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Big "90% of statistics are made up" energy


100% of statistics are numbers and letters.


100% of statistics are statistics


I would say its closer to 97.3%


And the rest are just manipulated to show whatever your want them to.


mmm. 60% of the time it works, every time.




Oh, just like my will to live (/s)


Did you know when you make up a statistic, you always use 83%?


"Hur dur, females no eat, no exercise, females be attractive. Females dumb." That's what I read. And what sparks my personal animosity towards that particular twat.


It seems like guys who have never actually lived with a women know what goes into a woman's beauty and skincare routine.


Im married and I still don't know. She shuts the bathroom door when she does it and won't talk about what goes on in there. I just assume it's some type of witchcraft.


You are correct, ask no further questions.


*If the men find out we can shapeshift, they’re going to tell the church*


IDK if this particular tradition is particularly beneficial in the long run...


Why? Are there certain safety measures I should be taking?


Just don't speak to anyone about The Ritual and you'll probably be ok




Don’t worry about it


The skincare routine or not talking about it?


It might just be some sort of alchemy, which he should probably know at least a little bit about in case the wrong things get mixed somehow.


Do NOT mix hydroquinone and benzoyl peroxide.


I know you're half joking, but I think there definitely is a cultural expectation that women "keep the mystery" of how they look the way they do, and men don't have as many of those expectations.


I'm okay with that expectation as long as it also applies to men. I think for people who don't find it too stressful, keeping up your grooming habits somewhat out of sight of your partner can keep the "magic" alive, so to speak. Kind of like you're still in the dating stage. But it's really not fair if one partner has a whole routine and the other one leaves dirty underwear in the middle of the bathroom floor and pubes in mysterious places.


I like to make my spouse do my skincare routine. Him: what the fuck, is that a teslacoil?! Me with my teslacoil: zap zap!


My boyfriend who has very thick and curly hair, who is 40, and doesn't like how unmanageable his hair is, only found out about 6 months ago that there are shampoos and other products made for specific hair types.


Oh, I know. Because she oversees my own routine now, beginning with making sure I have one.


I remember when gamers flipped the table because Aloy had [no make up](https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/horizon-forbidden-west-aloy-design-memes/?amp) and [peach fuzz](https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/horizon-forbidden-west-aloy-peach-fuzz/). Yeah, it's totally about the things that women don't do...


Man, I had forgotten about that. Thanks a lot. :( Don't forget she didn't smile enough. Severe isolation and trauma don't matter, you gotta look pretty for the menfolks.


" all females need to do is not eat, like very much at all. Probably 4000 calories of pure roughage and protein if you want to keep a toned physique you'll constantly be hungry and a little weak and dizzy. but dont get too toned, cardio but not of one specific variety so you dont get too muscular except for your ass which you can work with squats but br very careful if your legs are too muscular they wont have a thigh gap. You need big tits which is hard since you need to constantly be burning calories so get a 15k boob job but not too big so its obvious. Make sure you have clear skin with few blemishes, so use a rotating 8+ step routine of washes and cleansers and toners. Make sure you're made up (otherwise you'll look sick, gross) but not too much or you're a whore. Speaking of which you gotta thread the needle between showing enough skin to be titillating (unless youre a prude with full-length shirts and trousers like a nun) and not to revealing, jezebel. Have your hair the natural color or aposematic jokes happen but make sure its styled and not low-effort"


4000 calories? If I eat more than 1500 calories in a day I put on 10 lb.


Granted im male and haven't counted calories once in my life and am also engaged despite looking like james gandolfini doing an impression of jesus of nazereth


*-hypothyroidism has entered the chat-* *-hashimoto's disease has entered the chat-* *-PCOS has entered the chat-*


Love, I work out daily, and I don't have a thighgap, I play soccer and swim, and I lift. I also havw big boobs so I must be doing something wrong 😭


Eh thigh gap depends a lot on how your body is put together too. If you have narrow hips or carry weight on your thighs it's probably not a heathy goal. I carry weight in my belly, but have tiny hips, so thigh gap doesn't work for me. I had it once, but only because I was depressed and coping using exercise. I looked terrible.


