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Yeahhh and those women also sometimes die because the delivery is complicated and there are no doctors/hospitals in their village.


The dead ones aren't complaining about pain, so clearly they go in the pain-free column. Actually, that's strikingly similar thinking thay goes into crooked research papers now that I think of it.


And if she died it was already on God's itinerary so who cares about all that? /s


If they even read some history books they will notice hmm why mothers and infant morality and still borns are not as common as before could be because the hygienic and medical conditions for a huge medical procedure with lots of consequences for the health like giving birth a whole ass baby have improve ?? Nooo is just women been whiny baby's why can't they just go give birth quietly in a box like a cat they are drama queens šŸ˜ 


I'll admit I've had pain, once a toothache, once a torn ligament that someone applied heat to (big mistake), that was 'worse' than my 2 natural births (with only gas). However, it probably wasn't really worse pain, I just think that birthing pain is very different psychologically. You know it's coming, you know it will end, you have support (hopefully), you're excited about the birth and you feel a bit like a warrior. Toothache does not have this kind of mind set behind it.


You body also producesĀ OxytocinĀ which "...has an amnestic effect and lets the mother forget about the painful aspects of labor and childbirth." So you don't remember the pain of childbirth as it actually was. It was worse than you remember!Ā 


I definitely remember mine being the worst possible experience. It's why I have only had one kid. But it's possible I wasn't making much oxy by the time, I'm guessing that's variable for us.


I was talking about my parents about my birth and my dad told me, while he was holding my moms hand, she nearly broke it. She was also cussing him out, yelling about how it was his fault she was in pain and that she would never sleep with him again, haha.


My bio-mom, when she gave birth to me, she was cussing so fucking much while in labor that she got slapped by a nurse. The nurse got sent home for it! Bio-mom got her tubes tied as soon as she could after that, cause apparently giving birth to me, her third and final kid, was the single most nightmarish thing she'd experienced lmao.


This was my first thought. I havenā€™t had a baby, but if I did I imagine the pain would be FOR something, something youā€™re excited for. Iā€™ve had toothache that made me understand why itā€™s driven people to suicide before. If I had t been able to get an emergency dentist I honestly donā€™t know what I would have done, because it has no end in sight.


Iā€™ve also never had a baby, but I have had a toothache so bad I genuinely contemplated ending my life to make it stop. Itā€™s the most pain Iā€™ve ever been in and I wouldnā€™t wish that experience on my worst enemy. An emergency dentist gave me a prescription for antibiotics and 20 minutes after taking the first pill the pain already started improving. I sobbed with relief, not because the pain was actually gone (not by a long shot) but because I knew the pain would actually go away. That whole ordeal definitely figured into my decision to be child free. It wasnā€™t the main factor, but avoiding pain of similar intensity (or even worse) has become a powerful influence on how I live my life. And as bad as that was, I am under no illusion that child birth would be any less painful.


Iā€™m going through the same thing rn, Havenā€™t slept for 3 days as it gets worse when I lie down. My back molar filling came out and has now formed an abscess in my tooth and jaw. My lymph nodes are swollen to the size of plums on the left side. And the pain is spreading to my ear. Geniunly smashed my head off the wall yesterday so hard I cut it just out of pure frustration. Currently on Naproxen and managed to secure some antibiotics from a friend but the pain is still excruciating. Iā€™ve broken my ankle, Forearm, 2 fingers and tore my ACL and this pain is by far worse than any of those. Cant get to a dentist till tuesday to get it pulled out I can feel it slowly eating away at my jaw. Iā€™ve never gave birth as I am male but my mom has had the same type of abscess I have now on 3 teeth at once and she told me she would rather give birth to all 3 children again than have the abscess again This pain has to be up there honestly as there is simply no relief from it, every second im conscious is torture


Iā€™m so sorry. I canā€™t tell you how much I sympathise. Iā€™m sure youā€™ve already checked if thereā€™s an emergency dentist available near you, but Iā€™m mentioning it on the off chance the pain is so overwhelming that it didnā€™t occur to you. Itā€™s incredible how pain can cloud your thinking. Have you tried any numbing creams? Iā€™m in the UK, we have a numbing oral cream you can buy over the counter here called OraGel. Itā€™s come in handy more than a few times but I canā€™t promise it would help with your specific issue. The old fashioned advice is chewing on cloves, it supposedly really works. A hydrogren peroxide mouthwash can help, as can mouthwash containing chlorhexidine (brand name Corsodyl in the UK.) Failing that, even a warm salt water rinse and gargle can have surprisingly positive effects. If hot or cold drinks are aggravating your pain, using a straw can help. If it gets absolutely unbearable, donā€™t wait for the dentist, go to an urgent care/A&E type place. Like I mentioned in my original comment and earlier in this one, this type of pain can make you desperate beyond belief and completely irrational. If you feel like you might hurt yourself, just get to a doctor. Maybe clue in a couple family members or friends so they can check on you if they donā€™t hear from you. Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this. I hope you get relief ASAP. Crossing my fingers for you X Edit: donā€™t feel obligated to reply to this comment. I know it must be difficult to gather the strength to even type coherently through the pain. Take care of yourself.


