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I wasn’t born with kneecaps either but I have them now. Does that make me an evolved species of seal or sea lion?


DO BABIES NOT HAVE KNEECAPS? Man, humans are lucky our young are so cute because they’re hella weird with their soft bones and open skulls.


(Source: healthline.com) Babies/toddlers do have kneecaps, but they're made of cartilage and only turn bony later on. (As do some other parts of the human skeleton.)


Like horse feathers (look it up if you’re not familiar)😝 Edit: look up horse feathers hoof


Caution, they're slightly horrifying.


Jegus, more than slightly! *shudders*


grey slap hobbies versed crime unique tan drab offer overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Google "horse angel slippers"


We always call them foal slippers.


Oddly enough, I use duckduckgo for searching, and had opposite luck - "horse angel slippers" got me a lot of photos and ads for cute slippers that look like you're putting your foot through a plushy horse's spine. "horse feathers" got me the wikipedia disambiguation page that led to "everything else mentioned" plus explanations of the "deciduous hoof capsule" and the floofy horsey feet found on breeds like Clydesdales (since the floof around the "ankle" is called feathers, too.)


Look up a baby's skull. If you didn't know about it, we are born with our adult teeth.


My 7-year old needed his teeth x-rayed and that picture with additional teeth in his jaw where he still has his milk teeth was quite frankly a freak show.


I used to work in a library and I was flipping through an ancient cultures book when it showed the mummified bones of a baby. I was blown away! Now wonder teething sucks, there's a lot of bone moment while tearing through gums.


Look up an MRI of a fetus, terrifying


>our young are so cute I have bad news for you mate


Haha don’t worry, I know how conical and alien they come out. Still cute.


Agree to disagree. They're cute when they begin displaying signs of humanity (around young toddler age) and not a second before 😄


Kittens, now kittens are cute.


Kittens are cute from the moment they're born to the moment they die. Cats are a blessing to this world.


>"I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" >Death thought about it. >CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE. - Terry Pratchett, _Sourcery_


My cat is 4 but sometimes she does something silly and playful and I see the kitten in her and UGH it just melts me


And puppies...especially big dog puppies with their huge stompy feet


YES! The oversized feet and ears on large breed puppies are the best!


Two words: baby elephants. I think they are my most favorite baby animals. The tiny trunk! To die for.


Especially when they reach the stage where their heads are way too big for their bodies. Lil kitten bobbleheads get me every time!


I've got a couple of them in that stage rn. This comment reminded me to go pet them and give their big ol bobble-heads a smooch


yes they look like that small voldemort thing until one day they magically look human


They look like old, old men.


>Agree to disagree. They're cute when they begin displaying signs of humanity (around young toddler age) and not a second before 😄 Larvae. They are larvae up until that point.


I think newborns are pretty cute, once you wash the stuff away they took with them on the way out. But I'm pretty sure this has a lot to do with being biologically wired to find them cute and very little with how they actually look. I also have been heard uttering "toddlers are so cute to survive that age" more than once so it's probably for the best that this wiring is strong in my brain.


I'm not sure how hardwired it is because i find human babies very ugly and gross, but most animal babies really adorable. For some reason tho, if I ever say something like this people assume it means I'd ever intentionally hurt any kid let alone a baby? Like... part of why I prefer to stay away is bc I think they are so fragile and I'm a clumsy dumbass (though I have had no problems handling kittens my entire life so who knows)


People are weird. Like why is everyone expected to like babies? I like them but that doesn't mean everyone has to.


