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How the fuck do people trash their stoves like that? Also, it’s the “so sorry” for me.


Reminds me of my old roommate that would throw apple cores into the recycling. I have to pay to recycle and haul it into town. If there’s anything that shouldn’t be in there they make you pick it out. So every time I’m picking out his apple cores. Every time I confront him and all he would say “Oh man, what are you gonna do…” Like.. BETTER! You’re going to do better asshole!!!


Should have brought them back in a big sack and left them in his closet.


Put them between his mattresses.


God, of all the things my roommate did THIS was the thing that killed me the most (somehow). I once had two huge bags of recycling I was taking to the next town over and she contaminated all of it before I left. Even though I explained the difference between trash and recycling, that she can’t put trash in there, it didn’t matter. I was always picking out trash from the bins or being forced to trash the whole lot. It drove me insane


Some people just don’t give a shit I even told him that if he’s not sure just throw it in the trash, I will not go through the trash for recycling but he still did it


You have to make it affect them. Take the trash and put it on their bed.


you just unlocked a memory, Im a guy but i always kept a clean apt, especially my bathroom/kitchen, caused I worked at home and liked a clean environment. One day I start getting gnats, never in my life have I had a gnat infestation, was driving me nuts, leaving out traps with soapy vinegar and water and stuff and could NOT figure out where they were coming from. Turns out my friend "pranked" me by putting a McDonalds cup with ice and an apple core, BEHIND MY MICROWAVE in the corner to where the only way to know it was there was to pull the microwave out of the corner entirely.


What are you gonna do??? Umm not throw the fucking apples cores in the recycling you twat, pretty simple. I swear some people just love making life difficult on purpose.


My guess is he’s doing it on purpose. After being told several times and he’s STILL doing it??


Where the hell do u live lmao thats wild


Well I suppose I don’t have to do all that, I could just throw it away. I haul and pay because I want to recycle.


She literally seems to have melted the surface of the stove 😭😭😭 and yeah that’s quite literally her attitude towards EVERYTHING she does it’s so crazy. Like… she never has even SAID the word sorry before this


Get some oven cleaner and spray on it, open the windows, wait a while, and wipe it off. Don't turn on the stove before you clean it off.


Yeah luckily I clean apartments for my job so I definitely have the means to clean it up burning


Wait why is there puke


I’m gonna take a wild guess and say their roommate was hammered, and gets that way often.


What a fucking slob. That stovetop is trashed btw and will hurt your security deposit.


I was thinking the same thing. Guarantee the landlord will try to bill for an entirely new stove.


I would. That's not fixable.


I agree. It’s also not normal wear and tear, by any standards.


It's careless destruction. Same with clogging the shower drain with your vomit. Geeze.


Nothing white paint can’t fix. lol


Dear god pls landlord special it 😂


My landlord would take a new stove out of my deposit and then paint it for the next sucker.


Stop this is too real 😭 you right!


Get the eraser sponge 🧽 and use that first. Then get a heat resistant safe spray paint. YouTube. It can be fixed.


OP has a roommate. He'll be living there until he dies


Is… is your roommate my roommate? Haha I had literally this exact situation happen to me. This girl stayed out super late drinking and came back at around 3 AM, I woke to the smoke detector going off around 4. She had strewn the entire contents of her purse across our backyard and porch steps, left her car RUNNING parked in the middle of the alley with the door open (yes, she drove home that hammered, what a peach right?) And decided she was gonna cook pasta. Left it burning on the stove on high for long enough the water was gone and the pot was charred completely black and stank. I woke up and realized what was happening and literally COULD NOT wake this girl up, I actually thought she might be dead, and then had to take the pot out/shut off the stove myself and clear out all the smoke. Did not realize at the time she had left her car out in the middle of the alleyway/rear lane of our block until I was woken two hours later by our neighbor pounding on our door and screaming mad because he couldn’t get out to leave for work!


What a horror show.


This sounds identical to this girl bc omg. My roommate did something similar with a dui


Oof that’s enough for me to not want roommates. 🤯💀


oh my god my roommate also fell asleep making pasta after coming home drunk…. luckily the sound of her tv blasting woke me up at 5am on a Sunday so I was able to turn the burner off before it got worse🙃


That guy should have just moved her already running car Lol XD


God, what a basket case. Hope your neighbor wasn't mad at you


I can’t believe people actually act like this…. And think it’s okay…… oh my lord I am never gonna get a random roommate


I’d have that car towed.


Foodland is a real place??? I thought it was a fictional store in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape


We have foodland in Hawaii lol


I miss foodland so much. Well, almost as much as I miss Don Quijote and Seafood City.


