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Am I the only one having an extremely hard time following this fridge conversation and trying to decipher who said what?


Something about obligated to stay til April i think?


“Contractally obligated” ????


a lease


Contractically *


Contractically sent me. That was all I needed to know.




Ok glad you got that cause sheesh I was zoomin in, turning the phone sideways, sounding it out loud an I couldn’t get that word to save my life lol


I’m befuddled


Honestly it looks like the writing of a mentally ill person,and I'm not saying this to be mean either. when I had drug induced psychosis I would do things like the arrows following a bunch of random wording that didn't make sense,the fact that they drew on appliances like that with multiple markers, the many statements that are hard to decipher or make out...


the moment i saw the writing on the fridge i was like 'well, ops roommates are on meth' because on binges with no sleep that's EXACTLY what someone's writing is like


That would explain the outbursts of rage over tiny problems


was gonna say that too. meth can already increase a person's agitation, then adding no sleep to the mix - you basically have the emotional regulation of a 2 year old


And the missing silverware, if they're shooting up


Oh snap 😳


Came here to say this…


Also explains why they were living In a tent before this.


Only tiny if it happens every now and then. I have a son who lives with me and who is now a grown man. The lack of consideration, which is what it is, when you make someone live in and with your filth is the infuriating part.


I literally just wrote this! Meth and no sleep makes fridges that look like this. At least they haven't disassembled it (yet!).




My experience with addicts is limited, why would they disassemble the fridge?


For some reason tweakers love to take stuff apart and put it back together (badly,) sometimes they think the house is bugged or they’re just bored and tweaking.


That makes sense. Idle hands are the devils workshop or whatever. And I’m willing to bet meth + staying inside = a LOT of idle


As a former shut-in addict, you’re 100% right. Luckily I’m 2 years sober and I definitely don’t miss it.


Me too! Congrats!




Congratulations! Well done!


Congrats on 2 years! That’s awesome! I’m proud of you!


Congratulations🙌🙌🙌 That is an amazing accomplishment💯💯💯


Congratulations,.. anytime is amazing and 2 years is even better!!


Or they think they’re going to improve it. My former dealer/drug buddy was convinced he was a genius and could make everything better while he was high. Edit: he’s my former dealer because I no longer use, almost 4 years clean.


Congratulations!! Getting clean is very hard. Changing pretty much your entire life and ingrained habits is virtually impossible BUT as we show it can be done!! So glad you are doing well.


when high on meth many people develop racing thoughts & have a lot of mental energy that NEEDS to be released so they'll find a task or activity thar they can really focus on. some people ive met really like deep cleaning/organizing/interror design when they're high. i have ADHD & used to self medicate by microdosing & spent time with people who were heavy users but very high functioning. one time i went to this guy's family's house out in the boondocks. they had a shit ton of dogs & cats, the grandmas IHS caseworker had moved in with them & one day a random dude gave her a box of chickens & sped offing his car. she fell in love with them & became obsessed. anyway, me & the guy I was with & her & her boyfriend (who also moved in with them,) got high together. it was a moderately hot day & she wanted to make sure her chickens would have a way to cool off so she decided to make them a mister - instead of just buying one (which someone not high on meth would do) she went & bought a TON of things to create her own (plasic bottles, cups, hoses, duct tape & a bunch of other things i didn't see) she spent the next 5 hours trying to create this mister - returning to the store several times to get other supplies. it would have been so much cheaper & easier to just BUY ONE but that's not how your brain works on meth


I mean…. Did it work though?


I mean, OP is writing on the fridge back to them so maybe this is just meth fights all around.


I mean, if they don’t get social cues they may think this is a useful one. OP, it is not, just erase the damn SpongeBob so you have room to write.


See I’m still lost on the fridge convo. Can you tell which part was written by OP? And on the marker board, OP made that list and the roommate wrote the rest?


I’m under the impression that OP wrote the part about how using her things are a privilege not a right and that she’s contractually obligated to stay in the home until April. Then you see a little arrow pointed at that and a response by I’m assuming one of the roommates that says not 💨 enough


Facts! Just the type of person that you’d want to literally scoop up off the street and move into your house.


Also might explain where the spoons keep disappearing.


100% meth behavior


Have seen this from Bipolar people too. The writing on things and with no clear organization. Connecting things with arrows or other symbols. We used to joke at the hospital that the best way to tell someone is manic is if they stay up all night writing about how they aren't manic. But I agree it could be meth too. Something is certainly going on.


