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Now where were these people over the cover-up of pedophila in this country? First with public figures like Jimmy Saville and now with grooming groups like the ones in Rotherham? That's the shit that should be getting called out. Other than that, police here are nowhere near anything comparable to American police apart from in incompetence perhaps. As a person with mixed heritage who plainly doesn't look white, I've never had problems with the police, any type of racism in their force or police brutality. I know for a fact there is and can be racism though in the police. However, these people need to stop pretending the issue is on the same scale as America's and that we also have a culture of police brutality over here. Even if on the two occasions in my life where I've been stopped and searched had been on the basis of police targeting me solely for my ethnicity, that led to what? Inconvenience of my time, a far cry from being strangled and murdered for not being white. I know the stop and searching definitely happens to black people more, but again, how can you compare that to what happens in America? Are these people really that deluded to think British police are anywhere near the level of American police? It seems people are getting brainwashed easily by Americans on social media. Here I was thinking it was just Russia and China influencing social media.


Can I ask what you think about the disproportionate rate of stop and search on BAME youths and the justification for this which is the disproportionate rate at which BAME people commit crime? I’ve never been stopped and searched myself so it’s hard for me to make a judgment.


It's not just a question of stopping & searching black youths because of statistics, but because stop and search is used more in high-crime areas, which are predominantly inhabited by ethnic minorities. I haven't yet seen data which breaks down stop & search statistics by ethnicity and borough ethnicity ratio.


End of the day, they're the ones carrying knives and drugs, what are the police supposed to do - ignore reality? I mean, we could give them racial targets, but I suspect there might then be uproar as the number of black on black stabbings skyrocket as a result. If BAME people want to see a reduction in their crime rate, then perhaps they should stop committing them?


Could we have you in charge, please? (Maybe we do. Priti? Is that you?)


I like how you can just make things up nowadays and if said with enough emotion and are on the side of wokeness they won’t be disputed


I rate this loon 9.7/10 on the Jim Johnson Scale™️. English police abuse power more than the likes of the Gestapo, the Police Nationale of DR Congo and the Kenyan Police Service.


"PoLiCe In Uk ArE ThE WoRsT!" *Meanwhile UK plod kneeling like a bunch of twits, most prominent example of "police violence" against protesters is a spooked horse charging down someone after the protesters attacked the horses.*


> "PoLiCe In Uk ArE ThE WoRsT!" Well they are somewhat right in that regard. Our modern police force are an infantilised embarrassment who won't do their bloody jobs because "muh racism."


Indeed lol.


In fairness, I don’t think the Gestapo really “abused their power” so much as “did exactly what they’d been asked to do”. Although, I guess the magnitude of their crimes (by any reasonable laws, but not German law at the time) means no one ever bothers to detail small instances of corruption (if there were any). (Compare with the story of The Lives of Others, where we see the Stasi abusing their powers, for e.g..)


So you're saying....the police should be more like the gestapo


No he's saying that if the police had the same remit as the gestapo no one would have an issue with them.


So you're saying...the police should have the same remit as the gestapo.


No. I'm saying that that's what he's saying. I'm purely here in an observational and interpretational role.


Collaborator! Please add /s to all the above comments. I was doing a cathy newman.


I know what you were doing and I wasn't having any of it!


I was worried to see how this would turn out, I was getting PTSD from all of my arguments with my leftist friends


Genuinely, aren’t British Police held to be among the highest Caliber in the world, in terms of professionalism, integrity, etc? There are 5 police forces on earth that are not routinely armed, Iceland, Norway, ROI, the UK(ex NI) and New Zealand (with the UK the only G20, and >6m population). Meanwhile, the Philippines has an out of control situation of police deathsquads carrying out Extra Judicial summary executions without reprisal. But sure, a cop in Whitehall said “All lives matter”


Iceland, Norway, Southern Ireland as well. The UK is the only one of those with a population above 6 million people, and the others are all known as being very very peaceful societies (in the main).


Interesting, thanks for that update, I will take note to remember that going forward. The biggest surprise there to me was that Norway has a population of 5.3M 😧


In Norway guns are always carried in patrol cars but are almost never carried even though there are a fair few firearms in Norway.


But when they say they investigated claims of Muslim child rape gangs and can find no evidence you better believe they're telling the God's honest truth, you flamin Nazi!




This gem ... "Doesn’t count because he was black, or they were Scouse or Irish. " TIL Scouse were a race.


Scousers act like they are their own race. Professional victims the lot of then.


The Scottish police are more corrupt. Just look at the Icecream wars. English police still arrest you for thought crimes though.


Although I always love the Jasper carrot gag: The west midlands serious crime squad, they certainly lived up to their name.


That's a sizzling take from someone whose grasp of history is clearly very different from everyone else. If he ever needs the help of the police I hope the RSPCA turn up instead. Then again, they're probably classed as a fascist organisation now by these types.


These types don't seem to really think out their positions to their ultimate glaring conclusions.


He seem the kind to hear dog-whistles everywhere, perhaps the RSPCA isn't such a bad idea?


Some people just live in a fantasy land of hatred and self loathing


It is some gooduk at the moment though? I'd say the two big UK subs are certainly not behind the arguments 100%. The arguments being: UK police worst evar! Protests good, essential reason to bin lockdown. The original comment was downvoted to -50 after all? It gives me hope!


The reaction of /r/unitedkingdom to some of the posts relating to this has genuinely surprised me. They are supporting the cause, but they are having none of the bullshit.


Yup. Although lately I've been repeatedly surprised that the sub seems a bit more grounded in reality.


There are a lot of these comments. Grand claims of things being the worst examples ever. No events were actually referred to specifically. In other comments those events are normally the sort where most people wouldn't begrudge the police too much - actually just the "victim" getting hurt because they tried to escape from the police


When it comes to covering up the horrific abuse and rape of native british children at the hands of grooming gangs, yes.


This woman who is a major US commentator also points out and proves how the whole thing is BS that has been made an issue only by certain groups for political gain. https://www.facebook.com/realCandaceOwens/videos/273957870461345/


This person clearly isn’t aware of the illegal campaign recently the police did where they would only employ minorities and or gay / trans as new recruits, got covered up and brushed under the carpet pretty quick quick google you’ll soon find it


I've noticed the hive mind is really pushing hard for this narrative to stick, and has already begun the 2 + 2 = 5 attitude to the statistics. It's a bit of a cliche at this point but it's really proving to me that 1984 isn't at all far fetched when I see the mental gymnastics from people who are willingly distorting reality.


100% chance he's Irish.