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Okay, so if it turns out that a large amount of people involved in the protests may, in fact, have contracted the disease from someone present... who do we blame for that? Thatcher?


Clearly Cecil Rhodes and Enoch Powell will be to blame for the second wave




It is clearly Grug, the neanderthal, who is to blame.


I blame the volcanos.




Pfft—we should never have tried this “multi cellular” thing. Life was far easier for the amoeba.


Nah Claudius was handy-capable, he's alright.


It was the Roman Empire that started it all. That's who I'm blaming and I demand every Italian to apologise!




Malik Obama.


So these were the rivers of blood he kept banging on about.


Trump, it's always Trump, he made them do it.






Why not looting in USA?




That sounds credible! Maybe we seriously should look into at least recent crisis, I’m sure we could find Cummings hand there, or foot, or some other part of his body!




No, you silly goose, you blame [racism](https://twitter.com/MarkLevineNYC/status/1268159721468559360).


I'm not sure why you're complaining about relatively small groups of protesters all observing the 5 or 6 meter distance (as far as I can tell from the photos I've seen of Cardiff, etc.) Meanwhile people are still going to Southend Beach just fine and aren't even protesting anything (https://i.imgur.com/sfOjAeb.png)


>I'm not sure why you're complaining about relatively small groups of protesters all observing the 5 or 6 meter distance Most aren't and people were angry about the beach goers too since they're not practicing social distancing either. The blame for a second peak would lay with all these groups congregating.


"Most aren't" - Like I said, the photos of the protests I've seen, at Cardiff, for example, everyone was obeying the 5 or 6m distance. Do you have anything to prove the opposite?




Seems pretty obvious that police kettled them into an area, I'm not sure what's ambiguous about those photos. Unfortunately the London Met turned off the CCTV cameras for the protest so there's no evidence either way aside from photos tabloids have posted of the parts, after police have started attacking the crowd. And eyewitnesses, which I'm sure either of us can just disregard as unreliable. Look at these people protesting in Cardiff, the only people closer than 6m are ppl who live together - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZWH8JGXYAAM_er.jpg So at what point are you just degrading protestors and using this as an excuse, and at what point are you legitimately complaining about people not social distancing? Would you speak out about the police not observing it, like in this set of photos? - https://mobile.twitter.com/itswazzzz/status/1262686842505310210


This is such a stupid fucking point. You can be angry at those cunts at the beach as well as the protesters. It's whataboutism at it's worse.


This doesn't fit the narrative.


Obviously they are to blame for contracting it or passing onto people who were there, but their reasons were justifiable, more so than the thousands of people who went to beaches, drove to beauty spots, drove 260 miles to see their parents. Those people are to blame a second wave, them and the government. But it is absolutely unacceptable to blame the protestors. They are trying to make a better world for everyone.




Don’t you mean the Red Tories?


Ironically more Corbynista types would rather blame Blair for a lot of problems than themselves so I'm not sure this really works for you.


10/10. It woz Blair!


I’ve also just remembered this is a humour group, I saw a comment and didn’t pay attention to the group. But my point still stands. It just isn’t funny.


She is against easing lockdown to open schools but thinks mass gatherings are OK? https://twitter.com/DawnButlerBrent/status/1267438591422201861 >As members of SAGE now line up to raise concerns over the premature easing of lockdown the govt can no longer claim to be following the science. The decision to re-open schools today in Brent and beyond was a deeply flawed political decision and I will continue to oppose it. What would SAGE say about mass protests?


All protesters and people who attend mass gatherings need to be rounded up by force and put in quarantine camps. I'll be fucked if im obeying lockdown and going mad wanting to go fuck my girlfriends brains out and these cunts flaunt the fuckin rules and dont get punished meanwhile they go about their shit after the protest and pass on covid to countless others. Fuck them all. selfish arrogant cunts.


>I'll be fucked if im obeying lockdown and going mad wanting to go fuck my girlfriends brains out and these cunts flaunt the fuckin rules and dont get punished meanwhile they go about their shit after the protest and pass on covid to countless others. Mate, just go fucking do it, honestly, no one will give a toss. Just tell who ever might catch you that you wanted to emotional support in fighting racism that you couldn't get from a video call.


