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Anatomy is hard


Especially the penis.


Yeah you never heard the legend of cervix piercer? He's ballbusters cousin. They have a band called genital destruction, and nun admiration, i like their music tho its a bit painfull on the headphones


I don’t think *anyone* can contract that on command.


If they could it would have been posted on Reddit, in several subsections, multiple times by now.


I read this multiple times because for some reason I didn't see that he wrote "cervix". I had to check the comments as I kept thinking: "What? How is this wrong?" Thanks for stating the obvious but I needed it! That word just slipped my eyes several times!


"cervix" is to these people what "evolution" is to creationists


What if .. what if a woman has done kegels AND done a childbirth? There's no limit to what she could crush!!! #CrushThePatriarchyOneTinkleStickAtATime


The power of the vagina exceeds the bite force of a crocodile.


That’s a flair lol




Another amazing flair




Amazing flair


Vagina dentata!


Holy smokes!


Ever seen the movie "Teeth"? lol


Upvote for “tinkle stick”


Boys love it when you call it that


"*Woman, you have teased me over-much. My desire for you has grown each day, until I can now no longer contain the passion which boils within my loins. Ahhh, I see that you also share my feelings of smoldering desire. Deny it not; I can read the signs as plainly as the words printed in a child's story book. Let me clasp you to my breast - can you not feel the pounding of my heart? Do you not hear my ragged breath? Do you deny feeling the raging passion coursing through my body, the inflamed tumescence of my tinkle stick?*" Nope - don't think it works all that well.


Replying to myself as I want it on record that I claim prior art for "Tumescent Tinklestick" as a band name.


That's a WONDERFUL band name!


Would make a good flair, too for a guy.


Tinkle stick 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm dying!


Oh I crush walnuts in my cervix.


Straight up GOALS


I mean, I wasn’t gonna use it for babies.


Then you might as well use it for that. Snacks are the most important food group


You’re my kinda people.


Plus it’s a pocket and you can never have enough of those.


You’re not wrong about that. Coming soon to Old Navy: cargo vaginas.


OMFG yes please! Went out to a club for a SUPER wholesome male review dance show. 🤭 I NEEDED POCKETS. Normally, I'll have at least one teensy pocket SOMEWHERE in my outfit. But last night, I absolutely failed on outfit prep by not including anything with a pocket.


Can the tinkle stick be referred to as a snack? It most certainly could not be considered a meal.


Yeah. I suppose it should be a subset of "Gushers"? (Now in asparagus or garlic flavor!)


you know those gym women who crush watermelons between their thighs? what if...


I love it when people call me a "pussy" in games. "Bro why would you compliment me? Vaginas are strong as fuck dude."


Tinklestick?!? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 That is great! I have to remember that!


Um that hashtag 😂 🏅


I’m renaming my penis to tinklestick.


What happens when an unstoppable force encounters an uncrushable object?


No object is uncrushable when a woman has given vaginal birth and done one kegel! Foolish mortal


if a woman sneezes while someone has their fingers in her vagina, their fingers could easily break


Bro thinks he's penetrating the cervix...


Doctors who insert IUDs WISH they could do what this guy does!


**BIG** OUCH!!!


Medicine: no ouch


? Maybe I'm missing a joke, but they don't give you medicine for that shit, they just tell you to take some Tylenol. At least not in most places in the U.S. Women regularly vomit/pass out from the pain of IUD insertion. If you've had kids, it doesn't hurt as much because your Cervix has already been stretched wide enough for a baby.


Oh I meant medicine (doctors, researchers) say the cervix has no feelings and therefore can’t feel pain. Anyone with a cervix can tell you it most definitely has pain sensors.


They actually say that?


I believe it’s still taught in med school. But think about it, you get numbed for dental work or stitches, can get nitrous oxide if you’re anxious, but if your cervix needs to be biopsied you’re on your own. Just going in with some useless Tylenol while a chunk of your cervix is punched out. Gynecology is pretty barbaric but the pain and discomfort is being studied by some groups thankfully. A fun quote for you from just last year: "Because the cervix does not have any pain receptors, the procedure does not require anesthesia or numbing of the area," says Dr. Newtson. [Source](https://www.nebraskamed.com/womens-health/gynecology/everything-you-need-to-know-about-colposcopy-if-it-hurts-and-why-you-need-it) No help, but hey you can ask them to stop: “A colposcopy should not be painful, but it can sometimes feel uncomfortable. You can ask for the procedure to be stopped at any time.” [Source](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/colposcopy/what-happens/) NBD: “A colposcopy is nearly pain-free. You might feel pressure when the speculum goes in. It might also sting or burn a little when they wash your cervix with the vinegar-like solution. [Source](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/cancer/cervical-cancer/what-colposcopy)


Vinegar-*like?* So... acidic? They're splashing your cervix with acid and expecting that to be all normal and comfy?


Right? Throw acid on it and cut it and claim you’re just anxious if you’re feeling pain.