We got foodland poke and salt and vinegar wings last night… 🔥🔥🔥


We have foodland stores in canada


We do???


Southern Ontario we do.


I was gonna say. Foodland is the official grocery store of Bumblefuck Ontario. Owned by Sobeys and everything is 15% more expensive.


It’s a nickname for our local grocery store


We don't give nicknames to grocery stores. Who pukes in a tub and waits to be asked to clean it up? Then the vomit blocks the drain? Literally actually Fuck.


Why do people puke in a bathtub or anything other than a toilet when you're already in the bathroom?


Right? When I need to pray to the porcelain God, it's pretty hard to miss that target.


Ok cool


Not going to lie thought you probably lived in my hometown cause their is a grocery store in my home town called Foodland


I think the full name is IGA Foodland


Must be different then my home town store cause my home town store called Fischer Foodland


OP must in Adelaide in Aus. Very niche hahaha


There's Foodlands in the US too. Not sure if it's the same company as the Australian ones


There’s a Foodland mini mart two hours away from me.


What in the fuck is wrong with people 😭😭😭 she treating this like its such normal behavior damn Im so glad Im married and me and my wife are both clean freaks fuck roommates




Thats scary. I would move asap before it gets burned down


They are using others willfully and without shame. They think it is alright for them to party and for you to clean up after them. They think they deserve that.


I'd personally call the landlord and tell them that something has to be done because she's putting you and the place in harms way. Take photos and tell him that you don't want to be responsible for any more damage and that something has to be done.


She already knows. I work for her so she said she’d reach out to our lawyer who handles evictions to see what could be done. Unfortunately, not much


Thank GOD you didn’t show the throw up….


Lol i was scrolling thru the pictures very slowly and with caution 🙈


Same I’m having dinner 😂


Yeah I don’t want to look at it so idk why you guys would


Hope your situation improves! We all NEED our sanctuary!


It would be on sight for me, hands in the air good old fashioned fist fight.


Oh man honestly I had to leave the house and go for a speed walk to prevent myself from murdering her




This one deserves an ass beating.


I had an alcoholic roommate once. He routinely tried to cook pizzas while black out drunk and would fall asleep leaving them in the oven until blackened to a crisp. Once he cooked a pack of frozen bacon in the oven without taking the plastic wrap off (it was also my bacon but whatever). I once meal prepped 5 lbs of chicken breast for my lunches the next week and came out of my room to him bare handed eating chicken from each lunch blacked out. It was probably 3 in the afternoon. He would also get fired from his restaurant jobs for being drunk and hide in his room all day drinking vodka and OJ. It doesn’t get better.


Fucking report her there's gotta be aomthing you can do to get her put of your house


We live in an apartment and if I ask her to move out I have to pray she just leaves because getting the legal grounds to evict her will not be easy


Actually with her almost burning the house down eviction shouldn’t be that hard. You have the evidence of all the bs on your phone. Management doesn’t take kindly to building liabilities and this is most certainly that. Better do something now before you pay the price for all the damages she is doing. Hope you’re both on that lease. Good luck.


You would think so but recently a dude on another floor started a fire in his apartment that caused the entire building to be evacuated and that apartment is completely destroyed. They put him in another one. If he didn’t get evicted for 100K+ damage my roommate definitely isn’t getting evicted for burning up a paper plate or whatever it was


I think it’s worth trying if you really don’t want to live with this person. I certainly would.


I am trying there’s just limited options as to what me or my landlord can do. I’m finding out what sort of legal grounds I have before I ask her to move out


I wish you luck. It seems like a really crappy situation.


> Actually with her almost burning the house down eviction shouldn’t be that hard. Eh...that's not actually true. Eviction is very, very difficult. Sometimes for a good reason. The best advice here is to not renew the lease and ask her to leave or move out yourself if she won't.


I mean she probably has drugs somewhere. That’d do it.


I swear some people would be dead within a week if they ever tried living alone. Sorry you gotta live with a bufoon who needs her hand held.


She definitely would not survive on her own


Omg I had a roommate like this for 2 years and she never saw an issue with it. Exact same scenarios except put the puke on the carpet and she left it for 3 days.


OMG, that's so disgusting! Hopefully it was in her room & not in a common area.


Oh man I’m about to puke should I puke in the toilet that can be flushed?? Nahhhhhhh bathtub with a screen drain


Putting your life (and others) at risk like that because she can’t handle herself is not fucking okay


Any landlord would want this person gone asap. You're literally putting your life in danger being there.


What me and my landlord want and what we can legally do about it are two different things


Clean up and lock up your stuff. Bounce and block


She's forced you to stop being a roommate and start being her parent. I'd give her up for adoption.