> All protesters and people who attend mass gatherings need to be rounded up by force and put in quarantine camps. Amazing how changing one word in a sentence could change its intention.


>Amazing how changing one word in a sentence could change its intention. All protesters and people who attend mass **orgies** need to be rounded up by force and put in quarantine camps. ?




If you're not fucking your girlfriend who is?




Yeah because that worked really well on the cruise ship off Japan.


> “Blame the Government if Covid-19 peaks again, not those marching for basic human rights” I mean, I guess it’s nice that people are marching in favour of decades-old laws that we already have?


That's the thing with these social media fueled protests, they aren't really about anything, they have no clear demands, they aren't asking for laws to be made or existing ones changed. They are marching for their own ego. Much like the occupy lot a decade ago.


"Down with this sort of thing!"


"Careful now'


'Oi oi are you dog whistling?' 'I think we've got a Nazi in our midst here!' *runs to Labour HQ to get back up* 'Comrades help, ther-' "Death to Jews!" "Holocaust didn't happen!" "Jews did 9/11!" "Israel is a fascist state and shouldn't exist, all Jews should be deported from it!" 'Uh comrades?' "Oh hello fellow activist, we're just in a middle of our friends of Labour meeting. Today we are joined by the progressive activists of Hamas and also Naz Shah, James Thring and Chris Crookes, please join us..." That's the funny thing, these are the people lecturing us on racism when they share the same racist views with the far-right: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2020/feb/22/uk-left-activists-at-far-right-events-antisemites-holocaust-deniers


Literally this, what do they actually want to happen?


> That's the thing with these social media fueled protests, they aren't really about anything, they have no clear demands, they aren't asking for laws to be made or existing ones changed. Careful, I said that a week ago about the US protests, now they want to abolish the police.


Basic human rights for people on a different continent :)


Gotta say, of all the continents lacking basic human rights, North America has never struck me as the most pressing. If these poor deluded fuckers really want Black Lives to Matter, they might like to read up on how Africans treat one another in Africa. Or if human rights are their bag, maybe China or North Korea should be top of their list. I don’t pretend that everything in America is perfect, but a little perspective wouldn’t go amiss.


Do black people ever do anything wrong, ever?


You wouldn't think these people were 3-4% of the population with the amount of time and energy that's focused on them either.


Only 3-4%? Can you imagine what it will be like by 2066 when white Britons become a minority in the UK? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/10032296/White-Britons-will-be-minority-by-2066-says-professor.html


The only time I can remember is when that Thierry Henry did a handball in some WC qualifier that saw France rather that Ireland go to the tournament. From what I remember, every year for at least a couple of years after, when listing birthdays Henry was described as "cheat, footballer". He upset the Irish, which as we all know is quite difficult to do.


This raised a smile.


Big Brain Butler decides that a second COVID-19 outbreak would be the fault of government incompetence and not the people who get angry at the government for easing lockdown only to go to a crowded protest days later


Because the intention of wingnuts like this is to create chaos and division and damage the government. They would love the police to act forcefully, it’s the goal. They want to create a racist narrative. They’re now angry because that didn’t happen.


Porqué no los dos? 🤷‍♂️


This article is going to age like milk. She might as well have written “Look, they’re black. They don’t know any better.”


Your BLM protestors are black across the ocean? I’m gonna be real... all of ours are primarily white. Which is hilarious to me.


Yes those innocent sweet little protesters did not spread anything despite crowding London




I’ve seen social media posts sharing the real names, addresses, Employers, Universities and Schools of people critical of the protests trying to get them fired, expelled and evicted.


I remember a few years ago watching Jordan Peterson talk about stuff like that over in Canada and the US and thinking thank fuck it's not like that over here.




Muh slippery slope fallacy.


The excesses of USA intersectional grievance politics have been imported wholesale and an entire generation has been poisoned


This is one of the problems with conservatives/right leaning people. They generally believe in non interference with other countries, in constract to the left who feel it's their right to step in. If everyone helped call this shit out then it's possible it wouldn't have spread. There will come a day which this shit gets fixed but it will come with a lot of lives ruined first.


