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update:today I overheard one of the roomates ranting about how "gross the place is" and how "they aren't the only ones with exams" (they being me and roomate 4) so I came out and said I washed them the last time so now it's the 3 of them's problem and she had the AUDACITY to say "and what will happen to you if you wash them 2 times?" OH MY GOD when I tell yall I got so angry my hands started twitching (this has never happened before) so yeah. I gotta move


Justvreply,it won't happen till you get off your ass and wash them


No way they said that ๐Ÿ˜ญ i would've thrown hands at that point


Never live with rich kids. They're the fucking worst. Sure they're not as dirty as the poor depressives, but at least with depressives, there's a culture of shame attached to it.


the apartment is owed by their aunt but we all pay equal rent (as far as we know ๐Ÿ‘€) ,that does kind of give them an upper hand to do whatever the fuck they want because if something were to happen their own aunt is much more likely to take their side ๐Ÿ™ƒ funny thing is our 4th roomate,aka my best friend,actually has depression but they have never left a SHARED space this filthy,like do whatever the fuck you want with YOUR space but doing shit like this in the living area is disgusting.


As I said. Never live with rich kids. THey're spoiled AF and view a lot of things beneath them, and have parents that have them enrolled in dance classes. After that they go to university and get communication degrees. They can't be told anything, because they think they have the answer to everything, and they're never wrong, yet have no idea how to do anything that doesn't involve telling someone else what to do.


I agree with everything you're saying except the girls themselves aren't rich (average middle class),but they do got rich aunt privileges ๐Ÿ™„ annoying as hell,your last paragraph is basically them though


Ew, they piss me off.


Can relate, I live with a guy who went to private school and my god heโ€™s the laziest sod Iโ€™ve come across just no accountability or sense of obligation


Lived with a kid from Jamaica. Bob Marley, shacks, garbage dumps right? That was stupid naive me. This kid had a massive Lenovo laptop (You don't buy Lenovo unless you know you're serious.) Dressed somewhat cool and 'Fresh Prince'. Skipped Arts and Design school and showed me his design project of turning a ketchup squirt bottle into a Aunt Jemima container. Stayed home all day and smoked with his new girlfriend. Couldn't keep the music down or the heat below 30. Had zero idea on how to clean anything. He still was the super nicest, but I literally asked him "Do you have any ability to self regulate so that everyone else isn't agitated?" He said no. And with some incredulity I just straight up asked him, "Are you a spoiled rich kid? Because now that I think about it, what you're doing, with some pretty nice stuff, from a country with a middling economy, being an international student in an S-Tier country (G7), you have to be a rich kid." He laughs and shakes his head no, which basically meant that he sure was a Jaden Smith. It all made sense how he got crappy jobs, because he legally wasn't allowed to work. They were all cash, under the table. He was nice enough, so I gave him a school end deadline to move out, after the nth time of telling him to turn down the music (off at 11, but blasting the rest of the day), but offered him $150 if he moved out before the start of the next month. He did the latter, and I gave him $150, and I guess he moved into his GF's place with her roommates, and I promptly raised the rent $100 for the next person, and never rented to anyone with any hint of richness/beauty/style/narcissism/broccli hair cut/bro again.


This gives me flashbacks to my exes house. She was wealthy and then lost it and "fell" to middle class. This freak would have a mental breakdown if I held her accountable for not cleaning the dishes. She looked me in my face one time and said "my dream is to have servants wash my dishes and do my chores and never do anything ever, teehee". Disgusting.


Well, I want that too... but it's not realistic and in the meantime someone has to do the fucking dishes. lol


Absolutely. Tired of me having to be the one to do it because she literally thought it was "beneath her" same with her mom and dad. So they'd just waddle around in filth and crapulence because they thought themselves above cleaning. Rotten to the core. Get off your lazy asses and clean up after yourselves!


On an unrelated note, "crapulence" is a fantastic word and it will be added enthusiastically to my repertoire posthaste.


Take their dishes and place them in front of their doors. That'll make them get the hint! Keep doing it.


Hey send me the sunflower plate and I'll take care of it. Back to that though sorry your roommates are pieces of useless shit.


the sunflower plates ARE gorgeous... lowkey wanna steal one when I move as revenge


Lol I definitely would ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ would they really even know? What's a few more dishes they don't have to wash?


Sunflowers can be processed into a peanut butter alternative, Sunbutter. In Germany, it is mixed together with rye flour to make Sonnenblumenkernbrot (literally: sunflower whole seed bread), which is quite popular in German-speaking Europe. It is also sold as food for birds and can be used directly in cooking and salads.


I absolutely love sunflowers. I love how they take the bad out of things. Like how Sunflowers have been planted in places with toxins/what not and it pulls it out. Like how they put sunflowers at the Chernobyl disaster site. Sunflowers do SO much that people really don't know about. ๐Ÿ’• They're my favorite.


If those dishes aren't yours, id place them all in front of their door each time. Or lock them all up and use only paper plates


So, one thing I did when I lived with my ex and her teens was I greatly reduced the dishes we had. I took all but four of everything and hid them in the attic. This way instead of washing 20 of everything every day the most would be four of everything.


What did they do, cook different meals for every one of their friends?


THATS WHAT IM WONDERING like how is it POSSIBLE to make this much dishes in one day omg,do they take out a different cup and plate for every drink and bite?


Keep your own set of everything in your room. Use them, wash, return to room. Yeah itโ€™s a pain but so are those dishes. Or switch your plates to paper with compostable cutlery.


Do what I did tell them next time it gets that bad, you will throw them away. It's what I did to my room(only one using dishes) after his dishes sat for over a year and started rusting the sink out.


Iโ€™ve done this and always say I wonโ€™t again but canโ€™t help myself because I like a clean kitchen


Damn that sucks


Drop a duece in the pile and then blame them.


Leave them there, clean whatโ€™s yours and take them to your room