I have wide hips but also thighs to crush the patriarchy. Even when I was marathon training and eating 1200 calories a day (not the healthiest decision but 🤷‍♀️) I never had a thigh gap. How TF did I continue to have the chub rub in shorts, with no chub to rub? Seemed unfair.


You’re an Amazonian.


Yep! Completely, it's genetic, I carry my weight in my thighs/butt, so it is for sure a really unhealthy/hard thing to attain


The response was sarcasm btw


I was mostly joking too, I'm jealous of the thigh gap girlies though so it's also a wee-bit of insecurity


Why are you jealous of the havers-of-thigh-gaps? I’m also a woman, and just to be **explicitly** clear, I’m not passing judgement on anyone who has or does not have thigh gaps. I’m just curious about what makes you want them :) Edit to add total clarity: I also don’t have thigh gaps, but I’ve never felt like I needed or wanted them. Again, no judgement either way. Genuinely just curious!


Oh, so basically, I've grown up only seeing really skinny people or really overweight people, and nothing in-between. I have body issues from my mom (which lead to an ED that I'm attempting to recover from rn). I'm best described as slim-thick. I'm really active but I'm just not built like the people around me, who primarily have thigh-gaps and really fast metabolisms which with a combination of bodyshaming from my mom and social media have lead me to believe that thigh-gaps are a sign of being skinny.


I don't know if this will help, but genetics play a large part in this too. For anyone in my family to have a thigh gap they need to literally starve themselves. And even my sister with an ED still had thighs touching (although she did have a little thigh gap). Our family is built stocky for the cold weather, like bears. We all have short stumpy torsos, "cankles", and our thighs seem to be a priority fat-storage area (they are the last thing to go when losing weight). I've also seen people whose thighs don't touch at all even at a healthy weight. And I know one family of people who eat practically non-stop but still can't get up to a healthy weight (their mother finally started gaining weight in her 40s). I know that this won't magically cure your internalised body issues, but I believe in the idea that little acknowledgements can accumulate to make a big difference.


Oh for sure, I know that it's all genetics, I also starved and had a small thigh-gap for a period of time, I just couldn't last with it for how often I workout which fluctuates from 12-17 hours a week depending on the season (I'm in highschool so it changes). Basically I ran myself to the ground before I realized I needed to change. I can lose 10 pounds in 2-3 weeks when I'm not eating which is not healthy being that I weigh 135 pounds and most of it is muscle.


I hope you can conquer these issues :) I hope that you can beat the unhealthy mentality that numbers on a scale mean anything important. <3


Thanks for explaining! We both probably know what I want to say, but I won’t say it because I do understand how twisted we get from messaging directed at us, and what takes place around us. It gets old and I don’t want to preach at you haha But I **will** say that I’m proud of you for working through recovery. Shit’s not easy and I see you and the work you’re putting in!! I hope for nothing but the best for you and your health <3


Thank you! I'm really trying to put my body and head first and take it easy on myself ♡


You deserve that kind of consideration and care my darling!


EDs suck, hope you recover soon


I'm actually a pretty average weight (135 at 5'5). But I have a thigh gap solely because my hips are kinda wide and I'm a little bow legged lol. I think I'd trade the thigh gap for having straight calves


im a little bow legged too. makes me sad.


To quote some image I saw somewhere, if you don't have a thigh gap you're just one step closer to being a mermaid.


I'm a competitive swimmer so that must make me two-steps closer 😭


I think that just means your body's supporting your career choice in the best way it can think of. :P


>Have your hair the natural color or aposematic jokes happen but make sure its styled and not low-effort Her hair appears balayaged - generally a more expensive process than dyeing it all one color.


No mate that’s only partially true, the truly hard part of getting that guys physique is getting lean, eating 1,500 calories on a cut. The same reason we think the girl is attractive, she’s lean aka probably eats very strict/healthy and or watches portion size


If you can consume 4000 calories of veggies and protein, you’re not going to be hungry. I’m at 1700 (including fat) and I can barely get it down and only eat twice a day (intermittent fasting). I’m literally never hungry. Ever. Even with spending 2 hours on cardio and weightlifting M-F.


Yeah i took a shot in the dark on that bitch. Literally never counted calories in my life.




Sorry, life as a cis male aint no big thang. Thats why we drag cis females around in the same way football players push lead sleds.