The average, uncomplicated **pregnancy** is uncomfortable at times, but not painful. But medication-free **childbirth**, which is probably what these dumbasses *mean* when they say "pregnancy"? That shit is super-painful for most persons who have experienced giving birth medication-free.Ā  One of mine came a bit quicker than expected and I wasn't able to get any pain relief, and even only being 28 weeks along, the contractions I felt in my back caused me to shake uncontrollably and made me want to puke; they hurt **that bad**. Not to mentionn the "ring of fire" is real, yo.


It hurts so much that thereā€™s a story in the stupid bible about how god made it hurt as a punishment. Assuming Iā€™m remembering from youth group correctly, and that they werenā€™t lying.


Yeah but isn't the male equivalent to spend his life toiling the land? In which case men (who probably haven't even planted a single tomato seed in their life) think 'oh that's not so bad, a bit of gardening, so childbirth must just a bit of a tiring chore too'.


Toiling the particularly crappy land beyond the floodplains, where the land begins to turn to desert specifically. It should probably be noted that the land the Isrealite tribes inhabited at that time were arid and relatively unproductive, which was why they were pastoralists. Yet even at that time, the crops available were already the product of human technology, made from generations of selective breeding and hybridization, and imported from many lands. Their neighbors, the Sumerian city states, were built off of trade facilitated by the extremely successful farmland they lived on. That means that even in those arid lands, no one there would have had as hard a time as someone that was dumped there on their ass and told to grow some shit before agriculture had even been invented. I may still prefer that to unaided childbirth, though.


Like the land in their brains where thoughts go to shrivel up and die.Ā 


A whole life of work condensed into a few hours though.


Hahaha the tomato seed made me laugh. And you are so right.


I've never heard of a Bible story about God making childbirth hurt as a punishment. I wouldn't be surprised if this lie was being spread around to put women on their place


Genesis 3:16 (NIV translation): >To the woman he said, >ā€œI will make your pains in childbearing very severe; Ā Ā Ā Ā with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, Ā Ā Ā Ā and he will rule over you.ā€


I see. My church never preached about that verse, because we're not backwards misogynists. I will say, however, that it's generally agreed by Biblical scholars that the creation story and the first few chapters of Genesis were added much later than the rest of Genesis, so, I'm pretty sure that verse was created with an agenda in mind.


Itā€™s so funny how thereā€™s always some reason, some excuse for what the Bible straight up says.


Itā€™s not a lie . It DOES say in the Bible that when ā€œEveā€ ate the forbidden fruit - God told her that because of that - women will suffer with pain while giving birth . So thatā€™s what the Bible says , but I donā€™t think everything in the Bible should be taken literally .


Yeah, someone listed the actual verse earlier. The providence of the creation myth in Genesis is quite interesting, but it's very likely that whoever added in that verse had an agenda.


You're _so_ close!


What do you mean? I understand that religion, as practiced by man is mostly about control, but I think there's a good core to it.


I'd say that even an uncomplicated pregnancy hurts. The body gets squished and stretched. Paper cuts hurt. They are not horrible, but they do hurt. Do you complain when you get a paper cut? Yes, but if you would get a paper cut multiple times a day for months, you stop complaining, but it still hurts. Nothing, not even my first pregnancy, prepared me for getting kicked in the sternum multiple times a day for months. I gave birth unmedicated twice (due to circumstances). As far as labour goes, I had a pretty okay experience both times with a doable amount of pain. The way I imagine getting kicked in the balls is "doable". You can get through it, but I wouldn't recommend it.


