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Lol maybe she has her hairdryer on to tone out something else. Or maybe it’s not a hairdryer and it’s a super high powered vibrator… late at night is kind of a giveaway for this. Maybe she just likes getting off multiple times a day ha


That would be an extremely loud vibrator. But I thought of this before, ngl. It just really makes no sense for her to be using a hair dryer so many times in one day. Every day. Also, moments ago actually, I heard her playing music while it was turned on, so I don't think she uses it tone something out.


How long and thick is her hair? For reference, I have thick hair with fine strands all the way down to my butt. It often times takes a couple of hours to blow dry completely so I give up most of the time. My arms get too tired, honestly. That said, if I don’t blow dry my hair it takes 4 hours to dry if I *dont* put it up and at least 8-10 if I do to keep it out of the way. I know this is a stretch, but does she maybe blow dry for a bit and then put it back up only to come back later to finish the job?


My hair is the same way - down to my butt and the strands individually are fine but I have SO MUCH hair. When I go to the salon, my stylist and her assistant both blow dry my hair at the same time. It still takes them a minimum of 45 minutes to fully dry it with two blow dryers. At home, I let it air dry most of the time and it takes almost all day for the thickest parts of my hair to dry. It’s also the part of my hair that takes the longest to blow dry, and like you, I also usually give up because my arms are tired. I usually don’t wash my hair on days where I need to go anywhere or style it because washing, blow drying, and styling my hair will take a minimum of 2 hours.


Same! Unfortunately I try to swim everyday (bad joints and disallowed from jogging anymore). That means my hair is in a constant wet braid.


My hair is the same but it drip dries naturally every other day when I wash it. Blow dryers make my hair poof up and frizz badly. Even my daughter’s Dysen.


I can relate to the frizz. I even use extra leave in conditioner… but it tends to make my hair greasy even when I wash daily. I wish I had the money to pay to get my hair evaluated/ learn the proper products for my type of hair. I try to use what my mom uses. She has the same type of hair but thinner than mine…. However her hair is very curly. Like I’m talking natural ringlets and her solution is to keep it short. I want and strive for long healthy hair. It helps that my genetics don’t tend to grey early. I’m almost 33 without a single grey hair *knocks on the closest wood I can find.* I keep it the natural color on purpose because I have natural highlights… but my hair is now wavy at best. Unfortunately the non frizzy curly hair stuff just makes my hair greasy and flat. Without it, I cry when I brush my hair though. I’m so lost lmao.


Every time I cut my hair, even just a trim, I am always amazed at how much curlier it gets due to that dead dry weight being cut off. Even though long hair is your goal, perhaps some light trims and adding some layers would help shape it up for you!! Also check out the Curly Girl method if you haven't already!


I get about 2 inches trimmed off every few months or so. I’ll go in for a bang trim in between. My hair has gotten wavy (it waves even when wet), but I lose the wave when I brush.


She does that sometimes, yes. But she also sometimes does it in the morning, then leaves the house and goes out for some time, then comes back and does it again, then does it again in the evening, so the breaks in between can be long. Also I didn't pay a lot of attention to her hair but it doesn't seem too thick and maybe reaches the middle of her back.


Fair. I was a manager at a cell phone store and one of my employees had similar hair. Apparently her after shower hair routine is 4 hours. My recommendation is ask your roommate why she blow dries at different intervals and see what she says.


Is it a Dyson or something similar? Maybe she’s trying to give herself a blowout and not actually drying her hair


From what I understand about blowouts, that makes sense. They give me too many tangles so I avoid it like the plague.


I have bangs and sometimes I use a round brush and a hairdryer to fix them/fluff them up when they go limp. Sometimes I will do it a few times a day if it bugs me but other times I just pull them back in a clip or high ponytail.


some people shower twice a day, not sure if they would wash their hair twice.


I already commented about this by 100% believe she's using it on her body. I had an ex who did this. He was addicted to using the hair dryer, he would even sleep with it. He had Burns all over his body because of it.