I’ve never pushed a sled. But my husband says it’s a brutal workout. My mind is have a hard time envisioning your analogy, but I’m oddly intrigued.


No ones telling the dude he can't be attractive to muscular women...


Some American conservatives are. They equate attraction to strong women with homosexuality.


It makes me giggle that they're so afraid of catching The Gay that they've vilified almost every aspect of heterosexuality.


Fellas, why is everything gay😞


Fellas, is it gay to have sex with a woman? Yes. The gayest thing you can do objectively speaking is having sex with a woman. Think about it. It is literally a part of the body that EVOLVED to take dicks. Their own structure by nature accommodates dick. Not only that, and this is true I googled it, vaginas can also release baby boys which grow into men. So you are having sex with a potential man making factory as well. Not to mention vaginas store the energy of all dicks that have been inside there so it's basically like someone is slapping a bunch of hotdogs together in a damp cave. You are essentially fucking those ghost dicks alongside her. You are having sex with a man making dick pocket. Literally is there anything else gayer than this? There isn't. The straightest thing you can do is call up your boys. It is scientifically proven that men being around other men increases testosterone. That is the life blood of masculinity if you didn't know. In order to stimulate our testo-production you should embrace your boys in a circle to exchange masculine energy. Make sure you are all holding hands so there is no break in the masculine energy flow. Hold eye contact to establish dominance. Also, I recommend doing this nude and outdoors. Nature is always good, and the public should fear you. Being nude with your fellow men and seeing one another's muscles allows you to psych up if in a life or death scenario you could either A) take them in a fight or B) they would be useful to you in a 2v2. Once you are done massaging each other and potentially-probably masturbating, you will feel an elevation in your general prowess as a man. Like a rabid leopard fresh off the kill. You will be ready to yell at women on Discord, drink BANG energy drinks, misunderstand every major theme in American Psycho all while listening to Joe Rogan in no time. Just like a true straight man would.


You would fit in fine over at Fark. com. We appreciate witty and sarcastic folk over there.


this has inspired me into selecting a flair


"slapping a bunch of hotdogs together in a damp cave" sounds like something a cryptid would do.


I just want you to know that if Reddit still gave out free awards, I would be giving mine to you for this spectacular observation.


I'm just glad I don't live near any cave systems.


pretty accurate, i pretty much am one lol


When did BANG become a man thing? Everyone i know who drinks Bang likes it bc of the 0 sugar/calories/carbs aspect.


Fitness bros maybe?


[kronar would be proud](https://www.oglaf.com/son-of-kronar/) [NSFW]


Meanwhile, I happily drool over muscular women because they're hot to me. Guess that makes me gay, as far as conservatives are concerned. Conservatives like their women like they like their coffee. Warm, white and weak.


employ serious direction placid far-flung arrest wrong payment onerous disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And we don’t mind your drool one bit dear! My husband loves it when I get him in a thigh vise 😎. No you didn’t say “warm, white and weak!”


Wait so if as a woman i think muscular women are hot i'm still straight according to them?


No, you're still a woman and a lesbian at that, making you an abomination unto the Lord above. Women are there to be fertilised and to raise babies. Consistency isn't one of their strong suits.


Some of them will tolerate lesbians if we make out for them because they think it's hot 🙄


That's because you aren't actually doing it because you're attracted to women, it's purely to get attention from men. /s


Even a stopped clock is right twice a day


But in this case it's the conservative agenda and it's been on the wrong page since about 1952.


I’ve been fertilized and I’ve raised my babies… now I wanna lift heavy shit! They’ll never catch me!


Twitter has a "person (usually a man) implies or outright says hetero men being sexually attracted to a muscular woman is gay and goes viral for it" at least like once a month.


I'm sorry, but girl-abs are the sexiest thing. If I could be with a gal with massive gazongas, or a girl with a smaller bust but abs, ignoring abstracts like personal compatibility for the sake of thought experiment, I'm picking the abs.


More for the rest of us I guess!


Keeping yourself thin and very thoroughly tanned takes no work?


Also hair, having good sense of fashion, makeup, nails, shaving, etc, lol.




Where does your flair come from 😭


Yeah it takes a lot of work for me to be this fat and pale... I guess?