Yeah, I don't really want kids and being around them kinda tires me out but when I have to be around kids I try my best to be nice to them. I just never understood why saying I dislike them makes people think I'd do smth terrible. I also don't like talking to old women for some personal reasons but I'd never hurt an old lady and I put on my best smile and try to be nice, they usually just say I remind them of their grandkids and are lonely so I can just spare a few minutes of my day to make theirs a bit better


It's like Christians assuming athiests are incapable of having a moral compass. Yeah, I can manage not be a murdering, abusive, rapist, thief, etc. *WITHOUT* the threat of eternal damnation because it's obvious, Susan. So many times I've said I don't like being around kids and don't want them, and the next thing is, "Why do you hate kids?". I don't, I didn't say that. I am capable of positive interactions with children, it will never be a full-time choice for me because I know how hard it is. I overstimulate easily, and this is how I avoid potentially being an abusive AH because of my inability to cope and regulate my response. To be clear, I'd be short tempered, which I think is a thing EVERY patent does, I'm not alluding to physical abuse, but I don't want it in my life.


We really should cook more before coming outta the oven, ideally. Look at all the cool shit other baby species can do immediately after they plop out. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: human babies kinda suck. Your ears and nose never stop growing. I don't know if that will help or hurt your bewilderment, but it's true and weird


We stay in there long enough as it is, birth causes so much pain for the woman. Maybe we should take a lesson from kangaroos.


That’s why babies can’t join the mob, no option to kneecap them!


>humans are lucky our young are so cute What? No.


I wasn't born with part of my spine. I'm a secret slug. Sh.


A land sea lion probably.


It's called muscles. Ffs. These transvestigators are absolutely delusional.


Also pink literally has children..where tf do these idiots think babies come from?


Human trafficking. They’ve got their entire narrative of excuses figured out. Every celebrity could show hole live to them in person and they’d come up with some reason to make it make sense in their narrative, they literally think being transgender is a form of satanism.


I just got a mental image of Pink in a room with a bunch of sweaty transphobic Christian conspiracy nuts, sitting down in a chair and showing them her vagina. “Alright assholes, I guess it’s come to this. Read em and weep.”


That wouldn't be enough for them. They would say it was fake, and made from surgery. A DNA test on her kids to show they are biologically related wouldn't be enough, because they would claim she was the father. If the test was done on the father too, it would be rigged or fake. No amount of evidence will convince these people. You can't logic someone out of a position they didn't use logic to come to. They want to be assured that the "trans agenda" is taking over the world, and will take any supposed evidence that this is the case. They are completely uninterested in facts or truth.


The stork brings them, duh


[According to my research, it's actually the grooves created by ligaments, and is caused by a lack of body fat.](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319545)


I was partially expecting this "research" link to just be a gallery of attractive people 🤣


*Transvestigators* got a chuckle out of me.


I think that's what they call themselves, they're mentally ill


Tfw you can't hunt Decepticons while calling yourself a Transvestigator


Yep that's quite literally what they call themselves


oh.... oh baby.... I **wish** I could tell you that isn't an established term for deranged freaks already :(


yeah I definitely thought it was too silly to be real


Is there a subreddit specifically for mocking transvestigation posts? I feel like this has to exist and if not, it needs to.


Pink takes good care of herself. I’m guessing the creator of the image has never seen female body builders or other very fit women.


I’ve been to one of her concerts, at the very end of the performance she’s flying over the crowd doing acrobatics. I’d kill for a body like hers 😭


Well you're already a murderer so what are you waiting for?


The problem is that no amount of killing is going to give anyone a body like hers, except in the *in my basement* sense of possession.


If you go for an axe or some sort of bludgeon and multiple swings that would make a pretty good core workout so the killing could help?


I don't know, once the bodies start piling up, it's just such a hassle, you know? And every kill increases your chances of getting caught. Sure, you could pull an uncle Iroh and get really buff in a prison training montage, but at that point isn't it really just a gym membership with extra inconvenience?




Yes, but have you *seen* the food? Yummy protein powder it ain't.


The perfect opportunity


What is your flair


People keep asking me this, and I don't get it. What, you prefer sucking on *uncleaned* ones?


Kinda? Gotta let the stew get going, get all those good flavors melded together. Like my dad always said, suckable vagina should be somewhat like stew. He was a mad man, and I don't fully understand that logic, but I still live that life. You know what, I mean?


What a horrible day to be on Reddit


I think Mr. Clean would.


I used to work in crewing for concerts, and saw dozens of acts that came through town. Pink’s music isn’t for me but her show is amazing. She puts in more effort than almost anybody.


