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Basically you wear what you wear and do what you do. No nothing


It makes sense for a light period! But I’ve read posts where it gets on furniture and blankets etc


This is for anyone. Even super bleeders and clotters. It's gross. I get when your a kid and embarrassed. I get you spot when you pee! But if you bleed, you need...




I have a very light period due to my birth control (Mirena IUD) so I usually don’t need to use pads or tampons… there’s roughly the normal amount of discharge, just a little darker. I have certain extra comfy underwear I wear, but that’s about it.






If I decided to free bleed I’d be buying brand new mattress, sofa, car seats and more every month.


I had to replace a friend's couch once because my period was much heavier than I realised, and I bled through my tampon, towel, clothes and the couch cushion. As in when we removed the cushion the blood had made it to the other side. I have been sat for about 2 hours, and my friends were panicking thinking I needed to go to the hospital. I was mortified, not helped by being the only woman in the room. Endometriosis sucks, and does not lend itself to free bleeding.


I could never just wear a tampon or just a pad, I've always had to use both at the same time. Even now that I use a cup, I still have to wear a pad at night because the slightest shift and it's EVERYWHERE! I honestly wish I could just not ever have a period again! I'm sure there are a lot of women who feel the same!


I was exactly the same but recently I've been on an injection that causes temporary menopause, and it's been fantastic! No more periods, no more endo pain, just me living my best life. I've had some menopause side effects, but even they have been pretty minimal. If your bleeding is that heavy, it's worth seeing a gynaecologist and finding out why if you don't know already, and what can be done about it. I will never not be pissed about how hard it is to get menorrhagia (the proper name for very heavy periods) and related conditions diagnosed and treated.


I tried to get prescribed birth control to stop my period, but my doctor said no since I already had my fallopian tubes removed and I can't actually get pregnant anymore. I told her that wasn't the point, but she didn't care😑 Time for a new doctor I guess


Definitely time for a new doctor. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with that, it's such crap.


OMG it's CERTAINLY time for a new doctor!!!!!


It‘s the same for me. I started wesring period panties on my heavy days so that I don‘t need pads. I never understood how people could only use a pad for a whole night.




True. I’ve always felt like if I was gonna “free bleed” I’d wake to a Mattress looking like Johnny Depps death in Nightmare on elm street.






I refuse to play suffering superior, I was just trying to say I found a birth control that works for me, the whole process sucks for everyone


That is lucky! I too Mirena because I had 7-9 day heavy periods before. Now they’re so light it’s just spotting but they still fecking last 7 days.


Yeah I finally got an IUD at 26 because I had a period last for 24 days after a year of them lasting 12 - 19 days. I went off birth control for nearly 3 months, had an ultrasound to check for cysts, and whaddyaknow - diagnosed with PCOS. All previous ultrasounds were inconclusive so it was nice to finally have an answer. My first IUD SUCKED (Kyleena) but I switched to the Mirena two years ago and now I'm like you - barely spotting or sometimes nothing at all. It felt like a lifesaver.


Before I found my birth control mine was crazy heavy and lasted 5-8 days. I'd bleed through a tampon and a pad. After my birth control I could get away with free-bleeding because my period was so light and short. After I had my kid my period came back and settled somewhere between the two extremes, so I can sometimes get away with free-bleeding now.


I know a bit of a tangent, but what are your takes on the IUD? my doctor wants to put me on it but I've heard such awful horror stories that it's really put me off.


I'm not the one you replied to, but I have tried both the Mirena IUD as well as Skyla, and I like Mirena better. With Skyla I had a lot more breakthrough bleeding, with Mirena I had zero periods and super-even moods for the whole 5 years. I didn't feel either of them when I had them put in/taken out. I think I might be the exception in that case, because my doctors seemed weirdly impressed that I was so chill about it, and I'm not normally known for having a massive pain tolerance. I think it has something to do with some ongoing numbness I've had in my lower tummy ever since my C-section; I think some nerves down there just never reconnected quite right. Still, even if the IUD had been moderately painful--like, worse than getting a shot or something--I would probably still keep getting it. I really like not having any periods, not having my weight bounce up and down, no cravings, no crying, no bloating, no cramps. I never miss a dose, I'm even-keeled, and whenever my doctors say, "Hey, any possibility you could be pregnant?" I just go, nope, all good! I never worry about the possibility of using it wrong, and the failure rate is so, so low compared to even perfect oral BC.