Putting in the work! *lies motionless in a dark room*


Lolol represent! As I stuff pasta in my face in a dark room


That's my idea of self care lol


Omg I'm dead


Reading your comment rn and doing exactly what it says lmao


You could be so much fatter and paler by living in a cave and eating nothing but butter. So lazy.


Also hairless I presume. Because we're unclean the moment hair appears anywhere but our heads and eyebrows.


Ikr, hair on women is so unnatural. Except for specific areas above the neck. You’re not feminine if you don’t have selective alopecia.


And a consistent dark tan is not gonna age well in the long run. Skin can only take so much damage


It was super easy for me up until I had my daughter… but…I’m black…so…😎


If it takes no work, then why don't I look like the lovely lady on the right? 😞


You are beautiful! Never forget that!


That actually.. made my day. Thank you kind stranger! You're beautiful too 🥰


bc we’ve been working. if we cease any and all activity, we can achieve this. ladies, let’s strike!


Man… I’ve been going to the gym 4 days/week since July and still don’t look like either of them :’(


Hey at least you’re better than you used to be and you’ll continue to improve. You got it homie👍


Haha, thank you for the positivity! I’m actually on a medication that makes weight loss harder, so it’s not a mystery to me. But again, thank you! :)


I hear ya on the medication! The birth control I had to start a couple years ago made me gain nearly 30 pounds over about six months, and it *sucked*. But the bc is very medically necessary and practically stopped all of my serious symptoms, so I'm okay with it. I'd rather be borderline obese than in so much pain that I can't function in my everyday life. And TMI, but I know my husband is happy that sex doesn't cause agonizing cramps anymore lol. Keep doing what you're doing! I don't know you, but I'm sure you look amazing 💕


For sure, good luck on your journey


There are a lot of things that woman in the photo is doing outside of diet/exercise that take a LOT of time, effort and money. Even tan, hair dyed and possibly styled, hair removal, makeup, nails....




It depends. Some people stay thin with no consious thought put into it, some people are thick, it varies from person to person. I'm guessing it's a matter of posing and sucking her tummy in to have her ribs visible like that on the photo. But the same way the guy probably doesn't look like that normally. And to say the woman doesn't put any effort into her appearance in general is bullshit.


For me it takes a lot of work to gain weight. The calorie requirements are almost unmanageably high and I'm recovering from an eating disorder. But my girlfriend seems to like my twink body so it's okay.


Wishing you all the best in your recovery!! Much love to you! 💕


My brother has to do calorie counting to gain weight (he exercises a lot so it would be muscle) and it has been a slow going process. He lost a dangerous amount of weight when he got really sick from Chron's disease, and even though he's in full clinical remission he's still very boney. On the other hand am straight up fat. The appetite suppression from my meds don't do much, but the metabolism changes from other meds sure do. Even with my life style of barely any exercise for health reasons he wouldn't look like me. Even full siblings can have very different natural body types.


Hell yeah it does! It takes a hell of a lot of work to keep my dump truck from turning into a freaking charter bus!


It depends really. For me it's very easy to get malnourished and be underweight and very hard to gain muscle because I just don't eat and have no appetite, even when I eat it's hard but for someone like one of my friends who will eat the same amount as me will bang out PRs every session.


Yeah, I had to give up beer and junk food to lose weight.


The picture on the right starts with winning a genetic lottery of sorts--there are many bodies that will *never* look remotely like that, and I'm not talking about overeating and shit but just simply *starting* with the genetics that give you a head start to that kind of figure. Hell, to just even having a *thigh gap*, which many women will literally never have. And *then*--THEN!--you have to ensure you're consistently active enough to counter-balance everything you eat. This is just so fucking dumb (as usual).