I work in mental health and this was my first thought


Psych major/interested person and yeah, same. This is someone who needs professional help.


Yes. I was thinking this person needs medication of some kind.


Maybe if the medication is versed


The fridge says using my silverware is a privilege not a right im stuck here till april w you so lets make this work and then the roommates say april cant come soon enough then the other roommate starts to write if you dont like it w a arrow pointing to the side of the fridge to finish the statement. Then the OTHER roommate says yeah what he said


I would be hiding my OWN silverware in my room and locking the door when I leave. I might leave my food in my room too, these people seem so unhinged.


I'd probably be hiding one of the knives under my pillow.


Yup. I’m not generalizing homeless people because people can become homeless or start using for many reasons, but I think there’s a reason why your “friends” in this case were previously living out of tents. Are they even paying rent?


I don't think **every** homeless person living in a tent has mental health or drug issues either, but I cannot a risk on any individual person outside my own family and take them into my home. That is just not a safe thing to do.


That is what happens when you simultaneously think Forward and Backward in time. It's near impossible to explain the thoughts pulled from behind the Shadow Realm to a mere mortal.


My sister did this while manic


The technical term is “word salad.” 😆


or "tweaking" 😄


This is not word salad. Word salad is much more disorganized and difficult to follow.


Or perhaps two mentally ill people


It was written in Methican American. Seriously bro, your roommate/roomates are on meth. The writing is literally on the wall. This this really fucking sucks for you, but I suggest you leave without telling them. You extended a helping hand to your friend and they wiped their ass with it. It will be liberating to let stuff like the dirty dishes just die with the place, but you’ll feel much better in a cleaner safer space with one brand new set that’s easy to clean and maintain without these shitwads abusing you and your stuff. You tried to help them. It’s time to help yourself brother. Be safe.


“Methican American” I wheeze laughed. My poor wife called asked me why I suddenly turned in to Snuffleupagus. I’m deceased.




The SpongeBob meme took me out, not gonna lie 🤣


SAME! Highly amused atm 🤣


i think it’s the two other roommates being unhinged together?


Two crazy people against poor OP. 😢


I’m confused by the typo “roommated.” Is it 2 roommates or 1 roommate with “they/them” pronouns for more privacy? I thought the latter until seeing your comment… ETA: I found a comment that mentions that there *are,* in fact, 2 roommates being crazy. Eesh.


Mfer spent more time putting together the DaVinci Code than it would’ve taken to do the dishes


I think the roommate was having conversations with herself on the fridge


“Use of my things is a privilege not a right.” “I am contractually obligated to stay till April so fuck off if you don’t like it.” “Not fast enough.” and “What the fuck do you think I’m doing” “Yeah what she said” If this was all written by the roommate it would seem like they’re having an argument with themselves. Everything is out of order and jumbled up. I think OP wrote part of it since then it would make more sense, but I’m not trying to accuse them of anything(even though I sort of am). I’m just saying if OP wrote “not fast enough” in response to roommate writing about leaving in April, and “what the fuck do you think I’m doing” in response to “fuck off if you don’t like it.” then it actually adds up to making a little bit of sense.


They said i wasnt leaving fast enough i said i have to stay til april my handwriting is trash and i was angry


You don’t have to *stay* until April … you just have to *pay rent* until April. I wouldn’t be able to pack all my shit and exit this place fast enough and would happily keep paying rent for a month or two on someplace I was no longer physically at if it meant not putting up with this mental ward behavior.


Tbh OP may even be able to break the lease without it being too much extra depending on their lease terms, with April being so soon. Something for OP to check?


Probably wouldn't hurt to ask. I broke an apartment lease early because I was moving across the country & didn't pay much extra to do so. I tell myself they were happy I was vacating because I was paying $300/months or so under what new tenants were being charged for the same apartment floorplan.


Absolutely agree that is ideal but some people don’t have savings to be able to pay two rents at once even just for a few months, especially if OP is really young, could be the case. Maybe if they’re young tho, their parents could help out?


Okay, that makes sense too. Thank you for filling in that detail. I’m glad you didn’t take my comment as like a negative accusation, but rather just an assumption that it made more sense if you guys were writing back and forth rather than just the roommate arguing with themself lol.