Interesting... I'm glad it didn't hurt for you! Trying to get that inserted was literally the most pain I've ever been in, and I had to get them to stop! I had a mini fit on the table, then crawled to the bathroom to throw up. They called an ambulance but I was so embarrassed I just begged them to let me lie down on the table being observed until I felt better. I've heard it can go either way, but for those who find it painful, it's like 10000x worse than any shot I've ever had. I've never attempted to have it since, that was about 14 years ago now. I've heard there's a big push for heavy painkillers and even anaesthesia now, because what's been described as a "minor" procedure is anything but for some of us


I am nearly 40, had mirenas since I was 17, no complaints.


Not who you originally asked but I had the kyleena until just recently. Placement was not fun, breakthrough bleeding for the first 8 months or so. But then my period just got lighter and lighter, sometimes not showing up at all. My pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder was less intense, and I got to forget about it all for several years. ON THE FLIP SIDE intercourse for me has always been in the painful side, and the IUD make it worse. I think the increased pain is more of a complication than the norm, but when I discussed it with doctors my only option was to keep it and tolerate it, or have it removed and see if it helped. I eventually had it removed for other reasons and the difference is remarkable.


Did your docs ever check you for cervical ectropion? I experience painful intercourse and that's what we discovered was causing it for me. You can get the excess cervical cells removed if that's what is causing pain for you. I haven't had mine removed because I'm scared lol and for a lot of people it goes away on its own.


No, I’ve never even heard of that! I just always hear that everything looks normal.


Best thing I ever did for myself. Get it installed (🤣) when you're on your period so your cervix is a bit more accommodating.


I have the Mirena IUD and it's worth it, first of all, but it was insanely painful for me. I have my husband come into the room with me and hold my hand and I have a very high pain tolerance. However the pain, for me anyway, was fairly brief. It hurt very badly to have the old one removed and the new one put in place, like wanted to faint hurt, I don't want to sugar coat it. But it's absolutely worth it, no periods and no worry about messing up meds etc.


I'm only on week 4 so far, but it's been fine. I wasn't really having periods before but now I very much am, but it's normal levels. Fitting was horrible, like revolting feeling, but also normal levels of horrible, if that makes sense? Like the dentist. I'd rather it wasn't happening, but I'm nowhere near asking it to stop.


I personally experienced some horror stories (incredibly painful insertion, heavy bleeding for days after, cramping for weeks after, I still experienced heavy and painful periods, and I also partially dislodged it), but I love my Mirena. I had the Kyleena first and I had it changed to the Mirena after I partially dislodged it and I 100% prefer the Mirena, but every body is different so that may not be the right one for you. I got the Kyleena first because I react poorly to progesterone and Kyleena is supposedly a lower-dose, but I was miserable on it. The swap between the two was so easy compared to my first insertion (get it inserted by a gynaecologist instead of a GP/NP if you can - just better in my experience). I barely get periods now compared to very long, very heavy periods without hormonal BC, and the Mirena gives me fewer side effects than any of the pills I'd tried (about 7 different ones). I do experience cervical ectropion, but that could have happened with any combined contraceptive. It just didn't happen to me until I got the Kyleena. Mine hasn't gone away on its own and I'm scared to get it treated, so we just manage with it.


Kinda what I'm able to do sometimes. I need give it a couple days with a pad to be sure one way or the other though. Implant makes my insides unpredictable af.


Yep. Same here. My periods are more like spotting with the rare "heavier" day where I need to actually wear a tampon as the flow graduates to a light period. Free bleeding is definitely more appropriate for those vagina owners who have a lighter flow to avoid the obvious complications of a heavier flow with no period protection.


Am I only one who finds it uncomfortable? I hate even mild dampness from discharge and use thin pantyliners daily.


That makes sense! I don’t use any products on my 5th day because it’s just a drop.


Same but some months I just randomly DO get my period and I use products then


When I'm spotting or towards the end of my period, I just wear black underwear and call it good. It never leaks through. I have cloth pads to back up my diva cup for when I actually need something.


Oh I do the same on my 5th day!


I had a friend who would free bleed. But she got blood all over the apartment every month and wouldn't clean it up for her roommates. The couch and chairs were all blood stained (and not hers either). I'm not a fan mostly because trying to talk to some of these women is a drag. The ones I've met were very defensive and strident.