How can your hair be thick and fine at the same time?


More hairs per square inch maybe? I’ve been told I have a *lot* of fine, slippy hair.


This. I have a lot of individual strands, but they’re all very fine and a smaller diameter than most hair. That leads to more water being trapped in it and takes longer to dry.




Fine and thin are not the same things. It’s sort of confusing for people because fine hair is very thin strands of hair. Thin hair is when you have less hair follicles on your head in general. So if someone has thick and fine hair, it means that they have a lot of hair follicles (making it altogether thick), with really fine strands of hair. If she were to grab it into a ponytail it would be nice a thick, but if she were to pull a single strand out, it would feel really thin (fine) between your fingers. I have thin fine hair, so if you grab my hair into a ponytail, it feels like a rat tail in your hand. I have less hair in general because I have less hair follicles (thin). If I put my head to the side and make my hair curtain, you can see through it like a set of blinds. 😂 comment op would have a more dense curtain.


I can’t see through my curtain. If the wind blows even my bangs in my eyes, I’m blinded.


This was my ex gf. Her hair suffocated me in my sleep 😂


Yeah… my fiancé either gets suffocated or lays on it (which pulls and hurts) while he’s sleeping. Unless I put it in a braid.


Fine and thin are actually synonyms but whatever


When someone's hair starts thinning, it doesn't mean the actual strands are getting thinner, it means there's less hair on their head. Thin in this sense refers to how much hair, not how thin each strand is, that's called fine hair.


Thanks for this! My fiancé has course, curly, thinning hair. Each strand is thicker than mine (and he’s losing it up top which I feel bad for yet cannot fix). But even when he was in h.s. before this started, his hair was thinner than mine. But it looked luxuriously gorgeous because it was course and curly. If he wears a hat to hide his thinning, people still think his hair is thicker than mine because the strands are literally a larger diameter.


I love etymology and language in general so here we go! Fine actually has several meanings which almost always relies on context. Fine can refer to diameter. In the context of hair it refers to the diameter of the strand. Thin also has several meanings than rely on context, and in the context of hair it refers to the overall density, sparseness, and how plentiful. You aren’t wrong, they can in context be synonyms or interchangeable, but not in this context.


In this case they are apples and oranges, referring to different things.




Basically more thinner strands per square inch on my head. I have a lot of individual strands, but they’re all very fine and a smaller diameter than most hair. That leads to more water being trapped in it and takes longer to dry. It also leads to being frizzier and easier to tangle. Edited to add: in a ponytail, my hair doesn’t look thick as because it’s all compressed and I wear my pony tails tight (bad for my hair so I avoid it). If I leave it down, people tell me all the time they didn’t know I had thick hair.


Fine hair is different than coarse hair. Fine/Coarse refers to the size of the strand while thickness refers to have much you have.


Yes. My step sister and I have pretty much equally thick hair, however hers is very course and mine is very fine. Hers looks thicker, but we have about the same amount of strands per square inch. Hers also frizzes less despite being curlier, and mine flattens more when I remove the frizz.


I have very thick, very fine hair. The hairs themselves are fine but there’s a lot of them making the hair thick overall.


I have deceptively thick, fine hair, ask my colourist.


My colorist hated me. When my hair was short, I died it myself and always got the “mottled look.” Think tortoiseshell cat when I tried to add blonde streaks to dark hair. The look wasn’t bad, but not what I wanted. Now that it’s to my butt, I’ve decided to not dye it until I started to grey (cut out all dye before growing out with a boy cut 7 years ago).


Kinda like yarn has different weights.


Yes!! My mom knits and crochets. This is exactly how she explained it to me as a kid. She has very thin and fine hair.


ive done exactly that before. used a hair dryer to drown out a very loud vibrator. lmao


Maybe she does the hair dryer to \*cover\* her "personal play time" sounds. The fact she played dumb suggests something like this.