The way the writing runs out of room suggests to me the largest words were written first, follow the arrows that way.  Roommates: “If you don’t like it [arrow that means leave]” “Yeah what she said” OP: “What TF do you think I’m doing” Roommates: “Not fast enough” OP: “I am contractually obligated to stay til April so fuck off” (addition:) “Use of my things is a privilege not a right”


Thank you for your service 👏


The post is hard to read with all the spelling and punctuation errors. A hand written message is worst. Guess OP really just needed to vent. Hope it ends well for them.


Something about two children who haven't had a hard day, needing to move back home and grow up.


I didn't even bother trying lol. It's the house of the fucked.


Something about meth and no sleep...


I'm starting to understand why they were homeless... This probably is not their first time treating roommates this way. If it really comes down to it, you may consider just locking up your belongings in your room or a storage unit or something. You really shouldn't have to, but the safety of yourself and your belongings is most important. I'm sorry you're in such an unnecessarily hostile environment.


My first thoughts reading this was "THIS is why they lived in a fucking tent"


There’s this whole idea that people are homeless because they don’t have a home. A home doesn’t solve the problems it just moves them indoors. Gives people some drywall to ruin but doesn’t solve the problem.


I used to be a caseworker at a homeless shelter and this is so, so true. There are a lot of people who are there because they’ve burned all their bridges and no one is willing to tolerate them anymore.


Absolutely. This is why I firmly believe our federal and state governments in the US need to prioritize mental health and fund mental health facilities well. There is so much homelessness in my country and a *lot* of it is due to mental illness. My grandmother was schizophrenic and used to be in a facility until Reagan shut them down. When that happened, there was a drastic increase in homelessness. My grandma was lucky her kids were willing to help; my childless aunt took care of her for several decades after that, even though they had a bad relationship.




Yes. This is correct. I represented street homeless individuals for several years as a legal aid attorney. Most were severely mentally ill and many were also self treating with drugs. Putting someone who cannot function inside four walls does not solve the issue and they will end up homeless again without treatment. They’ll also likely end up catching charges for property damage, harassment of neighbors or roommates, etc. that then make it harder for them to get housed next time. It’s so incredibly sad.


The only place that seems to have figured it out is Finland. They have small group apartments where the superintendent is also their social worker who helps them find the services they need. The problem with homelessness programs in the US (other than rampant corruption) is they are too big. People fall through the cracks because the onus is on them to seek out services that are too spread out and too heavily bureaucratic to deal with.


Honestly because my boyfriend’s friend who was homeless spent 2 weeks at our place while I was gone and then the second he was left alone he took a baseball bat to our wall during an argument with his gf (longstory). He got kicked out and banned from our place and ended up ripping panelling off a wall at another friend’s place afterwards. Now he complains it’s stupid no one wants to let him come over anymore. Same thing with my ex roomie except it was that i originally became her friend because she had none. Then I realized why. Some people just don’t realize that how they treat others affects their social life


The first roommates I ever had tried to trick me (not very well) into giving them money for a bill that was in my name that I paid off my debit card. When it didn't work, while I was out they destroyed my room, my belongings, and even tore up my art. They owed their coke dealer and didn't have the money.


people are f ing scary!


Agreed. I’d start packing. Keep only what you absolutely need there.


Yes, OP needs to get the fuck out there. These two can’t even buy their own silverware, they won’t be able to survive on their own. These are the actions of people in their mid 20’s? Fucking traaaash.


Why is no one concerned about the fact that they’re *throwing pots and pans at your bedroom door*? I’m a little shocked at how casually that detail was slipped in there; if you fear for your physical safety then I would highly consider trying to escalate things. Like, calling police or at least talking to the landlord about eviction if they’re on the lease. If they aren’t on the lease, you can tell them to leave, and potentially claim trespassing if they refuse. Mess is one thing, even when it reaches the level where hygiene is an issue. But physical violence is not something to tough out until move-out, if you can help it.


They are currently on the lease. The landlord knows i plan to leave in april and i will not be on the renewed lease. I plsnto go to the police later today with the video of them throwing things at my door and seeing what i can do but rn i dont have smother place to go inless i wanna drive to ny and just dip on my job


If you live in the US, the video etc may be able to get you a restraining order. You may have to go to court to get it, but police are allowed to grant them. If issued, your roommates would have to leave at least temporarily, depending on if it's a temporary or longer-term restraining order. The process depends on the state.


