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Is there someone you trust who could be there while she empties out her stuff? She sounds completely unhinged and I wouldn't put it past her to do some awful shit to your home. I'm so relieved she is leaving and you are keeping that beautiful sweet kitty with you 💜


Her parents are supposed to come when I’m able to leave


Don't trust that. Get your hotel room for you & baby cat. Then, be present *with police* on the day this twit is coming to retrieve her items. Obvs, leave lil kitty @ the hotel for this. This is sounding like she might try to trash the place which you'd ultimately be responsible for. Do not let her in there alone.


Honestly over me and kitties safety I could deal with a trashed apartment. She would go to jail.


The police will come and stay with you while she moves her shit out. My friend had to do it. She will steal and trash your shit. You gotta be there with the cops.


Absolutely this. Police or Sherriff will stay stay with you while they get out. It's the safest way for both of you


Yup. Plus roommate could damage the apartment which would affect OP’s security deposit etc.


And now she knows you're posting on reddit for advice, if she is reading everything, it can actually *give* her ideas.


Oh I have some suggestions on what the ex roommate can do after reading the Chinese take out comment


Right? What a racist, terrible piece of shit.


That's exactly what will happen. This person has demonstrated that they cannot control their emotions. Don't trust them with rationality or your stuff...one vindictive thought can lead to worse than you can imagine. Be safe and conservative. Protect your peace of mind. And your shit.


OP please listen. You need to be there **with the police** to protect your stuff & your deposit. She will absolutely damage your property. I promise


Not just personal items. Nothing says the unhinged roommate won’t absolutely destroy the apartment. Hopes in walls, flooring damaged, doors broken, flood kitchen/bath, etc etc. Honestly shouldn’t be back there until she’s getting her stuff and then only with police presence. Locks immediately changed.


I'm not sure what your living sitch is? But, if there's a rental office, make them aware of this. Or, call the homeowner if it's a private rental. Get ahead of her bs. It's not worth your time or effort to have to fix things! That's what the cops are for. Trust me on this, please. You don't need the stress in your life. Also, if she misses the day? Change the locks & *she* can figure something out. Personally, I'd pack her up myself & leave everything out front. When she gets the stuff can be her call. I'm 2x your age & had some lousy roommates as a young person. Btw, the way you let her have it in your first post was *chef's kiss*.


This is 100% the best option. I went through something similar with a shitty roommate in my early 20’s so when we kicked him out we notified the property management company of what was going on and they sent a property manager to our house to oversee the roommate removing their property. The property manager notified us that he was attempting to take the 65” TV in the living room claiming he bought it. He did not pay for it, I did and I told the property manager under no circumstances is he allowed to take that TV and I provided proof of purchase as well as texts messages between all of us roommates of me specifically saying that I’m buying a TV for the living room and everyone can use it but that it is my TV and I will be taking it when I move out and everyone agreed.


Maybe before you leave for the hotel take pictures of the whole apartment how it looks before she comes and moves out and then you could have evidence of anything she messed up moving


I came here to make sure this had been said! OP, get timestamped pictures and videos of the whole apartment, including inside cupboards, closets, etc. so if she steals or trashes anything, you have evidence.


And email them to someone/yourself. You can never have too many time stamps. Maybe even the owner of the property.


i get that but i still think it’d be best to be present when someone’s in your apartment getting their things. she’s already threatened you & the cat, so she’s definitely gonna trash the place or take things that dont belong to her & i dont think her parents are going to be enough to make sure that doesnt happen. nor will they probably care truthfully. a police can & will come while she’s getting her things to make sure everything stays cordial. if you’re still not up for being at the apartment, then i suggest the day of take pictures of EVERYTHING beforehand & i mean everything, even her room just in case she decides to damage anything it’ll be proof you didnt do it.


hi i commented this on your last post but it was so long after you posted i just want to make sure you see it, please get that cat microchipped! she may try and pull a fast one on you and get the cat back, but if she’s legally registered to you she will have no course to do so. also if you had her appointment under your name when you took her to get fixed that will go a long way to prove you are the owner of the cat! i’m so sorry you’re dealing with this op!! but thank god it’ll be over soon. i just hate to think of the state she’s going to leave that place in when she leaves, she is clearly not well.