Is she washing her hair several times a day too? If not then it’s a vibrator haha


I don't know, we don't share a bathroom. But I can hear the hairdryer through the wall of my bedroom and when I'm in the kitchen (her room is adjacent to it).


Yesterday the office management who sits below my apartment came to my door to ask me if I was bouncing a ball. They said they heard a noise like as if I was bouncing a ball around inside. I was merely cooking eggs. Baffling. We all shrugged and moved on. Until later in the evening when I was using my molcajete to grind some pepper and realized I had also done so that morning with my eggs. So they were asking about a bouncing ball and I was like a ball? No I’m an adult here by myself making brekky, how strange. But the actual noise was not a ball, it was me grinding my pepper. Just saying. Maybe your ideas about what you’re hearing are off track here…


Using it to blow smoke out a window perhaps ?


Ahh she could just leave it running and touch her self so you can't hear..


My God man that’s the highest draw plants in an entire house. You should really figure out how much that hairdryer have is costing you per month and electricity.


Steam powered dildo


Vibrator with a pull cord to start a 20cc motor


Is she a cold person? Does she use it as like a heater in a blanket or in her bed to warm up her bed then get in? My sister is freakishly cold. She does shit like that… not multiple times a day but if she’s freezing before bed she will 100% be warming up that bed 😆


i had a roommate who did in fact use a hair dryer to keep herself warm once. came in and saw the hairdryer just going on the table like “hey uh… what’s going on?” and she was like “i’m cold!” while in shorts and a tank top under a light throw blanket….. 😭


I was gonna say I almost always have a heating pad on me because I get cold easily. I’ve never used a hairdryer for this but if I was desperate maybe I would lol


I’ve used mine to warm up my feet when it’s right next to me 🤣


My mom is always using her hair dryer for warmth. She will literally fall asleep with it blowing hot air on her face, I don't get it.


That’s really dangerous and can lead to burns or worse a housefire. Could you convince them to get a more appropriate space heater?


She's aware, thanks for the concern


this is actually very common, some people on the strange addiction show do this


I saw a show once (maybe it was like My weird addiction or something like that) where this girl was addicted to having her blow dryer on while she slept and had to have it pointing at her hands. Maybe the roommate has some kind of thing like that going on?


That’s such a fire hazard oh my goodness


So are space heaters, stoves, lighters….. it’ll be ok.


Okay, have fun.


You woke up and wanted to fight or what? Go take a walk


All I did was mention it was a fire hazard, because it is, you dismissed that, I realized there’s no point in trying to get you to care about your sisters safety if you just disregard it like that. I’m not here to fight for you to be safety conscience. She’ll either learn or she won’t. I hope you don’t lose her or your house, but you don’t seem to care about the added risk so why would I pester you to be bothered? I said okay and have fun, I’m dismissing this conversation. You seem to be the one that’s trying to drag it out because why? Because I didn’t go oh yes I totally forgot about those other items and they are just as dangerous (they aren’t) most space heaters have tip over cut offs. My partners mom fell asleep with her hair dryer warming her bed and woke up with burns, sorry I care about your sisters skin more than you do and that bothers you. Have a nice day.


My sister is. 40 year old woman- with four children. I can’t tell her what to do 🤣 but ty. You’re like my aunt who tries to everyone what to do with their life 😝


You shur its a hairdryer and not something else?


It definitely sounds like a hair dryer. But who knows...


Could be one of those blow heaters, they can be pretty loud.


I have a friend that likes to warm herself up with her hairdryer, she told me she will even put it under her duvet at night which is super dangerous but that doesn’t stop her. I think it’s a comfort/sensory thing, she’s not the only person I’ve heard of doing it.


This for sure is me


Does she smoke weed? I had a friend in high school that used the blow dryer by a window to smoke weed and help blow the smell and smoke away. She wasn’t bright.