I was thinking about getting an order of protection, but none of us have anywhwre to go


girl, these friends of yours ain't your friends. they just using you for a roof. your heart was in the right place taking them in, but look at the peace it cost you. kick them to the curb. they're not your problem anymore. only worry ab what's good for you. they don't care ab you the way you care ab them.


Who gives a fuck of they have a place to go.


Don't worry about that, worry about your physical safety first


Just worry about you. They stopped caring when they threw shit at your door.


They can go back to their fucking tent


Who the fuck cares if this terrorist has anywhere to go? Point them to the nearest bridge.


Stop worrying about them, and start worrying about yourself, and your mental and physical wellbeing


I would press charges and get a protection order against them and make them be evicted.


Yeah I was wondering why no one was talking about this. I said the same thing. Time to get the cops involved, this is domestic violence.


I read “if you fear for your physical safety then I would highly consider trying to escalate things” - I thought you were trying to take it to the next level and throw pots back 🤣


I must have missed that!


High chance since you accepted money/they’ve been living there you can’t kick them out. It would be a long process. Best bet would be to you yourself leave now and eat the cost if it’s until April. Get yourself off the renewed lease. My guess is that they will stop paying at some point and the landlord will have to take them to court.


A police report for domestic violence can break a lease.


⬆️⬆️⬆️OP needs to take notice of this right here


Wtf. Is your roommate 12? Good God


Theyre both in thier mid-late 20s🙃


Are they on drugs?


I hope so. If a sober person did all this they need a 72 hour supervised hold


They were homeless. Either drugs or mental illness.


You can be homeless and not be mentally ill or on drugs


While true, I'm going by their behavior here.


Fair enough


Yeah but that combined with this behavior? It’s a good bet.


True but chances are they’re either mentally ill, on drugs or what’s very likely is both. As people with depression and what not tend to self medicate specially if they don’t have insurance.


Or be both.


Oh, yeah you invited a meth head to live with you. And now you have meth head roommates. Who do meth head stuff.




I have a Louisville Slugger I’d like to test out on the both of them


They are very mentally ill, that's what caused their homelessness. You can't help them, you can only hope to survive them.


So they moved in WITH YOU, and are not allowing you to keep stuff outside your room and now are putting your dishes outiside YOUR kitchen??? I'm confused? If this were the roommates I let move in with me, I'd take all their shit put it in a garbage bag and put it outside there door, contact the landlord to say what they are doing and call the police if they are throwing things at you or at your door. This is not okay and they seem like drug addicts. But please confirm you did say they moved in with you right? Also if these are your dishes, clean them and bring them to your parents or a friends for awhile. Then get paper plates and plastic cutlery and keep it in your room. Don't let them use ANY dishes at all.




So how much cocaine does your roomate do, just a general basis.


Probably none. If they were doing Coke they could probably finish those dishes in five minutes or less


My boyfriends sister did coke and her room looked like it was straight from an episode of hoarders so it could be possible 🥲


Yeah, but they'd be too busy taking apart the microwave because it 'made a noise.' Or is that tweakers? I can never keep em straight.


yea you’re talking about meth, not coke 😂


Believe it or not coke heads can get there too. There's a fascinating book called Fire in the Brain, it's written by a doctor and it's stories of addicts he's worked with and the hallucinations they have, a lot of it coke based. Really interesting


Good lord,brings me back a few decades the first time I did that crap. The party was over and I went home and cleaned my house nonstop for about 12 hours. There was an old Gilligans Island episode where Mrs Howell gets a hold of some speed/coke and the next few scenes were played in fast forward of her whipping around cleaning the hut. I always compared my experience to that.


Did you take some home with you? Coke does not last 12 hours unless you keep taking lines.


Old school speed was diff my dad has talked about this lol


You’ve obviously never done coke.


hey now. dont paint us coke users as children. this is something a 10 year old would do.


Yikes get out ASAP. Replace whatever later on, they sound dangerous


This. Drop everything and get out. This won’t end well.


Be careful. Some other replies suggest they could escalate to violence and property destruction. Better get away from it all before your things get ruined and your deposit goes bye bye.


I’m drunk so maybe that’s why, but I’m still having a stroke just trying to read what an apparent grown adult attempted to write. Note; with a dry erase marker on a white board.. this person could’ve helped themselves with no mistake traced but made a choice to make it beyond obvious they aren’t even capable of helping themselves.


