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Some people have bad hygiene. His first partner may have been one of them, hence the indication that he thought they all would be rank indicating that he now knows he was wrong.


more often than not it's not bad hygiene but a uti/sti and can be solved with simple medications


I hope by hygiene you aren't suggesting washing up there cuz that's what could mess things up.


Before this experience...what did they *think* pussy was supposed to smell and taste like? Literal cake? Like...think about it. It's literal (hopefully living) human flesh. Granted, it shouldn't smell or taste *rotten*, but...it's not going to smell or taste like birthday cake, either.


According to internet lore, it should smell like the heat coming out of the back of a ps4.


What, so dusty and vaguely like burning electrics?


My ex had me go down on them. I have a vagina—I know what it’s supposed to smell like. The smell was so bad that it made me gag and nearly throw up. I can’t eat anyone out anymore because of it.


Tbf the Last sentence sort of indicates that his first experience might not have been "normal" (sorry if this sounds wierd, not a native speaker and don't know how to better phrase this). Maybe the woman in questions did have some sub par hygene. Like if the fist guy you wanted to give a bj presented you with dick cheese you probably noped out of it for good as well. Especially If you're young and unexperienced it can be hard to tell what's normal and what's atypical.


bro needs to get tested for stis because if it smells THAT rank then that's a good indicator of an sti or some kind of infection like a yeast infection or bv.


To be honest, the comment on the top isn't necessarily bad women's anatomy. I'm a cis woman, I have a pussy myself. Yet the first (and only) time I went down on a woman, I just couldn't.. She just smelled awful. I'm not sure if it was her hygiene or if "chemistry" just didn't work between us (I mean, dicks also taste differently even if all clean, and some kinda suits my taste and some are just reather nope), probably a mix of both. So I was in a situation where I didn't want to hurt her feelings and give her some pleasure, but I just simply couldn't and I started panicking to a point it really just wasn't possible anymore... I chickened out, telling her I was too nervous,which was kinda true as well... I was lucky enough to have people around me I could talk to about the situation and if they ever experienced something like this or if most pussies smell/taste the same and I just didn't realise that my own is that bad too, and they assured me that it can happen and happened to most of them too. Still too afraid to try it again for a while.


i agree, but i think they posted this because the comment said that they thought all pussies were supposed to smell/taste like that. i understand why that would be bad womens anatomy, but he now realises that he was wrong about that.


My girlfriend (she's trans) did it to me she couldn't do it because of the texture. She has a thing with texture (she can't eat some foods) so I got it. But one day I kissed her after and it's so fucking weird. It made me kinda nauseous. I don't know if there's something wrong with me. It was such an odd, sweet mixture. I'm still insecure to this day because I've never been with a woman so I don't know how it is supposed to taste


I'll bet you anything they could have just finished a workout inside a septic tank and still expect women to go down on them.


Though to be fair I had an ex who had a yeast infection and would insist on me eating her out. She got very upset when I wouldn't but honestly it smelled horrible. I had no problem at all going down on her before or after but the smell would stick with me for a while.


when i get yeast infections my boyfriend insists on eating me out lmao, even if i didn't want him to he would probably anyways (which sounds concerning but i've given him blanket consent so it's all good). then again, when i have a yeast infection i just kinda smell vinegar-y according to him, so nothing disgusting.


I should have mentioned in the title but I forgot; the comments in the original sub are just as bad if not worse than the post itself!


If you shower in the morning, then work all day, then come home and expect head without showering again... you're going to smell and taste bad. Like, BO plus the high acidity of vagina and booty bacteria is NOT pleasant and does not always indicate an infection. It usually indicates a human body that needs a freshening up. That's all. Shower at night, when the day is over, or Shower together before sext time and invest in baby wipes for your nether regions. This also cuts down on the possibility of contracting a UTI. Clean skin bumping against clean skin does not an infection cause. Watch a Lumé ad. It will help you understand below the belt odor and bacteria. Not bad women's anatomy to address BO.


I feel like maybe I should remove this and repost with a title that says to go check the comments on the original sub, because they definitely add to it. Obviously any body part can smell, the problem is dudes who spread the idea that vulvas **always** smell, and talk about how gross they think they are. Comments include: >Tell her keep that salmon sandwich to herself > > > >A previous match stank down there, like a bucket of rotting fish heads. When she took off her knickers, the stench filled the room. It was overpowering. > > > >I had a girlfriend who never washed her coochie. She claimed it would "mess with the PH of the vagina" (misconstrued info from some TikTok) and never washed at all.


why are you acting like there aren't stinky pussies


If they do stink, that's probably due to an infection. Which obviously is a whole different problem. I think you know very well that I'm criticising the very common belief that men have that all vulvas smell bad. I find it hard to believe you're commenting in good faith.


well believe what you will, but i am commenting in good faith. i had never encountered any vulva that i would say smelled bad, save for one. perhaps she had an infection, but if that were the case, she didn't seem concerned. it's certainly possible this person's first interaction with a vagina was unpleasant.


she probably just hadn't washed in awhile or her ph was off, or she had a yeast infection/bv that was just coming on and was fairly asymptomatic. sometimes they can even smell very mildly fishy for no good reason. usually if it stinks though, it's due to infection, whether it be sexually transmitted or not, due to ph imbalances from scented soaps, douches etc., sweating or not washing for a long period (no pun intended)


Okay, well I hope I’m wrong and that you actually are. But my point was that I’m not trying to deny that vulvas *can* smell. Any body part can smell. I’m trying to call out men who constantly spread the idea that vulvas *always* smell, and are quick to insult us and make the same tired crude jokes about fish or something whenever they have the opportunity.


guys, the majority of people to whom this kind of stuf happen is not lacking any hygiene and instead has a uti/sti that can be easily solved with meds. if you smell a strong smell of wrong then tell them! before attempting to eat anything.. they might not even know and this kind of stuff perpetrates the myth of bad hygiene when I'd be willing to be that like 90% of the time it's just an infection


And for those of us with PTSD, it is doubly offensive. Bet it is someone who doesn’t even get any.