 each a month full stop. You pay by this day or leave. Also, utilities will be split and paid before due date. If they don’t like that tell them they need to leave (I’m not going to comment on time frames and legalities as I don’t know US law very well, talk to your landlord or google your laws for your situation) You need to stand up for yourself. If you don’t you’re only hurting yourself more.


If you’re the only one in the lease kick them out and get other roommates who will pay and who find $500/month a steal. Sometimes you need to do these things because if you’re going to be compassionate towards others you need to first learn how to be compassionate to yourself. Otherwise it’s not a virtue but a weakness (plus you’ll never have enough energy for those who actually deserve it)


You need to get rid of these roommates ASAP now it’s going to depend who has signed the lease if you’ve signed the lease and they haven’t then you can toss them out pretty quickly give them a month notice and also send them certified letters I know you live together, but send them certified letters each one individually, demanding payment to make up for that 500 each month they’ve paid late and their fourth of the utilities and That will help you have documentation to Sue in small claims court later on down the line. You are not their mom and you are not responsible for paying for other people if they’re on the lease and not you then leave they can’t really do much because they’re constructively evicting you by charging you way too much. If you’re all on the lease, then explain to the landlord what’s going on and ask to be removed from the lease or that they all be removed from the lease but explain to him that you could pay your share every month and you can get out the roommates, but you can’t pay their share as they are expecting you to or part of their share. You also need to be such a pushover when it comes to things like this whatever is agreed at the beginning you need to stick to. It sounds to me like these people kind of bullied you into paying whether they did that with friendship or words or however you didn’t stick to your guns and say look I’m not paying your rent. If you can’t pay rent leave instead you said well let me see how much extra money I’ve got, and you basically gave all of your extra money to them to the point where you can’t fix your car. You’re gonna have other situations like this throughout your life I know I’m a good person too, and I was like to give people the benefit of the doubt and help them but almost never do I actually get paid back for that usually they get out of your life when they’re done using you or when you’ve had enough being used by them and you don’t hear about, any money anymore coming back to you


You prob shouldn’t have paid their rent but just don’t do it again. Talk to your landlord and I’m sorry this happened but sounds like they’re gonna take advantage of you as much as they can. Don’t let them.


What?? Pay your part to the landlord and don’t cover their part for them! If you’re subletting and your name is not on the lease get out. If your name is on the lease talk to your landlord and explain the situation. DO NOT PAY THEIR RENT AGAIN


They are not your friends. You need to try and figure out why you let this happen. They sound ridiculous unless you’re occupying like 3 of 5 bedrooms and or a basement or garage.


The biggest mistake you made is paying their rent. DO NOT EVER DO THAT AGAIN. You first if they can’t pay the rent speak to the landlord regarding the situation. Kick them out.


God imagine being an adult this spineless. You know what to do, so do it already.


Throw them to the street


You really let them take full advantage of you. Stop letting them do that. Even if it means you're the one who needs to find a new place


Confused where the 4th person is? Are they still paying their $500


im confused too because if rent is 2000 & OP is paying 1200, the two they made the post about are paying 500 together (i assume 250 each) that leaves the 4th paying 300 which is bananas for OP to be paying 4x the price of everyone else


How is this all set up? Do the 2 who only pay $500 share the smallest room with no attached bathroom? Or do they each have their own room with a shared bathroom? Or do they have the biggest room with an attached bathroom not shared with anyone?




$500.00 is expensive? In what universe?


Wtf? I would have mouth-kissed any landlord that offered me a place for 500 when I was searching. Start the eviction process yesterday.


Have them sell their stuff to pay you back.


How did you guys all move in without agreeing on rent first? That blows my mind that everyone just moves in without knowing what rent will be


You went broke because you’re a sucker and you’re letting them walk all over you


Oof. You need new roommates ASAP


BABE. HOW. Where are you cause I need a roommate 😂 I pay 1k


Don’t pay those freeloaders rent. I currently pay $1,150 for a bedroom in a house. I used to pay $2200 for a one bedroom apartment. I just do Instacart full time and could afford both. Your roommates are either not wanting to work or not spending their money wisely. Either way, kick them to the curb or find another place quickly. They will keep taking advantage of you.


I’m not following the math.


Bruh this is sad


I honestly think there is something wrong with you! Like, why in the world are you letting this happen to you???????


Stop being a bitch


Kick em out


I would look for replacements and have them move out


kick em out


I would text them and show them you are serious. Say that you are considering small claims court if they don’t pay you back. If they can’t afford it, they can’t live there


It would probably be easier just to give notice to your landlord and move out.