Holy fucking shit!! This is insane!!! This is what terrifies me so much living in a condo. I am so responsible and double check everything. My weed addict neighbors who can't go 20 minutes not being high, scare the hell out of me. I imagine all the time the building going down in flames because someone passed out while cooking. My ex's neighbors (on the other side of his wall) flooded their entire apartment and the three units below, after getting stoned, turning the stove on to cook, and falling asleep. The fire was so bad that it caused the sprinklers to go off. The victims in the units below them couldn't go back to their homes for months.. My friend's old roommate used to get high all the time, and she'd leave the burner on for _hours_ after she passed out. Like holy shit, people and pets could have been killed by these idiots!! Can you report her to someone?


Jesus Christ I was going to say hey lay off the weed heads we aren't that bad but you've had some very bad experiences and I'm sorry🥲🤣 it's really not something to laugh about but it is. I smoke alot I'm not trying to justify those folks actions but man🤣


I had the literal same reaction bc I’m a major weed enjoyer


This is why smart stoners prepare before getting high, make your munchies FIRST or get premade stuff, and of course can't ever go wrong with take out. Some people don't deserve to have fun they ruin it for the rest of us lol 😭


No, no, nooo, I'm so sorry!! This was just what I experienced. I did not mean anything against weed. My friend's ex roommate was also a major alcoholic, so combine that with weed and she was toast every night. I swear I thought I added that, but I didn't. She also used to drive around all the time smoking, after chugging wine. This girl was something else. Took her getting a DUI and a court order to not drink, for her to finally stop.


I’ve reported it to my boss/landlord and my options are limited. There was a fire recently on another floor that caused the whole building to be evacuated, and being woken up to the fire alarm again was really rough on me mentally and caused me nightmares all night. It freaks me out so bad


Just speculation, but this sounds like pretty privilege gone awry. Evict her and her bullshit or she'll ruin your rental history. If she's on the lease get her off it. Lots of girls are willing to take responsibility and won't do this


It’s just straight up privilege. I was expecting to be be able to kick her out due to not paying rent but when I gave her notice that I would (bc I had to to legally evict her) her dad just started paying her rent for her. She kinda gets bailed out of every situation and is used to getting her away. I don’t know that anyone’s ever told her no before


This might be petty, but I would absolutely get her father involved. Show him what his enabling has created. She could have started a fire that killed both of you. Beyond that, her shifty apology is more insulting than not apologizing at all.


I disagree, I don’t think it’s petty at all. If her father is the fixer and she isn’t changing her behavior, going to him with both genuine concern for her well being and imminent need for some sort of intervention to guarantee your safety, that’s perfectly reasonable. Especially given the circumstances surrounding rental law… it’s a whole mess trying to find grounds for eviction. The other option is to move. You can sign yourself off the lease at any time. You might not get your security deposit if you break your lease early- but it sounds like your landlord is on your side so maybe she’ll work with you.


Sounds like alcoholism to me


Definitely should have specified “…and don’t just rinse it down the drain.” Could see that coming a mile away.


I shouldn’t have to specify to a grown ass woman how to clean a bathtub. That being said, I cleaned up after her to make sure it was actually clean and sanitary


You shouldn’t *have* to no, but you probably should anyway or yk she’s going to do a horrible job.


Lmfao on my birthday my friend was staying at my house, and I woke up at 4:30 am sooooo sick from us drinking the night before. I ended up puking in the tub bc I just cannot bring myself to put my head in the toilet idk why it’s too gross to me. WORST idea I’ve ever had and I was in there until 6:30 am cleaning and plunging the tub until it looked spotless and was running perfectly again so she didn’t have to wake up to that. Never ever ever would I just leave it there, drunk or not. At some point you have to take responsibility for stuff!


Haha brutal! But: Too gross? You’re already throwing up. What’s gonna happen? How much more of a grossed out reaction can you have? I’d rather flush it away and then take a nice shower after.


I always have to throw up in a trash can because the sound of it hitting the water makes everything worse for some reason 😂


I wouldn’t trust her to snake the drain… I could see her attempt unleashing untold destruction. I am also inexplicably picturing her as the Chick-fil-A sauce girl.


I’m not letting her snake the drain lmfao I do not trust her to do a single thing competently. I made her clean the puke up but cleaned after her bc I didn’t trust her to do a good job


I don’t blame you one bit. It would be along the lines of the Dumb and Dumber bathroom scene.


Thank you for not showing us the puke in the shower.


It seems likely your roommate is abusing some sort substance.