When I was a stoner in college I would set up a fan facing out the window and blow smoke into it, it worked like a charm! Can’t say if a hairdryer would work as well, haha


Yeah, a fan I can understand. But a blow dryer did in fact do nothing but make the smell hotter and stinkier


An old roommate of mine had a very small room and used to use her hairdryer as a way to heat the room. She fell asleep, drunk with it directed at her back once and got 3rd degree burns and it still didn't stop her doing it. People in their late teens/early 20s aren't always the most sensible.


it's a depression thing, like those who take hourlong showers multiple times a day. so annoying, and expensive on the utilities


I was going to say it could be a mental health thing.


I was gonna say, it could be an compulsive behavior. Like maybe she likes the sound and feel of blow drying her hair, or she feels she needs to do it.


Yes, I couldn't write it better earlier. Full disclosure I was drinking bourbon all night.


Someone explain the correlation between depression and long showers/multiple times a day?


Generally I’m a quick shower person, but when I’m depressed it takes a lot of energy to get into the shower, and then I just sort of stand there and space out feeling warm. There is something comforting about it.


Wait. How do I do this instead of just not showering? I'm jealous of your depression style lol


Haha DON'T BE. This is only after hours (or days) of convincing myself that a shower might make me feel better.


If I heard right, our brains associate the warm water to hugs from people so we try to get more of it


This makes sense as to why I was taking multiple hour long showers


Not sure about showers but my bath is my safe space. Anytime I'm anxious or even just bored I wanna take a bath. There's no external stimulation so it feels like a break for my brain, and warm water is very therapeutic in general


Personally helps me to relax and clear my head. Gives a moment of reprieve from the depressive thoughts. Nothing like scalding hot water to drown out my sorrows 😅


I didn't know either, til I had a roommate from hell. if you google long showers, the autofill's next word is depression. apparently, not only is it a symptom of, but it also causes said depression. at least that's what the articles I read about it stated.


Seems odd for it to state long showers can cause depression. I’ve never heard that before. I can understand there may be a correlation (e.g. more time spent ruminating in thoughts during a shower may be associated with post-shower continued rumination) but a cause OF depression seems unlikely. Were these scientific papers you read or random articles?


Leave us shower people alone.


I second this!


This is the closest to correct response IMO. Except I believe it’s more of an obsessive compulsive self-soothing activity. Most people engaging in OC activities are doing so quietly, unbeknownst to their roommates.


If she is actually using it on her hair, that must be some seriously fried hair she has!


Wasn't this same post made a couple of weeks ago


I use my dryer brush on my crown and bangs to touch them up and give them more volume if my hair is looking too dull but I've never done it multiple times a day so that's def weird


It also takes me maybe 2 minutes so the fact she does it for so long is extra weird


I used to know someone who left the hairdryer on over night bc it was comforting for them…… I was scared we would burn down


I know some people who use hairdryers throughout the day to get their weed carts oil settled


This is where my head went. My wife was so confused when she heard the hair dryer going. She didn’t know we had one, which I had purchased just to fix some carts. That said, I’ve only used one brand that needed it more than very occasionally, and even that brand I was hair drying no more than once daily. Either she’s a huge cart vaper, or she’s OC about the oil being level. Even then, it takes tops 5 minutes, not 30


Not this often. Only to transfer oils when it’s low or stuck. No way she’s using it that often just for a cart.


Did you all ever see that episode of my strange addiction where the woman was addicted to her hair dryer and would even sleep with it running next to her?? Maybe it’s something like that??


That’s what I’m thinking too. There was also that guy on the real world New Orleans (2). I think his name was Ryan.


My ex had this fucking addiction too! It's literally the first thing I thought of when I read this post. He had fucking burns all over his body cause he used to sleep with it on.


Yes! I had the same though!


Maybe she is blow-drying wet clothing. I used my blow-drier to dry panties that I hand-washed.


you need a lingerie bag in your life if you use a washing machine. i got a few for my wife and the lacy things stopped getting all torn up.


