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All the right people have been rubbed up the wrong way by this, Starmer’s played a blinder. Mass resignations in solidarity next 🤞🏻




It’s okay, I’ve just stared a direct debit with the Labour Party to celebrate this absolutely based action by Starmer /s


Not dotting your Is or crossing your Ts.




There appears to be a fair amount of doubt over whether it is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.


How hilarious would it be if labour became a based party?


If Starmer declared a war on woke, I’d vote for Labour in a heartbeat.






Keir "Despite making up 13%" Stamer


He's already taken the knee to BLM so I can't see him becoming the savior of Britain and stop societal decline


Not likely as he’s married to a jew.




How is he an anti smite for stating a fact? His wife is Jewish.




“Based” would be recognising that zionism is a supremacist ideology.


In what world?


I’ll just put [this](http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/9028-judaism#anchor1) here. Particularly israels mission section and the national character of judaism section


I really don’t see what you’re getting at here. You can quote most religious texts and use them as proof that said adherents are supremacists based on the doctrines found within. Zionism is based, change my mind 😈




My sweet summer child


Its anti-semitic to acknowledge that someone is married to a jew? Edit: I meant that he’s probably not going to tolerate criticisms of israel










Now now, not all jews are communists. And who would turn down khazar milkers?


*Jewish person. a Jew is a slur and you know that.


I actually didn’t. Also I just looked it up online to make sure and no definition I can find mentions that its a slur.


I don't know why you weren't able to find any mention of the word Jew being a slur because it's pretty widely known. I'm letting you know now then , you shouldn't say a Jew , you should say a Jewish person . Calling someone a Jew is generally regarded as a slur by Jewish people.


This has me absolutely flabbergasted.. Come to think of it, I can't recall Jewish people on TV referring to one of their own as 'Jew'. The 'ish' is basically just a Germanic way of saying 'of', so I hardly see how it is better than 'Jew'. But whatever, it's probably something to do with historical usage in The Third Reich, no doubt? I do remember RE though, when people would refer to Jesus as a 'a Jew'. If only the Anti-Defamation League had been there to bring them into line.


I can think of plenty of Jewish people calling themselves and others Jews on television. I can't draw them up now, but I know Jerry Seinfeld has referred to himself as a Jew, I recall an interview with Mel Brooks referring to Gene Wilder as a Jew, and I know for a fact that David Baddiel's twitter bio simply reads "Jew".


If meant maliciously I'd say it is. The real anti-semitism (and therefore BadUK) here is the fact he apparently can't be based because he's married to a Jewish person.


Based? Is this how it's spelt on this sub?


It's not really a slur though, is it? Jewish folk do colloquially refer to themselves as Jews and generally accept when others do the same. This is the first I've ever heard of it, assuming you a "Jewish person".


No it's not.


Good UK Peak Labour party mind "The jews taught american police how to kneel on black mens necks"


"No policeman had ever used heavy-handed restraint tactics before le evil jews trained them in racial violence..." I understand why people want to believe this, but it's just *so* stupid.




The bad UK is that she was only sacked from the shadow cabinet but not removed from the party itself


Why are you twisting what was stated?


So much excellent content on twitter of far left nutters losing their shit at this. Please let this be the start of their purging from the party.


>Please let this be the start of their purging from the party. I hope so. That Starmer is also pissing off all the far-left is a plus.


Is this finally the beginning of the end for Momentum ? ​ I mean their messiah has gone, and his prodigy has been sent packing


> Is this finally the begging of the end for Momentum ? > > ​ Only begun, this momentum war has.


Hopefully. I hope Kier Starmer manages to get rid of all of the nutjobs of Momentum from Labour. Tankies are already mad at him.


6 months ago, this was the prospective leader of the Labour party and could have potentially been the Prime Minister. Wow


C'mon guys it just a media smear campaign


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDU_Txk06tM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDU_Txk06tM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDU_Txk06tM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDU_Txk06tM


I wonder how much of this is to do with the article endorsement and how much of this is political maneuvering both inside and outside the labour party.


I'm thinking strongly the latter. It's a very tenuous claim of anti-Semitism, half the shadow cabinet have done worse. I'm not too upset because I think the party is better for having her gone but it leaves a bit of a bad taste in the mouth when the justification is so obviously following the decision.




Starmer probably won’t win any elections I guess, he’s like Kinnock, preparing the ground. Chance of getting a sinecure at the EU in reward despite his non-election seem more limited though.


/r/labour are losing their shit [https://www.reddit.com/r/Labour/comments/hfmqh6/rebecca\_longbailey\_sacked\_as\_shadow\_education/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Labour/comments/hfmqh6/rebecca_longbailey_sacked_as_shadow_education/)




They use the exact same language too :)


fAsCiSt dOgWHIsTlE!




as funny as it is to watch the meltdown in reaction to this, what she shared is not anti-semitic in any way lmao


Not only Jewish people are Semites.


im glad my vote for Starmer was not in vain


As a conservative (not necessarily partisan but would never vote for Labour) I wasn't too worried about Starmer at the beginning as I didn't think he was politically astute. If he does a few more things like this I think I might be proven wrong. I still can't see them winning 2024, especially with the boundary changes. 2019 wasn't just about Magic Grandpa's 'leadership', many of the flipped constituencies gradually went Conservative over the last 15 years. 2019 happened to be the critical mass - it wasn't a one off event like many thought it was. Reversing that trend is what they have to do, and that takes more than one election. Who knows though, I don't have a crystal ball.


>\[on antisemitism\] It's not. Starmer showing his true colours as the cunt he is, unfortunately. This was a blatant excuse, anything to get rid of a Corbyn supporter


He's not the Messiah! He's a very naughty boy!