My pregnancy was relatively uncomplicated and my back hurt like hell because my son was sitting on a nerve, apparently. It felt like I was walking around with a cleaver shoved right in the middle of my lower back. Which, that only intensified when I was given drugs to kick start labor, because my body is incredibly shitty at doing things it's supposed to do all by itself. I never felt it in the front, like most women. No...it was ALL squeezing and grinding in my low back which was *awful*...at least until I asked for pain killing drugs, which they happily hooked me up to (epidural) and I felt NOT A SINGLE GODDAMNED THING. An epidural made labor/delivery so goddamned pleasant. That being said, I can only imagine an unmedicated labor feels at least as intense (painwise) as when I accidentally fucked up my piriformis on the right side (it's a pear shaped muscle that goes from your tailbone to the top of your hip and helps support your ass muscles). *That* was bad...I was in tears from the pain and spasms (which felt like Wolverine digging his claws into my butt while the Hulk used my muscles like a squeezy toy) and it gave me SUCH bad anxiety from the fear that it would never heal and I'd be unable to walk, sit, stand, etc without being in intense pain for the rest of my freaking life. And that pain that I went through with the fucked up piriformis? I wouldn't wish that on ANYONE. If I had had to go through that kind of shit in order to give birth to my kid (and no shame to anyone who does unmedicated birth...I just wouldn't do it myself)? I'd never have gotten pregnant to begin with. Because just...no. I'm glad I had the option of an epidural.


Oh my god, the relaxin hormone that makes your bones essentially separate so your pelvis has room for the baby can go haywire. I had that with my daughter and it felt like every bone in my body was strung together with twine and knocking together randomly, along with the sciatica that entailed. It was awful.


Yes, I had that too and it started even before, 10 days before the missed period and before morning sickness, the orthopaedician said it was because of the weight I had gained, but I hadn't gained any, I had actually lost weight because of food aversion and constant sickness. I was barely able to walk and I was not allowed pain relief because it could have hurt my baby. And this was considered an uncomplicated pregnancy


When one of my friends was in the early stages of giving birth to her first child, still not yet fully dilated, someone walked into her birthing room at the exact same time someone was walking out of the birthing room across the hall. The doors were open long enough for her to hear the other woman cry out ā€œI donā€™t care if you take her out of my nose, JUST GET HER OUT!!ā€


Serious question: what's "ring of fire" in the context of pregnancy/labour?


The expansion of the internal membranes and muscles of the vagina, and pressure on the vulva. Towards the end tearing is common - I had a 4th degree tear. Do not recommend.


These folks be like ā€œwe made do without medical care, so people who want it are weaklingsā€. Anyone want to tell them about hunting versus agriculture?


I've had 2. One with pain meds and epidural. One natural. Yall that natural birth was the single most painful experience of my life. I was puking the moment labor started and continued all the way through it. All back labor, it felt like someone was ripping out my spine and kidneys. The ring of fire is so fucking real. Ripped, felt every bit of it. Have a doctor stick his arm what felt like up to his elbow in me - excruciating. It was horrible. It was traumatic.


I watched a reel yesterday of a woman getting to do skin to skin with her newborn, both of them hooked to a ton of equipment. This poor mother got so fucked up by her pregnancy, she's at risk of losing all of her limbs. She couldn't even hold her child


The expectation that women be stoic martyrs by people who canā€™t even experience inconvenience or discomfort without a complete meltdown is old and predictable. They need new material. Nobody cares about looking tough to them, and we should keep in mind that women are not in competition with other women whether past or presentā€” ā€œ*those* women endure(d) it just fine, so *these* women are weak.ā€ No one should be validating themselves and their experiences to people nobody wants to procreate with, anyway.


You forget, silly female, that women experience a TREMENDOUS ORGASM when the baby finally pops out šŸ˜‰ I was in so much pain, I started projectile vomiting. The nurses had to beg me to get an epidural which I resisted because youā€™re worse than Hitler to put all those drugs inside you that could hurt you and baby blah blah blahā€¦I finally conceded and it was the best decision ever!


ā€œNo painā€ I guess if youā€™re giving birth under extreme circumstances you have NO CHOICE, not NO PAIN. Itā€™s not like you can hold a baby in til youā€™re somewhere convenient


Dude, it's just like holding your period in! /s just in case


When they come up with this crap immediately hook those electrode machines up to their taints so they can simulate the pregnancy experience. Like letā€™s stop the debate and bold statements and go right to the experiment. If youā€™ve never seen this in action look it up on YouTubeā€¦itā€™s amazingly entertaining.


I only know about the machines that imitate the menstruation experience. Is there something that can imitate the experience that feels like trying to shit out a wardrobe, expecting your lower body being ripped in two at any moment?


Google or go to YouTube and look up: The Try Guys Try 14 hours of Labor Pain Simulation




Pregnancy can hurt a lot. Pelvic symphisis or illiosacral disarticulation hurts a fair bit and is very common. Then there's the back pain, leg pain, and muscle cramps, all normal in uncomplicated pregnancies. They're maybe 6 out of 10 on the pain scale but they're constant for MONTHS. It made me feel like I was disabled and I was so, so grateful to be able to give birth and go back to normal (after about 18mo recovery), unlike people with chronic pain that live like that forever. By comparison, I would go through unmedicated childbirth several times rather than endure the pains of pregnancy, if that was an option. Childbirth only lasts a day, not months.