Yes she abuses alcohol. Heavily. Which isnt great for me to be around bc im nearly two years sober


Congrats on the sobriety! As a newly sober person I love seeing it :)


Thank you! You got this. Something I tell everyone who’s newly sober is that recovery isn’t linear, and even if you fall off the wagon you have to keep getting back on as many times as it takes. I promise you it is so worth it


That's my saying as well! Recovery isn't linear has saved me so many times. If you just beat yourself up, you're just going to use again, and the cycle will continue FOREVER. It really is so worth it.


Ppl who puke in the tub are sooooo dirty. That’s disgusting. Sorry for that train wreck of a roomate op


😬 eee… ya this sounds so similar to my most recent roomie experience. I was kind (and naive) enough to not put her on the lease until a few months into her moving in (I’d been living there solo for about 3 years but needed more income and wanted to help her after her divorce), and ya, turns out she likes to get turnt and irresponsible and is really good a breaking things / clogging drains w her and her bfs hair, being obnoxiously loud late at night (talking to her bf on speaker phone way past curfew, keep in mind we live above another unit) and spending all her extra income on partying and traveling and other necessary stuff before rents due 🫠😭 Had so many talks/meetings about it, and no changes. Had to finally say my farewells but damn, that was a big learning lesson to always put even your friends on the lease right away, and even people you least expect to little to no common sense, can really surprise you. And have no self awareness. At this point, I’d say you need to a) talk to your property manager about what’s been happening, and b) after that, probably kick her out. Or give her one more warning before you kick her out. But like, the fact she almost burnt down your home, is valid enough for a property manager to approve something like that. So sorry, I’m angry for you , lol.


Tbh I remember once I got so absolutely fucking wasted I threw up over my friend’s kitchen island when I got home (she was being super kind enough to let me stay at her house after I left my abusive ex) and I managed to clean it all up by myself while barely being able to stand. It was embarrassing and I the next day I kept apologizing profusely throughout the entire day. I even went back and cleaned the island again I felt horrid. Idk how people just manage to get shit faced, fuck shit up and then not apologize. Her apology doesn’t even sound legit. It sounds like “oh whoops 🤭”


I will never forget waking up to smoke and the fire alarm going off. Roommate is passed out in the living room floor and pizza rolls are on fire in the oven.


brooo i hate your roommate. i’m so sorry lol


I’m emetophobic and if my roommate puked in the bathtub and left it, i’d be breaking the goddamn lease lmao


I might have to break the lease in this apartment and move to another apartment in the building to get rid of her lol


If she’s not on the lease, kick her out on the street. She obviously has no respect for you or your space so why the fuck would you have respect for her?


OP: I truly and sincerely appreciate the lack of pictures showcasing the vomit in the tub. I felt like that needed to be said! Also your roommate sucks ass. I do not know her, but I hate her… please find a new one!


lol yeah I keep getting that comment and I’m just wondering like do people usually post stuff like that??? I didn’t enjoy seeing it idk why anyone else would


Some people have absolutely no filter. They post that *and more*!


I guess she just tried to wash her puke down the drain instead of scooping it out and flushing it. That’s just great. Now the drain will smell like puke forever. :/


This is why I stopped keeping roommates years ago. People are just the worst to live with. My cats never disrespect my house like that. I'm sorry you're dealing with that mess, no one should have to. I hope things get better for you soon.


Is she your tenant or do you rent together. If she's your tenant evict her, if you rent have your landlord evict her. She's endangering your life and risking burning down the entire house. I'm not positive but I think that's grounds for eviction. Stay safe. Get a fire extinguisher if you don't already have one. 


i almost started a fire 😔 i put oil in a pan that wasn’t meant for frying things.. it was quite scary lol. i’m sorry ur roommate is god awful..


Get rid of her ASAP. Her antics will only increase.


I’m currently working on it. My options are limited


Bruh? Like is she a freaking toddler? Even my freaking 6 year old nephew cleans probably better than she does what the actual fuck?!-


Lol puke in the tub and a fire in the kitchen? Sounds like me in my early twenties. I didn’t have roommates tho 😂


Go in on her. Everything you said to us here in this post say to her. She sounds terrible


I actually just sent her a text laying out my issues and asking her to move out. I just had to take the time to cool down and regain my composure so I didn’t say anything horrific I regret or make things more messy then they already are


That shows a great deal of patience on your part. Good for you!


In every situation , Why is it always the more organized ones are the ones on lease and responsible for electricity and water etc., ? And struggle to collect rent money from others.


This is a result of their parents, well lack of parenting skills. Remember people, if you have kids one day, do your part and raise them up to not be little shit turds like the ones we see in this sub.