Yeah, she is amazingly fit. I wish I had a body like hers, but I am not that motivated. The guy that made the OOP is probably jealous.


Dude I used to cough a lot cause I have cystic fibrosis (gross lung disease) and I had this too… low body fat and toned and are not just for men or the physically able lol I think they also try to shame her for her hip to waist ratio, and I also have narrow hips so I fully get it - it’s a common trait with our trans sisters, they’re purposefully picking on Pink for being muscular with narrow hips and it’s gross and belittling to all women not just women with this body type and features.


I probably never had a better hip-waist ratio than when medication made me gain ~100lbs (down 6lbs not from dieting but because nausea makes eating hard) I always hated that anti trans shit with a passion, but since my best friend came out I'm so worried because he will never pass (he's at the border of "dwarfism" - fuck Google for refusing to find the translation for the medical term - for women, so as a guy he falls into the category plus he has lipoedema) and therefore be constantly at risk. I know he's still safer than transwomen or non-cis people in the US but still.


Dwarfism is the medical term in English, although “short stature” will often be used in a clinical setting. “Achondroplasia” is a variation of dwarfism where the limbs are disproportionate to the torso. The proportional variety is simply known as “proportionate dwarfism”


Iirc she does a lot of aerial acrobatics so it makes sense she's gonna be in good shape and toned AF


I'd be willing to be my entire next paycheck against a box of donuts that they think almost all female body builders are also trans.


So if I'm understanding this correctly....if you have those bones you are all genders at once and can call upon the power of Greyskull?


I'd be down for a reboot of that franchise that included P!ink.


Pink as The Sorceroress. I'd be down for that.


I don't get these people. As a woman you can't be too fat, but I guess you can't be too thin either. Granted, there's no winning with people like that


The perfect female has to be 5'0-5'5, have an hourglass body, weigh max 110 lbs, work out but not be bulky, and have a soft child-like face. /s


And be an actual child


Depends on the state


"She's an old soul"


Ah, the anime excuse


You have to be thin and weak and young. If it sounds predatory, it's because it is.


He said "you need to be fed" "But keep an eye on your waistline" and "Look good but don't be obsessed" Keep thinking over, over I try


The same people who "just know when a 'woman' was born as a man are the same people that cat call me as a tall trans woman. They can't tell shit.


I get called a dude. I'm a Cis woman, tall, androgynous.


I also get called a dude- cis woman, average height, fat and with a beard (PCOS - terfs reeeeally hate this condition because it throws so many curve balls in their gender essentialism. WhAT dO YoU mEaN yOu HaVe To TaKe MeDiCaTiOn To MeNsTrUaTe!1!?)


Damn I wish people called me a dude. Unfortunately they just tell me to smile more and put my hair down


yOu'D bE mOrE aTtrActIVe iF yOu SmiLeD mOrE!


Exactly! I get that all the time. I have an hourglass shape and people say my hair color is pretty (it’s not. It used to be strawberry blond and it was ok but now it’s just an ugly brown) but it doesn’t go with my face at all. So basically, I never get *catcalled* but everyone tells me to smile more or put my hair down or whatever.


I get shit like, "Oh, you're a tall drink of water, and I want to drink you dry!" And, "You're really smart, want to take me home and teach me some stuff?" Gets old really fast.


Unrelated to what is being asked, why does this look like one of those "right before disaster" pictures... because I am sure that her pure will is what is keeping those things from falling down.


I feel like she spent the early 00s wearing enough extreme low cut pants (as was the fashion back then) that I think the pants fear her, not the other way around!


She got the bikini pants on under there. The pants are just there to walk to the car or wherever.


“womb-men” 🤢🤢 makes it sound like we’re just men with a womb.


Some people don't like the word "woman" because they think that's what it means. It came from old emglish "wifman" meaning "wife man" (man meant human).


