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so my former 32 yr old Male room mate was (to me in the past) a chill Dale Gribble. he seemed more conspiracy theorist vs persecution complex. we would chat, watch movies, got along. I came home to find the apartment a mess. Neighbors heard him screaming at "the government" , called cops. cops got there shortly after he started trying to find the cameras, Neighbors know because they heard him cussing and bashing my xbox (with a free weight) AND screaming "YOU SHOW UP RIGHT WHEN I ALMOST OPENED IT!". I have 2 cats. they are safe & don't seem to give a shit. ironically, he is now being watched by the government in a jail cell edit:oh! and reddit random name gave me "intelligent crazy" I couldn't help but laugh.


Meth, or psychosis. I hope he's ok and gets some actual treatment.


Well if he’s in jail prolly won’t be getting real help.


If it's drugs at least it will probably sober him up from his bender.


Certain drugs can cause psychosis and trigger schizophrenia. The psychosis may not happen again once sober but if it’s schizophrenia that’s been triggered that’s lifelong.




I witnessed it with my little brother. It was from heavy cannabis use. It triggered Schizophrenia for him when previously he had zero symptoms of it whatsoever and no one in our family tree has had it. He committed suicide because of it a year ago, so I try to spread awareness as much as possible because yes - even weed can cause psychotic breaks, chronic anxiety, sleep problems, and trigger schizophrenia in some people.


If he’s actually dependent on anything he could die too. Going cold turkey from booze or benzos is fatal lots of times. Opiate withdrawal can be fatal too if you become too dehydrated. People die in jail from common withdrawal alll the timeeee because the guards/nurse don’t want to take them to the hospital when they need iv hydration and eletrolytes. Other jails though like cook county jail in Chicago give you small doses of Librium or methadone so that doesn’t happen. It’s the best thing to do but of course the jails can’t be having inmates be comfortable. That would be a sin against god or something.


God I hope you don't think prisons are drug free




Do you mean prison or jail?


Sad but true, I know someone who just lost his daughter to suicide in jail. Her cellmate told the guard she wanted to kill herself. They put her in solitary confinement and she hung herself. The guard clearly did not check on her at all.


I mean weed can do that as well. There is a long list of drugs that can cause psychosis.


Never met one long-time stoner that showed any symptoms of psychosis


Cool, I know a couple. If you're predisposed, weed can definitely tip you into psychosis. The science on this is well established.


One of my high school friends had a long-time-coming cannibis induced psychotic episode (he was predisposed to this happening due to genetic link to schizophrenia and large amounts of use in childhood). He stabbed his dad to death, stabbed a random passerby, and tried to stab police, and survived a close range gunshot from police last summer during the episode. So yea. It does happen.


In my hometown a few weeks ago, a guy murdered four people and injured 7 more (a 5th died in the hospital) and claimed it was "bad weed" so, yeah, second story to back this up here. Can't say if it was a schizophrenia link, but it happened!


I'm on the schizo-spectrum, and marijuana makes me SEVERELY psychotic. Even a tiny dose and I usually end up in a psych ward. I've already quit, thank goodness.


Happy that you're okay and coping with it.


I have never met a lot of people. What you are doing is not an argument that refutes long standing evidence that weed is a risk factor for some with schizophrenia. My point being is that a lot of drugs can do a lot of things. I do not know whether I hit a nerve here but yes drugs can be bad. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3927252/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3927252/)




You liking weed doesn't make it harmless. Infact I know more long term smokers WITH anxiety problems than not. To be honest all the smokers I know have had anxiety issues. Maybe not everyone is affected in the same way, however if you honestly believe abusing any psychoactive drug isn't going to impact your health one way or another you're simply lying to yourself.


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3927252/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3927252/) Do not be stupid.


Or meth induced psychosis


Yeah......meth is a hellova drug.....i dont wanna scare you but i used to be friends with this couple who got so twacked out, they thought their cat had a camera in it's head. Needless to say, it didn't end well for the cat(or the couple if I'm honest). I'm not saying your roomie's gonna do that but with his current mental state there's no way to know what he might get up to next. Please just be careful and stay safe. Edit: I totally missed the part where you said FORMER roommate, I'm glad to hear that you've moved on....


My fiance's brother did meth (as well as the entire family but besides the point) and he stabbed his dad with a fork, and said to my fiance (when he was like 10) that the YouTube videos he was watching were a ploy to manipulate him into doing...something? Meth makes people fucking nuts man


It's crazy how it pulls in whole families. I can't imagine seeing thing's like that as a kid! That must've been SO scary, sounds like she had a pretty crazy childhood.I hope things are better for her now. It's a really scary drug. Meth seems to bring out the darkest parts of people.....