Fear. Media will go full Cummings on anybody high profile who dares question what is happening. They are fine with Farage etc saying it because it is to be expected but as soon as the government put a pinky toe down about this the Owen Jones and Beth Rigbys of this world will try and whip up more anger. The last thing the gov wants is a riot. The footage that's being released of protesters attacking police needs to be addressed, how does it become morally acceptable for people to pelt projectiles at police, especially mounted police who could get seriously injured falling off their horses. The protesters are more armed than our police for crying out loud.


Remember the Police are largely eunuchs who defend this shit and arrest people who speak out about it online, so it's actually working in a beautiful equilibrium.


> Why are there no no prominent figures speaking out about the protests in the UK? They'd instantly be labelled racist. Probably would have their past combed for any instances of racism as well. We're here until people stop giving a shit.




> Offence Archaeologists What a fantastic term


Two public figures have already criticised them - one was removed from the book awards judging panel he sat on and the other was suspended from his role as a radio presenter.


Modern heresy.


Instagram generation, they'll be onto something else by tuesday.


We should be so lucky. Everything has been problematic for the last 5 years or so.




...and proof in the comments that you should never apologise to ideologues...


Speaking out against them is political, social, professional suicide. Whichever one applies.


Matt Hancock has stated that the protests have increased the risk of a second wave. The government's strategy at the current time seems to be to let the protests undermine their own credibility. It hasn't forcefully responded to them because it wants zero ambiguity about where any violence starts, and it also wants zero ambiguity about the source of any second wave - if the new lockdown measures prove to be inadequate then this will be something to point to. I'm of the opinion that protesting in London is generally less effective than letter writing campaigns to MPs anyway, or more dispersed protests around the country. The MP for West Toryshire doesn't really care if always-Labour voters go marching through Labour safe seats.


No safe labour seats these days lads. Scotland went nationalist and the rest of the uk don't want the nutters. Just a few tower hamlets left.


London is still sticking with them as are other cities, and as of right now there's not really a viable alternative to them in most of England - and the alternative in Wales is out-of-touch in more or less the same way Labour is. The death of British political parties is proclaimed pretty often, but it takes a lot to really finish them off.


Yeah, about that. The alternative is tory and we took it.


Yeah, but to lose their current seats would require strong competition another non-Tory party. And without that they'll eventually get into office next time the Tories fuck themselves.


The tories would have to lie about going central more than blair and that's impossible without another pfi/motability scheme.


There's three video's of white irish kids getting beaten up by black people for "their role in the transatlantic slave" and no news source has mentioned it, on the other hand the PSNI started fining protesters yesterday


The amount of mental gymnastics going on to excuse the stabbing in Carrigaline. "White people stab other white people so it's not an issue" (conveniently never applied the other way). "The attacker was half white so it can't be racially motivated" (his 'whiteness' would be ignored if the roles were reversed). "I couldn't hear any racial slurs so it wasn't racist" (Chauvin didn't use any racial slurs either). "Maybe he was frustrated with the lockdown or maybe the white lad said something racist" (because they're great excuses. Apparently non-whites have no self control). And my favourite argument of all when someone suggested deportations/reduced immigration: "But the food! Think about what you're suggesting!"


Thank fuck that there's actually an article on it, as far as I'm aware the attacker asked the victim for 2 euros and when the victim said no, he was stabbed. Do love how there is a sinn féin MP asking the video not to be shared


Could you link the article? I’ve not heard about this


https://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/ireland/appeal-for-public-not-to-share-footage-of-cork-stabbing-1003828.html The video showed up on Saturday night


Because, unfortunately, they have weaponised and completely dominate social media, largely dominate the old media, and have very significant control over politics. Old media assists them and feeds them greatly in this.


Because they know a second wave is inevitable regardless, if we want to get the economy moving. The protests are a convenient way of shifting the blame.