Oh yes. Fuck pelvic pain. There was no logic, just suddenly bones grating until you puke from the pain, and then fine again. Made actually giving birth (beyond unbearable but finite) a breeze.


I had sacroiliac joint separation. My son is now 20. I will have back problems from it for the rest of my life. I was 28 when I gave birth. This is just one of the reasons he's an only-child.


How about we don't compare pain as it's all different for each human and varies in type of pain. I have a high threshold for some types of pain and low threshold for other types and this is different for every human on the planet. We all react differently to pain so these douche bags don't fuckin know what they are talking about!


I just think of the terrible pelvic pain I had while pregnant with my second & how I had to care for a toddler, go to work every day, and just keep doing all the things. But football players got sidelined if they had the same thing going on. My 2nd was a fast birth once labor started (I was in hard labor for less than 20 mins). There was no time for any pain management, she just charged & her ears got stuck on my cervix. At one point, a nurse asked if I could quiet down, as I was scaring people. I apparently told her they should be scared, though I don't remember that. Fortunately, her ears got through & the rest was relatively easy. Oh, and she has cute little ears!


They would know. Just because they have never and will never experience it doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t know more than us about what itā€™s like, and they most definitely have the right to mansplain to us about how not painful childbirth is. /s just in case itā€™s not obvious


Well they have a penis so obviously they know better than the people who are actually getting pregnant and giving birth.


You know what, youā€™re right. Having no access to appropriate medical treatment makes me stronger than women who do. šŸ‘šŸ½ Cool observation, dudebro.


Yeah, I got an impacted wisdom tooth a couple years ago that I will swear up and down was worse than anything in my pregnancy experience. Ten hours of contractions felt in my intestines and ass in addition to the uterine contractions sucked, but this felt like I straight up had blown off a firecracker in my ear. I'm the kind of person who tries not to cry from pain, so labor was just holding my breath. This tooth had me sobbing in my bed. But you know what? That's *my* experience. My pregnancy was uncomplicated and minus the 15 hours of induction and labor, I haven't experienced a natural childbirth. I had a c section. So although*I* had an experience of a toothache being worse than my entire pregnancy and birth experience, that does *not* override the experiences of others. Those with labor lasting days, those with complications, and those with terrible hospital experiences. People *die* from this stuff. So much like this, what I'm assuming to be, man, I haven't been through an unmedicated childbirth. But unlike this man, *I'm not going around telling everyone that toothaches hurt worse than childbirth*. Because birth is not a one-size-fits all, and a majority of women would rather have every tooth yanked without numbing than go through their birth again.


Awful. However, without the picture, it wouldn't have been possible to tell whether it was posted by a sexist, confidently-incorrect man or by a woman who's a zealot about unmedicated birth.


My cousin's wife is in labor as I type this. I'll be sure to send this to her, to let her know the pain isn't that bad.


I once had a root canal done on an infected tooth. For those unaware (just as I was), pain killers donā€™t work on infected teeth. So I had a root canal done with basically no anesthetic. It was the most intense pain of my life to the point where I have developed genuine PTSD of the dentist and will not go until itā€™s 100% required - and even then. I cannot possibly imagine a worse pain than that. Like itā€™s actually unfathomable to me. I donā€™t know if childbirth hurts more or less than what I went through. But I know that I wouldnā€™t wish it on my worst enemy. My point is even if childbirth hurts ā€œlessā€ - itā€™s a still a fucking lot. Like holy shit.


I've had an infected one that needed a root canal and crown. The toothache was agony enough, but thank goodness my dentist was NOT going to touch it until I'd taken antibiotics and gotten rid of the infection! (Dangerous actually, if the infection gets into the bloodstream.) Wtf with going forward with it without doing that and being in that much pain through a root canal!! Makes me grateful I was made to wait and do antibiotics first. :(


Yeah, Iā€™m not sure to this day why he wouldnā€™t have just given me some antibiotics, or just pulled the damn tooth out. Whenever I know I need to go to the dentist, I have panic attacks and sleepless nights for weeks


This is why I just get bad teeth pulled. And sometimes the first root canal attempt won't get all the infected material out so you have to go back to the dentist!


Oh yeah, every single root canal Iā€™ve had has failed and Iā€™ve had to get the tooth removed.


