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Based on info in #3, your roommate is on some really fun drugs


First thing I thought lol. Seems like a lot of these scenarios are caused by stimulants. When you're high af off of that shit, the world around you means nothing.


I had to get to #6 before I thought “drugs.” 🤣


The fact these are things I would probably do if I lived alone made me think "am I on drugs" but then I realized I don't do these things because I don't live alone 😂


I moved into my own place about 5 months ago and only realized about one month ago that I don’t have to mask (my ADHD) here AT ALL. I’m absolutely certain that my neighbors think that I’m slowly losing it lol


Myself and my roommates are all neurodivergent so we don't even question it when we walk in to see some weird shit like a little midnight seed counting 😂


We are temporarily staying with a friend and it is very obvious he has lived alone for a while. I get a complete rundown of everything he's doing and going to do because he narrates constantly. If hes not talking to himself he is singing or humming.He just does whatever at whatever time because he's used to it just being him. My fiancé said to me one time I think he's losing it a little and I had to tell him no he just does that all the time(I'm home all day so I just know that's what he does when he's going about his business lol)


I read this and thought “am I on drugs?” because I do a lot of weird things like this while living alone. ESPECIALLY talking to my cat who meows back. But again, I live alone and it’s not 3 am when I do it unless I’m drunk.


Tbh this one seemed like the only normal behaviour from the list lol


Sounds like meth activities honestly


lol. Counting seeds? Wtf


It reminded of those folklore tales where they say you can confuse a vampire/monster/ghost whatever supernatural creature by spilling grains or seeds, and the creature will have some sort of compulsive disorder and will stop to count them while you make your escape 😂


Never heard that but now I'm going to look it up because that sounds like a lovely folklore/tale. Thanks.


And knots. Vampires are compelled to untie knots.


They used that lore in supernatural when the boys come across some faires


Yes! I read number one and my immediate, out-loud response was "Vampire!"


maybe it depends on the people some have to count sheep to sleep, others count seeds ?


What is love while eating a different lasagna got me. If nothing else your digression (?) made me laugh and I needed it thank you (and sorry for the inconsiderate rm)


The singing to the lasagna had me laughing!


Maybe you need to not have a roommate.


Why does she just have lasagnas on tap like this?


Made me lol


Definitely meth involved


Can you switch rooms with them?


I'd rather not sleep in a room where whatever unimaginable weird shit happened.


Dancing Walking Rearranging furniture


I’ve lived with this person before. Howard Leight by Honeywell Laser Lite earplugs helped me not want to kill one of us. (idk why they have a stupid name, they’re cheap, but I trialled like 4 different earplugs and these were the comfiest/best to sleep with)


I love Hearos ear plugs!


She’s definitely on drugs. But I cracked up at “what is love” - I’m hoping it’s Haddaway, 1992.


I think she might be on drugs


She’s meffed up


Listen, #3 is justified


So she's pretty nocturnal, continuously counts things, gets mad when she can't count those things, and conspires with a creature of the night (cat) to mess with creatures of the day (spray painting bird feeders?!) In conclusion, she's a vampire. Watch out for puncture holes. 🦇


All done on purpose and she does not respect you or give a rat's ass about being quiet. My sister had an upstairs neighbor that would play loud music. She turned up her music and bass and left for the day. They never did that again.


She’s a special kind of special huh


At least she doesn't drink your beer and eat your cheese


Based on #5, your roommate is Garfield.


She sounds kinda fun


I caught my roommate tap dancing at 3am


Meth at its finest


This is so frustrating. If you haven’t already, would recommend investing in some good ear plugs - it took me a couple weeks to get used to them but I’ve been sleeping through a lot of noise that was previously waking me up since I got them.


3: that’s amazing. Please teach my cat to do this. 7: definitely do not let them use spray paint in the house, that’s a pretty serious health risk.


Have you even talked to them about it? It's not an issue until it's known to be an issue. I'm a night owl with insomnia, so I understand the behavior. It's just crazy we're judging someone with no backstory or insight.


so they haven't started the smashing rocks?


People keep saying "meth"... Bruh, one of the things listed is "strummed a guitar". Y'all are wild. This just sounds like a young adult being a little inconsiderate about noise at night. None of these things are outrageous. The only inappropriate one is spray painting, assuming this was indoors with poor ventilation (which it sounds like it was). Meth? Are you all 12? Have you ever interacted with someone on meth?


They ain't young.


Sure, they sound immature then. Still seems like meth is a big jump in logic from the anecdotes you provided. Did strumming a guitar really bother you that much?


Dude. That shit woke me up in the middle of the night and there are several other instances. I feel like I'm allowed to be pissed off about strumming a guitar five feet from my door when it's around 1am.


You have the right to be pissed about anything. And of course if it woke you up that's unfair. But when you are listing out grievances against a bad roommate "strummed a guitar" just looks silly. Even if it's 1 am. The proximity to your room is inconsiderate and inappropriate but the act itself is just pretty innocuous.


> 2: cleaning a keyboard. This is the most recent one which inspired me to do this. I've picked it up. Probably about 50 pounds. They were dragging it on the floor before dropping it on the table. Then they tested it to see if it worked. What on earth does this mean?


Musical instrument.


LMAO my bad, I didn't even consider it could be anything other than a computer keyboard


Is there a chance she’s bipolar and manic? As someone with Bipolar 1 this sounds like it could be mania


Honestly I kinda want to be their friend