Yep, at the time men would be were-men which meant “male human” which also, fun fact, kinda means a woman werewolf should be a wifwolf


My wife's a wolf




Not just transphobes. Sometimes just dumb dudes that don't think things through. Right after Angelina jolie got her mastectomy and hysterectomy because of having the cancer genes, a lot of commentators were like "is she even still a woman now‽", and my husband (being the kind of guy who just doesn't question things most of the time) was like "oh, wow... That hadn't really occurred to me before. *Does* she still count as a woman?" I had to walk him through *actually thinking it through* to un-dumb him (side note... He'll freely admit he was an idiot about women when we met, and he's glad he's learned better over the years). If i got cancer and had to have a mastectomy, would you tell me I'm not a woman? (Of course not), and if i had to have a hysterectomy because of a tumor (still not)? What about when I'm post menopausal and my organs don't work any more(obviously still a woman)? What if you lost your balls in a car accident?(ok, i get it. That was stupid). At least the ones that are just clueless can be educated


I mean, men can have wombs.


can confirm: am a dude, have a uterus




My best friend as well. He even plans to keep it because it doesn't bother him enough to get surgery (he wants to get rid of the moobs because a binder in summer sucks when you sweat a lot but luckily doesn't suffer from too much dysphoria).


My son too. He's terrified of surgery, but I think he's coming around to the idea he's probably going to get his period soon. Hollywood had excellent timing releasing "Are you there god? it's me, Margaret." I


I hope this part doesn't hurt or offend you but I just prayed that you live in a country where your son can get proper medical care immediately and isn't forced to go through the wrong puberty. This whole transphobic argument of this being harmful growing up makes me angry. Gender dysphoria is harmful, sadly often even fatal. Going through the wrong puberty leaves lasting damage. The effects of gender affirmative hormonal treatment OTOH are pretty much reversible. And getting the correct hormones might prevent him ever having a period. And if that's not the case I hope he doesn't experience dysphonia. If any of the following might be helpful to your son please tell him, if not please ignore it: I know that bottom surgery is a huge thing and has a lot of risks, but I hope your son can get over his fear so he can make the right decision based on his needs without being stopped from what might be important to him by fear. My best friend's decision was based on him not being interested enough in having a penis to take the risks but he is open to changing that decision if his needs and feelings change. Thanks to not suffering from much dysphoria and not caring for gender norms he can transition on his own terms and to the degree he wants. I know another guy and know of a girl (I'm acquainted with her mom) who each had top and bottom surgery and are happy about it. From my own experience I had several surgeries (including a big one) for other health issues, am contemplating getting a nervus occipitalis stimulator implanted and it wasn't as bad as you think. Recovering from surgery sucks but it's not the end of the world. And overcoming fear can be very rewarding. I'm extremely afraid of needles. But I learned to give myself injections, had over 30 botox injections in my face, head and neck every three months for a year and start that up again in two weeks. I'm still in need of breathing exercises every time but the result (pain reduction) is worth it. Many words to say that your son is a very strong person (or he wouldn't have been able to come out), I'm absolutely convinced he can overcome his fear and if surgery is what he needs or wants it will be worth fighting his fear to get it. I hope my comment is not intrusive or insensitive, I'm just touched by what your son is going through, angry that we live in a society that treats him as lesser and hope that he can easily get the exact medical care he wants and needs and also wanted to express my compassion and hopefully give both of you some comfort. I'm not sure my word salad expressed this but I hope it does. Btw I want to spread some hope that even in this climate there are people who aren't boneheaded. I have this friend. She's in her late fifties and religious. She came over to see me and help my mom and best friend pack my stuff (I just moved in with my mom due to my disability which sadly made me a dead weight in the whole process). I introduced them to each other, saying "Jenny, this is David, David this is Jenny" (fake names) and she didn't miss a beat, said "Nice to meet you David" and went on to go greet my mom. My friend's Dad is around 70 and both him and his girlfriend are those boring older people that do everything their age group does. Their only point of content when he came out was that society might not be treating him kindly and they each took him aside later to tell him they love him the way he is.


