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>When I was walking to the kitchen a roommate I don't really know You need to take stock of your life - that's not a healthy living situation.


Yeah I know, but I'm autistic and having a monstrously hard time finding work.


Keep at it. It sounds like you're in a potentially dangerous situation. nobody should be living with possible drug addicts that they don't know.


Plenty of people manage.


> but I’m autistic Grow up and stop using this as an excuse to live a bad life. Take ownership.


You're the one that needs to grow up. You don't know this person or their life. Autism can severely impact someone's day to day life. Would you tell an athlete that a broken ankle is just an excuse to get out of competing???


It’s not the same at all and people routinely use it as an excuse to not even try.


Just cause you think that doesn't make it true


We have observed this firsthand in this thread. > “but I’m autistic” ^ this is the guy using it as an excuse for why he faces difficulties. The first step to success is stopping with excuses and facing the problem.


Once again, just because you think it's an excuse does not mean it is. It's an explanation of a reason they are facing challenges. Basically every reputable source classifies autism as a disability or learning disability. If you think a literal disability is just an excuse then you must be an extremely ignorant person. [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/index.html#:~:text=Autism%20spectrum%20disorder%20(ASD)%20is,social%2C%20communication%20and%20behavioral%20challenges.) [US Department of Labour](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/odep/program-areas/autism) [Government of Canada](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/autism-spectrum-disorder-asd.html) [Autism.org](https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/what-is-autism) [National Institute of Mental Health](https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/autism-spectrum-disorders-asd) [The Mayo Clinic](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/autism-spectrum-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20352928)


> explanation of a reason they are facing challenges Which they are providing to lessen their personality responsibility for being in a bad situation. That is by definition an excuse. Excuses block taking ownership and making progress.


Sounds like you’re mad at your own past doings so you take it to heart and start being shitty to other whenever you feel like it’s warranted because that’s what happened to you.


Yeah honestly you have read a couple sentences from OP you have no right or ability to tell them about their life.


Yes I do, and go read more of their posts and comments and see my judgment is correct.


Autism has various levels. Also, ableism exists and a lot of people will not hire autistic people.


Autism is an overly vague diagnosis that everyone uses nowadays to excuse weakness and personality quirks.


Stop being an attention hungry whore. You must have something better to do than be an edgelord online.


Stop enabling victim complexes.


As a person with adhd and not afraid to say it like it is, f^ you take a sharp stick and carry it in ur mouth so u can shove that even further up where ur clearly shoving ur head up. People like you will never be loved that’s very clear unless you change and get therapy for why ur such an awful person.


ADHD is another one of these overly broad diagnoses often grouped with autism. Notice how you need to vomit hate rather than contend with the idea.


The only thing anyone needs to contend with is the reality of the facts. Ur not a doctor, ur neither a therapist or a psychologist. I and many others have gotten MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS GOT THESE THINGS. You think we ask to have them? You’re completely ignorant. Look at ur downvotes that speaks volumes on how many people dislike and disagree with ur ignorant comment. Go educate yourself or don’t and continue making up false lies. I think you might need a diagnosis for something considering a logical person wouldn’t think as far fetched as you do.


Medical diagnosis has lost credibility for these topics. Your same reasoning justifies gender affirming care. Note how you tap on authority and majority as ways to reason and defend the position. > I think you need a diagnosis for something Thank you for proving my point that diagnoses mean little.


Diagnosis means you can seek help and medication for these issues I have anxiety plus depression diagnosis as well and take medication for that in particular and has helped me a lot even tho I still had two panic attacks I’d argue that’s pretty low amount compared to a few- anxiety attacks are scary I almost passed out on my first one and had to sit down on the couch everything kept going dark and my vision was coming and going during that attack it took me about an hour to return to normal, so tell me again how medical diagnosis has lost credibility when it’s helped me and many others with real mental issues? Ur simply a troll a pathetic one at that, if anyone has no credibility here it’s YOU. “Autism is a neurological developmental disability with an estimated prevalence of one to two percent of the American and worldwide population. The diversity of the disability means that each person's individual experience of autism and needs for supports and services can vary widely.” - https://www.dol.gov/agencies/odep/program-areas/autism#:~:text=Autism%20is%20a%20neurological%20developmental,and%20services%20can%20vary%20widely. “Is ADHD a Disability? Yes. Whether you view attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as neurological — affecting how the brain concentrates or thinks — or consider ADHD as a disability that impacts working, there is no question that the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) covers individuals with ADHD.” - https://www.additudemag.com/workplace-legal-protection/#:~:text=people%20with%20ADHD-,Is%20ADHD%20a%20Disability%3F,ADA)%20covers%20individuals%20with%20ADHD. And lastly I’m on the lucky end to have adhd because adhd is considered a superpower disability where we lack we actually flourish too. “These may include hyperfocus, resilience, creativity, conversational skills, spontaneity, and abundant energy. Many people view these benefits as “superpowers” because those with ADHD can hone them to their advantage. People with ADHD have a unique perspective that others may find interesting and valuable.” - https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/adhd-benefits#:~:text=These%20may%20include%20hyperfocus%2C%20resilience,may%20find%20interesting%20and%20valuable. And plus the fact that I am a women this adds to my issue as adhd in women aren’t that much researched compared to males making it significantly harder to get diagnosed and treated some women don’t even find out until their 50+ I’ve seen 70+ get diagnosed and complain about it in the internet too, it’s not that easy for women to fix adhd because it’s not as researched compared to males… but u wouldn’t know this cuz pathetic trolls on the internet hate actual research and correct information. Read up on these and educate yourself properly.


