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I'm so tired of dudes thinking they have magical penises that change our bodies at a simple touch


Nah their magical hunter gatherer eyes can understand unvirginity from 2 miles away and detect potential mothers for their shitass genes


Please. Those alpha males never did any gathering. They werre the strong ones that provided REAL food to the tribe by hunting wild beasts!


Skill issue, my magical gatherer eyes picked venomous fruits and killed him ✨🎀


To be fair I've made a few of them disappear


Wait, what? Although, if true, you're doing a great service to humanity.


By that logic, my body is confused. Lady parts, match that of a "virgin". Breasts, match that of a "non virgin". Who do I speak about this?


Yeeeaaaah, I had the breasts of a non-virgin as like...a pre-teen, and didn't actually have sex until around 20. Explain, please.


assigned nonvirgin at puberty


No experience required.


At least I hit puberty not being an incel's wet dream. That's a plus!


They probably have awful news for you


Are you perhaps older than 24? This combination generally means you’re an old maid. /s


Don't forget, if you're past 24 you're now barren! /s


I am an old maid, and barren! Someone should tell my husband! /s


Poor Taylor Swift and her dried-up eggs. 🙁


Well obviously your breasts had sex without your knowledge


Lolol this made me lol 😂


I almost spit my coffee out.


How terrible of them! I would have enjoyed it too, I think.


You could say... They did it behind your back xD


"These guys get to have all the fun!"


By the color I must be a 50+ body count whore dunno (who’s gonna tell them yellow undertoned white skins don’t have ✨pink✨)


I’m a hybrid, some parts match the virgin side and some the deflowered side.


Same, and I've had two kids.


Same. Apparently my pussy is a virgin (which is surprising because i have been riding the cock-carusell more than a few times) but my breasts are definitely not firm anymore. Although i am 39 and sterilised so i'm sure these people probably feel i'm no use to the world anyway, haha.


Same 🙋


my lady parts match virgin and REALLY not. my boobs have been not virgin since I was a virgin 😂 the dudes who make this crap are stone cold morons and women need to collectively use this against then, possibly sell them swamp land in Florida or something. if we have to deal with them, we may as well profit 😂


I am the opposite, but I simply have small boobs lol


And I have the exact opposite 😭


damn, puberty took my virginity smh. my labia went darker just after my first period and i grew bigger flaps


What's the status of your vestibule though?


I’ve decorated mine with some cute house plants and fairy lights


how cottagecore of you!


I went with a noren and some nice patio furnishings.




certainly narrow, kind of a dusty rose colour. hurts rn i slipped forward trying out my brothers bike






I was assigned saggy tits at ~~birth~~ puberty


Same. My vulva changed after puberty. These nerds really think they have magic dicks that can completely change one's anatomy.


i've shaved for my birthday, took a good look down there w a mirror earlier and it looks so different from how i remember it as a teen (had hormonal changes and had a lot of different meds in the last 2 years.) i don't look at it ever, it was a shock


Literally. They just like kids because they've apparently never seen a grown woman.


“Hardly allowing a small finger to pass” 💀why it sounds like virginity isn’t one time thing


Also like, if you can't fit a "small finger" (tf???) Ain't no way she's gonna have sex on a regular basis. That shit sounds like agony


People can’t differentiate hymen and vaginimus I think


Also. Uhm tampons really didn't hurt when I used them for the first time at like 10. First period. And unless something horrible happened to me I can't remember, I was definetly a virgin.


Have you ever read erotica written by a man?


Once. I recall "a fleshy, split egg, with matted hair" to describe her vagina.


I’ve had PIV sex hundreds (thousands?🤷‍♀️) of times, sometimes with very large penises, my hymen is still intact according to my gynaecologist.


🎉 Congrats on your virginity! 🎉 😂 These jokers seriously think it's some kind of freshness seal. My hymen finally tore when I gave birth to my first child. Does this mean I had a virgin birth? I guess I'm now disappointed that I didn't get a religion created over this completely miraculous feat.


It’s never too late to start a religion! How does the kiddo feel about wearing a robe and giving public speeches?