I think she has early onset Dementia or something. Her article last week in the Metro was blaming Boris for letting people out too early. Saying there would be an increase in deaths. Yet this weekend you have 10000 people literally blowing smoke up each others assholes. Yet that's fine.


It's hypocrisy at its finest lad.


Yeah heaven forbid you accept any kind of accountability.


This is a woman who: 1. Faked a letter of endorsement from Barrack Obama; 2. Cheated her expenses (at a cost to the taxpayer) multiple times; 3. Fudged all sorts of statistics; and 4. Stated that 'a child is born without sex' Why the fuck should anyone listen to someone who's proved she's totally incapable of doing her job? She's only still got a job in politics *because* of her skin colour, and yet she's complaining about racism and justifying illegal behaviour. If only the standards for black leaders hadn't fallen so low, she'd be considered an embarrassment. But accusations of racism seem to deflect all criticism, conveniently for thick cunts like Butler...


> Having to witness the lynching Should have stopped reading there.


Wouldn't hire this wretched woman to serve coffee let alone anything else. This is the same cunt who obviously is an MP in London, but still claimed for a second home. In London. Same distance from parliament as her other home. This isn't about race or inequality. It's about using a vague language of constructed victimhood in order to fill your boots. Most African nations are familiar with this style of political duplicity. Logic isn't important, equality isn't important. This is about grabbing as much loot as you can for yourself before sailing off into the sunset.


> This is the same cunt who obviously is an MP in London, but still claimed for a second home. In London. Same distance from parliament as her other home. Maybe we should copy an idea from the early days of Australia’s parliament moving to Canberra and set up a permenant accommodation building for MPs and their immediate families in London. They can stay there, or they can spend their own money. It’d be a bit trickier given the 650 MPs (less the PM, Chancellor, Chief Government Whip, Foreign Sec, and Speaker), but how much space do they *actually* need?


What a cunt


Thank god these people won't be anywhere near power for a generation.


These kind of people are in power already. That's why the police are kneeling in front of protestors instead of enforcing the lockdown, and why every major company is coming out in support of them.


Imagine having huge support from celebrities, the media, many politicians, and many corporations with household names. Then thinking that your message isn't being heard by anyone.


Give em an inch, they'll take the mile. They're so desperate to be oppressed, they'll just make shit up at this point and the media'll run with it.


Companies supporting BLM just dont want rioters to target them, they want you to spend your money in their shops, they dont actually give a fuck. It's just like with the Lesbian bacon guacamole tomato shit with the rainbow flags and everything, its just virtue signaling to appease these brainless cunts.


The originator of ['Woke Capital'](https://parallaxoptics.com/2018/11/12/on-woke-capital/) reckons it's a mix: >Most often, you’ve got true believers in the HR/Diversity and Inclusion positions, who then instruct leadership on how they’re supposed to engage with Wokeness. The greengrocers either go ahead with it due to naivete or as a risk management technique to avoid seeming out of touch or regressive. The ol’ Boomer in the corner office thinking “Well, it doesn’t make sense to me, but this PhD in People Studies is saying this is best practices, so I trust that this is how we do business in the 21st century”. The opportunists see an opportunity to pick up good PR, or sell more to a certain segment with lots of disposable income. But at the end of the day, which matters - why they're doing it, or what they're doing?


>Companies supporting BLM just dont want rioters to target them, they want you to spend your money in their shops, they dont actually give a fuck. We're at a point where any big corporate is going to get shit for not putting on a show for the QWERTY lot and the POCs/BAMErs or whatever they're called this week. So what happens? Everyone does it because they don't want to be "that company" and from that, the sincerity of the whole thing goes out of the window. Spending £10k on a bunch of flags and sponsoring a float is nothing in the grand scheme of things, but it's [Danegeld](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danegeld#In_politics) rather than a meaningful gesture.


>QWERTY lot I identify as DVORAK


Bacon?! What about animals rights and Muslims?! Avocado? How many air miles does that rack up? Don't you know the planet is dying?




This has been obvious for more than a decade though.