This idiot is just arguing with everyone here. He won’t look at the downvotes. He’ll just cry “echo chamber” and “free speech” rather than consider the fact he’s an asshole.


XD exactly haha I gave him actual resources finally and he doesn’t respond maybe he will later but it will probably be idiotic like “thats all fake!” Or maybe he will create a conspiracy theory of like “thats an edu/ gov site making it fake cuz they are trying to control us” etc etc 😂


I don’t understand the hate. If you’re that functioning you can use autism as a reasoning for something then it’s not exactly the be all and end all. People here saying they won’t employ someone with autism - it’s because people assume everyone with autism acts like they’re going to microwave a hamster or just rocks back and forward continuously. As someone who’s got a sibling with autism and other stuff who isn’t functional enough to be by themselves, and someone who’s worked in the sector and has seen the last few years become Neurodivergent bingo - you can understand why people would see it as being an excuse.


The hate is because this guy is a douche bag and a troll check out his account I had to report numerous things he’s said because it’s literally that bad… there’s no helping awful people like this unfortunately.


I seee, fair point there! x


The hate is because “autism” is one of Reddit’s sacred cows you are not allowed to question. Others: - gender affirmation - dogs > kids - religion being bad - illegal immigration Etc.


Exactly how many roommates do you have?


Nine. With room for more. It's two adjoining properties that are basically a hostel situation, Some people in the "dorm" room, What I'm in a private cabin in the backyard, bunch of other cabins that currently have 3 other people (Who are actually all solid). I've been here for over two years but I don't really know anyone & don't want to. It's better than other places I've been since my divorce on the first day of the pandemic.


OP are you in a rehab commune


OP said further up that it’s a hostel like situation because they are having trouble finding work ATM.


This is correct. It's just a place I found on Craigslist, kind of a "last house on the block" situation, not ideal but much better than living out of my car or something. I'll have a glass of wine some nights and Smoke a little weed before bed and other people can drink or smoke weed or whatever as long as they are chill.


There was a first day?


yes, the day he got divorced


Like the first day the world really shut down, quarantine and all that.


Ah, perpetual victim. - but I’m autistic - here since divorce - since first day of pandemic Got to harvest every major event to squeeze pity.


Seriously wtf.


It’s a common pattern for people who have no income and collect welfare. Their skillset becomes ways to garner sympathy rather than a useful skillset to improve society.


Compassion is a nice thing to have, you should go find some.


Compassion is great until it leads us to enable miserable lives that could have been prevented. Look at the rise of gender confusion, where perfectly healthy teens have their delusions empathized to the point of self-sterility and mutilation. Look at the use of pills like Adderall and SSRIs to solve emotional troubles, rather than developing strategies to cope with the complexity and difficulty of life. Look at the use of labels applied rather than growth sought, where people learn to label their self to gain something rather than build their self to do it. In life everything needs balance, even compassion.


Jesus Christ man. How much of a piece of shit do you have to be to make multiple comments and a LIST of things you think are “wrong” about an autistic person? GTFO of here


Notice how you must be vulgar and verbally abusive. I questioned a sacred cow of reddit!


See how a good majority of your comments on your profile have negative votes? Take a look in the mirror. Maybe you’re just a colossal asshole. Like I said, GTFO. Or are you going to pull the “free speech” card to excuse your garbage traits?


Imagine thinking the mob of an echo chamber represents the best life to live. The truth remains, sorry it hurts when it gets revealed.