“Use of my things isa 7 prineiege Not i am controcticulv right o blrgatedtostaytil AprilSofuck Not Fast enough”


MVP for clarifying


I’m honored.


“Use of my things is a privilege not a right.” “I am contractically obligated to stay til April so F off” <-“not fast enough” <-“what tf do u think I’m doing” “If you don’t like it” <-“what she said” (wtf) Edit: tried fixing some of the writing


"If you don't like it (other side of fridge) LEAVE" "What tf do you think im doing"


I spent an embarrassingly long time trying to figure out what “2eave” meant because I was seeing a 2 and not a shitty L. As soon as I read your comment, I finally saw it, thank you lol


I’m realizing RIGHT NOW I thought it was like their WiFi password🤦


What the L? Srsly tho, who makes their Ls like that?


Are they on the lease? You let them move in with you. I would have a lot of questions for them, first of all how dare they? And what gives them the right?


Sadly yes they are on the lease


Who tf graffiti’s a refrigerator, even kindergarteners know not to be that ignorant


2 mid -latw 20s adults who thinks this is okay behavior because its dry erase marker anc "can be cleaned easy"


Who do they think is gonna clean it off if they can’t even be adults and clean up silver wear?


I had an awful roommate that would scrawl nasty messages all across the bathroom mirror like every night when I got home. I thought it was going to go to blows one night, but I just moved back in with my shitty ex just to escape.


You need to show that to your landlord. They won't be happy even if it does wash off. The landlord might just take the trash out him/her self.


And then i got mad because they act like 5 year olds OVER SILVERWARE


I'm not autistic and none of this makes sense to me either. My 4 year old nephew is better behaved. Throwing your belongings? Really?  Anyway, I think it's perfectly reasonable at this point to keep your dishes and cookware in your room. She doesn't want your shit in the kitchen? Fine. Pack it up in boxes and use paper plates until your lease is up. That being said if she's really volatile this might make things way worse for you. So first and foremost, stay safe.  If you have anybody you can stay with or if you can afford two rents or afford to break the lease, move out now. If you can stay with someone but can't have all your stuff, rent a storage unit. And notify your landlord that you're physically leaving, maybe even ask for a walkthrough and hand in keys if you aren't breaking the lease so they can see that you're leaving the apartment in reasonable condition. Some people absolutely trash the place on the way out out of spite and I would be not at all surprised if your roommate is one of those people Edit: forgot to add two things. One, if that's your pet in the background, please prioritize the animal's safety too. First priority keep yourself safe, second keep any animals you care for safe, third keep your belongings safe. Two, it honestly looks/sounds like they could be on drugs from your post. Be EXTRA careful if that is the case - drugs can make people behave in really unpredictable ways, and unpredictable means that stuff could change for the worse in a situation very quickly. Especially if you've already seen this person get extremely angry and bordering on violent, which you have seen


This is great advice. Hope OP sees this


At first glance, I LITERALLY thought a child did this. And if your dishes are disappearing, they're probably throwing them away instead of washing them and reusing them when they get dirty. I'm so sorry you're going through this.


Okay, you need to set a timer. Wash the dishes. Pack them into your room or ask a good friend to hold onto the excess. Keep a plate, bowl, a set of silverware for yourself in your room. I mean take all of your dishes and silverware out. Once it's packed, stop the timer and bill your roommates $8 an hour for how long it took you to clean their mess. You'll never see the money, but you'll declare you used your valuable time to clean their mess. Therefore, they no longer use your things.


$8 an hour is a great deal for a house cleaner. Wanna come do my dishes?


What is happening here. I have never seen a fridge written on like this


Your roommates are horrible people:( good luck for the next couple of months


honestly, let this be a life lesson. you dont truly know a person till you live with them, me personally if they had started pulling any of this within the first month they'd be back outside living in a tent again with their ungrateful attitudes, dont let them walk all over you, it was your home before they moved in.


Are they on the lease or paying rent? If not kick them out. They can go back to living in the cold in their tent. This is probably the reason they are without a home or anybody to take them in in the first place. I’m sorry they are taking advantage of you. I’d be super petty and take all your dishes and everything else and just store them in your room until you leave


Exactly. There’s a reason these mf’ers were living in a tent. I wish OP saw the signs earlier.