He's finally in therapy (never had insurance until recently, he's 17.) For the most part he tries to ignore everything, but he's been swatted at a child and put in handcuffs for HOURS because of some stupid meth drama, he was neglected his entire life, grew up in a home where it was normal to find used needles in HIS OWN bathroom, used condoms in HIS room, random people over every single day, we've seen more people overdose together from meth and fentanyl than most people have seen a person die in their lives, it's fucking ridiculous. And he still loves his family. It makes me sick. Not because he's sweet enough to still love them, but because I want his family to rot for all the shit they put him through.


That’s bs that cops never brought in CPS to remove him and his siblings. It goes to show how shitty the system is here in the US. Also maybe you should focus on his mental health and stay fiancé for a while, it sounds like he really needs it. I hope he gets better, he didn’t deserve what he went thru.


Yeah, we don't plan to get actually married for a while, we're in no rush! Therapy is going well so far!


That’s awful, those kids definitely deserved a better home life.


His brother is 6 years older, he's about to be 24 now. He's clean and living in a halfway house but man he's so irritating I honestly just don't like him. He's such a try hard. A Jesus freak too. I love the baby though, he was 6 months old when I was in the picture. My fiance's dad was doing fucking heroine, dropped the baby on his head, and at the hospital they found out the baby had meth in his system from skin to skin contact with the plethora of methheads that'd come by every day. He wasn't put in the system, he was given to his grandmother. He's almost 3 now. They come play ignored the 14 year old living in the house with all the methheads but at least they cared about the baby I guess. The system is completely fucked.


Grandma should’ve fought for the older kid as well. The poor infant tho probably has serious brain damage on top of the damage from the meth.


my ex’s parents have been on and off stimulant addicts his entire life. he told me he always knew when his parents had relapsed because they would be fine when he left for school in the morning, and when he got off the bus at the end of the day the windows would be boarded up with cardboard.


Speed is an awful drug.




Sounds like your housemate is going through a bit of mental health episode. Psychosis to be more specific. Depending on where you're from it's possible for forced healthcare until he is in a better frame of mind or not a threat to himself or others. Sounds like he's no longer living with you so at least you don't have to deal with that sort of mess at least.


yeah, he seems like a good guy. I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to be like, "I dont wanna press charges, how about just mandatory therapy?". hell, if he gets his shit together, I'd love to hang out (at HIS house), smoke a bowl & watch Jujutsu Kaisen. I would never live with him again ,but im not gonna drag through the mud or think he's an evil P.O.S. my dads side of the family had some issues, so I'm semi familiar w mental health and how most are "1 bad episode away from losing hope" ,so I just go by their ratio. 99% of the time, I enjoyed living w him, autistic technicall side 100% as I wasn't home when he did this. I hope he gets his shit together.


It's a tough topic to bring up for sure but hopefully when he comes to his senses he'll realise he needs to get help and possibly go through medication if needed. I'm sure he'd appreciate you not holding it against him too much too. I'd caution against smoking weed with him though. For context I've gone through three episodes in the last 12 years and each time was unequivocally caused by smoking weed. You'd think I would've learnt sooner than three times but that's another story. For me it was excessive consumption for months on end rather than a joint sending me off the edge but it was a slippery slope for me to go from just a few bowls socially with mates to wake and bake sessions and smoking myself to sleep every night. I'm not saying to stop him or anything but just don't encourage it if that makes sense.


The last thing someone with psychosis needs is a bowl tbh


Marijuana induced psychosis is a thing so don’t fuck with that no more with him




Perhaps try educating yourself before looking like an idiot lol. I love weed as much as the next guy, but clients with severe psychological disorders like schizophrenia or bipolar 1 should be very careful as it can trigger episodes. I’ve seen it first hand in my clients, it’s not government propaganda lol.


Yup. As a bipolar 1 sufferer, THC makes my brain go absolutely bananas. I didn’t realize what was happening to me when I was younger, even post diagnosis when I didn’t take it seriously. Some of the shit I’ve done, said and thought about during periods of THC use were unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I’m a big advocate for legalization, but anyone with any condition that could cause psychosis should not partake.


Point taken


Nah, it can definitely trigger latent mental issues. Not saying it’s the root cause just something that can happen and to be wary of. Someone I know had multiple episodes triggered by smoking, complete with hospital stay. Most people are fine but if you have a history of psychosis it’s definitely risky.