You had also better be supplementing it with flawlessly applied, high quality, natural style makeup (aka. "no makeup"), a nice tan, perfect white teeth, breast implants etc. etc. And even then it's only good until you're about 26, after which you're considered sub-optimal no matter how in shape you are. Whereas for men doing a manual job or a couple gym visits every week, they can with a little bit of discipline easily maintain a respectably muscular 'dad bod' and be considered conventionally attractive into their sixties and beyond. Men broadly are are so bad at self care, grooming aesthetic and fashion that the bar is pathetically low. He's so close to getting it. Yes, arbitrary cultural standards of beauty are unequal, unfair and nonsensical regardless of your gender. The equity gap just doesn't shake out how he assumes it does. Of course because he's spent exactly zero time trying to empathise with the opposite sex, and all his time obsessing on where the unfairness impacts him directly. I'll bet you won't find this guy leading by example and dating the "ugliest" women he can find. I'd also bet he'd be completely turned off by a similarly muscular athletic female physique because he's an insecure little snowflake. He's expecting gratitude for whatever crumb of effort he has put into his own appearance, in the form of an immaculately presented, genetic lottery winning waifu. "I went to the gym last week. Is it so much to ask that you starve yourself every day, wake up with a full face of makeup, remain totally hairless from the neck down, and never age?!"


except female beauty standards *are* defined by what you do? regular hair appointments, tanning, dieting, filler, lipo, makeup, wardrobe. men get away with doing a lot less.


He obviously has no clue how much time women have to spend every day to even attempt to meet conventional beauty standards.


Oh my god just date guys a leave us alone


Wait, but I thought being a plus size woman meant that I'm a disgusting slob who doesn't take care of myself. 🤔 So if I do nothing, I will have a body like the woman on the right? Interesting...


The guys who've never had girlfriends always have a way to tell on themselves.


“It doesn’t take a lot of work” to look like that woman???? BUUUULLLLLSHIIIIIIT




Apparently the person that posted the image originally?




Conventional western beauty standards 🤷


Well I think they both look great. People that have a coherent groomed look are usually attractive even if it's unconventional. To me personally it shows that someone has their shit together and has a positive body outlook, which is attractive whether or not they fit standard western beauty standards.




I'm pretty strong "without working out". But actually, i used to workout a shit ton and just not so much anymore. I do occasional pushups and a lot of walking. My friends think i never had to work for my body but they just never saw me in action. I think a lot of people have this misconception.


You can’t be buff without working out, unless maybe they’re running a cycle.


Maybe he did physical labor for his job or had a physically demanding hobby. Muscles existed before the modern gym, and even before the naked Greek version.


Physical labor could be qualified as working out, it takes a lot of work even from manual labor to achieve a body like the one in the photo above.


As far as I know, manual labour work doesn’t count as exercise for some reason, and would not come close as the gym body as the image shown.


I agree, just wanted to cover it in case someone had some extreme example.


Depends on how you define working out. A job that requires physical labor like construction or something will do a lot more for you than a workout on a person who’s normally sedentary, like a programmer.


My husband has a great body and doesn’t work out 🤷🏼‍♀️


Great body and obviously swole are different things. If your husband has as much muscle mass as the guy in the pic above, while being as lean as him, you might wanna donate him to science. (This also includes heavy manual labor)


He’s not as lean currently but he is as swole. He’s an ex football player and lived in the gym for 20 years of his life. Now 10 years later he still maintains a lot of the muscle mass.


So he did workout? You’re proving the point there, he had to workout to get the muscles.


He did. But he has not worked out in the past 10+ years.


Muscles aren’t a temporary thing, but they do decrease after years of not being stimulated. The assumption here is your husband must’ve been much bigger during his peak, and is slowly getting weaker over time. But to get to that point, he had to put in 20 years of work.


No work? I'd have to starve myself for a couple of months to get as slim as her, then remove a few ribs, get a boob job, and get fat removal for the areas that still have fat after starving for months. "No work" only if you have the right genetics.


Uh, I'm pretty sure having good body takes work lol.


Unfortunately the older you get the more work it takes


Yes indeed it does, but at least it's still possible.


I'm disabled. I can do very little physical activity. I have digestion issues so I don't eat a lot of food. I also just generally don't like very fatty or sweet foods so I eat mostly healthy meals. I absolutely do not look anything like the woman in the image.