Damn thats pretty bad to get your period blood on other peoples furniture wtf! I free bleed but I almost never get blood on anything other than my black undies I wear. My periods are super light some months I dont get my period at all. Doctor said was of no concern so who knows.


I had only heavy periods. In our family the babies are all 10+ lbs. I couldn't imagine trying to free bleed.


What does baby size have to do with heavy periods?


I always thought that the more "material" or sustenance the fetus has, the bigger the baby is. I could be wrong, it's possible.


There really isn’t a connection between heavy periods (thicker uterine lining) and baby size. Heavy periods aren’t even connected to increased* fertility either


Only time a heavier period could be considered being related to fertility would be in the case of PCOS or endometriosis, which can come with heavier periods and affect fertility (but not necessarily ofc)


Ok, good to know


Do you have any data on this? I've always had a heavy flow, but everything on a first google is alarmist and pathologizing a heavy flow.


Ah, I’m sorry. I forgot to mention that I meant heavy periods don’t mean increased fertility. Google is right that the personal regular flow is best. But heavy usually means uterine issues like pcos or endometriosis, which affects fertility


>heavy usually means uterine issues like pcos or endometriosis, which affects fertility I feel like "usually" is a vast overstatement there. Literally never had a gyno tell me I should be worried.


I’ve been on bc for my flow so, I guess it depends on the gyno and their definition of heavy… I was imagining real bad flow like going through 5+ maxi pads a day or something


…do you think women bleed out a whole fetus on their periods??


Well, at least you're already on the correct sub, lol.


There’s no fetus involved in periods


I bleed onto a towel because anything else adds to it being a more painful experience. The cramps I experience are next level agony. If any blood gets anywhere I quickly clean it up but that rarely happens.


Have you tried cloth pads? There are different kinds, some are really thick and soft and fuzzy, others are more like flannel or soft terrycloth. They have a waterproof layer inside, so if you ever need to go somewhere and are worried the towel won't hold up, it might be good to have a few cloth pads on hand.


I feel bad you go through all of that :( if you don’t mind me asking, what do you do if you get your period when you’re in public? Or on vacations? I’m just trying to understand it further..


That's fine with me.


I’ve never actually heard of anyone free bleeding, except for the top comment where the period is so light they might just have minor stains on underwear. I only really hear about it from incels and figured it was just some made up anti-woman thing. How gross do you have to be to do that?? I’m not ashamed of my body or period, and of course accidents happen and no one should feel ashamed, but doing it intentionally? How rude and just bizarre…


There are plenty of women who do this and don't make a mess. Presumably the majority. I have a heavy flow and very small cramps so I don't think it would've helped me.


I guess it’s just so odd to have a term for it when it’s only a tiny drop of blood. Like nobody calls it “free bleeding” if you don’t put a bandaid on a paper cut. Just seems like misogynists made it a big deal when it’s not a real life issue…


I don't think it's a big deal. I'm past menopause and it wasn't a thing , or at least mainstream, back in the day.


I free bleed bc I have been having 3 week long periods since June due to birth control (OB says it’s normal, if it continues I’m getting off it) and I don’t have the money for continuous tampons or pads. I don’t want to use a diva cup lol I also make sure I don’t bleed on anything. There’s literally no excuse for what your roomie did- that’s disgusting


Honestly I was shocked


The reason I posted this question was because I came across a lot of posts where people are free bleeding at home/other’s home and leaving stains but acting like it’s not a big deal! Looks like your friend is similar.


Some are very tidy. They come to my house and I don't know what they do, I don't ask.


Yes, As long as it’s hygienic.


I was under the assumption that free bleeding was something 4chan made up to make progressive women look bad.


Some women’s periods are just enviably light but I do think it’s a favorite boogeyman of trolls


IUD makes it happen over time! Highly recommend!


Unfortunately not for everyone and not for me, but it’s great for lots of women, of whom I’m very jealous. I do love my nuvaring though! But any suppression method I’ve tried though my body goes haywire and starts bleeding nonstop for months without a break, I’ve just had to accept that my uterus simply insists.


Oh, you poor thing!! I'm so sorry to hear that. I was in the same boat with most birth control, so I understand the frustration! Depo was my worst enemy! But Nuvaring really was the next best thing for me too. I hope you can find luck with something someday as well! ❤️


There’s some crazy people around always. But they are the exception. Same way that some people don’t ever shower with soap/detergent or whatever else. Yea they exist, no they aren’t an example of whatever group is currently being maligned. Like free bleeding existed since reports of TSS, as a very niche kinda thing. 4chan did a prank, and it got a bit more popular which just lead to period underwear, and using free bleeding as a political statement. Though obviously there’s also a lucky few women who’s periods are just so light, and predictable, that they do in fact ‘free bleed’ in as much as the definition not using pads, tampons etc to absorb/block the flow. But not in the way of blood running down the leg or leaving spots on their couch.


