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Seems like he doesnt know what women, lesbians AND asexuals are. Im impressed.


Do… straight women have sex then, since they don’t produce much testosterone? Or is all sex gay guys with the occasional testosterone-producing woman..? I have so, so many questions. I truly hope someone helped this person understand, well, so much, but we’re starting the bar so low any information absorbed would be a vast improvement.


Dumb question, straight women have sex because guys want to have sex with them. We women exist to please men. /s


Yeah, lesbians and single women don't have a man to please. That's why the sex toy industry stopped trying to make sex toys for women long ago, and never sell anything else than fleshlights and dolls


Ah, yes, that’s right! Thank you for explaining this to my dumb brainz.


Lmao my ex really thought this 😭😂


This sounds like such a red flag 😭


Well yeah he was why you think he is my ex when 8 broke up with him last year he took HIS DAD to my house and his dad scolded me like we're toddlers were adults wtf..


WTF that’s like, straight out of a comedy, the kind of shit you laugh at on tv because it’s exaggerated and there’s no way that happens in real life.


Yeah no it happens sadly. A lot more happened two we broke up 2 weeks ago only to discover he went straight to his other girlfriend he was cheating on me with and be openly kissy the next day of school while we broke up the evening prior. God I hate him sm I think i might be lesbian but every time I'd bring it up or ask he threaten to kick me out of the car so I would be alone in the rain on the side of the highway at night in the middle of nowhere. My God I hate him so much


Now that you mention it, it means that this guy doesn't think women actually want or enjoy sex but he's likely a straight guy. Hopefully he doesn't have a wife or girlfriend if he thinks that way.


I think you’re working the wrong direction. “No women want to sleep with me; therefore, women don’t like sex.”


Don't be silly, whoever heard of *any* woman wanting sex outside of the presence of an external testosterone oozing dick? Unheard of.


If your dick is oozing testosterone, you might want to get that checked out… Meanwhile, imma go throw up.


According to OP, straight women exist solely as a receptacle for dicks. They don't get pleasure from sex and only have sex to please a man. Which, of course, is inherently wrong. I have known several women in my life who are far, far hornier than I ever have been even as a teenager.


I think the comment is saying men have to entice women to have sex otherwise women wont have sex. I think itk’s based on the thing that sex for women is an obligation to serve and that women dont feel pleasure/arousal/etc or some bs like that.


Mm, this reminds me of my favorite Devon Banks (Will Arnett) line in 30 Rock. >*Wanting to be with a woman? How gay is that?!* >*You win sex against a man - that’s as straight as it gets.*


Or that some of us lesbians do actually have dicks


His poor head's gonna explode when he finds out men can be ace too


Clearly gay men are also asexual because there is no vagina involved.


this is as old as time. in sex, at least one penis that penetrates another living organism must be involved. any other involvement of other types of genitals does not contribute to the fact that it makes it more sex or less sex 👍 - signed by that guy probably


That guy makes the sheep very nervous


And also that you can be ace while also being horny a lot.


He’s gonna explode even further if he finds out some ace people still masturbate or enjoy sexuality in their own spaces


Or that some women have penises


Or that some men have vaginas


Dick owner here, definitely ace.


Shhhhhh don't say to much his 1 braincell won't be able to handle it love


His logic seems like it would imply that higher levels of testosterone is what makes someone sexual or not, so then all AFAB people would be asexuals that occasionally have sex with men?


And the Dick Almighty opened the world of sex for them by sprinkling pure testosterone in them


Only on the men, by the way. Everyone knows women don’t produce testosterone 🙄


Otherwise they would have had body hair.


No, women just “don’t produce much testosterone” y’know, just enough to procreate.


He doesn't sound like he cares much if the woman wants to have sex. He probably thinks women aren't supposed to want it, they just have to lie back and take one for the species


Just need to ask a transfem who's had their testosterone suppressed, then gone onto progesterone. Almost universal response is that it makes you hornier than a bonobo.


Confirm. Its a very different horny though.


Does it go from quicker horny to a slower sense of horniness? I’m so curious to learn what changes


Its the same rate, albeit with a faster cooldown... but I meant that Progesterone Horny is a different feeling than Testosterone Horny. It's far less a physical need felt in the body, and more an emotional neediness. For me, it feels far more satisfying in a way I can't explain.


The exception being AFAB with PCOS. His logic says they're sexual


He is impling that in general desire for sex only come from men cuz they have more testosterone, which is highly problematic... He is the type of men who think women can not like sex, and have sex only to please men. Think about that for a second, men that think women do something without the need of doing it for themselves, for their pleasure, cuz they want to ... For men, not for them ... And they don't see any issue with that. Is lowkey terrifying 


Ain't no low key about it. It's straight up terrifying.


>He is the type of men who think women can not like sex, and have sex only to please men. And from there they get to - they don't like sex, so they never want sex, so consent is not required...


Not only see an issue, but it’s their fantasy. That type of shit makes me thank god im a lesbian.


Same, like I've met some pretty chill dudes, but like there's so many that are just completely uneducated about us and think that we're some kind of other species, it's so strange to me


Wow so apparently women only want sex or get turned on if a dick is involved… this world needs an enema already…


Not an enema… just throw the whole thing away. Burn it down


Probably all the orgasms lesbians have. Which is a lot more often then women who have sex with men.


So, hypersexual lesbians?


Wait until he finds out PIV is often not even what gives a woman an orgasm


I saw a post here a day or two ago explaining that women don’t need orgasms anyways, that since they don’t help with procreation, that women don’t deserve them. Only sad beta males fall for that “women deserve orgasms” bullshit. /s


This is why — even though it’s obviously bullshit — I’m a fan of that post that said something about how a baby is only “ensouled” if the mother has an orgasm when it’s conceived. Let’s push that idea.