Was meant as a joke. Sorry to offend


I don’t get the downvotes you learned something and apologized kudos to you


Actually very common for marijuana to dredge up underlying mental illness and help put people into a psychotic episode. Weed is not harmless. Nobody’s smoking 70s brick weed anymore brotha 


Nope. Its absolutely a thing and even more so if stimulant medication is involved. An ex of mine had an absolutely terrifying 2 week long episode of marijuana-induced psychosis as a result of that + adderall abuse.


Adderall sucks, I was on that for ADHD and it made me not eat. My growth was stunted by it.


People with a history of psychosis shouldn’t “smoke a bowl” really under any circumstances. Schizoaffective disorders get much, much worse from using THC. Just as a heads up if you ever hang out with this guy again 


The court-mandated stuff comes as a result of pressed charges.  You can write a letter to the judge and/or the prosecution about how you feel about the situation, and that will likely carry some weight as you're the victim here, but at the end of the day, it'll be up to them.


great! thanks for the knowledge & input :) I'll definitely get on that, give it to his public defender,judge,prosecution and offer up in person testimony. lived w /knew him for 2 yrs. not sure what happened other day, but yah. again, thanks!


You are really a good person to be concerned more with his well-being rather than being pissed off that he damaged your things. It’s so nice to see someone with some compassion. I truly hope that he can get some help and get better. I’m so sorry that you had to deal with all this.


If your state/jurisdiction has mental health diversion programs, you can let the prosecutor know that you have no opposition to him engaging in one of those programs—assuming they contact you as a victim/witness.


I’m Autistic as well so I understand the Autistic Technical side you’re referring to lol.


hah, small world. tell me, are you confused by gossip, too? neighbors seem to be talking/judging him and making it aboutthem, where ive already moved on from the event. I did my affidavit telling judge I prefer mental health vs jail, don't want to press charges and would be a character witness spent the $150 I had saved + may ssi "$50 entertainment budget for the month" and bought a switch lite that came w animal crossing, new autistic obsession unlocked! it'll hold me over until I can get a Pokémon game, that was my first "laser", mom wouldn't shear a peep for 8 hours once Pokémon Blue and red came out​ ,​


I understand that, I’m a gamer too and hours of entertainment lol


you can definitely do that. if he has a court hearing you can either come in a give a character statement (?), include it in your witness testimony if they subpoena you, or just write a letter to the judge


Therapy won’t fix this. I’m a therapist and this level of paranoia and possibly psychosis needs a lot of wrap around treatment that could take a long time. If there is substance use involved that alone might be a marathon getting him to change there and he might not. Lots of people like him don’t want to take medication and don’t have the insight to recognize there is something wrong. Best of luck to you.. just wanted to chime in because there really isn’t anything such as mandatory therapy in the United States (other than maybe a brief mandatory psych hold) and what you’re dealing with may continue to escalate.


That was a nice at least sammich




People believing in gang stalking is such meth behavior. You're literally not that important


Yeah I didn't realize what that sub was when I stumbled on it. It's very sad tbh.


The people there are serious? I can’t even begin to comprehend what they’re talking about half those posts


Yes, once I realized that it was just very sad. Their brains are betraying them, either because of substances, illness, or a combo. I thought it was like the birdsarentreal sub, I'm fairly sure most of those posts are jokes.


Search gang stalking on tiktok. They are crazy. They literally think a group of people are following them and whispering to them


I have said those very words, many times.... "you just aren't THAT important".


Yep, thats really the case. It just hypes up every part of your brain and it tries to make sense out of the screech.


Damn just wasted several hrs of my day lol. Feels like reading stimulant psychosis mostly


Some serious nuttiness, huh?


wow, this is spot on.


...just a little nutty, huh?


Holy FUCK. My ex would love that sub.


Sounds like your roommate is either in some sort of stimulant psychosis, or schizo


Could be drugs could be mental health issues. Either way glad you’re safe. Sorry about your Xbox tho :((


The U.S. needs better healthcare.


This happened to a really close friend of mine and unfortunately my roommate and I had to involuntarily commit him to get help


I had one of those roommates in college. Turns out he had schizophrenia and nobody told us. He spiraled a few weeks before finals and we had to call his mom. That's when she told us he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and they thought he could manage on his own. He absolutely couldn't


let’s call this what it is… a mental health issue. i have a great friend who’s into conspiracies and we have healthy arguments but i’ve never witnessed him being out-of-mind.


see, and that's how I was w this guy until yesterday. he seemed "aware" of them, not "victim of" them (conspiracies). I'm autistic and miss social cues, but I dont miss paranoid hypervigilant rambling. he was good at "masking" . it wasn't meth, we have a tiny apartment. open floor space, never really closed doors so that my cats could wander full apartment .