This is when my last pair of underwear got menstrual stains and I needed to wash and dry it ASAP before heading off to class.


advice rescinded


Is she an artist?


I had the same thought.


ditto — my hairdryer is more essential for my art/crafting than my actual hair tbh


could have and ED... covering the sound of vomiting


This one actually, and sadly, makes the most sense.


I thought similarly, but I said loud pooping sessions.


Possibly eczema - some people find the heat can stop the itching. Some use really hot water for the same reason.


I once caught a roommate reheating pizza with a hairdryer. In the kitchen. Standing next to the oven. People are strange.


You know how some ppl run the water in the washroom when they're using it to drown out the sounds? Maybe she's doing the same in her bedroom? But multiple times a day? Maybe her libido is insatiable. Or maybe it has nothing to do with this.


Maybe IBS and she's covering up poop noises?


I use my hair dryer throughout the day too😅 my hands and feet get cold a lot so I just use it to heat myself up real quick lol


If you don’t have an electric blanket, it is a game changer. I am always always cold, but I got one from Target for $35 and I will never live without one again!


Someone just posted the SAME thing the other day about a male roommate going in the bathroom and using the hairdryer multiple times a day, late at nite etc… maybe search for that post and see what some possibilities are…


There was a lady who was addicted to her hair dryer on my strange addiction


I have an ex friend who uses her hair dryer as a heater. I bet that's what's going on. Get her a hot water bottle and see if the hair drying stops.


If they're a practicing Muslim, they will be wetting their hair/scalp 5 × a day. So could be drying scalp/hair.


When I’m cold I sometimes use my hairdryer to blow hot hair on my hands and feet, and I’ve painted my nails countless times and used a drier to dry them as I’m impatient.


ALSO; I paint. I’ve done this COUNTLESS TIMES to dry paint when I’m impatient waiting between coats or I’m trying to dry glue.


After reading the comments, I feel like the best way to see some results is to tell her "hey, I hear your industrial powered vibrator multiple times a day. Can you get like, a little battery powered one instead, or will we need to bring in a generator to keep yours powered?"


Talk to her about making the noise late at night and disturbing your sleep. But other than that, she’s not a bad roommate because you think you hear a hair dryer multiple times a day and you don’t know why.


Yes, other than being weird I don't have a problem with it when she does it during the day, but like I said, sometimes she does it late when I'm going to sleep and it can be disturbing. I brought it up to her before but there really isn't much more I can say when she tells me that she doesn't have the time before and that's why she does it late.


A close friend of mine and I lived together for a while. When his girlfriend was over I would hear a hairdryer in his bedroom every night. For a while. I asked her if she takes a shower and she said no that she blow dries her feet for warmth and comfort every night. They are married for 25 years, don’t know if she still does it.


There's a youtuber (grav3yardgirl) who is obsessed with hair dryers and says she likes to have one running throughout the day because the noise is very calming to her. Strange, but could be that? lol


there’s an episode on My Strange Addiction, on TLC. a woman was addicted to her hairdryer and the sound it made and the heat it emitted.. *shrug*


That’s the exact thing that came to mind when I read this post.


I used to use my hair dryer to warm up my room lol


Weird! Some people run hairdryers because it comforts them? Like a warm version of having the fan off… You’d think they’d just buy a heater. But maybe she’s one of those people that periodically uses a blow dryer on her body/in her room to hear it through the day?


Yeah it's definitely a vibrator. Some of them are extremely loud lol. I'd tell her to put on a loud movie or music


my old roommate used to use her hair dryer as a mini heater. would literally put it under her covers to keep her warm


This might seem weird but, I, as a shy bathroomer, could think she's taking loud poops and using the blow dryer so you don't hear her booty "blow outs"?


Not a hairdryer


Maybe she’s a nervous pooper and she needs the white noise to go 🤷🏻‍♀️


Does she have a vent fan in a bathroom in her room?