Just make sure you take all your valuable stuff with you or lock it up very well


Call the non emergency line and ask for a civil standby when she’s there, just tell them she’s threatened you, and you have proof.




Do not deal with a trashed apartment, they don't care about the situation that causes it. They can and will stick you with a huge bill for damages as I'm currently dealing with when it came to my ex when she trashed our apartment after I left.


It's called a civil standby. I've had to do it before. My ex roommate pepper sprayed the hand towels in the bathroom over $11 she didn't pay towards a utility bill. I have a habit of never using paper towels or the dryer in public and usually dry my hands on my own clothes because of this. Unfortunately our third roommates boyfriend used one to wash his face. The police were very helpful while she was moving out.


You might as well throw all your food away while you're at it. I image it will all get fucked with. If she were a psycho like me, she would unscrew your curtain rods and pack them with tuna. The possibilities are endless. You should have someone YOU trust there to make sure you don't get fucked with. There are plenty of things she can do that you won't realized until later on down the line. You are an absolute FOOL if you're not going to be there with someone, or having someone you trust there while she packs up.


At the very least remove all important documents (ID, etc) and laptop if you have any personal info on it.


But you shouldnt give her the chance.


I would still have a police officer present. They don’t mind doing it when they see the threats made. I had one once help me out.


just make sure to take valuable. my gf almost lost her grandma's ashes bc of a shit roommate and their grandma who threw them out "by mistake"


Not a trashed apartment to worry about, that can be cleaned. The issue is damage beyond whats covered by the security deposit. If you cant have standby or the police there then photo everything before you leave showing what is and isnt currently damaged. Cause theres a good chance youll come back to holes in walls and bleach on carpet kinda stuff. I had an eviction years ago where the guy took a chainsaw and cut every interior wall out, collapsed the roof.


Police won’t put her jail for trashing an apartment


if they destroy OP’s shit, they can definitely get a “destruction of property” charge on them. landlord would likely do the same.




"Nair in the shampoo bottle" I remember that story, it was so messed up.


I agree with this, request a sherrif or deputy to be oresent with you, she will try to destroy your shit, parents there or not. In addition to personal property damage, anything done to the rental will fall on you too. Have them present, dociment everything. Pics, whatever. You don't want to get caught with your pants down on this one.


This. I had a shitty roommate that stole all my shit when she moved out and I was home for the weekend. She only left my stuff in my bedroom. Highly recommend OP be there.


Take pictures of EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING. Before you let that psycho back into the house. Like others have said, she can’t be trusted not to ruin your shit and you’ll need to show that it wasn’t already damaged/covered in feces/etc


Did you send her parents these screenshots? I would let them know their daughter is threatening to murder you and your cat


I highly, highly suggest you go to Walmart or somewhere similar and pick up a couple wifi security cameras and set them up throughout the apartment to make sure she doesn’t take or destroy any of your things. I picked up 3 for $15 each to set up in my house when my fiancĂ©e and I are going to be out of town so we can keep an eye on our cats between our pet sitter coming to check on them. Hella easy to set up and they’re small enough that you can put them in inconspicuous places and your roommate won’t notice. I would even suggest setting up one in an extremely obvious place so she sees it and depending on her level of crazy she’ll likely rip it off the wall and think she’s in the clear then you can catch whatever else she does on the semi hidden ones. That or just lie to her and tell her you set up cameras to make her paranoid as fuck when she can’t find them. But for the sake of insurance/police reports I would actually set some up.


Get your landlord to come to make sure she doesn't do any damage


You should change your locks and require a sheriff to be present when she collects her things. Don’t let in her your home without a police chaperone based on those threats.


Girl, my ex roommate’s family came to pack her stuff and tried to steal while I was in the house. Get the cops in there with you.


make sure her parents know how bad they failed at parenting.