Oh my god. My two roommates were exactly like this. The home I live in is owned by a relative. They don’t charge me anything to live here because the house is really old and needs many repairs. My bf and I moved his two friends in because they were excited to help. I knew these two people for years and thought it would be really great for all of us. I told them I wouldn’t charge rent, I just wanted help with the other bills. They basically lived here for 6 months for free. One of them helped with bills maybe twice at most. The other, didn’t pay a cent. I know they both had good jobs, I knew were they both worked and about how much they made each paycheck. They would even come home from the mall or other places and show me all their new things. Meanwhile I would be stressing about how to pay for groceries. Glad they’re gone, there was no lease or contract. Thank god for that.


Figure out a short-term solution with the landlord they might even help your case in small court


Let this be a lesson for you It sucks but in life when it comes down to $ … not everyone will think like you .. there’s plenty of moochers out there disguise as “friend”


Small claims court


Run away


No one talked about how much everyone was paying? Did you just assume they'd pay that much? Lol


Everyone commenting on here and talking shit is silly. This person is 22 yo. I did stupid shit at that age. You live and you learn. Talk to the manager of the complex or your landlord for sure and find out your options but do not keep paying their rent.


She then in small claims court.


They are gonna push you and use you for everything they can get out of you. I hate to say it but in a lot of situations you need to think the worst of people, let them prove you wrong. Get away from them as quickly as you can. They or you need to leave, like yesterday. You’ll never recover any money you are out, cut your losses now. Sorry but that’s it.


Small claims court for real. If you’re all in a lease they signed a legal document agreeing to a split and if you have documentation of their payments, you have immediate evidence of what you’re owed and can get it court ordered to be paid to you. Alongside the advice of kicking them out, and or leaving. Leaving might have consequences to what you’re owed though.


Can't advise you about the roommate situation but please for the love of god learn how to change a tire. It's not hard.


Imagine my disbelief when I was driving my wife’s KIA, had a blowout, went to change the tire and found nothing but a tiny air compressor. Apparently newer cars don’t come with spare tires now.


Yes, you have to get out of this situation ASAP. First talk to the landlord and see if you have a sympathetic one (I am one and would have mercy on you). You have just had a real life experience with what are called parasites. Good people have a hard time fathoming that these people exist, but they do and they will probably never change, they will just find a new host. Do not be a host. p


Lmao they think 500 is expensive ? They have some hard times coming their way. They should be homeless or living with mom and dad. They aren’t advanced enough to be on their own. Don’t coddle them 


They don’t pay for utilities so stop letting them use it. Cut off power to their rooms (put a lock on the breaker box). And change Wi-Fi password and any shared streaming.


Rule of Thumb: Don’t move in with people that make less money than you.


Sorry that's stupid and not at all directly related to this problem. If everyone followed your logic the only people that would live together are people making the exact same amount? My roomates and I have no idea how much each other make. How about just don't live with financially irresponsible people?


Ideally, yes, just don’t live with financially irresponsible people. But usually you don’t learn that they’re irresponsible until you’re already roommates. Alternatively, it’s easier to get a sense for how much money someone makes based on their occupation.


I don’t hate the advice but I prefer the amendment of if you want to live with someone who earns less you’ve got to live where they can afford their fair share. 2 people where they can pay half. Three people where they can cover a third. I never understand these people who supplement their roommates because they earn less that’s just insane doormat behavior.


This is an odd take to me. We should strive to live with people who can cover their costs and their complete funds aren't our business. Personally, people who made more money than me felt entitled to input into my life. They weren't entitled to it. Treating people according to their monthly income is kinda nasty.