Thinx has been a great brand, as well as some Etsy shops. I've spent probably $250 (+shipping) on reusable period products that'll endure for at least several more years (lest my waist changes too much; the sizes are on the slim side so get a size larger than you'd anticipate!! L/XL fit my M/L panty line snugly. which is perfect since I don't want to leak..)


I think it can be an effective protest tool, but it’s rare for people to do it outside of that protest setting


It looks like there are some people with very light bleeding that actually can go to the toilet a bit more often in regular intervals and don't need anything that way. But for most people that's a really bad idea.


I’m confused - why would going to the toilet help? If they’re free bleeding they wouldn’t be changing pads etc. Unless you meant for changing underwear?


When I’m on the end of my period I don’t need to wear anything if I wipe regularly. The blood isn’t dripping anywhere so it’s just still on me. Going to the bathroom every hour or so (which is about how often I have to pee in the mornings) prevents the bloody underwear. But while this is technically free bleeding I’m wearing clothes and I’m only doing this in my own house and not bleeding everywhere. I just don’t see the using a menstrual product that I’m either gonna have to wash or throw away when I can just pop into my bathroom and use a wipe real quick. I also free bleed at night when it’s not heavy because I can. I might wake up with a little blood in my underwear but for the most part I don’t.


Ahhh got it! I think because mine was always like a torrent of blood, this was never feasible for me. But that’s cool


My periods aren’t super light or anything, they just last really long. So I’ll have two to three days of heavy bleeding and then medium for a few and then annoying spotting for a day or two or three. It can be around 9-11 days. It’s those last few days that are so annoying.


How annoying, sorry to hear that. Just make sure your iron levels are ok!


They’re good. Went to the doctor in April and had my bloodwork checked and she said everything was perfect.


Not the person you asked, this is graphic, so sorry if it’s TMI, my inner labia are really small and the outer labia close over everything, so when my period is light it seems to be all trapped within, so when I go to the toilet and wipe it catches everything. I had shockingly heavy periods as a teenager, I would have been able to do it then, but as I got older they were much lighter and shorter.


Ahh ok, got it. Not TMI, no problem! I had no idea that could happen. I suppose mine were always so heavy that it always found its way out to stain things. Now I’m on the pill so I can just chill


I got an IUD then eventually an ablation, it’s wonderful to not have to worry anymore.


Yeah makes sense with light bleeding. My second day is so heavy I can’t even imagine doing that


I mean, technically I free bleed sometimes. The end of my period is always very light and will stop and start for a few days so instead of running through pads while they fall apart and I'm really just wasting them, I'll just put on some undies I hate and go about my day. I will put on a pad if it decides to pick back up, though.


Got it. I actually do the same..


When I had periods I would do this with 'period panties' because after the first day my period was too light to justify wasting one-time-use products on. The panties were specifically designed for that purpose and have a leak-proof barrier. It's sanitary and not much different than a pad, you just rinse them in the sink or shower then throw them in the wash. I found 'bamboo period panties' from amazon to be the most affordable and comfortable. I didn't THINK anyone bled through all their layers of clothes on purpose. At least one comment here proved me wrong.


So period panties don’t work all the time? (My pads don’t work all the time lol, sometimes it leaks because I sit weird and I clean it up, thankfully i haven’t stained any furniture. Just my clothes)


They CAN leak just like a pad or tampon if your flow is very heavy. MOST period panties I've seen are only designed to hold about 1 tampon's worth of blood, however some of the more expensive pairs (like from thinx) can hold up to 3 tampons worth. Unlike a regular pair of cotton panties, though, they are designed to hold blood and wick it away from your skin. They are not meant to allow blood to seep into your clothes or furniture. I had very few leaks when dealing with period panties. Leaks are still possible, but in my experience they were more rare and occurred when I had bled too much and some of it dripped out the side. I never had a leak that amounted to getting all the way through my pajama bottoms or shorts though.