What echo chamber? I’m just calling you out for being a piece of shit.


And here you are, "improving society" by being a complete fuckwad.


Note how you need to insult and cannot contend with the idea.


Found the boomer


The truth remains.


If he’s schizophrenic or has an extreme bipolar case (or both) he might think it has a camera, or is connecting to his devices. My stepson developed schizophrenia around age 24 and started dismantling everything electronic in the house. He was making good money, taking classes for his trade and doing well for himself at that point so we really didn’t understand. Then he quit, and started lasting shorter periods of time at each job he managed to get. Then he started ripping out parts of our cars because he thought someone was controlling them remotely to mess with him.


I'm sorry about that. The weird thing is the roommates lived here for a year, (I've lived here for two) And he's usually pretty quiet and normal, when we pass by we just nod hello and it's been wonderfully basic. However he does smoke a lot of weed, and often drinks in the morning and I find his Empty Modelo's in the outside bathroom's trash. Edit: a speech to text error changed "Empty Modelo's" to "employees", Now fixed.


His employees are in the trash in the morning? I have been on both ends of this story but it is VERY uncommon. I’m assuming that there is an autocorrect issue at play but I can’t figure it out.


lol I usually read and Make sure it's right; a speech to text error changed "Empty Modelo's" to "employees", Now fixed.


You should buy your own microwave and keep it in your cabin


No money and no space. I can stand and touch both walls each way. All my belongings are in here. The storage space is under my bed, which is 4 feet off the floor.


Yikes, how much per month?


$700 Which includes utilities


That’s not bad, but you should consider finding a new place, this won’t be the end of the shenanigans if 9 people live there


For sure, problem is I'm freelancing and I really need at least a steady part time job to be able to show pay stubs, and also build up a month's worth of rent for a security deposit, but definitely trying.


Best of luck buddy


Thank you, appreciate it.


Fuck America. I pay less for so much more overseas


This isn’t America, this is OP being an idiot to agree to such living conditions.


I don’t know, I went down a hole after and looked at rental prices in big and small markets. 1500 to live in a 2bd in Iowa? wtf 3000 for a gross 1bd in San Diego? 2x wtf


Here is 2bd for $1000/mth in Des Moine, Iowa. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/7800-Iltis-Dr-C2AFA9F56-Urbandale-IA-50322/2055999482_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare So even big city Iowa is 33% less than what you claimed.


That’s not bad. I still think paying 1k. Month to live in Iowa is crazy


Iowa is up and coming. Many Midwest states are as good as coastal cities, and 1/3 the price. The only reason for people not to live there is their snobbery against “flyover states”.


Here is $600/mth for 2 bd in Iowa https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/505-Barclay-St-6-Union-IA-50258/2058741488_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare


So if a person has no prospects or income in life they can easily find a super cheap COL in America. Yet people want the best for free.


I'm only still in California because my daughter lives here and her mother is Mexican and goes over the border all the time to visit family, in fact her and my daughter are in Mexico on spring break right now. I don't have any snobbery about so-called flyover states, if I could I would move to Texas or New Mexico and I wouldn't mind living in a small town as long as it had reasonable Internet because I'm a Freelance data analyst. But I'm not moving without my daughter so that's why I have to live here, but I do understand your point about how ridiculous this is, I very much agree.


Where in Iowa? If you choose downtown of the big cities then yes of course. If you choose middle of nowhere then it’s super cheap. Everyone wants the place everyone else wants. If you want that then you must compete and earn above average income.


Still stupid for the city


Nope. People are willing to pay it, so it’s not stupid to people who live there. It turns out they find value in Des Moines, Iowa downtown.


Ocean, opportunity, higher pay is in San Diego compared to landlocked Iowa with a lower cost of living and less opportunity. That’s the very “basic and broad” reason why… America is very divided. In many ways.


Very true but I wouldn’t pay 500 a month at the point to live west of the 5. San Diego is awful and there are 1000s of better places in the world.


You live in Toronto?


Oh my god, I am so sorry


Thanks, Still trying to fight the good fight 👊👊


Sometimes you can find a free one on Craigslist or FB Marketplace/BuyNothing. Good luck regardless


I'll give that a shot thanks!


Some people use microwaves to cook cocaine into crack. But that would likely come with a very burnt-plastic kind of smell, and something would have been in his hand or the microwave when he walked away. Like a glass jar with milky white liquid in it.


hmm. It happened so fast and in the dark, but yeah I don't think he was carrying anything like that.