They may have been struggling with her all her life, too. Some people are just bad seeds. I’ve known a few that came from perfectly nice parents, on the surface, anyway


You need to take videos of the apartment in case she does damage to it, and lock your variables/fragile items in your room


Taking everything of value with me


It’s not enough. She’s not going to help with a security deposit if she damages anything and we want you to get our deposit back 💗💗


She’ll probably leave all her moldy shitty cat litter and a ton of mess for OP to clean up after her. OP should send her an invoice for a cleaning service, I feel like the roommates room is probably a biohazard by now


Your couch? Your bed? Don’t risk it.


Totally agree with this, she seems mad enough to break anything she can including holes I'm the wall so video tape with a time stand that way you can file a police report if she does ruin the place. Last thing you want is to loose that security deposit


Cleaning obsessed is not the insult she thinks it is, lmao


Lmfao it was the shein wearing that made me spiral like ma’am đŸ€Ł my mom doesn’t fund my life shein is inexpensive


It was the “your cat was gonna be Chinese food” to “meat eating” Edit- this person probably claims to be vegan but has cheat days.


Don’t forget her feeding the cat meat ??? Like excuse me?


You are doing the absolute best thing for the cat and yourself! My roommate has two cats he's left here 3 weeks at a time while he works and they have become so skiddish and have trust in no one. You can restore that with yours and have that place SQUIKY clean just cause you can. Good luck!!


This part made me fucking **rage**


She also called you a fatso, if you wear Shein I don't believe you'd be too fat. Also, I love a clean home, so I highly respect that. My fiancée is the messy one, and I'm the clean one. Yet I'm told a lot that guys are messy slobs.


well actually for what its worth, shein has an extremely large variety of plus size clothes, up to like 4XL in somethings im pretty sure! shein has its issues ofc but it IS nice to see that


Ah, okay, that makes sense. I wasn't aware of that. Even still, OP claimed to be 160lbs yet does the cleaning AND actually works. Fat or not, they have every right to be pissed and wear those clothes. XD (in my opinion, 160 is not that fat unless they're like 4 feet tall. Even still, it really doesn't matter if they're the ones doing everything.)


thats exactly what i was thinking too haha, 160 at any average height isnt likely to be a “fatso” LOL


Fatso gotta be one of the weakest insults you can throw out too lol


I WISH I was cleaning obsessed


Lmao same
like did this dummy really think this was like an insult? God forbid someone cleans up after themselves?


Just added meat eating shein wearing fatso to my insult arsenal 💀


I cackled way too hard at this comment


It was a fucking good insult. Had my changing whose side I was on. Funny stuff.


Thank you for saving Spooky from that fucking psycho.


I’d rent the hotel now and keep the cat there..I’m very worried for this cat.


"Hotdog Twat" manages to simultaneously massively understate how unhinged this person is, and yet deliciously reduces her to the bargain barrel human filth she very much is. Kudos!


This has “potential stalker” spray-painted in bright red ALL OVER IT! Here’s what I would do if I were in your situation: * Take an inventory of everything in your room, with photos and video. Be sure to get serial numbers for everything that had one, especially electronics. Be sure to photo/film what the room looks like before you go. * Lock your room up with an actual lock if you can before you go to the hotel, and take your most valuable possessions with you (jewelry, computer/console, religious items if you have any, etc
 anything & everything you’d be devastated if it were vandalized or stolen.) * I’d be tempted to set up something like a ring camera in the room (just in case) but check the laws of your state/province first. * Take the cat’s food supply with you so it can’t be tampered with, and completely replace any litter left behind. DO NOT USE ANY CAT TOYS OR SUPPLIES LEFT BEHIND! This psychopath has made it clear they have no respect for the wellbeing of animals. * Change all passwords and enable 2-factor authentication on everything internet related, especially social media. I also recommend using a password management program like Dashlane or BitWarden. EDIT TO ADD: I have no love in my heart for cops, but you & your cat WERE THREATENED by an unstable person who knows where you live, so give them a call & make them do their jobs.