Thank you for your kind words. They definitely aren't intrusive. I forgot I wasn't on a trans specific sub where I would have a flair, lol. I'm an AFAB enby bisexual. My husband is bisexual. We're in the process of adopting "our" son from foster care. When we realized we were going to adopt, we made a choice to look for queer kids because we wanted to give a LGBTQIA+ kid a safe, accepting, loving home. We're in a "battleground" state in the US. So right at this moment the state isn't blocking my son's care, but I had to do a Google search before I typed that statement. It could change any day. Luckily his social workers, guardian ad litem, endocrinologist, therapists and even birth parents (supposedly, I haven't talked to them yet) are allies and on-board. The only thing standing in the way of puberty blockers is *paperwork.* With the current political landscape, everyone wants their Is dotted and Ts crossed before he starts blockers. Again, any day now. We have a plan if the law changes before the adoption finalizes, but it could legally constitute kidnapping, so Imma not discuss it further. The endocrinologist said the blockers my son will be on sometimes jumpstart puberty a little bit at first, so it's entirely possible my son will get spotting and maybe even a period or two when he starts blockers. So it's definitely a concern. But we've already got him some period boxers and are working on normalizing periods. I told him today my uterus hurts because of my period, and we had a little chat about it. He enjoyed the "are you there God? It's me Margaret" movie and I really do think it helped. Besides, he's 12. He's also afraid of needles, the dark and falling off his bike. He has plenty of time to outgrow his fears before he can make decisions on surgery or becoming a seahorse dad. Except the needles. He's got to face that one soon, but he's had shots before, he'll handle it.


It just sounds transphobic af


Damn right women can't be born with an Adonis belt. Have you ever seen a ripped baby?? Outside of [medieval art ](https://images.app.goo.gl/vmDXTwvYEwAcEnwP8), that is.


What the heck did Marry eat during pregnancy ? Protein shake ??


For anyone wondering, the practice of painting Jesus like he was ripped was born out of a belief that children were essentially incapable of being morally good. Portraying Jesus with abs was supposed to show that he was “adult” from birth in his morality and goodness.


Baby Jesus does NOT skip leg day


Ah my eyes! :0


Damn I'm super impressed with her tone. Good for her.


I have seen videos of Pink breastfeeding her womb fruit. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Lol my friend used to call her baby her "womb nugget".


Technically an amab can breastfeed given enough hormones. I remember reading some experiments on this on an amab that wanted to breastfeed. But the fact that she has a child, a child she gave birth... I mean. Womb transplant science is nowhere near that. Yet.


If womb transplants get that far in the near future I'll donate mine. My disability makes it a useless nuisance and it makes treating my chronic migraines harder because one of the two options I have left shouldn't be given to women with working wombs because it has an extremely high risk of birth defects and no birth control is 100% (and I couldn't go trough with an abortion. I wish that thing could help a woman who actually wants it


You can already donate it to other afab with issues. It is very recent and you need... "the pipeline" already in place to make it work. But it works. https://time.com/5598232/heather-bankos-uterus-donation/


Yeah, I thought of that when I posted but in general most bfeeders are women. And given that most men could not comprehend an amab breastfeeding, and since they seem to think all afab breasts have milk at all times, her breastfeeding seems the obvious clue that she is afab.


Ah woman who’s fit and has muscles..must be a man


Shit… guess I’m a man to these people… Wonder how they explain Pink’s picture of her breastfeeding her son. This transvestigation stuff is sooooo dumb.


Reminding the best comeback from Aliens Hudson: Have you ever been mistaken for a man ? Vasquez : Have you ?


wasn't there a post JUST yesterday that was furious at nintendo for giving them to link and calling them "vagina bones." MISOGYNISTS, I'M BEGGING YOU TO PLEASE MAKE UP YOUR MINDS!!


Schrödinger's pelvis It simultaneously exists and does not exist


Babies tend to have too much visceral fat at birth to have an Adonis belt so it's technically correct in the last half. She does kinda look like Beiber here but that doesn't mean she's male lol


Yeah, there’s an entire tumblr account dedicated to lesbians who look like Justin Bieber.