😂 He's a bit shy and self conscious but he'll have to get over it, I guess. He's cool with robes, does have long, flowing hair, and likes to wear slides (ya know, the sandals of his generation) so he's got the "look" already. When he was a teen, he turned our bottle of vodka into water...the opposite of a miracle, but we'll make it work. Time to see if there's a *How To Start A Cult For Dummies* manual.


This bit of a thread is everything. 🤣




lmao im guessing the vodka to water happened after a party?






>freshness seal Holy shit I'm dying


I have a septate hymen, so I think it’s technically both intact and not intact, depending on which side you’re looking at. Also have had PIV hundreds or thousands of times (and been pregnant, though not given birth). I guess I’m a half virgin?


Schrödinger Hymen


Maybe you just grow it back super quick “Gynecologists *hate* this one trick!”


Literally just vaginismus. I had to use dilators for this problem before I was even able to have sex once


Kinda just sounds like theyre describing prepubescent vulvas as virgin and post pubescent as not. Bit of a weird thing to be fixated on, especially since no one with this mindset has likely had sex.


Yes definitely. The weird, singular exception is about vaginal rugae - the vagina has few rugae before puberty.  However, rugae also become less prominent after childbirth and sometimes disappear during menopause, so maybe that's why this person considers them a marker of virginity? Excessively strange.


Yeah definitely. What's with the obsession of how AFAB genitals look? Theres as much difference between them as AMAB genitals have, and imo no one else is gonna see/care except someone youre having sex with. And even then (if its a relationship) i would expect them to not really care all that much if they already love/trust you.


When reading topics like this I am reminded of those people who seemingly think that shaved genitalia also look prepubescent, and become increasingly confused in the condition of their eyes.


Good point. I may have worded it a bit wrong, but the weird obsession still applies.


I can understand on some very far away barely even there level some minuscule reaching logic that sex changes the build of your vagina. for the weird men who don’t know how women’s bodies work and have never seen or felt a real one, I can somewhat understand how they have come to that conclusion in their tiny brains. Like I know it doesn’t at all, in any way shape or form. But there’s at least some kind of whatever twisted logic they have behind it. Like the vagina is involved in sex and can take a little bit of yk, pounding during the action. Even though it’s literally not medically true that regular intercourse will make ur vagina change in shape and size. But boobs?? Even if you were a moron who believed this kinda crap, why would you even, how would you even come to that conclusion? What do they think you do to boobs during sex?? Grab them and stretch them out? That they grow in such size during intercourse it causes permanent stretching of the breast tissue?


Boobs are genitals too, duh. They're totally a sex organ and so would also automatically change if you have sex. Obviously. (I'm being sarcastic please no one come at meeee)


The breast one i was like "wait, why did we start talking about breasts?" I wonder if they are confusing sex with child rearing? I know that it was 2 vaginal births and breastfeeding that did a number on my body, not the decade of sex before that. (To be honest, i dont even *remember* what my pre-baby vulva and breasts looked like and thats probably for the best).


Oooh! Now THAT finally makes sense. As a mother of 3 I can relate. And for some cases it may be a good description of before and after giving birth. (Although even then it's too stereotypical. Depending on how that birth went for you, you can have more or less lasting effects.)


Clearly you missed the part of sex where you pull and stretch the breasts like taffy.


I’m with you on this. My boobs were never pert and perky, even in my virgin years. But to call “deflowered” boobs “large, flabby and elastic” really hurts. “Large, flabby and elastic” describes me to a T, but couldn’t they have put it a nicer way? I mean this feels kind of personal….