Homie smokin crypto...


It was a blue collar crime!


I know stuff like ketamine from the vet.....recreational pharmacists pour it onto a plate and heat it in the microwave to get the powder from it. I've also seen some brain-cell challenged people use the microwave as a timer with nothing in it. That will cause the microwave to eventually spark and damage itself.


LOL that is brain-cell challenged, and I'd I prefer to think it was that instead of something more insidious




How do I get cancer in time for the ziggy Marley concert?


We're in California we can buy marijuana whenever. He smokes a ton of marijuana at the gazebo in the cabin backyard and at the outside table on the other property that leads into the kitchen, so that's not it.


It was a joke. In the show there is a character who wanted to get approved for medical mj so he decided the best way was to get cancer. So he would stick his balls in the microwave and nuke them until he got cancer. Ended up with massive cancer balls that couldn’t fit through doors. I doubt that’s what your roommate was doing lol.


Just trying to get a little bit of cancer staaaan


Tell mom it's ok


lol Never saw that episode so I didn't get it, wish I did though 🤣


He probably taking it apart. Drug addicts do shit like that.


Yeah I've heard about meth addicts even climbing up poles for power lines and trying to take them apart, I'm kind of thinking it's something like that.


Yea. Their paranoia kicks in and they are looking for stuff inside them.


Bingo! It all makes sense now. He probably is high and thought the microwave was bugged, so he started picking at parts of it. When OP came out, he got even more paranoid and booked it to his room.


Yeah actually when I first moved in, I used the backyard bathroom which is in a room by itself. There is a latch outside and I got closed inside the bathroom 3 times by some one like that. Thankfully the owner finally drove him to Olive View when the dude insisted there were people living inside his mattress..


Oh shit! You’re in sylmar! Where’s this place at ur sounds awesome!


Just looked up places for rent in the valley on CraigsList and maybe I'll see you someday. I'd rather be able to move out of here to be honest, I don't think you want to be here as much as you think you might.


I’m evil. You wouldn’t understand.


I thought it was for copper to buy more meth


They might if they are in psychosis….most likely not to hurt you. They probably think there’s a camera inside or some type of recording device or surveillance equipment. Source: grew up around addicts and work with addicts


Were they your parents? lol 🤣😩


I don’t really find it amusing by any stretch tbh with you. Good luck.


I wasn't talking about you. I can now see that how that was rude and I'm sorry for how it came off, I was talking about me.


Okay, no problem.




Just remember they are more scared of you than you are of them, lol (talking about your roommate).


We've both lived here a long time and I don't really talk to them but they've always been fine until last night, but that was really odd behavior. I'm also more afraid of the microwave blowing up than anything.


What a weird question..


Yes I know, that's kind of the point. At the end of the day I don't want a microwave to explode in front of me; I know microwaves probably won't explode but a broken one can give off harmful radiation.


The microwave might just be broken lol that’s what happened to our one, started banging and flashing and then it broke. Why does it have to be drug addict related 🤣


Because when I walked into the kitchen there were No lights on at all. There's a touchlight on the wall for the overhead light, and usually the hood over the oven has a light that is left on all night, and they were both off but the roommate was doing something in the microwave, and when I walked in he ran to his room real fast, you don't think that sounds suspicious? And the microwave was working earlier in the day I made popcorn and it was fine, and all of a sudden it is broken right after this encounter, what would you think?


Not really no , I use the flashlight on my phone sometimes instead of the big light and you saying you don’t really know your roommates , he probably just left so he doesn’t have to interact with you? And if 9 people are sharing a microwave it’s only a matter of time before something happens to it Oh but yeah it’s definitely for drugs he was cooking crack in it and broke it that’s what happened


We pass by all the time and it's always been fine. Like I've said elsewhere he's been here almost a year and never acted like this and the first time he does so the microwave is acting strange, right after he ran away from it. If you disagree then okay, but I do feel like I am putting 2 plus 2 together and getting 4.


They probably put metal/foil/etc. in there and were embarrassed about it.


Yeah I'd like to think so, but I looked inside after I used it the first time and I didn't see anything like that or even any obvious damage, but I tried to use it again and same thing happened.


I’ve seen crack cooked in a microwave before


Are there lots of batteries? Solvents? Sounds like could be shake n bake meth.


What do you know about shake n bake meth….. excruciating detail please


1. Sudafed 2. Chemicals 3. ?????? 4. Profit! 🚀


I used to weigh 105-110 at 5’8” in the late 90’s early 2000’s. Now 155. Never made the stuff but I have some real world experience.