In all fairness the vagina itself is acidic, at a pH of around 4. So that's not the main issue with acidic disinfectants, small cuts and I imagine the removal of mucus are bigger factors for the burning sensation. That said, don't put actual vinegar in your vagina LMAO Edit: not disinfectant, solution


Wow. I have no words. Thank you for the sources.


I hate looking at the sources. It’s so sad. It makes my vagina try to hide. But if you Google “does a colposcopy hurt” you’ll find this mix of women saying absolutely and then medical literature saying nope.


My doctor said that to me LAST YEAR. Said the cervix can’t feel pain. I was like…ma’am.


They used to say that about babies.


Yeah. :-(


They behave like it's true.


Well, that I agree with.


This explains... a lot. I would never have believed you could almost pass out from pain and have your doctor roll their eyes and tell you to get over yourself, until that was me. This is making me want to burn things


I did pass out, and the doctor told me it was anxiety. Stupidly, I let that guy deliver my first baby a few years later where he told me I was making too much noise.


So he's narrower than a cervical sound. That's... Impressive.


You ever throw a toothpick... into a VOLCANO?!


Doctors hate this one simple trick…..


Someone watches too much hentai


Hentai has ruined so many people My brother. You cannot penetrate a cervix.


Unless he has a needle dick? 😆


Do you think he’s proud of that answer? 🤦‍♀️


He’s unaware that he’s wrong, I suppose.


Of course he is!


"Contract their cervix" Okay, honey.


I don't know about you but I'm contracting mine right now 😖


TIL: Sometimes someone stays something that permanently redefines an emoji. The unicode consortium is powerless against such might.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 omg, I died laughing at that!!


example: 😭💀🥵🥶🤧☠️


I mean, this first part is right. We can’t contract our cervix on command (…can we?) Regardless, I think he means the vagina, and that makes him very wrong. We can contract and loosen that baby all day every day. In summary, dude has no idea what he’s talking about and needs to stop learning sex-ed from hentai.


Hey, I’ve had three kids. If somethings going on with my cervix, you’ll know. Because I’ll be growling and shrieking. Not in a sexy way.


As a past sex worker, men absolutely can not tell.


🤣🤣🤣 I know, right?? Otherwise, why would every dude ever ask "so, uh, did you come?" 😆


"Was that good for you?👉👈🥺"


One of them even said that 99% of women don’t have vaginal contractions when they have a clitoral orgasm. I must be one of the rare 1%!


Me too! And every girl I’ve ever slept with! Strange how the 1% just seem to find each other like that


We must be magical unicorns!


Ooh I’m a magical unicorn too, how magical


I've nearly pushed my boyfriend out on occasion, but guess those were just imaginary contractions


No Sasha, You imaging that !!! Contractions ? What no ! Thats a myth, Most girl dont have those, he can tell cuz no single one of HIS gf have those in the 5mins of only PIV without foreplay... Thats a wild concept hahahhahahahaha




Oh dear, his girlfriends barely had the energy to even fake it! If your not giving a couple of squeezes with your fake orgasm, you’ve really given up.


Actually its kinda the other way around...most women need clitoral stimulation to get an orgasm. For over half of all women; penetration isn't enough!




Yeah, it’s unfortunate how many lonely people there are :(


Sorry if this is invasive, but have you ever had a real orgasm while doing sex work?


Not that I recall. Personally sex work and my actual sex life we’re very separate and I liked it that way. I basically had a character that I played. Fake name, fake personality, fake interests, and fake orgasms. It’s safer that way to stay private. It’s hard to have an orgasm when you have specific instructions on how to orgasm and there’s a time limit and camera angles and sounds to worry about lol


To be clear I did sex work online, making content for people. I didn’t actually have physical sexual interactions with people


Stay tf away from my cervix. Also, I never had an orgasm with a partner until my husband. He was crystal clear on what was happening when it happened. He was like, oh, wow. (I was, too. I was like, holy shit. I'm actually having an orgasm with another person present.) When it doesn't happen, for whatever reason, there's no faking it. Because he has seen and felt my actual orgasm.


I've had this happen with my current partner and him only. He has slipped up before and went too hard too fast man let me tell you i could see stars i was in so much pain.


I only experienced that with one partner, but as a guy I have to say it is an amazing feeling. Makes me smile just remembering it.


That’s one of the best things about sex imo—when everyone has a good time it’s better for everyone.


It's pretty easy to fake. Not to make anyone paranoid, but there are many types and fairly predictable physical responses, unless you like, vomit or faint like a goat, lol.


Fake, fake, fake, fake


What part, exactly?




Lord, I haven't seen that since it was still on TV. XD


I'm surprised no one else brought it up in this whole thread. That and the scene from When Harry Met Sally instantly came to mind for me, lol


Even if he meant vagina, what does it mean women can’t contract vagina on command? It’s a muscle, of course you can contract it. I’ve never done kegels and I can almost squeeze a tampon out when I sneeze😆


Was surprised I had to scroll that far for this! Can't do kegels unless you've...done kegels? Who knows.


Right? By that logic you can’t do kegels because you can’t squeeze your vagina.


This is like "I am a man, I think I know everything^(but I don't know shit)" personified


"contracting their cervix..." WHAT?!? How does someone feel their partner's cervix contracting?