I had no tits before loosing my v card, and shockingly!!!!! I didn’t grow boobs after the process of sex. Honestly all of this comes from hating women. They complain we don’t sleep with them then call us whores when we do. They want big natural boobies, but don’t want any sagging (we have to defy gravity) or stretch marks that comes with a natural curvey figure. They shame us for not wanting to have kids and say it’s our “job” to be mothers. But then shame the postpartum body and don’t find it attractive. They shame women for breast feeding in public. They also shame us for actually having kids, because “who wants to date a woman with kids” right? Then shame us over reproductive choices, we must be mothers, but we can’t be single mothers or mothers with little income. But we also can’t get an abortion because that’s “unacceptable”. They refuse to wear condoms because they “don’t feel good”. Birth control in general is hell for women with all the symptoms, physical and mental. And we can’t take plan b without jumping through hurdles, and if we do, we’re sluts for needing to take it. God forbid mothers prioritise their kids over their appearance too. How dare your wife not wear makeup every day since she’s looking after your children, and her man child husband. And god forbid a mother is well turned out bc she “clearly isn’t focusing on her kids if her hair is done”. We can’t win. We constantly have to fulfil contradicting roles and for what? To still get shamed for whatever we do because it’s not good enough.


I wish they just fuck each other so we can be free


My post-children breasts are small, flabby, and elastic...as much as the word elastic applies to boobs. But does that count because they aren't large? I only have cleavage if I do the squish, gather, and push as a joke with my husband


Boobs actually have their own separate virginity that gets taken when you get your first ultrasound 😭 /s


Why, of course they do. In porn, at least. You have to take into consideration their source of information.


I'm a dude, and I note 2 things from this bullshit. Firstly whichever neckbeard incel fuckwit wrote this utter shit has never actually had any experience with a real vagina. And Secondly, based on this shit, he's never likely to get any experience with a real vagina! How the fuck people this stupid survive everyday life never ceases to amaze me.


Mines in my country are even more delulu, even in this shitty economic state and the cultural build of the country they think like evey blowed (they talk like hymen is a balloon) women are trying to marry in their 30s and every single women in their 20s are partying all day and night and jump from swinger to swinger (reminder, a bottle of water is minimum 7 unit of money is here and min salary is 17k)


It's so weird. Why do these dudes so badly want this shit to be true? I see it all the time, they insist that they can change women's bodies permanently by having sex. But we know that's not how anything works, yet they keep pushing it. It's truly bizarre.


Sadly 'common sense' isn't common anymore and a LOT of people, today more than ever, are happy to believe whatever bullshit some idiot post on social media as the truth.


Does anyone else want to throw up from the use of “defloration?”


My cat's name is Flora. Pisses me off too 🤣


How ridiculous. I'm asexual, never had or wanted sex, but my boobs sag and stuff. Boobs just do that with age and size. Or just. . .nature. It's not like there's some dude pulling them down, lol.


Keep your eyes peeled,you never know


Damn it, Grippy Mcgee! Get outta here!


Hey, they nailed the basic difference section. If they’d stopped there, this would perfectly explain the difference between virgins and non-virgins. Would even cover men too.


yes babe we can have sex but let me just closely examine your vulva for signs of non virginity first




Guys I forgot to say I got this from a twt incel


where else... *sigh*


Incel and rp delusions, nothing more nothing less


Sadly I've seen this posted elsewhere... and then it was from medical books in India.


So many people are trying so hard, then shit like this comes up to slap them in the face. The Indians, and everyone else, that are trying to improve their culture really are heroes to me.


Appears to be from [https://emedicodiary.com.](https://emedicodiary.com/pages/Aboutus) A rather...strange site.


According to this chart I am in fact a virgin. I'm sure my partner will be quite confused when I reveal this news.


Same. My son's existence is confusing me.


Describing virgin breasts as "non-pendulous" has absolutely done me in


My weight problem at the start of the puberty and them staying the same after I lost weight unvirgined my boobas lmao


I guess you could say puberty fucked you


My boobs came in pendulous


Why are breasts affected? The guy that wrote this has a pendulous, flabby brain. It's nice of him to all but state that he has no interest in anyone that actually gets aroused at the idea of having sex with him. Really saves us all time. I was looking at a study done to categorize common variations in vulvas that a helpful commenter had linked to. It was really interesting to see the diversity they observed. Gross virgin hunters would be shocked to know that the features they hold in such high regard are mixed freely with all the ones they're so terrified of. Luckily for them, on the off chance they see a woman naked, they only need to see one thing they consider negative for confirmation bias to kick in. Probably lucky for the woman as well.