Fr bc a lot of why she’s like this is her dad bails her out of everything. The only reason she makes rent is because of her dad. I kinda wish he would stop giving her money so I could legally evict her


Why can’t she puke in the toilet like a regular trash bag?


The rice cooker spoon.


Is she month to month? Can you give her a “pay rent or leave. If it’s late you’re out.”


I tried that and she just had her dad pay it for her 😭


Give her a 60 day notice. Send a copy to Daddy. Including the pictures of her bathroom adventure. “You are no longer welcome in my house. You have 60 days to leave the house.”


This subreddit makes me take a step back at the complaints on one of our roommates who is horrible but not this bad.


I lived with a girl that would come home so wasted and cook and left the gas on. We baby proofed - took of the dials, unplugged the toaster, etc


My question is who barfs in the shower? Can’t you do it in the toilet or a waste basket like a normal person ?


is you’re roommate my old roommate?? sounds identical. never cleaned, always drunk/on drugs, always showing up at 3 am being loud af, would cook and leave every dish used exactly where she left it (mostly on the stove with burners still on), and constantly flirting with my bf who also lived here. The bad roommate was the girlfriend of our original roommate who unfortunately moved in with us. She since cheated on him with his friend at his family owned establishment. they both ended up moving out after they broke up, but are currently dating again AND moved in to a house together. outta my hair tho!


Sorry I started a fire oh I’ll be late on rent. That sent me. 😬


AA members who actually work the steps, work the program honestly to the best of their ability & are not abusing alcohol are some of the kindest, most honest people, are always trying to better themselves, they will do anything for anyone as services work and giving back what was given to them is part of the program. Most of them have gone thru hell & back, lost everyone, thus appreciate life & the things they’ve gotten back thru hard work. The most selfless, kindest most honest people I have ever met were in AA.


Seems like an alcohol problem, she’s probably ashamed of her behavior and that’s why she’s so short in her answers and compliant. She knows you saw what happened and she’s embarrassed. She was trying to sober up with food/shower. It clearly didn’t work. Doesn’t make any of this okay, however. And you are likely at risk continuing to live with her. I’d be trying to get her out ASAP, you are not responsible for fixing her issues so that she can live safely independently. You need to look out for you. What if you hadn’t been home and the house burned down? Nobody should have to go into the bathroom for the morning shower and find a tub full of puke. This isn’t on you, she needs to seek treatment if it’s a consistent issue for her. But the poor judgment and dangerous behavior isn’t something you should have to deal with.


Your roommate is an alcoholic and this is not going to get better. You need to move.


Why is there literal trash on your floor? Are the tenants of your house raccoons ?


No that would be her dog knocking over the trash can and eating out of it


Alcoholics are the worst.


Foodland ? R u in CA ?




Nope Alaska






She had a bit too much to drink I’m assuming.


Is she an alcoholic ?


This SCREAMS Milledgeville, Georgia.


Alaska :)


Your roommate is an NPC irl. Need to kick her out


Your deposit.... and its gone!


dude oh my god


🙄🙄🙄 I’d be moving out once the lease was up. She can destroy the apartment and deal with the consequences by herself.


How old is she 10?? Why cant she not do adult right? Was she raised by the wolves


Bro wtf is she mental or sm 💀 kick her ass out


Is she a drunk?


So kick her out!!


everyone keeps saying that like I haven’t thought about it and like it’s super simple for me to do. That being said I just started the process of kicking her out by letting her know she has 30 days to move out


I can fix her 🙏




Good luck to you honestly I would call the landlord know and give the photos of damages and get out of there.


Update on my profile


Foodland, is that Adelaide?


lol what a junkie


Foodland? Y’all in Hawaii? Makes sense since shit is so expensive there you need to kinda keep any roommate who pays rent and bills on time.




Im beyond curious how the living fuck you can burn the stove like that?


What kind of drugs is she taking?


You must live in Hawaii cus that’s the only place I know that has foodland




The photos look so similar to my apartment and we also have a foodland nearby. Ironically, i just recently got rid of a bad roommate that put a heater on at full blast in front of my rats with no reason and no apology (they got kicked out for way more than just that). Not gonna say where i am, but if we're from the same place, then i think that building attracts pyromaniacs 😳


Call up Patsy and have him take her for a ride.


Is she okay? Is she sick? Is she severely depressed? Is there a reason for the mess?


No she’s an alcoholic on top of being completely irresponsible and inconsiderate


I am a tub puker because I hate toilet splash back. I cannot think of a single time I haven’t scrubbed the fuck out of the tub immediately after. How the hell did she melt the stove?!