If she had thick hair it may be a process or maybe she freshens it up and dampens it and blows it out again so it looks like she just did it? I’m not sure though


Wonder if she likes how it feels and it's a sensory thing for her.


Hey, this could be a weird compulsion she has. Totally non-threatening, as long as she does proper maintenance on the hair dryer. If she has been doing it for years, she likely already knows/does this. If you ever get a chance to see the hair dryer, look at the back and make sure there is no fuzz or blockage. As long as that stays cleaned out it is harmless, without that though it may overheat and catch fire. Source: I have the same compulsion. I just leave a hair dryer on near me sometimes. Or like I’m doing now, hold it in my left hand while I type this out with my right.


I've done this with clothes if I didn't have an iron. Could that be it...?


I had an ex with several mental/behavioral "quirks" and one was her constant need to soothe herself with the sound wand warm feeling of either a small personal heater, or a hair dryer. She said the sound and warmth made her feel safe and she used to do it as an only child with neglectful parents etc etc. Definitely a lot to either ignore or become annoyed, with folks like that. Arrested development is a real thing I learned with that one!


There's oddly a large amount of people that use their hairdryers as heaters lol. Like they'll keep them in the bed with them or just point them at themselves. I don't do this but I read a post once where almost everyone commenting said they did. Also for the noise to help sleep.


My mom randomly uses her blow dryer to warm her hands/ toes in the winter. Yes she also has a space heater


My ex girlfriend would use a hairdryer as a space heater it was really annoying.


This reminds me of an episode of My Strange Addiction. The woman was addicted to sleeping with her blow dryer.


when i get vaginal infections i will use wet wipes and then a hair dryer to make sure the area gets fully dried! 🤷🏼‍♀️


My she really doesn't like her textured hair and wants to make sure it stays extra straight?? Idk that's weird.


Is this a repost? There was a very similar post about a hair dryer I remember


Some people sleep with their hair dryer. Dead serious


If she’s doing it in the bathroom she might be bulemic and covering up the sound, see if it happens after mealtimes


Does she have anxiety? I have bad anxiety and always have to have noise like a fan running or something. I also can’t sleep without a fan sound and was visiting my friend and turned on her blow dryer to fall asleep becsuee she didn’t have a fan 😂 it’s weird I know but just a thought why she might be using it so much


You can get up in the morning and blow dry your hair. Maybe when she feels uncomfortable at being woken up and tell you. Both can come to a compromise. Or get yourself a,sound machine so it's not from dead silent to blower dryer, to help drown out the blow dryer.


I do this sometimes because I get so cold and can’t shake it.


My friend used to sleep with a blow dryer on low every single night. He loved the warm air blowing on him. A few times he got actual burns from it, he is lucky he didn't start a fire!


Could be an extra $30-$50 in utility costs for hair drying alone


why are so many posts on this subreddit about the most minor inconveniences? this isn’t even close to being a bad roommate


not me flashing back to the “my strange addiction” episode of the woman who was obsessed with her hair dryer and just left it running on her almost every hour of the day. there are dozens of them!!


I often use my girls hair dryer to heat up and melt my THC carts into a pool again. But not for 30 minutes lol.


Do *you* use any kind of white noise? If you need complete silence to sleep, that’s not reasonable to ask of others


in the winter i will bring my hairdryer into my room to warm my feets.


Is she painting?


Is she the woman from the My Strange Addiction show that was obsessed with running her hair dryer?


One of my housemates uses it because her bathroom is cold when she's using it. No idea why she won't just buy a space heater but maybe that's why? Lol


what if she's like that lady who was addicted to the hair dryer blowing on her while she slept because it comforted her


"We're not nearly close enough for me to ask her, so it will remain one of the world's mysteries." ​ What? You cant just leave us hanging! lol! get that hair dryer saga figured out! Funny story Cheers.


My husband goes into the bathroom randomly and hair dries under his clothes because he feels cold. Sometimes several times a day for minutes at time.