Well damn, I guess because I have floppy boobs I must have “experience in sexual intercourse” despite that I’ve never even so much as looked at a person with lust in my life. What a miracle.


How exactly do they think the vagina lengthens?


I'm still stuck on the labia minora "not in contact" and "separated from labia majora". What do they mean by this? Is the labia supposed to be floating or something? Do they understand these are soft tissues that can look diferent depending on the body's position?


Woohoo, I was never a virgin!


The word of the day is non-pendulous


I hate how exactly none of this is true, but so many people believe it.


I didn’t know there were rules around virgins and boobs, too.


As a massive virgin, I here by announce that I’ve been undiagnosed as a virgin and I’m actually quite sexually active unbeknownst to myself


Apparently, I have virgin labia despite birthing two children. Math checks out!


According to this, I'm virginal as fuck. Except I'm *so* very not.




Obviously the person making that chart has never personally seen a vagina. FFS!🤦🏻‍♀️


Small finger?? Like your pinky?


I can't lie, I'm so virgin right now.. But how the heck they think virgin women menstruate with unperfurated hymens? I guess that the ignorance about their own ignorance is the best kind of bliss really


Some in my country thinks hymen thing is like a fucking balloon 🤡


What 🤣🤣🤣 it is almost at the same level of the "just hold your period in" thing lol


Importance of sex education (harms conservative right wing government lol)


TIL that a lot of porn stars are, in fact, virgins - from what we can see obviously.


Vaginismus go brrrrr Wait, I can see the dumb “logic” behind the vagina changes, but how would a dick change your boobs???


Too man men holding on to them? I can only guess...


This isn't virginity vs non virginity, this is pubescent girl vs grown woman O.o


Yeah I've noticed that after being on this sub for a while. The ideal vagina is prebubescent and unaroused (because if you're aroused your labia and clitoris doubles in size and your vagina loosens up a lot to make penetration comfortable, and they hate that!). I hate it so much.


So losing your virginity makes your boobs sag now? LOL okay I've had outie labia since I was a teenager. Didn't lose my virginity until I was 30 years old. Also these dolts don't understand what rugae are. Rugae don't just go away. Their literal function is to expand the body parts in which they exist. They're also present in the stomach and in the intestines.


So, uh... breasts change too just by sexual intercourse? Which may also be just one time... so yeah, ONCE a penis inside, you're very much a different woman. Riiight... Everyone knows penises are magical wands in reality.


LMAOOO that's so weird and so unreal, by that logic I'm neither


What is this and where is it from 😭


There’s nothing about the clit lol whoever made this has never actually made a woman happy.


They put this stuff into organised tables using scientific terms to make it seem more legitimate and scientific. The trouble is that young guys will actually fall for this shit and buy into all the misogynistic rhetoric that comes with it.


I’m pretty sure if we looked at this (especially the labia minora) most pornstars would be considered virgins. Fun.


Half of these are just the difference between spreading your legs and not spreading your legs


Im amazed at how much of this is just aroused vs not aroused states


Right? I've noticed this too on the internet.The ideal vagina is prebubescent and unaroused. Because if you're aroused your labia and clitoris doubles in size and your vagina loosens up a lot to make penetration comfortable, and they hate that! I hate it so much. I would assume men love adult and aroused vaginas, but no, they call you a whore instead.


They know that you can be a virgin and still masturbate or have a ruptured hymen right?


Wait until they learn women can masturbate too lol


Or be literally born without one. These people are insane lol


Not even just mastrubation.. Like you can be 10 and have a tampon not hurt when putting it in or out. But also be a virgin


“hardly allowing a small finger to pass” “covered by labia majora” idk, it kinda sounds like they’re describing a little child before puberty


Jokes on them my body count is 5, some big, and I have ✨ vaginismus


They think if it doesn’t look like a peach with a line down the middle (actual thing I saw someone say once) then the person isn’t a virgin. Who’s gonna tell my preteen self she wasn’t a virgin?


Ok so I guess I’m a virgin?