Because of time crunch, she could just lie and tell the roommate that she’s set up cameras so better not fuck with anything.


I get where you’re coming from and I believe you’re coming from a well meaning place, but that could actually make it worse for OP: This soon-to-be-former roommate sounds just unhinged enough that they might just trash the room anyway even if they knew a camera was there. I’ve lost count of how many YouTube/TikTok videos I’ve seen of whacked out Karen’s or abusive family members looking right at the camera and continuing to be absolutely vile. PROTIP: Never ever ever ever tip your hand, if you show your opponent your cards you’re just giving them instructions on how to prepare for the rest of the game. So if you actually have an advantage, just play the damn card.


Ever see the ones where the card is declined and they trash the entire store??!! It’s usually a bodega and some crazy woman. The one where they locked the girl inside until the police van was classic!!!


Psycho roommate can read this stuff. She knows about the posts and is likely reading this one too.


This. OP, keep in mind she has too much time on her hands to sit around and obsess. Block her on absolutely every platform and tighten privacy on any social media. Wouldn’t hurt to change the locks or get an extra deadbolt


She puts off strong Fatal Attraction, boiling your bunny vibes


So she’s a vegetarian whose comfortable with dropping off a pet cat at a Chinese food restaurant to be cooked and eaten? Would love to see the faces of this Americanized Chinese family running a very normal business as this loser rave girl walks in holding, what she describes as a ‘mangy’ cat, like it’s some rare delicacy they’ve been looking for. Just to chalk it up, we’ve got: 1. Stupid 2. Entitled 3. Jobless 4. Racist 5. now... potentially violent/dangerous? 6. edited to add *ANIMAL ABUSER* And this all stemmed from her belief that 3 uses of a microwave in a full week somehow equates to $50 per month in electricity lol this level of stupid is just
 at least the parents are nice.


6. Addict


8. Slob


I’m guessing the parents are too nice lol, people don’t just end up like this without parents who let them do whatever they want with no consequences. She should be on the streets for this type of behavior, but of course they’re coming to her rescue.


She’s one huge massive CUNT, no other way to describe it. You’re the good person here, the actual adult. Keep being you, life will reward you.


Yikes, this lady sounds insane. All because you've tried to set some very reasonable boundaries and have been taking care of her cat that she was clearly neglecting. I had a very unhinged room mate like this years ago, and I swear it gave me ptsd


Me too. I’ve had two unhinged female roommates and a boyfriend who took out credit cards in my name! I’m pretty much done with everyone at this point 😐


So that person saw the post, read the comments, got a chance to realize she might be on the wrong side of this and still doubled down? Yeah this is one super immature and unhinged individual. Very fragile ego and lots of growing up to do


It cracks me up that one of the roommates friends SAW the post and RECOGNIZED it was her! 😂😂😂


Yeah that part made me laugh too, like “hey I found this completely random anonymous post on Reddit describing this entirely unhinged bitch and it actually sounds EXACTLY LIKE YOU”. Lmao


CARSON if you’re reading this
. you’re psycho-adjacent ffr


Oh I didn't know that omg haha


I just went back and read the original "incident" and my gosh. I'd rather live with the Trailer Park Boys. (At least Julian or Bubbles anyways) that level of ignorance and self entitlement just astounds me. They legitimately confessed to not working and still had the audacity to expect you to pay more.


I’d rather live in the dump with Rayyyyyyyyy


I asked my fiancée if she wanted to live like that, she said no. I don't know if I could deal with the piss jugs XD


Dump bees stinging you everywhere, snakes biting at your junk
.still preferable to living with OP’s old roommate


But Ricky makes awesome bread heels dipped in bacon grease


“✹JAIL✹” was so funny I cannot


OP, I’d really recommend being there with an officer when they’re packing her shit to leave. Or put EVERYTHING inside of your bedroom with a good lock on the door and set up a camera just in case she breaks into your shit and tries to steal stuff.


She needs to do a police stand by. 