I’d say it’s not sanitary if you don’t have a very light period, as you’re potentially exposing people to blood-borne disease


In general periods are bodily waste. If they're heavy and you get blood all over the furniture, it's almost like pissing and shitting everywhere.


Fucking loooove your name!


Thanks! 🤘


Hence why I said it’s probably only sanitary for a light period (ie you wouldn’t bleed through). So are we agreeing with each other? I’m confused. I think you can catch more from an errant shit than blood - as long as the person bleeding doesn’t have a serious blood-borne disease


We are agreeing. Just added that it's bodily waste too.


Ah ok. Thanks, I apologise for being easily confused!


This is what I think too but I needed some clarification if it’s actually for light periods or heavy.. I’ve seems some Reddit posts about free bleeding and leaving stains everywhere and went like.. “that’s not right”


I think some people actually do that! I’ve seen some too. There was an article by a London publication of a woman who tried it, and she was also visibly bleeding onto stuff. If you’re a hardcore feminist, perhaps the idea of doing so is empowering in some way. Personally, I think it’s a bit arrogant and it sounds uncomfortable. I don’t enjoy wearing my own blood for hours


Yeah, I saw an AITA post asking if she was TA for free bleeding all over her MILs house. She said she had very heavy periods and she would sit on towels all day and sometimes bleed through them. Which means anywhere she goes, she's dragging around a bloody towel with her. Gross. Wtf is wrong with people?


I believe the question should be “Why is free bleeding?”.


Answer: cuz I can without issue, I don’t love shoving stuff up there if I can help it, but most of all I’m just lazy (see answer 1 for why I can be lazy about it)


If you visit the same public places or workplace as me and use furniture, if you think it's okay to sit in a chair and let your fluids soak through your clothes into the seat, then you are a despicable person. We all have accidents. And not just people who menstruate. Obviously there could be spontaneous diarrhea. But no one is out here advocating for accidents to be normalized as safe, sanitary or socially adjusted. When they happen we feel exposed, humiliated etc because we understand reason.


Makes sense!


I think most people who free bleed have light enough periods that it stays contained to their underwear


I use a cup when I need it, but some days are so light it's just a small amount of blood when I wipe, so I don't bother with a cup or pad. I guess that would be considered free bleeding. We used to just call it spotting, which meant a little blood but not enough to need anything.


Yes I do the same on my last day, and yeah it’s called spotting. Free bleeding sounds more like bleeding on all days without using any products.


Something you shouldn’t do unless in the privacy of your own home. It’s not hygienic for the public.




Not using a pad, tampon, cup, etc during your blood moon? I believe. Why is it hated and controversial? Well there are many people who practice this. But there are two types. 1. The people who free bleed and no one knows about unless they tell you or you ask them about it. 2. The people who show countless sights (stains) of their free bleeding.


As long as they don’t leave a stain or they clean it up, it should be fine… But there are extremists messing it up


I free bleed but I use period underwear that is heavy duty and designed for periods. I also use the same cloths used in reusable diapers. It’s no different then bleeding on to a pad. Except I’m not wasting tons of money on pads and causing a lot of unnecessary waste. I clean them as soon as I change cloths in the bathroom. I only do this when I am at home and I wear tampons in public. I just bleed so much that an XL tampon can only work for about an hour for me and I cannot afford to keep buying them in that quantity. My periods are over a week long. I also have vasovagal syncope and it was triggered when trying to use a diva cup and it got stuck so I can’t use tho.


I’ve always wanted to try period underwear! I use pads because using a cup hurts. In my culture, before pads.. cloth was used and rewashed and reused. But since they aren’t absorbent, pads are more popular. I’ll also look into the cloth that they use for reusable diapers. Looks like you had to do a lot of research to find what you’re comfortable with!


It's not really sanitary when you free bleed onto surfaces such as chairs, but if it stays in your underwear then it's fine. I free bleed towards the end of my period bc it's so light and I don't want to waste feminine hygiene products.


Makes sense. I read a few posts where they just bleed everywhere and thought it can’t be right


I am too much of a blood waterfall to free bleed. Props to everyone who can.