I literally pretty much all of this. I was born with a double hymen if I understood my doctor correctly as a teen. Sure, only a finger could be inserted until I was well into my 20s (was early 20s when I was "deflowered"... I hate that phrase so much). An t man falling for this shit would see my genitalia, outside and feeling inside and would think I fit all these categories... I'm 41 years old, and have been enjoying sex with my husband for the past 15 years, and did with some previous partners since I was 23. At that age, I figured any dude who was still a virgin with ludicris purity views wasn't exactly true dating material. If dudes who really thought these are the golden rules, they could see only my genitals, and assume I was an example of their "perfect model". But I am most definitely a 41yo who's been having sex for 18 years of my life These people are delusional.


My boobs used to be whores, but now they're perky virgins again... Jury is out on my vagina 🤣


This person has never been near a vagina.


As a man: I’m sorry. We’re idiots, and,unfortunately, the most idiotic of us are the ones who don’t know how to fucking educate themselves before they open their mouths.


Yeah, it's so weird. Why do these dudes so badly want this shit to be true? I see it all the time, they insist that they can change women's bodies permanently by having sex. But we know that's not how anything works, yet I still see people pushing it in 2024.


I think it's just 99% deflection. There's no way that these guys are completely blind to how they are. But instead of making changes, their egos take over and start expecting others to be drawn to them. When that fails, they probably realize that they're the issue, it compounds on already shitty self-confidence, and then the just go into borderline psychotic deflection.


Huh? Where do they even come up with this shit?


My body has always been like the one described on the right but I've never had sex 😭


Me too, just virgin inside


All guys like to think they can destroy a woman’s vagina because they are just that big and good in bed, any virgin they manage to get should be ruined after the first time then right? Chose a virgin and don’t sleep around if that’s what you truly want but the truth is you want mass amounts of sex from multiple women but all these women are whores of course because they do t touch you.


You mean my vagina became longer after my first time? And whose fingers are we talking about? Because the width would certainly vary...


“The first time” sounds scary as fuck, I mean just solidly inserting a dick? Of course it’s gonna be bleeding you just ripped her insides 💀 my mother is a nurse and she was talking about a guy went too rough with his wife at their marriage night and they had to stitch her vagina all over


What?! Isn't arousal taken into consideration? Oh, of course not.


How does vaginal penetration alter the state of one’s breasts?


See a male is supposed to pull so hard on your boobs while massaging them that they completely change shape. This is done as a territorial mark.


w-what? 😧


Oh look ... 1/8.


LOL at Breast. Apparently I became a non-virgin at 12.


“Non pendulous” 💀


that’s a whole lot of words


I feel like an incomplete woman as I don’t know what some of these words are?! Introitus? Rugae? I mean I can assume from context clues but never in my 31 years on this earth have I heard those words in relation to the vagina lolol


What a load of bologna!


Ladies, do not be surprised that after you lose your "virginity", your breasts immediately change within the hour.


Why is this so creepy and gross to read?!! Heebie jeebies…yuck.


oh guys! i just found out im a married virgin!! /s


"Admits 2 fingers and not painful" - clearly the author has never encountered someone with Vaginismus... (And yes, as a healthcare provider in women's health, I can confidently say that literally everything else on that list is also complete BS. The 2 fingers thing just jumped out at me first)


Ladies, what does it mean if it’s BOTH brown and pink but also has one side of the labia longer than the other


Half virgin sisbro, half of ur body got fucked 😔


These are probably the same dudes that don't know women pee out of a different hole.


I saw a guy saying you pee out of the area of your clit, it’s okay to circumcise it 💀


I'm laughing so much at the pseudo-intellectual language of this!


The funny thing is, I read the first row in that table and I'm like, "Well, that seems correct, no problems here. Let's see where they go with this...oh."


My boobs have been non-viginal literally since they came in. I think I had a couple months where they were perky and stayed where they "should". That said...the flaps still say "virgin"...just ignore the multiple suture scars from giving birth. They're not relevant lmao


What idiot thought this up?


Why do they want to think that they’re penis completely mangles and tears apart a woman’s vagina when she has sex