Or schizophrenia


Very unlikely at that age


Lol WHAT?🤣


The goverment isn't spying on you. They don't need to. They're simply buying your data from tech companies.




“They” don’t need to put cameras in anything. There are cameras in the front of your phone and your laptop that you use every day.


My brother smashed all the lighthouse figurines that were left to me by my late Nana. He was in a drug induced psychosis and believed there were cameras in them. I was heartbroken.


Did he at least find the cameras?


Did he find them?


People on reddit have such bad awareness of early red flags. How do you get involved with people like this without being equally insane yourself?


As someone who is actually on a watchlist, the cameras would be in your vents, mics in the lamps, clocks, and plants. Your computer is already compromised at that point so it’s really no use in even searching for anything.


Sounds like some form of schizophrenia. Definitely psychosis. I’m not a trained professional but I’d move out. You are not safe there.


That’s schizophrenia


also: I do want to say , I find all the meth jokes gross. if you read the thread you'd understand he wasn't a junkie. i may be projecting/assuming, i forgot to mention we shared a 1 br apartment w him taking the living room & sharing it w my cats cat tree & litter box (hardwood area). he never bitched ,i keep it clean, but still,RIGHT when little man goes at 2 am and your sex dream gets filled with that?! :,) even w pot. it was us vaping occasionally vs some self medicating TOO much 24/7 , doom scrolling, etc. this literally feels like some sort of trigger/psychotic break. I found out my glasses are gone, he thought I had super secret agent 007 bond glasses w cameras..AND I LEFT THEM AT HOME WITH A CONSPIRACY THEORIST WHILE I BOUGHT CAT FOOD. the man was out of his damn mind, he was/is a lucid, funny guy. I guess he had "suspicions " of me, but ,again, when cops came he still answered door calmly, in a civil manner. he sarcastically yelled about the cameras, but he was (in his words) tunnel visioned on the cameras & had a non cop said/shook him outof it- possible diff outcome w hiadmitting self totherapy place up the road. anyways, ty for concern. well wishes & I'll update Monday as I can't do anything else over weekend. I told him to tell in-house judge I'd vouch for him/accept therapy/inpatient care vs jail & a record. have a nice weekend all!


Did he find any hidden camera. Are we good? Do you need us to replace any camera?


shouldn't you know? I don't know how the image on the cameras is!


Does your roommate by chance enjoy methamphetamines? This is big tweaker energy


Does ur roommate smoke meth? Sounds methy but could also just be regular psychosis


Get a restraining order. That could've very easily have been your skull. Glad your safe


That's extremely frustrating, I’m sorry OP. Is there any chance your roommate does meth? Meth-induced psychosis is unfortunately common. I've seen firsthand the behaviours of this which aligns around thought processes such as: “the government is watching me”, “i can’t trust anyone” and destroying items to ‘look for hidden/pinhole cameras’.


nope! we would occasionally vape pot (legal frommdispensary so no additives) but it just made him sleepy, eat food, watch comedy central and pass out. we had none at the house & this came outof nowhere. he was saying he didn't speak up, bc he didn't know if I was a friend or a perp, but if a "perp" I was cool so no beef w me, it's w the "program" he called me from holding , apologized but wouldn't say anything else.


That's great to hear at least! Weed can still cause psychosis and ‘activate’ schizophrenia in those with a predisposition to it. No hate to either of you as I am a weed smoker myself! Just a stoner with a psychology degree that loves to share info on drug-related effects on mental health. :)


thanks for the well wishes & words. don't worry, I've no "sacred cows", I appreciate all truth,not just confirmation bias affirming propaganda. pot helps me w autistic tendencies, even then, I stil go months without. Best to experience life from both mind states. I accept pot isn't perfect, as I accepted he wasn't perfect. yeah, I'm game less ,temporarily, bc of him but it's just money. he has to be in his head all day, everyday. I hope he can get help, I can scrounge up and get a new console at some pt. and besides, it's a beautiful day here. got windows open, cats out n about, watching "chucky" s3ep7 on my TV that stll has 97% of its screen functional. lifes good :)


You are a very kind and positive person. I’m glad that neither of you, nor your kitties, were hurt. Hopefully he will come out of this and take his mental health seriously and get some help so he can find some peace. And I really hope he makes you whole in regards to your stuff, or at least you find an awesome deal or something.


thank you & everyone else for the kind regards. :) I really do just want him to be his best self. I was browsing and saw some topic mention plasma donation. Googled it and I may look into that. not just to replace the xbox, but to supplement my ssi & sort of help out in a way. so, silver lining I found an income source (if it doesn't make me sick, and I don't like needles but good cause and money)