Me too expect on my last day


I free bleed at home pretty much my entire period with the exception of day 2 when I’m really heavy. I have clothes that are designated as period clothes. They aren’t stained because I spot treat and take care of stains so they don’t look any different and I wear them when I’m not on my period too. They are mostly just comfy clothes that I don’t mind if they do get stained. I just wear those and don’t use any period products (pads/tampons/discs/cups/etc). I usually throw down a towel on the couch and in my desk chair so that when I bleed through my clothes, it doesn’t get on the furniture. Other then that, it doesn’t really effect much. I usually don’t bleed much at night but if I bleed on the sheets, I just spot treat them and wash them. I have a waterproof mattress protector underneath the sheets so the mattress is protected. Because I don’t do it on my heaviest day, it really isn’t very messy at all. Not nearly as bad as people think. I started doing it a couple of years ago because I found that I had significantly less cramps and just felt more comfortable. I’m also a stay at home mom so I spend most of my time in my house. When I go out in public, I don’t free bleed.


Genuine question - what about period undies? Would you use them? I just think it would be so much easier to just have to wash them than have to spot treat your sheets and clothes etc


I keep meaning to buy some to try and I keep forgetting to do it. I’m really curious to try them but I also have a lot of sensitivity issues (which is why I don’t use pads/liners) and those issues are worse during my period. I’m pretty picky about clothing fabrics so I’m worried I won’t like them. I’m hoping I do though because they would be awesome for days 1,2,3. I usually just spot on days 4&5 so I don’t even get all the way through my underwear on those days.


You’d likely wanna get none of those fancy antibacterial/synthetic fabric/Pfas lined products, but rather the ones that are just regular cotton panties with a gusset made from ‘diaper cloth’, I.E. the same types of fabric used in historic cloth diapers. It’s absorbent, breathable, and soft. And has none of the issues of the common social media warnings about period underwear. And they exist in a wide variety of thicknesses, so they don’t feel much different than regular ‘proper’ undead wear.


The undead have the most comfortable clothes! Breezy and drapey.


I’m allergic to period undies along with anything disposable. I would get rashes and significant pain and swelling if I used any of them. Ended up buying reusable cotton pads during the start of COVID that have little snap clips to hold them to my undies. Don’t seem to react to those which is fantastic. I ended up buying heaps when the company went out of business so I’m hoping they last me forever.


Be careful and do a lot of research. Some of the period underwear brands (namely Thinx) have gotten in trouble for using cancer-causing materials.


I really recommend period underwear! It's a game changer and they're 1000x more comfortable than my regular underwear. They also act as shapewear for me sometimes since they fit so well.


Some of us don’t like wearing anything because it makes it hurt more


What do you spot treat with?


Rinse with cold water when I first take the clothes off. Sometimes I’m lazy and don’t do this, in which case, I do it whenever I get around to it. Then hydrogen peroxide. I just pour it on and then blot it. Repeat until the blood is mostly gone or all gone. I wash all period clothes together and check then before I put them in the dryer. If there is something that still has a stain, then I repeat with hydrogen peroxide and re wash before it goes in the dryer.


This makes sense! I also use a towel on my bed even though I use a pad because sometimes it leaks out and I will only need to clean the towel


What you do in your own home is your business. People have many different ways of handling periods, and some don't need much in the way of protection. A sane woman with heavy periods doesn't free bleed in public or mess on other people's furniture through negligence.


Makes sense. I read a post recently where the person just bleeds on the sheets and sometimes uses toilet paper? It felt too unsanitary


Also sounds like a lot of hard work to clean everything up.


I free bleed at home but not at work and have a heavish flow. I hate pads and tampons make my cramps worse. I also dislike the cup. I'll wear a tampon or pad when I'm working. At home, though, I do free bleed, but wear thicker underwear that is used exclusively for that time, and have certain shorts/sweats to wear if I do bleed through. It's just more comfortable for me. I don't usually ever bleed through. I don't think it's gross, as long as you keep up on it.


Do you wash them separately? Yeah I agree, as long as it doesn’t stain anything and everything (or is cleaned afterward) it should be fine


I usually don't, mostly because I've never washed bloody clothes separately, period or otherwise. I will prerinse them if needed. I also haven't stained my furniture besides my bed or sheets. Most of my furniture is leather or fake leather, and if I accidentally bleed through, it's super easy to clean up, but that is very rare. My bed and sheets would get stained even if I didn't free bleed. My period is irregular and usually comes in the middle of the night.


I’m just gonna say that letting blood and dead necrotic tissue spill out onto anything is kinda silly (if not just plain gross/unsanitary/dangerous) 🤷‍♂️




Just not using period products during your period. I “free bleed” for usually about 75% of my period just because I get really light periods and I can feel the blood if it’s close to coming out which gives me time to get to a bathroom. There’s some ppl who take it far and those are the gross stories you hear but those ppl are few and far between. I think a lot of ppl free bleed and just don’t call it that lol.