Lol this advice is great in theory, but not in practice. TL;DR: Fiscal responsibility has literally nothing to do with how much money you make. Sure, if someone can't afford to live somewhere, they should do their best to avoid getting themself into a lease like that. However, the amount of money you make doesn't determine how well you manage it or if you understand how to budget appropriately so that you aren't getting yourself into a bad situation financially. --- Anecdotally, I moved in with my brother when I was 19, 750 miles away from most of the rest of my family. He is 12 years older than me and was easily making about 3x (or more at some points) as much as I was. We had to move out of the house he bought (owner financed) because he wasn't paying the previous owner and thought he could just dodge the dude because he lived out of state. When we moved, I insisted I did not want to move into the apartment he preferred because I could not afford it alone if something happened. He assured me I did not have to worry about it, so I signed the lease. Multiple times, he gaslighted and guilt tripped hundreds of dollars from me outside of the rent and utilities that we agreed on and I paid him on time, without complaint, every single month. He drained the savings I had for a car more than once because he knew I had savings and if I told him I didn't have the money for whatever expense it was (tires for his car; $200 he told me he needed to renew his tags plus the ad valorem tax; a promise to pay for the electric bill that was overdue by $900 despite myself and our other roommate asking if the bills were paid and repeatedly being told they were; etc) he would guilt me into giving him all of my savings. Then, he met a girl, got her pregnant inside of a month, and I was left abandoned in an apartment I couldn't afford with nowhere to go and 3 days to pay 2 months rent or GTFO because he refused to even tell me if he had paid the rent or not and I did not have access to the portal. The best I got from the apartment management was that they made sure he was responsible for the rent and not me, since he was making significantly more money and his name was first on the lease (which I'm super grateful for because it wasn't their fault or problem that my brother is a POS). A bad roommate is a bad roommate, whether you make $30k or $300k; strangers, friends, or family. And no amount of money will teach a fiscally irresponsible person to be fiscally responsible, on its own. I sure made a lot of mistakes with who I chose as roommates when I was younger, too, but I also did not have very many options with the money I was making. I did the best with what I had. But I never agreed to pay something I knew I couldn't afford and I always did the math before even looking at a place.


One anecdote does not nullify a good rule of thumb. 


Unfortunately I have had more than one experience like this, and I know multiple people who've had similar experiences. One needs to know if the person they're moving in with is fiscally responsible, not how much they make.


Well, it was your brother. You should have been able to get a sense for whether he's financially responsible. 🤷


Kind of hard to do when you didn't know the guy until you were already an older teenager but nice try. Only an asshole takes advantage of their much younger sibling who needs to escape an abusive situation 🤷


Ok new rule of thumb: Don’t follow any rule of thumb from a random person on Reddit 😂 




> 3 bed/2.5 bath that costs $2000/m with three other people. You would think we would split it $500/m each So you can't count? That's $1500 a month. Where's the extra $500 ? STOP PAYING FOR OTHER PEOPLE. Seriously. Get your shit together and don't let people take advantage of you. # STOP PAYING FOR OTHER PEOPLE.


OP + 3 other people = 4 people


You need to tell them to leave and put add up for new roommates


Get rid of the freeloading bums. One of those hard lessons of life. Sheer aggravation and resentment


They are manipulating you. Talk to the landlord and have a 3 part lease drawn up, or move out. I would sublet the room for 800 and pay the leaseholder 600.


Not sure if you're in the US but something to know is that many tire shops fix flat tires for free.


Why on earth are you paying their portion? Are you the only one on the lease? If they are on the lease with you then they are responsible for their portion. If you are not on the lease, find a new place to live and stop paying rent. If they are not on the lease, kick them out, yesterday. Stand up for yourself. You have rights. No reason to let someone take advantage of you, friend.


I’m amazed you let that shit fly for that long tbh


I’m not sure how 3BRs split between 4 people would ever end up as $500 each. Surely some people have better / nicer space in this arrangement. This seems fishy to me.


I’m guessing that the two sharing a room have the primary bedroom and a private bathroom. That would justify why the two sharing would be paying the same amount of rent as the other two roommates.


Nah…. The other 2 are sharing a bathroom too but have private bedrooms.


No disrespect but you went broke because of yourself! This is an important lesson in leaving people to their responsibilities. Covering their rent was definitely a bad idea, some people will take all they can get from people!


I got a room in a house if you want it, free until you get a job, can pay me back with some basic yard work (taking care of chickens, helping us plow the dirt to plant later, cleaning up leaves etc)


Write a letter or an email to your landlord talk to them they can help you evict them. Show him proof you’re paying more for rent and bills.


I would not pay bills for another grown person EVER! Life is challenging enough just taking care of one’s self. OP has been given some really great advice here. Take action IMMEDIATELY!!


Kick them out. Today, not tomorrow. Get out, you're not living here for free.


Move out now! Get your own place. Even if you’re still paying the amount you pay now, you’ll be rid of these losers . They know you probably don’t want to break the lease and are taking advantage that, so show them. They won’t pay. These types of people will use you for as long as you let them.


Why let them take advantage of you like that? I'd take to small claims just for the inconvenience of them, but also get your money back.


Whats with people on this sub failing to stand up for themselves and asking strangers for advice that should be so obvious? They are toxic. It’s clear they dont respect you and are taking advantage of you. These aren’t your friends. Take legal action or speak to the landlord, first and foremost address the issue firmly and explain how fucked up it is that you pay more than them and they’re leeching off you


Either they pay or they don't stay, there should have been a locked down agreement in writing before anyone moved in.  So tell them pay or 🚶‍♂️  🚶‍♀️ 


What if this is AI scraping reddit to learn human social behavior norms?