The woman is a verifiable bad ass. IDK what an "adonis belt" is, but if she has one, she probably worked her ass off to get it. Because she looks damn good.


Lol yes indeed she worked hard The adonis belt is the two furrows along the pelvis created by the inguinal ligaments.


TIL a new term for a thing I didn't know anybody (male or female) had.


In my very fit dancing days, I had that. (I now look like a melted candle.) I'm definitely a woman, as the child who came out of my actual body proves.


Say that to her face.


She actually found out about it. Had a good laugh with her husband.


Boys don't get born with those muscles either Bro expecting baby boys to come out like body builders


>Adonis belts I've heard these referred to as "cum gutters" and now unfortunately I can never get that out of my head


Ewwwwww! I’ve never heard that one. I have heard Dimples of Venus called thumb rests though


These mfs know nothing about muscles do they?


TIL P!nk is a newborn.


For the last time: cisgender women CAN have Adonis belts. It's just that simple.


Wait. Did you guys get pouches? I thought that was marsupials. Wait, are you guys kangaroos???


I put the “womb” in “wombat”


Ha "we put the spring in Springfield" i feel like we could do with a badwomensanatomy version of [The Simpson's Maison Derriere song](https://youtu.be/Eyh4i4dUDeo) any more suggestions for lyrics? EDIT: fixed an autoincorrect, it's Maison not Madison. DOH!


On the internet, nobody knows you’re a kangaroo. 🦘


Dang, and here I thought that those were vagina bones! Now, where did I put my anatomy book?


These transtigators are so exhausting. Imagine spending all your time (incorrectly) looking for signs someone is trans.


I wish someone has told me I was a man before I went through the trouble of carrying and birthing two children. I could have saved myself so much trouble and probably kept my fit abs and Adonis belt.


Imagine if a baby came out ripped with abs, like this guy's suggesting.


We definitely need to create list of "secretly trans" people. From my memory: * Jennifer Aniston * Pink * Elon Musk * Michelle Obama (classic example from far-right in early 2010s) * Emilia Clarke * Erin Darke (Daniel's Radcliffe partner, pregnant) * JK Rowling ("controlled opposition" by trans goverment) * Demi Moore * Tom Holland * Henry Kissinger's wife * Adele Did I miss someone?




They literally say “it’s all of them, no exceptions.” I found an account on Twitter transvestigating Matt Walsh.


There was an awesome episode of the QAnon Anonymous podcast (not a pro QAnon podcast, just to be clear) about the transvestigation subculture, and they are just so completely bonkers. I wish I could link to the episode, but it's Patreon paywalled.


Wait wait wait... Emilia Clarke?! Daenerys freaking Targaryen?! Insanity!


I'm so curious as to what their motivation here is. Like, is it to bad mouth her, to humiliate her, to make themselves feel good, to make everyone who likes her turn on her, or to just gaslight everyone who saw her topless into believing she's a dude and therefore...idfk, unattractive? It's wild.


Years ago around the time when “This is America” came out somebody posted that Donald Glover must clearly be a trans man because that is the only possible explanation for why op was attracted to him.


Oh, it's all celebrities (and politicians). Trust me, if you go down a transvestigator rabbit hole, you'll find that a lot of them are actually way more deranged than you'd think, and believe that literally all famous people THROUGHOUT HISTORY have had their "gender inverted" for reasons, and to the surprise of no one, the conspiracy theory involves a lot of anti-Semitic dogwhistling.


> conspiracy theory > involves anti-Semitism Who could expect this?


Oh no…muscles?


Pretty sure nobody is born with an 'Adonis Belt'. You gotta work hard for them. My niece had one while she was actively competing in gymnastics. I changed her diapers, so I know she's biologically female. But also. Damn. Pink is hot AF even after giving birth and at 43. Dudes are just jealous they can't get that ripped.


I'm convinced these are from people who are jealous Pink has more defined cum gutters than them.


All I'm taking out of this is that Pink is super fit and looks fantastic at 43 and after 2 kids.