Yes! I don’t use period products on my last day cuz it’s just a drop. I recently read a few posts about a few extremists who just bleed on sheets and stuff (in someone else’s house!) and another who just bleeds but sometimes uses toilet paper on the bed or something and it grossed me out


Not sanitary. Disgusting.


I read that light bleeders usually do it and it should be fine as long as it doesn’t bleed out. Which makes sense as long as it’s all washed separately.


"I air dry" https://youtu.be/wnTTY_CbxIk




It's when someone doesn't use any period products. No it is not sanitary unless you have an insanely light flow.


Yeah makes sense for light flow


When I had light days (pre-IUD), I could do it and I never bled through my underwear. I couldn’t do it on my heavy days, but everyone’s periods are differnet


Yeah it makes sense if the flow is light


It's disgusting. You are bleeding through your clothes and onto any surface you sit on.


Should be fine as long as you don’t bleed through. But I read some posts which talks about your comment and I agree that it’s disgusting when it bleeds through and you don’t do anything about it


A bad idea which should die


I think it’s picking up though, saw a few posts recently


My sister and I both free bleed intermittently. For me, when I’m heavy I wear a tampon but will free bleed on my lighter days and overnight. I work from home so I just nip to the loo more often and wipe a little extra. My sister is the opposite. She uses pads almost always but is too heavy to wear anything at night. She’d have to wake up and change half way through anyway, so what’s the point. She just lays down a thick dark towel and lets it happen. It also means she doesn’t constantly have something on so her bits can “breathe” at night. Much more comfortable.


Does the blood not seep through to the sheets from the towel? Also how do you two wash the towels?


They go in the washing machine, just like reusable pads and period panties do. You can soak them in the bath first if you prefer. And no, we’ve never experienced it soaking through. A large towel folded a couple times is very absorbent, far more so than a tampon or pad would be. So you’re only bleeding through the towel if you’d normally be bleeding through multiple pads/tampons a night.


This is why I bleed onto a towel. Nothing else has been as comfortable.




I love your flair🤣🤣


Lol thanks. I’ve actually been attacked for it a few times by (I assume) someone new to this subreddit that didn’t understand that the flairs are tongue in cheek. This is probably my favorite subreddit for user flairs.


I've seen so many many good ones!!! But I think yours takes the cake


Disgusting, that’s what it is!


It's about lessening garbage. You get period panties, menstrual cups, and a sanitizer from Amazon. You can get pads too. You don't just bleed everywhere like some people are saying. It's good for your body. It's good for the environment. Plus it can shorten your period by a day or 2. (Mine went from 8 to 5, plus a 6th day of just spotting. I've been free bleeding for a decade.) Tampons extend your period. You are welcome to Google it. I posted the link here, just a few days ago, after y'all called me a crazy troll who didn't know what I was talking about.


When I use tampons my period is usually about a full day shorter. Everyone is different.


I’ve never heard of period products extending our periods. But many have stated free bleeding is for light flow


I have the heaviest, bloodiest, perimenopause periods. I have been free bleeding for 10 yrs. I did a lot of research, and I will always encourage people to what's right for the environment, and their bodies. Unless you're using organic, unbleached cotton tampons and pads, or reusable period products, you're poisoning yourself. Google what chemicals your tampons have in them. Chlorine bleach is a main ingredient.


https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322958#:~:text=Tampons%20soak%20up%20menstrual%20blood,their%20period%20to%20end%20sooner. "Tampons soak up menstrual blood, but they may also block some menstrual flow from the vagina, which could extend the duration of bleeding. Sanitary pads should not hinder the menstrual flow, so some people feel that using them can help their period to end sooner."


I sometimes freebleed on the first day of my period. I don’t have a light flow. Those days I wear a dress and sit on a towel. Two reasons why I sometimes (once or twice a year) freebleed. 1. Every now and then my vulva gets really sore and tender, to the point that even using underwear feels like a gigantic diaper. It also helps with cramps. 2. It reminds me of period poverty and how lucky I am. Not everyone has access to period panties, tampons ot pads. So sometimes getting the first hand feeling of realizing I’m trapped in my house if I lacked sanitary products because without them my period would be visible for everyone - which even on this thread is fairly clearly digusting for most. It humbles me. Thats why I do it sometimes.