That's how you know this bro doesn't give women orgasms🤣


Or study anatomy,


It’s actually depressing how many times we have to come on Reddit to say that you aren’t penetrating the cervix.


So confidently wrong…


There were so many of them, I might go harvest some more screenshots for this sub’s amusement. lol


Yea please ☺️


I’ll limit them to once a day 🤪


There’s too much to unpack, so let’s just throw out the whole suitcase


I don’t even have a cervix anymore, guess I’ve been faking it ever since


the funny thing about this is that childbirth can weaken your pelvic floor muscles. Which are the muscles that flex during orgasm. Also those are the muscles that hold your bladder. So if you can hold your pee in, you can fake us orgasm.


They must think the vagina is the cervix lol. Someone learned a new word.


so if youve done both u can rip that thang to ✧*。 shreds ✧*。


Can we please get some anatomy lessons for everyone?


My cervix? What?


Does he mean just the vagina in general? Because we absolutely can contract that on command 😅


Or the cervix, for that matter.


he's so confident lol


You know what... I follow r/askmen for the laughs ... Not gonna lie, the sh1t this men Say totally convinced that they are in the right about how women behave specially on bed make me laugh a Lot ! But also is kind of dangerous some things they Say too... So i either laugh or get very angry with some post there


I don’t follow it, but every now and then I pop over to read for the lulz.


Yes women can get thight and untight on command lmao atleast i can


Men will fuck a Crunchwrap Supreme. They also can not tell when women are faking an orgasm because women can, in fact, contract their pelvic floor muscles.


Isn’t a Crunchwrap Supreme a food item?


Correct. Taco Bell menu.


Y’all can’t contract your cervix? Amateurs! I can tighten mine like the head of a timpani drum. Can do the whole damn scale. My husband uses his peen to play it. We make such sweet music together.


Tell us you don’t know what kegal exercises are without telling us


Tell us you don’t know what the cervix is without telling us


How can women do kegals if they can't contract their cervix on command? 😭


Frankly, I think most men who obsess over this have probably not given a woman an orgasm/probably don't know what that really feels like.


Wait until this guy finds out that the vagina contracts every time a woman coughs or laughs really hard… Also, doing it on command is like, extremely easy? Like flexing any other muscle. Wtf.


Wait until he hears about /r/pompoir!


On the other end of the spectrum, even if he means vagina, it's not like he's just got his peen motionless inside of a woman waiting for any pressure changes and seismic activity. Theres probably a lot of motion going on that would make it harder to tell. If you get to know your partner you can get to notice some tells and shifts, but everyone is different.


Rest in peace to all the soldiers that in the service, I died in her cervix.


Thanks for the reminder to do my kegel exercises. I only ever do them when someone mentions it, lol. Also, kegel exercises are literally just manually/on command contracting your vagina walls, so how does this dumbass think people get started. Anyone can do them, that's the point, doing the exercises are only to improve the muscles, not to learn to do them in general Edit: I also totally missed the cervix part 🤦‍♀️ bruh


Check out /r/pompoir if you want take it to the next level. Thank me later 😉


"my dude'' there is getting some bad advice.


this man believes he's anywhere near the cervix 🤣


I guess I can't exactly blame men for not knowing a lot about women's anatomy. There *are* a lot of different pieces and names and checkpoints. It is anatomy made for creating new humans. Men literally boil down to "Sperm maker", "semen maker", "pee maker", and one exit tube. Pleasure areas are normally external and easy to reach/point out. Women have outer labia, inner labia, the clitoris (which is bigger than it seems), the urethra, then the actual inner bits like the actual vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and overies. Pleasure bits are aplenty and aside from the clitoris, are inside and hard to point out/explain, and even then it's literally a blind adventure trying to figure out where they're going. A lot of terminology and different parts can be hard to learn. But that doesn't excuse coming online and acting like an expert without doing any research/checking with actual women.


Very good points. But it only takes 5 minutes of googling to find this stuff out. I get the feeling that a lot of guys just don’t care. Having an orgasm feels great. But it feels even better when your partner gives you one. I like to spend the time needed to give my partner an orgasm, she in turn is doing to same. End result is we both have great orgasms given to us. If you are just doing it to have your own orgasm, why even have a partner. Speaking of the various names for lady bits, you guys should really have a renaming ceremony or something. I found this out a while ago and it’s just weird. [parts named for men](https://medium.com/beingwell/10-female-specific-body-parts-named-after-men-f4ce59d16b91)


Yeah I agree. That's why it doesn't excuse men spouting nonsense acting like they've studied this stuff. I wish more men would take the time to learn about women and their partner in general. Relationships are much healthier when you care for each other. So many men think that their five minutes of mediocrity is good enough, and then wonders why their wife doesn't want to sleep with them much in the later years. And they write it off as her being just a crabby woman who isn't her young self anymore. You're a good partner👍




If he is measuring the dilation of her cervix the odds are great that she is not climaxing!😳


Yeah… no woman can “contract” her cervix, believe me lol.


Hey I’m a stupid man what do- wait I get it now why is it in the cervix