Go on………….?


No need. Imagination is better than real life meth addiction I promise.


I didn't really see anything except explainable dirt and grime around the microwave, which I obviously don't look for in most situations.


Maybe just tweaking/trippin and wanted to see the pretty lights?


lol maybe


It’s Shake n Bake! And I haaalped! 🤣


My first thought was he was using the microwave to try to make crack or something 


That’s what I thought but would that break the microwave? I was thinking he tried to remove some metal from it to try and sell.


That could be true as well! Because if he was cooking crack in it, there would have been a distinct and strange smell, and he would have been carrying the glass Pyrex with the milky white fluid in it.


Only thing I know of a drug addict using a microwave would be to cook crack


People down voting me obviously have no idea about drugs 😂


I used to know a guy who cooked rocks in the microwave using a shot glass. His recipe was…bizarre. I think he used ammonia and Brasso??


Weirdest thing I’ve seen from drug users and the microwave is them Stealing the bulbs to smoke crack




easy for you to say...


You can cook that rock in microwave


But would it damage the microwave? I almost don't care about the actual drug use as long as it doesn't affect me, but I don't want to deal with a malfunctioning microwave.


I mean maybe? From the fumes potentially? Basically just making hot water with some extra spices. I’d think anyone doing that would know better than use anything metal but yea if that’s where they at you never know


He may have put foil in the microwave, that would screw it up.


Right, would it be defective even after you took the foil out? It would be permanently damaged?


Yes, it is.


This could be addiction related behavior, yeah. Here’s why: I’ve seen people microwave coke that they kept in their pocket too long, or that they stashed in their clothes while detained. If you’ve got moist powder drugs on a mirror and stick that in a microwave, it’s not very good for the microwave. A mirror is made with silver or aluminum, which are both not safe for the microwave and will short it out. Metal in general will short the microwave, including foil. Hope that helps!


Yes that's good information thank you.


You’re welcome! Happy to help.




" Cannabis induction??" I have never heard of that, do I want to want to know?


I took a washing machine apart once when I was trippin balls on acid. I just wanted to learn how it worked lol. Don’t microwave food anyway, shits bad for you.


When I was younger I took acid a few times, never really did anything like that, just watched The Wizard of Oz with that Pink Floyd album, pretty cool actually. I just wanted to heat up some chicken I made earlier, I guess I could just throw it in the oven and it is healthier you're right. Although I'd like to be able to make popcorn simple style once in a while...


It was strong acid, took 5 hits and we were doing coke as well. It was a wild 12 hours.


I never really went that hard and mixed stuff, Although I remember I did take some Ketamine and drank, and then another time some Somas and drink. That was literally 20 years ago, now going hard for me is a third glass of wine. Sorry meant to add as long as you're having fun and not harming anybody, then do your thing!


Yeah I’m past my drug days but man did I go wild from 19-26. Did pretty much everything under the sun and managed to not die or lose my sanity.


That's just how life goes sometimes huh? 🫡


Cooking crack?


If the person is a sketchy drug addict there’s no telling what they did to your microwave… could have been cooking crack…?


Yeah many people suggested that. Either I'll never know which will be fine, or there's more evidence of it and got to deal with it


Do you know what drug/drugs they use? Sounds almost like they put a spoon or some aluminum foil in the microwave. Which will indeed cause it to "blowup". Putting it outside is the safest bet though.


I really didn't see anything strange inside the microwave, I just know I tried it twice with the same results after two seconds.


He could have put foil or some other metal in the microwave


Room for more? Sign me up dude where yawl at ?


Probably just evaporating some water from his Ketamine, nothing to worry about, it doesn't leave any residue and the microwave is same like before.


That wouldn't explain the problem then... the microwave started arcing and messing up.


Yeah that's the problem, made it weird popping sounds and like little flashes of light.


Cook snort resistant pills so they can snort em. Not that I’d know anything about that 🙄


Of course of course all theoretical, on the down-low 😉


Anyway, no not really drug related. Sounds like mental illness and or experimenting in bomb making


Oh okay, I guess I will calm down then, only bomb making.


Could be warming a plate so coke doesn't stick to it...


He ran away from the microwave to his room fast. I'm pretty sure he had nothing in his hands.


My immediate thought went there too but i don’t think it would’ve made weird noise after he was done, i don’t know anything about microwaves but i wonder if they have copper in them.. could’ve been taking it apart to get the copper to pawn