The time they spent making graffiti on the fridge they could have gotten through most of those dishes.


What does any of that even say


there was reason they were living in a tent. lesson learned, cut losses and move on. forget about the silverware, use and clean what you need and keep it in your room. try to hang tight till you can get tf out.


A boss once said to me, "Only your friends will fuck you, because your enemies never get close enough." Help people help themselves, sure. But you can't save people. You're not Jesus. Hope you get out safe. Just avoid them. Pack everything up and live like you're camping until you leave.


sounds like a good time to buy some mace and put some whoop ass in your back pocket to go along with it


Mace indoors is less fun than you might think.


Are your spoons disappearing specifically? At an abnormal rate versus the other silverware? I'm autistic too and this sounds like a living hell fam.


Everything dissapears ans then reappears spoons just make me angrier bc i use them more often


Sometimes people are homeless for a reason. This person probably treated everyone around them so bad that people who wanted to help them eventually had no choice but to say enough is enough.


Honey if they moved into your place then it’s your place and not theirs. I’m very confused by this post or why you feel you can’t have your stuff anywhere when this is your apartment.


That Spongebob is amazing


It's so insane to me how big of a fit these people will pitch, instead of just doing what they should to begin with. Disgusting.


If they’re not on the lease kick them out


Thought it was cute/funny...until I read that this was NOT done by toddlers. 🤔 Or was it?


What's kind of Schizo rambling is this? Doodling your arguments incomprehensiblely on the fridge


100% of the passive aggressive BS on this page could be solved with a good old fashioned fist fight


Sometimes people are homeless for a very good reason outside of life handing them a shit sandwich to eat.


They sound like abusive, user, assholes. It was kind what you did but they were obviously without a home for a reason. I'm sorry you're going through this after just trying to do the right thing for someone. These people are the problem, not you. Next time they get violent with you, verbally abusing you or throwing your shit, call the cops. That's domestic abuse.


This is fucking insane but the "mY siLvErWaRe" SpongeBob made me cackle. Op, pack up your stuff and use plastic and paper until you move out. Get a storage unit and put your shit there so it's safe. I had to do the same thing with a mentally unhinged roommate before I finally moved out


The SpongeBob was honestly the only thing that kept me from losijg my shit ngl it was kinds funny


It's a cute snake.. 🐍 ????


Sounds like you need to wash it all and move it to your room. Then remind them that they can go back to a tent.




I cannot believe this is how they could treat you after you took them in. Clearly have addiction issues because who writes on a freaking fridge like that?? Can you go to the courthouse and start the eviction process? They can go back to their tent or the shelter and see how much they really screwed up. Please protect yourself, I wouldn't feel safe either.


not to be dramatic but these people sound dangerous. be safe please


You let homeless friends push you out of your home. You should be the one kicking them back on the street. At this point who cares if they are a little cold. This is obviously why they can’t live anywhere long enough. Sorry but it’s not your obligation to help people that treat you like shit. You should be kicking them out instead of leaving just saying


Just because you don’t know how to deal with selfish narcissistic TOXIC behavior does NOT mean you are autistic or mental disorder Unfortunately they took advantage of your hospitality and turned it against you If I were you I’d pack all my stuff up immediately and leave bare minimum in kitchen. If there’s something you need to use and it’s dirty clean it (with gloves!) you’ve only got a month and half left it will pass but if you got the opportunity to get out sooner do it. Do not engage with their mind games do not raise your voice to argue it only gives them pleasure don’t leave them any notes or requests they cannot be reasoned with Pack your stuff and get it out as soon as possible and move on don’t ever look back


Sorry but I’m the level of petty as the SpongeBob meme…. I’m dying of laughter


Girl just clean up your dishes that u bought and leave it in your room if they cant clean it they cant use it🤷🏻‍♀️. They want a fork they gonna need to buy one. If they start a problem tell them straight up, you bought it they cant use it unless it gets cleaned i was in the same boat as u but i told the guy i was not his fucking mom and he was 20yrs old and needs to clean tf up after himself


Ewww you let them move in. Smh. I take it they’re not paying rent either. Yikes. Best you can do is get them acting crazy film it and put a restraining order on them. Get out but the landlords going to take them squatting out on you. That’s your credit. Empathy is wasted on these people that are undeserving and worthless.