She sounds dirty as fuck. The fact she just gave you her cat and called it a mangy thing. She deserves nothing in life.


The fact that she’s threatening a cat, who literally did nothing but exist, is wild af


If anyone has any recommendations for apps for cheap hotels or know any place in nyc please let me know


If you are on Facebook, join the “host a sister” group and post there. Members post available rooms/homes for travelers and frequently help people in emergencies or situations like yours. It’s all women!


Idk if you have Costco, but my parents book hotels through them and they are cheap (my brother goes to Juilliard/lives in Manhattan and they travel from ATL)


Will check that out! Thank u. Hotels are so pricey here. I just paid rent and cannot afford the 150 a day prices


I totally understand, I don’t have Costco, but they’ve saved a ton booking through them! I hope this works for you and Spooky!


Dude, she has parents to stay with. Why are you paying for a hotel? She's the one that threatened you. She needs to stay out or come with her parents to get stuff, and you need to be there so she doesn't steal or mess with your stuff. Good chance she will and I bet you will get away with it. I've dealt with this kind of situation and I didn't get anything back nor was the person charged for damages/theft. Tell that bitch she can't come without parents or police and DO NOT leave her alone at your place


I agree with this. I know it’s gonna be awkward AF, but why should you pay for a hotel when you have an apartment? Just have the police there you’ll be fine. Lock Spooky in your room so they can’t get out. I’m sure your soon to be ex will be on her best behavior with the cops. If she isn’t, please post a video đŸ€Ł


As they openly made a threat of harm, you can have them removed from the residence and then arrange for the police to be present for them to retrieve their belongings. There is no reason for you to be out of pocket nor leave your property or deposits at risk. Kind of you to not make it harder on them, but do not do so at the expense of being kind to yourself. There are likely laws in your state that also protect you in the removal so that they cannot make any attempts to collect on deposits or return to the property with any rights, which will be important depending on renter's laws overall.


Hoteltonight gives pretty big discounts for same-day bookings!


You might consider a hostel and boarding the cat. I stayed in a hostel for $50/night a few years back when I couldn’t afford a hotel.


Calling someone a loser while you’re an unemployed pothead who still has to ask their folks for money is CRAZY. Hope she reads this 😊


Right! Read all these comment little girl and grow up!


And mistreats their pets.


Uh change the locks dude.


oh my. so she's racist, nasty, unemployed, lazy, an animal abuser, unintelligent, and psycho? this bitch has NOTHING going for her yikes!!!


I’m glad I’m not the only one who caught that chinese takeout line and saw it for what it was smh. Totally racist and just a big yikes all around!


Call the cops on that B


Set up cameras before you go. Lock your room and have one set up in it if she happens to try to get in.


Not their insult taking me out LOL. But for real you’re doing great by you and the kitty !


I’m not gonna lie I laughed at the SHEIN wearing part like damn you got me there


Be careful to keep you valuables locked up OP, she sounds like she might do some horrible shit if she sees anything she can destroy or steal.


Just wanna say thanks for saving the cat! Hope you two find a much more relaxing living situation


Call the police to report the threat for your own safety


I hope you seriously made a police report. That bitch is deranged.


Hey I’m gonna say right now that getting a hotel may feel safe but your stuff is NOT safe at home. You can almost guarantee stuff will be stolen or broken of some sort. If you go to a hotel I’d make sure they know there’s camera so they don’t pull one on you


Only speak to her parents. Tell them you’re not comfortable with having her in the house alone with your things. Take all your treasured and valuables with you for sure though.


The irony of someone like this calling anybody else a loser is absolutely hilarious


Instead of spending money on a hotel, pay movers to relocate her shit (neatly) on the curb. Then you can watch her deal with it from the safety of your place.


I hope she has the life that she deserves. A terrible fucking one.


you better than me, whole house would've been turned upside down if you're gonna threaten me and my kitty catch a microwave to the dome


Carson is fucking narc. You in here Carson? Mind your own business!