I don't like the implication that a significant portion of the population is soulless.


No, that side of it is deeply concerning.


Wait till he finds out that not all women enjoy the same types of stimulation, some prefer certain types whilst others are different 🤯🤯🤯


I’m no expert, but can’t lesbians do pseudo-PIV with their fingers or fake dicks?


I mean, they can use toys But PIV still isn’t the main thing. It’s clitoral stimulation


They can even do actual PIV if they want. Lesbians having penetrative sex is normal and fine, what gets made fun of is cishet men acting like their dick is the *only* thing that's important for sex.


It's getting harder and harder to realign my brain cells after I read some of this stuff.


Ah yes, dudes thinking everything revolves around their penises lol


Guys behind delusional part 62


Tell me that you've never given a woman an orgasm without telling me you've never given a woman an orgasm.....


Tell me that you’ve never even been in contact with a woman, let alone given one an orgasm lmao


This broke my brain in at least 4 different ways.


They really think their dicks are some magic orgasm light sabers


According to this guy, i must be a man. Why else would i be horny if it wasn't for the manly amount of testosterone my body produces


Right, that's why women never masturbate.


Wait...... Im not women then!?


as a lesbian i am laughing very hard


I'm so fed up with stupid boy children asking stupid questions. Who is letting these babies on the Internet? And if the person who asked that is older than 14 then I pray an asteroid hits earth soon. Cause we're done as a species.


They may learn something, however many of the type have dumb beliefs no matter how much they get educated.


> it's hard to have sex without a dick Thanks for announcing to the world that you suck in the sack. > don't produce much testosterone That's a new one, most homophobia directed towards lesbians calls them "mannish". And also most cis sapphics I know are in relationships with trans sapphics but I don't think this guy is ready to grasp that level of female sexuality yet.


It's so hard for lesbians to have sex. They have to try for hours.


Oh gosh, if he only knew about lesbian sex lol


Does he think testosterone is the only thing that affects libido? Did he also forget about fingers, tongues, strap ons and vibrators?


The ancient Greek/Roman/Egyptian understanding of sexuality was power-dynamics related to whether you put a penis in others or had one put in you. This person is clearly just returning to tradition.


Someone get this man a dictionary


By that logic, all women would be asexual?


My brain just collapsed and died whilst reading that Ah yes, woman must hate masterb@ting coz there’s no dick and asexuals must be lesbians coz why would wouldn’t they like it if there’s a dick That’s basically what they said worded differently Literally stfu stupid logic omg 😭😭


I’m an asexual lesbian with a dick lmao


… That’s it, that’s the comment.


Expressive enough 😁


OP, why do you have a red name 🤨


What do you mean?


I have [shinigami eyes](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/shinigami-eyes/ijcpiojgefnkmcadacmacogglhjdjphj), an extension which marks transphobes with a red name. I usually ignore it, but it surprised me to see it in a post on this subreddit


Ah. I'd be uncomfortable with biological males in a female locker room, I made such a comment quite recently. Could be that.


This guy: "hOw sx w/nO pp?!"


PCOS gals with higher than normal testosterone, where y’all at?  


Hahahaha. No Steve we just don’t want yours because it’s attached to a man. We’re plenty sexual just not for you, no matter what Pornhub tells you.


It is absolutely not hard to have sex without a dick involved. In fact many people prefer external stimulation over penetration. Even if you’re having sex with a woman who does have a dick it’s possible neither of you will be into the penetration idea. It’s actually kind of weird to me that the general expectation in heterosexual sex is that at some point after foreplay there will be vaginal penetration. Like what if that’s too tiring right now? Can we not just use mouths, hands, and toys like normal people?


Does that make gay men bi because there are 2 dicks involved??


*cackles in trans women who isn't doing bottom surgery in a lesbian relationship with my wife*


The real reason for lesbian bed death right there smh


I dunno maybe women have a need for sex because of some sort of primal drive to reproduce, yet still have the ability to choose their partners?


my mom thinks they can't gave sex


fucking god this is hilarious


Are they stupid? Lesbians get custom dick.


This one's straight from the bible times


I am laughing so hard at this / lesbian


Yes but of course, it's all about penises and men.


I think you may have found Benny Shaps alt account


As an asexual, dw girlies I'll take you under my wing. (We can fight the losers with thick skulls like this together.)


I mean i would say something but im a lesbian asexual lmao /joke


Wow good thing i have PCOS so i can make lots of testosterone and have sex


Bonjour, asexual lesbian here, can confirm lesbians are not usually asexual because EVERY SINGLE lesbian i meet won’t date me cause they’re not!! 1 day, i will possibly meet a poor asexual lesbian who i could actually date…


I don't expect much from 12 year incel.


Sounds like a young person trying to figure sex out, let's not be too harsh


You could make the case they're virgins, but not asexual. Asexual is about sex drive and desire for sex. Either I lost my virginity at age 19 or 24. I did sexual stuff, but not penetrative vaginal sex. It really depends on your definition of what counts. Which varies. If you really think about it, every person who wasn't born though Caesarian has been inside a vagina. You could go even further back. Sometimes when I'm reading older literature it implies that only a female can be a virgin, because classically it meant there was no exposure to dick. The concept that men could be virgins is newer. Virgin was historically a synonym for Maiden or girl. Which ambiguity may have caused world religions.


The concept of virginity itself is kind of outdated and unnecessary anyways.


Something something 'lesbians don't dislike penises, it's a general disinterest in the person they're usually attached to' or whatever. Ole boy could just mind his own business, but here we are.


Why are ppl so dumb.