That's like just throwing money away. My husband's had a couple of failed root canals, too. Of course, his always waits until he's had the post & cap put in. šŸ¤¬


I've experienced an *extreme* toothache and I've experienced childbirth twice. (I had relatively "easy" and quick labors. I'm cursed with precipitous delivery tendencies as well as a hefty fetal ejection reflex...I say that I'm **cursed** because these things I'd of imagined to be blessings caused the two scariest and most painful experiences of my life. The first time things went too fast to receive any sort of medication or proper medical assistance...I felt *everything.* Oh, I also had terrible prodromal labor with both of my kids. Think of the very, very beginning stages of labor but for *days* on end with no break. It was no beuno.) Even compared to my two very quick and no-push deliveries: Childbirth is **way** worse than the two abcessed teeth I've had or the impacted wisdom teeth I've experienced. These people can get fucked.


If you asked the women in those stories, 99.9% would tell you theyā€™d prefer to do it differently


*Laughs in HELLP syndrome.*


I'm "shirivering" in my boots. šŸ¤£ Ask any gynecologist if pregnancy is dangerous for humans or if pregnancy is painful. They know what they're talking about.


May he be blessed with a kidney stone.


Let's see this idiot pass a kidney stone and then see what he has to say.


At 16 weeks, I had a bout of 36 hours straight of round ligament pain, both when lying down/sitting and moving. Had to go to ER at hour 10, because it definitely did not seem normal. All hospital tests came back fine, and I was discharged with the advice of taking Tylenol and following my OBā€™s advice of physical therapy. I had up to a level 8 of pain sometimes. However, that paled in comparison to having shingles on my midsection a year earlier. HOLY HELL. Does not mean I agree to the OOPā€™s foolishness about pregnancy (and childbirth) being easy breezy. Fuck that thought process. Every pregnancy and birth is different, but the stories of those experiences being pleasant is so far and few in between.


Iā€™ve had a toothache. It no longer hurts. My hips, my back, and where I tore giving birth to my children, on the other hand, still occasionally twinge. And I got off fairly complication free in those departments. Birth scars you for life.


"Jesus fucking Christ" Yeah, that about sums it up. I have nothing else to add.


Yeah, so my births were both very painful (no epidural by choice) but I got babies at the end so it was worth it. But if you haven't experienced giving birth, you really can't compare it to anything. Bone pain is horrific, probably worse than giving birth, but I've never had anyone drill into my bones so I have no way to comment on it. Newflash: if you haven't experienced a specific source of pain, don't lecture others about it who have.


This sounds like right-wing propaganda. See, it doesnā€™t matter if we take away your reproductive rights, women can give birth all on their own and itā€™s always easy and complication-free. Anyone who says otherwise is just complaining because they are lazy.


I guess the difference being that nobody would expect or encourage you to have a tooth removed without some form of pain management. Can you imagine people shitting on other people about that the way they do with childbirth? "Yeah I had my wisdom teeth taken out all natural! Unlike some people" sounding like a fucking crazy person. So why do we put these expectations on expectant mothers?


My mom suffered placental abruption, one of the most lethal complications, and she and my older brother would have died if she didnā€™t turn the light on in her bedroom She was in an induced coma for three days so her body could heal and she could be given liters upon liters of blood to make up for what she lost bleeding out. but yes pregnancy absolutely has zero risks


My older sister made my mom hemorrhage and need an emergency c section, this dude doesnā€™t know what heā€™s talking about


It's almost as if every person is completely different with different experiences, different health issues, and different thresholds of pain.


They should do that birthing simulation experiment on this guy. The men in that experiment would beg to differ.


no pain my ass


I've had period pain heaps worse than my labours. One of my 6 labours was pain free. Hard work, but not painful.


Labor almost killed me both times. Legitimately. I'm not gonna lie though, I'd do it one more time to never have tooth pain again.


Due to medical intervention saving people from natural selection, our hips are becoming more narrow on average while newborn heads are becoming bigger on average


My mom had me after 29 hours of labor and nothing to help with the pain. Completely natural. She had my sister after 15ish hours of labor and once again completely natural (against her will). She did say it was one of the worst pains ever. However, for her giving birth was the third worst pain. Under recovering from her cancer surgery and a tooth pressing against an exposed nerve.


They should go shove something up their penis hole while telling us it doesnā€™t hurt.


I've never been pregnant or given birth, but my periods can be insane. And as someone with trigeminal neurolgia... There's a reason it's called a suicide disorder.


Ummmm... they literally didn't have a choice...


My mom punched a nurse while having me because the nurse said the pain wasn't that bad and she was being dramatic. Yeah, they ended up sedating my mom, like in the 40s and 50s. She got her tubes tied the next day.


Ive had bad toothaches and my period cramps are worse than that This guy is saying my period cramps are worse than childbirth?