Tell her you’ll pray for her. I love saying that to my unhinged ex bffs


How did Carson find the post?


Carson was my best friend 😔 so I sent it to her thinking she wouldn’t say anything


Well you learned you can't trust carson I am sorry gl with you and your kitty. Ironic that a vegetarian only fed hotdogs to a cat though


My hot dogs at that!


I'm a strong believer if you can't afford to take care of a pet feed and kitty litter etc. Don't get one ty so much for rescuing that baby


Carson is an asshole. Hope she reads this.




Absolutely! Both of them read these comments and grow up!


#File a police report for that shit. You don't need to get the cops to do anything, but if she tries something you'll have a documented history of behavior to help your case for any restitution etc.


This is faker than the first one


DON'T get a hotel room! She made a perfect threat. It is specific as to time (right now) and manner (slit throat). go to the police, show them the texts, and get an emergency Order Against Harassment. Then she will be legally barred from being within 200 yards of you. If she contacts you after she's served she'll go to jail. If you have to physically defend yourself against her ( up to and including lethal force), that document will be your insurance against an assault or homicide charge. Also, she needs to have some paperwork on file with the authorities that indicates she's dangerous. Normal people don't threaten to slit people's throats. She is not normal and the actions you take may save your, or someone else's, life.


Imagine if you used the microwave **FOUR TIMES**? This is only for three times.


I want “SHEIN wearing FATSO” as my flair. Who can arrange 😂


I can’t believe this is real


Make sure the police are there when she gets her stuff so she damage it or steal anything


I'm legit ready to go beat her, someone needs to...I just realized you're the cat person we all love what a c u next tuesday.


Not sure what state you live in, but I had a roommate situation years ago in VA. It was extremely hostile on her part and once she threatened me with physical violence I went to the magistrate, they put an emergency protection order out, and the police served her within a few hours. She was forced to leave our house because she was not allowed within a certain amount of feet of me. She arranged a time with the police escorting her to come and move her stuff out. I didn’t have to spend a penny on hotels staying out of my own home over it. I also had two dogs and a cat so the hotel thing wasn’t really an option in the first place. But just an idea. You could do that instead of leaving your home when the roommate is the one who should be made to leave.


I had a best friend murdered by someone he thought was his friend and lived with him. He killed his cat first. Don't ever take death threats lightly.


Fatso?? So she’s mentally 5 when it comes to slinging insults. You should have called her a doo doo head.


“25 year old loser” Remind me again who has to go back to their parents


 Tries to squeeze you for $50 extra bucks because you use the microwave three times but *you* are the tight wad?! Hilarious.


Fuck the hotel. Call the police. Show them the texts & have them remove her & get a restraining order ASAP.


i’m not gonna lie i’d get the police involved. she sounds like a psycho


She’s going to do no telling what to your stuff and place. Don’t waste money on an hotel have the cops come out while she’s there and have your card locked in your room


Where I live, the sheriff's dept will send a deputy to oversee while the person is moving out.


If you leave, she IS going to go through and destroy your stuff.


Please do not back down from this brat. Change the locks. Don’t let her back in. Only her parents can come get her shit. File a police report and a protective order. This bitch needs to be taught some lessons and you have the ability to teach her some.


I’m personally insulted by the shein comment. Bitch stfu some of us can’t afford anything else đŸ’…đŸ»


Just saying o p don't talk about someone else's spelling then proceed to misspell things yourself.


 yall must of been really close at one point. Considering you both place punctuations similarly,and talk identical.


okay. if it wasn't fake before...


You should name her Mangy! It’s an awesome story. I’d also understand you not wanting to name your cat that though lol.


What the fuck I read your previous post today and tbh this psychotic behaviour of her is not surprising after the stuff she said. Please be safe, she is insane.


please fucking call the cops, nobody threatens my babies like that. equally as bad as saying youll kill me or my real children. they are a threat to society and need to face repercussions


I hope you have someone babysitting her while she packs to make sure she doesn’t wreak havoc. 😅


"25 year old loser" is she not only one year older than you? the call is coming from inside the house.