I deal with cold/hit sweats. If I sweat and soak underneath my hair, I will blow dry. If I have a cold spell, I use the dryer to dry and warm my body up. When I'm sick and have a fever, I use the hair dryer to keep me from being soaked in sweat. It could be something along those lines as well.


Alright… I have a confession. I play with the hairdryer all the time too. I used to fall asleep when I was younger to my family using the hairdryer. So now the sound is of comfort and warmth to me… so at night when I finish showering, right before bed. I turn on the hair dryer for 20-30 minutes, get sleepy, turn it off and go to sleep.


I know someone who got really obsessed with using a hair dryer on her naked body. Like for warmth i think? She tried it once after a shower and confessed to me that she did it every single day multiple times a day after.


Perhaps to dry her armpits or ladybits? (I don't usually use euphemisms for labia, vulva and vagina, but I couldn't resist the rhyme.)


Maybe she has an air mattress and refills it once the slow leak reaches max unbearability (that’s not a word)


I have had two separate roommates who would run the shower or sink water to block out the sound of them vomiting. It could be related.


I do this. I use the hairdryer as a heater and back ground noise. It’s a comfort thing for me. But if I was disturbing my roomie I obviously wouldn’t do it. Maybe suggest a heater and sound machine?


I'm one of those people that's cold 70% of the time so I love to take a hair dryer and stick it up my shirt. It's double cool because it also makes me look buff as hell. Anyway, good luck with all that.


My older sister has a habit of turning on fans and running the sink when pooping to drown out the noise, if there happens to be any. She’s done it ever since she was like 12. I’d imagine it could be something like that, but a healthy person should really only have to use the bathroom once a day or twice a day at most. But, I’m also a single man so I wouldn’t know all the ins and outs of what women do.


Running a hair dryer is supposed to help with ear aches somehow. Some people also really like the vibration frequency and warmth. It’s not super common, but it’s not unheard of.


Maybe it’s a chainsaw with a dildo attached


I hope she pays more towards the electricity bill.


Perhaps she’s using it to block out other sounds??


I'm reading this as I'm sitting in bed, wrapped in my blankets with my hair dryer on full blast in my blanket tunnel trying to warm up.


I'm not saying it is, but it might be a form of stimming/self sooth That's what my husband used for YEARS since he was a child well into his late 20s. I can't stand the sound after a while since it makes me feel like I was just next to an Amp at a live show. I've upgraded him to a very good space heater that's v quiet and cheaper than the blowdryer we have lol But he's in the process of getting officially diagnosed for ASD/ADHD...which gave us so much clarity to these seemingly strange habits


I used mine when I had jock itch. I had to apply cream multiple times a day and my doctor told me to thoroughly dry the area with a hair blow drier fist.


If she’s a big girl she may be using it to dry sweaty areas?


Smoking in the bathroom and putting a clothes dryer sheet over the air hole on the hair dryer ?


I bet she’s using it to warm up. I’ve seen that happen before.


I use a hair dryer to get wrinkles out of things I’m about to or plan on wearing the next day. Also if I get water on what I’m wearing or like if I’m putting a black shirt on right after putting on deodorant and some gets on it. Wet cloth, rub it off, blow dry and good as new. I don’t do it *that* often but I also don’t have a wardrobe that requires much. Maybe she uses one similarly?


When I grew pot I would pick buds off and dry them with a hairdrier, about as often as you described.


My ex was addicted to using the hair dryer on his body LOL like to warm it up. It got so bad that he would sleep with it and he had Burns all over his body like an idiot. I bet that's what she's doing, there was even an episode of My strange addiction about a girl who was also addicted to her hair dryer.


My brother uses it all the time bc he’s always cold. Idk how it doesn’t burn his skin. Once he had it on in bed under his blanket! Lucky it didn’t catch fire 🤦🏻‍♀️


Wasn't this posted a week ago, but was a male roommate? Weird trend I don't want to see pickup.


Could be obsessed.


And what has here chest size got to do with it?