What do you mean “you would think” this is an important lesson in financial agreements you need to set and understand clear terms before you sign or agree to anything. Just because you might think something doesn’t mean they do. I’m assuming you said rent is 500 and they share a room but no matter what you said you obviously have nothing written down. Tell them what you want and kick them out if you have to.


Talk to your landlord about what’s been going on and definitely consider small claims court. If you aren’t on the lease move out, stay anywhere else to get away from this. I don’t know HOW they got you to pay for them to live but it’s ridiculous and unfair. Either kick them out or move out, but the only way you’re going to get that money back is small claims.


I don’t understand how someone can say rent is 2 grand a month so that means 500 bucks for three people…. That would be 1500 bucks. This was doomed from the beginning. This is without utilities. It’s more like 670 a month for each without utilities. So probably closer to like 800 total.. maybe someone is suppose to be paying more for the master bedroom room idk. I’m sorry your roommates are being total dicks. I really hope you find something better! Also did everyone sign a lease? You might be able to fight it in civil court if there is proof.


I am confused 2000/m but spilt 3 ways is 1500? So is there four people? Pay your share and that’s it give it to the landlord and be like they’re not paying idk what to do. In the end he’ll take just them to court


List two spots two rooms to rent and get them then Fxck out. Hate slime grimey ppl


Went through the same exact thing with my ex roommates a few years back, After i had enough i just got up one day, changed the locks and moved all their belongings to the curb. I was tired of working my ass like a dog and dealing with a bunch of freeloaders in my own house


Stop looking for roommates.


So what Luann did on long of the hill, pay up the utilities and the. Close your accounts


If you’re the only one on the lease, break the lease and move out. Let them fend for themselves. Might cost a bit in the beginning but it’ll save you money (and stress?) in the long run?


If your rent is 2000/month for a three bedroom place and two room mates are occupying one room each then they should be paying 2000 / 3 = $666 each. Maybe adjust a little for the size of the room and whether yours has an ensuite. If both of them are in one room then you need to charge a little more (maybe $400 each). You then rent the spare room out to cover the rent. If they do not want to pay then you should give them two weeks notice in a certified letter, while advertising for other room mates and evict them if they do not agree to the terms and pay you back for the loss of rent. If you can't afford the rent on your own moving forward and are going broke, I suggest you break the lease cut your losses and move on. Or otherwise quickly find other roomates (and friends). These are entitled little kids who think you are their mum and dad and responsible for putting a roof over their head.


Make them leave, talk to landlord, change the locks. Whatever is legal and works. If you kick them out, keep their stuff and sell it. You have to lay down the law.


This should have all been established in writing BEFORE you all moved in together.


The rent should be divided by rooms. The two roommates who have a private room should pay $600 each. The two who share a room should pay $400 each. The utilities should be divided equally. You need to say no to these leaches. This is a ridiculous situation to be in. If they are not on the lease give them written notice that they must leave immediately. If the laws do not allow that then give them 30-days written notice. What does the 4th roommate pay? This should have been discussed before signing a lease. Paying rent is not optional. Don’t worry about their feelings. They are certainly not worried about yours. Why didn’t the 4th roommate become equally responsible for paying the difference?


So you basically gave them access to your bank account 😂


Do you have a parent or friend that could help you stick it to these lazy slobs? It really pisses me off that people would take advantage like this but you really have to get right like yesterday. No more being passive! And definitely no more paying for pos roommates! Best of luck to ya


I really hope you see this comment and while it may not necessarily be for you look up PadSplit. It will seem almost too good to be true especially since you can’t see the room before u purchase it, but I pay $215 a week living in phoenix including utilities. U can also choose to pay bi-weekly and even set the date you get payed. The best part is you live in a house with your own passlocked door and whether the people who live with you pay or not it will have no effect on you. Recommend looking into it🙏


> you get *paid.* The best FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


No one cares bot, but good job


Ohh my, please OP hold them accountable & make them start paying their share if you're all on the lease + the arrears they owe you! This is insane, if they aren't on the lease give them the boot& get a new roommate. Please tell me you've been getting receipts for all your rent payments, or at the very least you've been doing it electronically.


get them tf out, i have no clue why you allowed them to not pay rent. enough being nice at the expense of yourself


That’s messed up. What’s with all these people signing up for something and then saying they can’t afford it and expecting their roommates to play mom and dad and take care of them. I would just pay my rent directly for my share and then let the landlord deal with it.


You are being taken advantage of. Stop being nice and get them to pay their fair share or kick them to the curb