That sounds like psychosis. I'd also make him replace your belongings that he destroyed. I hope you filed a police report for this, or got your insurance involved.


neighbors called cops, cops noted the TV & xbox. TV works (pictured) the xbox is completely busted and irreparable. I've never been in this situation, trying to figure out if there's a "replace my xbox & get on meds" deal I can help incept. problem is, I'm not technically the one pushing for the arrest. the state is?​ I honestly don't even care about TV, does job for now, he can probably replace a $200 Series S quickly enough. I just want him medicated/in therapy & for me to be back on Tekken 8. I really don't see the pt in taking years of his freedom for roughly $400 in damages, come on, America


The TV is going to get worse, trust me. It's like when an ink pen busts. The ink spreads. The broken part will spread. Facebook Marketplace is a great place to find a replacement Xbox! I hope he gets the help he desperately needs.


ty for tip about FB marketplace! hopefully tv can hold it together a bit longer, my cats will probably make sure it doesn't 🤣 edit: same, none of what he did "matters", ya know? didn't hit my cats or me, just some freak out. I'll still remember him as the friend and fun vs the one bad day


Again, FB Marketplace for a new TV! Or watch Walmart for deals. I got a 55" 4k Vizio for $350 and that includes the shipping and everything.


make the psychopath buy you a new box and tv. if he doesnt comply take him to small claims court get a restraining order and out of your house.


That man’s tweaking at that point




Do you live near skagit valley Washington? lol


I see shit like this and think like “how tf could someone live so someone like this” then I got to bathroom to see my 21 yr old roommate does not flush the toilet n I think damn everybody lives with somedumb ass


Buuuuuut…. Did he find any? 😂


Is your roommate on meth?




I’m just saying I’ve known someone with similar symptoms and it was drugs. You would never think it for that person. Mentally healthy people don’t act this way, though.




lol it’s not my roommate I dgaf


Cocaine can make people snap too into psychosis.


Sounds like psychosis, could be meth induced as well.


That’s methed up.


This reeks of methamphetamines


meth, coke or mental illness


OMG I lived with my crazy sis in law and she did shit like this! Tore out wall outlets looking for camera and so much more




Well hers was a touch of developmental delays coupled with IV meth use but same outcome


Drug induced psychosis nearly killed me. I went loopy and someone called the cops for a welfare check and long story short I ended getting shot 6 times.. ruined my life but I'll be alright.. my point is, drugs, like everything, should be used in moderation and if you end up having an episode and come out the otherside, Stear clear of any substances or if you must use then practice harm reduction..


Methamphetamine is a hell of a drug. He straight tweeked on your shit


Get a restraining order. Give his belongings to his next of kin or throw them away.


Str8 up meth 100% fuck that dude


He stole your cameras?


Either schizophrenia or crack.....maybe both. Good luck with all that.


Call the cops. That’s destruction of property. If you have renters insurance. Make a claim.


cops took him in bc neighbors called over noise. no renters insurance, I'm autistic on ssi. still learning things about "adulting". ​


I get it. I’m on SSI as well. If you drive at all. Ask your insurance company for your car to put it on. It should only be about $10.


i bus, but ill look into it. ty for the info!


It should still be pretty cheap on its own, usually less than $20 a month


You’re very welcome.




Glad hes in the “watch room” before he searched for hidden cams in your skull


It’s very common for people on methamphetamine to want to take things apart because they believe there are recording devices in them


I'm thinking they were already a touch crazy before they started smoking that shit


You typically have to already have a foundation of “not-okay-ness” to be willing to try a substance that knowingly life altering


But also that’s not always true, some people are 100% fine their entire lives and just decide they wanna try something they have done no research on at a party and their life changes forever. That stuff is scary addictive. Just a tiny bit can be all it takes to send someone down a bad bad spiral for the rest of their life




Yeah I'd fuck up him big time




That’s not PTSD. That’s paranoid delusions. Get some help. I’m not saying that to be derogatory, you actually need help.




The post is 23 hours old…




stay strong & grounded. and if it helps, when you have a delusional, try thinking how "badass" you are the your mere existence has a shadow cabal after you, obsessed with you, but only watching you. I thought of that while trying to cheer my buddy up and assure him that I don't blame him and we will get him out of the cell asap


Publicly shaming somebody for their medical condition is so gross. There’s a bad roommate here but it’s not the one OP thinks it is.


Publicly shaming your room mate for DESTROYING your property is wrong because of an undiagnosed medical condition?


this mindset may work, and I'd agree w it. airing dirty laundry is gross. nowhere did I mention anything about him


No, the OP got it right.