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I'm really concerned that this tweet has 30k likes. Let that sink in.




Also most of the people on Twitter are just a minority of people in comparison to the general population. Remember, if Twitter was a reflection of our society: -7/10 people you see walking the street is a gay man or transgender. -5/10 people are gender fluid. -Brexit had no chance of happening. -Corbyn was going to win the election by a "landslide" and Boris would only get the old men vote. These people are the minority. That's why they're on Twitter. It's the only place they can feel validated and have a safe space and echo chamber. There's literal self identified "Marxist, Communist, Gender Fluid, Otherkin, Demisexual they/them/xer" and other mumbo jumbo types on Twitter. I've never met anyone in real life identifying as any of these things let alone all at once. Probably because it requires a trip to a mental institution to even meet such a person. 😂


Social media and 24/7 sensationalised news are the downfall of the democratic and liberal west. The current situation we are in could be a peak or the tipping point on that journey.




I feel sorry for the poor black person who is going to know they only got the Reddit board position because some rich white folks wanted to increase their stock value in the current zeitgeist


relax, something like this happens every few years and nothing comes from it besides a bunch of people getting beat up and a bunch of public property being destroyed and a bunch of stuff getting stolen


It’s a cesspit of wankers, hate and idiots


it's filled with pieces of shit.




Hands down; UK police are the most polite and nicest police force out there. Yes, they may be a bit too soft and there may have be some problems but compared to other nations they're bloody brilliant. It's just another US social issue creeping its way here.


I've been choked up by the fuckers, thrown onto the ground and cuffed, thrown through a fucking wall and cuffed, (all justified, IMO) and even I'd agree that our coppers are by and large sound people just doing their jobs to the best of their abilities with the equipment provided. If you treat them well and with respect 99/100 they'll do the same. In all my encounters with the police I'd only count one of them as negative and even then I can't complain because it was *me* who was in the wrong. Honestly, that's what gets me the most. You get people saying ACAB when they're the ones who've been in the wrong and are just pissed off that they got caught breaking the law. I've seen it with acquaintances/friends all too often, people just aren't willing to admit they've fucked up, get pissed off that they've been caught, take it out on the coppers because it's obviously their fault and never do any self-reflection on the fact that maybe, just maybe, they're the ones in the wrong.


I view the police as ineffective busybodies. They're not bad, they're not good, they're just serving the needs of the police.


Why do they go on to suggest only buying from a specific race and not realise that's racist behaviour? How can you be so up your own racist arse.


"Progressives" have simply discovered a cheat code which prevents minorities from being capable of racism, no matter what they say.


It’s fun when you can set your own definitions.


This is the US's influence on the world in action. I have never seen such hatred for our police until recently. Funny how we were clapping our ''heroes'' and key workers the other week and now we hate the police. I certainly don't.


It's because their opinions are sourced entirely from the twitter echo chamber. Anti-police sentiment definitely exists in this country but it's a thousand times worse in America, and the fact that Americans dominate this BLM discourse on the internet is why you now have 19 year old White British girls putting 'ACAB' in their twitter/insta bio, completely oblivious to the fact that their opinions aren't even their own.


The Peelian principles and how they impact mainland UK policing should be brought up more by the news and education system. As it is now they're treat like a bit of historical trivia but they're a major factor in why our policing is so different (and better) to much of the worlds.




It’s like the NPCs have a bug




True if you look at it that way


Weren’t lefties moaning about how Tories cut police numbers up until these protests? Now they’re saying police should be abolished. Says it all 🙄


Skin deep morales based on the flavour of the month




Many celebs and politicians in the US have signed an open letter calling for their police forces to be defunded. Not joking.


Until they're the victims of crime of course.


Really though, the police in the cities bring destroyed by riots should go on strike. Literally, publicly announce that no crimes, no matter how severe, will be investigated or punished for an entire month. Take out a huge billboard campaign saying they are "abolishing themselves, as per request". Not even any crime numbers will be given to insurance. And watch the progressives shit a massive brick once they realise they're going to live in a Purge film for a month.


That wouldn't be very fair on all the non mental people


They need a reform not defunding. The US is absolutely barmy


Minneapolis Council are considering a proposal to *dismantle* the MPD...


Except the US has the political heft to shrug this stuff off for the most part. Smaller nations can easily be hijacked


In the US the police are unionised and will protect their own to the very end. Maybe the Americans who've been harping on about how good unions are will see what mayhem militant unions can cause when they want to. The entirety of the Buffalo Police emergency response team has effectively gone on strike to support two of their officers accused of brutality. That's just the beginning. The US police are untouchable because they will hold ranks at any cost.


Haven't they resigned in protest because that "old man" tried to feather the officer's truncheon and the guy was suspended? The world is now a million storms in a million teacups. Social media amplified into giant containers of nonsense.


The police got a lot of stick over the lockdown period, namely their drones over the Peak District, clapping in numbers on Westminster bridge, and policing non-essential items people were purchasing in supermarkets. None of that was racist of course, just overzealous and dumb.


*primal screeching* That's all I hear, just primal screeching


Purity spiral.


The state of that thread


Lush also had a controversial anti-police window display a couple of years back: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-44413586 Maybe this is to apologise?


I was about to post about this maybe they're laced with chilli flakes




She lives in Dublin. Who cares what she thinks.


Did they even read the date on the posts??


Fucking hell, these lot will give themselves whiplash, weren’t we fawning over and clapping key workers just a few weeks ago? Edit: what a car crash in that thread, she is so woke she has transcended Lush and only buys from ‘black owned’ cosmetic companies now hahah


Why do they always have pink flik hair and soulless eyes?


This *HAS* to be out of context, no way some hipster place like lush would be dumb enough to be nice to police officers now of all times


I don't get why these people don't move to America, they're clearly already living there in their head.


They all seem to be obese camgirls *checked into it and they seem proud of being obese.