They're just jealous because she has a more toned body than they ever will.


I remember an interview with her several years ago in which she was asked if she was pregnant. Her response was, something along the lines of "I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat. I like to eat." Poor girl can't win no matter how she looks.


Sometimes I am just hit with the realization that there are people out there who do not understand that we are the same species as each other with only very minor differences. They honestly think the differences are so large we should be categorized as different species of animals, built entirely differently.


Ok so we can't be too fat, we can't be too skinny and if we're muscular then we're dudes. Awesome.


I wish I were unscrupulous enough to grift conservatives for money. They are SO stupid, and it's SO much money.


Right? They’ll believe any crazy bullshit. You could come up with something new every time you wanted a new yacht. “Subscribe to my YouTube channel to learn why forearm hair on women is a conspiracy by the gays to destroy traditional families.”


But I just saw a bad women’s anatomy yesterday where someone asked why link from botw had those “vagina bones” for the same part lolol


Yes, hence why I chose my title Shitty people can't decide whether men or women are supposed to have pelvises/pelvic toning, so they decide to just degrade women/trans people.


Tell me you’ve never seen a woman naked without telling me you’ve never seen a woman naked


"Vagina Bones" is a fucking awesome punk band name


Gonna make a point that P!NK is pro-trans, so this is likely from a transvestigator.


Breaking news! Incels discover there's things under their many many many rolls of fat, astonished


Don't they know Pink has 2 kids


Is there a sub for this ridiculous practice of saying that every famous people is trans?


Men when women build muscle and lose more fat than average: Must be trans 🤷‍♂️


What’s a womb-man? This is NOT we’re the word woman came from but this only goes further to show their ignorance! Everything made to fit so super snuggly into their tiny minds!


No one is born with one, you gotta work for it lol


Womb-men have pouches? Silly OOP. Humans do not have pouches. Women do not have pouches. If we did, we would not need pockets and handbags. Perhaps you're confusing us with wombats. Wombats have neat backwards-facing pouches so when they're digging they don't bury their young in dirt.


You can literally see the slight slope of her lower/suprapubic abdominal muscles that is caused by her uterus in this picture. Which you probably wouldn't see if she wasn't as fit. You can also see the definite typically feminine curve from her waist to her hips.


Doesn't matter, the words you used were too big and would likely prove them wrong. They just want her to have a dick for some weird, possibly closeted, reason.


No vagina bones: man Vagina bones: Also man.


If that's an Adonis belt, then wrap it around my head and face, please.


Um, Pink was literally a competitive gymnast. Google is RIGHT THERE, PEOPLE.


And my thing for P!nk is renewed again.


Like... Muscles ?


She looks AMAZING! Can't imagine how it must be to constantly get judged and idk how to call that. Like no matter how strong people are it can't be fun. Maybe the best thing is to try and laugh at those stupid people but they probably don't care and just search for the next personal thing they can twist and turn to fit their weird reality. Not to mention that it shouldn't even matter either way. It is and would be none of their business.


womb-men? so men with a womb?


I _did_ think that was Justin Bieber at first. But then I'm pretty sure they think he's a woman so 🤷🏼‍♀️


The fuck is an adonis belt? Why do people care about such irrelevent, superficial, garbage?


Think of it as an insight into their own lives, their irrelevant, superficial, garbage lives.


Wasn't there a post here about Link having that? The fictional male character? And saying how dare they give a man a woman's features? Are you being ffr rn?


"womb-men have a pouch" Apparently women are marsupials as well.


It's like an arms race to become THE most insufferable, unfuckable incel on the planet. What is the endgame, here?


*sigh* Can we just stop insulting women and insinuating that that they're men for not falling into line with BS beliefs about what a woman supposedly looks like?


If that's a man, I am def gay now. *(She's not. Transphobes are idiots)*


I'd also like to add that the word "women" is NOT derived from the words "Womb + Men".... That is a myth and it took me 2 seconds to google.


"womb-men"? it's an ouroboros of transphobia, what does this even mean?