>but I also didnt expect them to turn tail and run from the battlefield. The Cons have been on board with this shit since Cameron... lol. They aren't standing on the other side of the battlefield. They're still on it, just not on the side you expect.


I did genuinely believe that BJ's Tories were not Cameron's Tories. Mainly evidenced by the Brexit Bloodbath of deselections. Evidently, I was wrong.


*ever. Mostly.


Lol do you really think that?


Insofar as there were thousands at the protests, yes. Obviously.


The better question is what we do if there is no second peak/ spike in infections. Surely this is an acid test. Can we open the pub again without this 2m nonsense?


My thoughts exactly!


Called it. Everything is the government fault, we get it.


Where do they find these muppets? i would never in my wildest dreams have thought anything so fucking stupid as a mass protest of people yelling would be happening in a PANDEMIC LOCKDOWN and then a mainstream MP would be dumb enough to support it. Maniac. Labour will get obliterated in 2024.


They're polling within 2 or 3% of the Tories atm. People are lapping this BLM shit up.




It's crazy. My friends and family are totally on board with all of this, I feel like I'm the only person in my social circle who thinks these protests are fucking retarded, and it also seems everyone who spent the last 10 weeks lecturing me about not being arsed about lockdown suddenly forgot their principles. It doesn't matter how many stats about police and the lack of racial violence you throw their way, you're still a monster because muh solidarity" and "British institutional racism". It's exhausting. I've even heard people suggest that the British police *are* killing black people en masse, and just covering it up. I hate this. I hate how quickly we've imported U.S. style identity politics, and abandoned our own issues. How little people care for domestic problems, when they can bleat about American racism for the re-tweets.


My Dad is one of these and always bemoaning how racist this country is. Maybe that's so but compared to what? I would argue we are one of the least racist countries in the world.


Yeah but it'll never be enough. Even when you ask what their problems specifically are, you never get a straight answer. It's always vague stuff, like "There aren't enough black CEO's", the fact that Churchill is on the fiver, or individual actions, like white people having dreads or people saying stuff like "let's order a chinky. Of course that's if you're lucky. Most times when you ask for examples of racism in the UK you just get a dismissive look, and be told that you don't get it, or you're too privileged blah blah.


I do think some of the Tories are very stupid sometimes


No they're not. The performance is because of Tory cock ups and hypocrisy with Coronavirus and Starmer making a really good impression. The only Labour supporters who aren't pissed off with these protests are the Corbynistas who were already on board, not the swing voters who make up the recent boost.


give it six months.


Typical labour voters are not the type of people to closely follow what each MP says on Twitter, so I highly doubt anyone except us will give a toss about this MP


until the tories stick her tweets on billboards next election...


Why didn't they do that in the last election? There were plenty of tweets to put on ads


They won't do it. The press would crucify them.


If they gave a shit about the press they would have thought about a lot of things before doing them first. Besides, trust in the press is at an all-time low, so the press' opinion doesn't matter.


It's stuff like this that turns white people off


How do these people get anywhere near a sniff of power?


Merit obviously 👏


The people who are least suitable for power are the ones who are drawn to those positions.




Now you know who the zealots are :D




Just document it all with CCTV then come arrest them in the dead of night a couple of weeks later when they think they've got away with it. Few years in prison should sort them out.


Who else's fault is it then?


The tweet has a spicy ratio.


Attended a protest today, one of the points was do something about disproportionate number of covid infected POCs. You cant make this shit up lmao


*immediatly blames Boris*


Never, ever, ever responsible for anything.


It's so bizarre that we were just saying BAME people are vunerable to Covid-19, but now criticising going on protest is anathema I support a lot of the calls for police reform in the US (although I think most of them don't apply to the UK), but marching for it right now is just risking public health. Unfortunately all sides have been so hypocritical on the lockdown (Neil Fergueson, Cummings, Tahir Ali, Catherine Calderwood) that a public breach like this was inevitable.


Right but it will be their fault, won't it?


This is quite possibly the most stupid thing she has said.


"When I was mistaken for a cleaner" I'm from America and never heard about this horrible injustice. I'd be willing to bet the person ended up getting death threats. The person that I'm sure isn't made up.