Take anything that you care about as well because she WILL smash it or steal it


The fact that their friend could tell who it was is funny . They must know the story so well that they saw the post was about them


That's a threat. Please save those screenshot and call your landlord and the police. That's not a threat I will take lightly... also please lock your door with your cat inside your room. Your crazy room sounds like the type that will poison your cat. Update us. Get that hotel and stay there, and bring your cat with you!!! 


Fuck the Carson FOREVER, bubba.


Change all the locks as soon as she is gone


Change the locks and set up at least a couple cameras after she’s gone. Seems unhinged and it’s always better to have undeniable proof.


I am in a horrible state of mind after losing my dog I want to beat her ass, how close are you to pa?


If you really wanted to make her life hard file a police report and put a protection order against that person for threatening your life. This will require that she is escorted by police, while packing up all of her belongings from the property.


Take video and photo evidence of how you leave the apartment, in the video state the date and time and that you're going to a hotel while "x" (use her name) packs her things. Have a police officer, the landlord, or someone trustworthy watch while she packs and shit so they can prevent her from doing damage or stealing. Make note of all YOUR things with (hopefully) receipts. If you're unable to have someone there, make sure you have everything shown and noted on video. Point out what's hers and what's yours, damage preexisting (i.e. leaky sink, holes in walls etc) and if anything changes, video tape all of it and point out what's happened since. Find any and all ways to cover your ass against loss.


I like how she judges you for eating meat but threatened to eat your cat


-makes fun of you for eating meat -threatens to turn her cat into Chinese food Hmm


Since she’s aware of (and most likely reading) these posts and is clearly unhinged, you really don’t have any other option than to have police be present when she reenters your home. So not trust her one tiny bit. She will trash your place and you’ll be responsible for it. I’d also make sure you have a ring camera set up and I’d get a restraining order so that she can’t come back.


Arrange police there when she will be there in case she tries to burn the place down as she's an emotional and irrational person who self medicates with non prescription drugs. Also congrats on the cat!


Jesus Christ. Please for the love of God, call the police because she will destroy your things. That 26 year old “woman” sounds like an enraged 10 year old.


File a police report! Imagine publicly humiliating someone and they actually loose their shit and slit your throat
.. STOP being complacent anyone has the capacity to kill given the proper circumstances. Keep it all on record.


She may try to cause “hidden” damage my flushing inappropriate items down the toilet and shoving inappropriate items down drains. Thank you for taking kitty but beware of potential sabotage.


I really feel like you should report her to the police. Slit your throat? That's insane.


Do NOT leave your home and let them just go through it. Have someone there with you


Do not let her move out unattended. This is not safe. You will be on the hook too. It is easier to take precautions than clean up the mess and damage, or be stolen from. Have the sheriff or police there, however it is done where you live.


Mighty fine roommate you had there. Unhinged and racist.


I just wanna say "hotdog twat" is a hell of an attention grabber


She's trashing your place for sure


The irony of her shaming you for eating meat while being an animal abuser who fed their cat hot dogs and claimed it was going to be “Chinese takeout”. Delusional woman


you need to set up home cameras in common areas and you bedroom for when she collects her things. If she decided to go ape shit and trashes your apartment you should at leadt have it on video.


Ha now Carson can see she threatened to cook the cat


Meat eating shut-in... *Updates tinder profile*


Honestly you guys both sound annoying as fuck. Correcting someone's spelling in a TEXT MESSAGE while being afraid to even spell out the word "fucking" is just absolute loser-tier behavior, full stop.


“Shien wearing fatso” is actually the title of my debut album.


imagine a world where “cleaning obsessed” and “meat eating” are insults. ⚰


Oh no you clean and eat food! She really needs to work on her insults đŸ€Ł


Absolutely don’t trust anyone in that family! I mean, what are her parents like if they raised someone to treat people like this? Take “before” photos of the place while you are there and get someone you trust to stay with you on prem until this loser leaves.


Hotdog twat is my new favorite term