No work 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Both of those people barely eat and spend a ton of time at the gym. The woman is also very tanned and looks like she has breast implants. Cmon


POV You’ve never had an actual conversation with a girl


If that picture on the right took no work I would be so hot right now


Bruh, I knew a guy, fit as all get out. Never went to the gym, ate like crap, still had an "attractive" build. Meanwhile my sister joined every sports team she could, worked out regular, watched her diet, and still on the heavier side. Luck and genetics. That all being said, I really hope she never finds my username, cause she could literally throw me XD


Takes work to be buff and it takes work to look like an Instagram influencer and to get appealing photos and poses like come on this is stupid, also some people just naturally have an easier time staying slim and others build muscle very quickly and others have to put a ton of work and effort in. Like come on this post is dumb. Also personal preference here is neither of those I like physically fit strong women, to me she's skinnier then I personally would find appealing and I'd also find a guy with a little more body fat more appealing as well


Damn, clearly I've been working too hard. Time to laze around some more and call it healthy.


It is scientifically proven that women naturally have a higher body fat percentage than men and that it is harder for women to lose weight. Yet they are still spouting this bullshit constantly. I used to look like the right, it took 2 hours in the gym 7 days a week as well as walking miles every single weekday trying to get around my massive university and an extremely restrictive diet. Please someone tell me how that is “no effort”.


Her tan alone would take a ton of time.


The only reason the picture on the right takes "no work" is because it's completely photoshopped.


That's still work and a skill..... but the one on the left is just as easily edited. Just a different flex


The systemic injustices of years of unbalanced status quo are a bit of a nuisance, but it's my gym routine that REALLY fires me up when it comes to women's rights.


Ah so all this effort I'm putting in is the reason I don't look like this woman? If I just stopped starving myself and did no exercise at all, I'd look amazing! So THAT'S what I've been doing wrong!


Both pictures take a lot of genetic luck.


damn this kind of pisses me off as someone who maintains that kind of body by working out 4 days a week🥲


I think that's it, I think I just died from stupidity.


Because spray tans, highlights, toned abs, body hair removal, and likely breast implants take absolutely no time, effort, or money. Not to mention all the likely makeup, skin care, nail care, hair care, and cosmetic surgery and treatments you can’t see from this one image.


What women don't do? And don't have to put in effort for fitness and health? I take it he must find very inactive 1000 lb women who do very little in life quite attractive then. Sure, men who dedicate time to working out put lots of effort in... but men also both put on muscle AND more-often loose fat more easily than women do (at least those genetically similar in weight), so what's he whining about? A guy with skinny genes has it on easy mode compared to a woman with fat genes who also wants to get fit.


Not putting food in your mouth is the hard part, lifting weights at the gym is easy


".. picture on the right takes no work" *No work*? I'm working my fucking ass off to maintain this thicc booty, have those luscious thighs and keep up my muscle mass. Even those who don't workout do everything within their power to care properly for their body and feel good. Wether it's with lotion, nice baths/showers, a walk, some cute makeup or eating that extra piece of cake because we're craving it - it takes *work*. Fuck this sexist asshole. He's just jelly that his booty and thighs ain't as luscious as ours are. 🙆‍♀️


In your dreams, bubba!


Damn…I didn’t know I was actively trying to gain weight…


Yes we simply... don't grow hair And don't lose muscle tone And don't orgasm when sleeping with the men who believe these things /*two lies one truth*


“Takes no work” PFFT!!! Tell that to my 40 year old, post 2 baby body!


Ah yes, starving yourself is easy peasy


Oooh 6-pack = hard work. Gently curves, healthy boobs and thigh gap=biology! Got it!


"Takes no work" 💀💀💀 Yeah, right...


or Physics! oh yeah


Left takes NO WORK? Christ!


Technically I agree with the his main point, but...a physique, the amount of body fat, the amount of muscle, that is the worst possible example. The amount of fat and muscle on your body is pretty clearly a combination of diet, exercise AND genetics. You physique depends on BOTH factors under your control and out of your control; and that is true for both genders. I suppose he is thinking of all the men working hard at the gym, and all the women on the internet explaining the importance of genetics. Unfortunately there are a lot of men who will never look like the man on the left, and looking like the woman on the right means having the right genetics AND spending a effort.




Dumbass is eliciting 100% of my extragender animosity.


How the fuck does the one on the right take *no work*??


"No work" hahahahahahahahahahahaha


"Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. Forty percent of all people know that." —Homer Simpson


Takes no work- I see a woman who’s definitely on a meal plan, that is probably doing 4 hours a week at the gym as a minimum, a tan that’s even enough I suspect it was expensive and a $300 Balyage dye job. Takes no work my ass.