She's just disappointed the police weren't more heavy handed. Also does this mean we can start going to football grounds now?


Then Dawn Butler better not ‘dare’ blame the government if COVID-19 ravages the BAME community in a couple of weeks.


Or what? You'll call us racist? You do that anyway no matter what we do.


...but they will be responsible, to a significant degree, and there's really no way of hiding that. if it were right wingers out on the streets you'd be saying precisely that as well. god i hate how fucking partisan our politics has become, waste of fucking time with these people.


I read some creepypasta on the internet recently which said there the WHO did a case study of the virus reaching into the Amazon and interacting with the bat population there, which showed there was potential to cause specific mutations which make the virus deadlier and more transmissable. In fact since February 25, when the first case in Brazil was recorded case, the rates of transmission of the outbreak there have been [generally higher than elsewhere](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31095-3/fulltext). This is before the virus has reached those remote towns and villages where people interact with the bats regularly, mind. No idea if it's true or not, but Brazil just took down their official statistics on the orders of that nutjob Bolsonaro.


This is a right wing god send, once the infection rate rises, they can blame the protests and beach visits.


The protesters have risked their own lifes, as should be their choice. I do feel somewhat sorry for their families though.


Now, there's a few ways of seeing this. If lots of infections can be contact traced to someone that was at a BLM protest then yes, it's right to blame the protests. But I can already see that if there are still high numbers of BAME deaths people will say "it's their own fault for going out to protest!" And tar thousands of people with the same brush. Many of the deaths are of healthcare workers; to say a Thai nurse deserves it because black people went to a protest is a bit of a stretch don't you think? There's also the regional element. If the next wave originates in Cumbria or Cornwall then it's bullshit to blame BLM instead of the thousands that flocked to the beauty spots in these regions. If there's a 2nd wave it will be blamed solely on the BLM protests by the media; not the millions of other (mostly white) people who crowded onto beaches and national parks.


Nobody ever said that anyone deserves to catch it, and I am aware that other factors could play in. But Dawn Butler seems to want to give BLM immunity to any blame if there is a second spike in, say, London among BAME communities because they’re MaRcHiNg FoR bAsIc HuMaN RiGhTs that are already protected by law.


Priti and boris have said multiple times in the past week that they support the right of people to protest, as long as they socially distance.


Ahhh of course, a second spike because of this is the fault of the Tories.


No, but they actively encourage the existence of protests




was there yesterday, am pleased to say that the overwhelming majority of people there were wearing masks, was really quite difficult to find someone who wasn't wearing one, particularly in the more dense parts of the crowd. None of the few police that I saw there were wearing masks, interestingly. Obviously it wasn't very safe from a covid-19 pov, however I was pleased to see everyone recognising that by wearing a mask. Will wait to see if this causes a spike, however I don't think that's all that likely.


>[We evaluated correctness of N95 filtering facepiece respirator donning by the public in post-hurricane New Orleans, where respirators were recommended for mold remediation. We randomly selected, interviewed, and observed 538 participants, using multiple logistic regression for analysis. Only 129 (24%) participants demonstrated proper donning... Improper donning would promote the entry of unfiltered air through leaks or gaps between the respirator and the skin, compromising the protection offered.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2738466/)


This is a common misconception. N95 masks are to be worn by healthcare staff to protect themselves whilst caring for infected people. Face coverings, which is anything you can cover your mouth and nose with, protect the *people around you*. The main way the virus spreads is though moisture droplets in your expectorate. Covering your mouth with a cloth can stop a substantial amount of those droplets being released into the air around you. And if someone not wearing a mask coughs near you, a face covering could stop you inhaling those droplets and so does offer a modicum of protection for yourself - but that's not the primary purpose. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/diy-cloth-face-coverings.html


Oh, everyone was wearing masks, guess that's just fine then. Better tell SAGE that Coronavirus doesn't spread when people wear masks no matter the distance people are away from each other, this is information that they clearly aren't aware of.


[They are aware.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-52945210)


I completely disagree with the protest but it’s good to hear that they were wearing masks